Jedma &dm2org kdlws, Wlrooarla Marok 9, 19% x den't hevr all a# tha wteo whlah I Baby &me wrltt4tn up wywlf an 4uT mmvrrrsatlons 8ad E 8m off -da for a trip *e f thmght f vmld get thlr eff first. I will eoll*t& the pwlymB aa4 #la- o tmtn* thet yea arkwl for lard rtll welt to hear f?omycmwnuMlngt&.e ehl6mbm6 for the U~tarl8 csrp*r~mt6r The w5rk by su8est BI the 4#at;l3slnoli3m6t*rdmo 6F6ba of FetMhyww f6 in 3. Cellalar aad tbqlmrratit+ P4afola#7 3gt3G9.1951. rty' a uwk QR exeaia tmltlntloa Bf l#mbdttir ia 18 8 o *ri** sf p8pI)Pa. the l&at sf wbi5h that I IKlww al 16 la d. Parasitology stj8l.1953. I hew thnt yeu will rut to m&e up yaw owl rird altaut what 2, wetth Ooiw in the rerollaily gregma rrad that 6# of th* eearld8rstloar will ?+a the rlaqalialty of the teat6 rathst thaa th* ~levamm of th* ph*ameaoa. w%wt follow6 is jwt my awn c~rs~ml f+~5tltm, aad ir based rathar h.r@y 611; lahitlua. First, I wmld wt r*slly me v*ry much hqba ia 1Jottiq aaytUz%g nrc#aisiarr: ia t&t r+storatio22 lof mat111ty. ff yw da i?p into thir yw will have ts look Bit for &en*tLa* ns wll ?? ??o?o?????o o ff*cte aad be *era that ang ;POtilitJ that Jrcw sre T62 J. Loin - 2- #uPh 9, 1946 !?h Qh*mrtadS qWiW3ktO in 8OW w;aqrS @r8 CI little wilder bUt th8y *St matld hit ru#wtht~ of rc+amn;l bl~Iog1~~ laterust rlioyt the llms of the rrrtpatrmmZoa of lnlta?2lllty. The lahlbltl0i of wtlllty, f wmld JxkAge to be quita a wrthwhil* Ii88 of amtirity as it Rig-M ,b& atal #2uraMI fer3Plr aBd athor rBd-Or@!m f~lbltsr*. A Q0%ph 6f %thQr M&if&B6 bi6iYO -2'6d tQ l66 6iE#@6 f 66W yiV& JOa, iSOhdiSb& the foll+wi2qlJ2 'WI BOW h@VO t@titr, 61~10 SySt*6lS 4 U&i&4 W8 C&B d&Oat tit@ #m f8?tiritr Of&$l&~i~b~ $$&& ati this Oclrr I# doea +n * abttfB& bg6i6. @OQdB666 klLQw6 what tlea it world bm bat it ehmld lot b, tua diffleult te ret a~ ar pmtocel far the datacrtltm of -22t6 wbfah (a) wald inhibit tb8 fertility \rot &at the rfrbility csf afr St?nilPS of ;4Lr e or (b) wbish ~uld wtentirate tha limItad fsrtility of r+ StPlliR8. Lot m8 bow if #rC id88 bbhhd tki6 aJtJ28a16 to Jtag a%ffii%iUtly that Fbp woa3d lib Ik ts give you mom6 wrt 5f pretua@l bat f rapart it can b* dona mrohbly mm6 am6lly 6~6~ than y%%r jw8uart t66tt far thr 1Bd%&10B of IslrDga. Vary 6il6ihU to tbi6 6TQ#86ti%1 t6 thr %m Of ~Wkin& fW iqeata which till 1nfI~acpa trmmdw.&loa by luP)as. @&SW@ 16 (1 pcalp'tl' iB ths cfaractrlr 1956 i66W Of @OBetil?S, sf which w d@a't k&v6 rqrint6 yOt, wbieh qiV86 th+ %Utliw af that SySt%!@. Ylthwhat `)Sl 3. lmiu -39 I(&pBh 9, 1956 wa ~1% tberl, t!ft hmbda, it rrsld be a8 trhk at rll t6 66t68B fop %'6#A@6l#tS whicrh vQUld IahibiC ti trsln.d%Utien $W%%+66. LQt mo lMlJ right iuey t$st plwi0ar attempts to g-at rt thu frqmata phiah lrre laralmded ia the ketarlojdmga hrr: beea cgrLta U22WQUUSSftll a2td -B SW& rulh;lrd# 66 .%-?a$s: klrd UltMTi6let li&ht hW8 hd grutlaal~ PO aff+crt an tnacdWttona% affiaiase@' 8-a at d.e8+6 which rppur to kaook oat all of tha rfrsl autlrfty. her thi6 PQiatt Of ViOU thin qSt6lB Right h b8ttar t&bS -St alktE-m6 t86tiEljf 6ySt4W boemam it wuld at lOQ8t S+Z'Wa fUP & mil&5rity Of l&@;atS and tko#@ uhieh hi the -St fu-r+lrrhtng Or daa$masted 8ff8ratS BEa the . Agala, 16t ~66 hti%w if pm ~8 iRkMst8d 6wawh far ~8 to 66t 6tp 6 dotailed prdtoeQ1. Xt waald wt ba very dlffl~It. Amthrr prednat wrth leoMy fw ii@%t k spaolfie h6magglutfair or 6ver) kswiytia UtiYity, It thi2kk it Wad b0 WPth1&il6 ta+tiB& th6m t6 68t if they hart* the - 6ff6d on rsll of the mjos bleed typea. !thare Bare bwa prim%tlr* prapg6ialm on W6W pil22t 6MktSFia~S RL? 6Ubrtitl%t66 fiW BItVrrl iSWlk&$~Ut lSil6. 1430, lang for m%w, 366.