i>cG AprillljlI l-327,. SO-~C thcPU~F~18 th'?t C7Kiie t0 i,T.B ttiis TOSTJinf~a `, Jk Ic) VT' -4 IS IT POSSIRLF TO EXTFTrlIMATt AEDES AEXW-'TI I"! LJXTED CO'fTROL AREAS? HAS EXTERYVATION EWR BEE' A'?TE"?TEDZ IS IT FEASABLE 'lQ INVESTIGATE T'"E PROBLEM I"' BAHIA ? Dot kno\rinp; the -aweTs to the first tno questiona above, I can or.lp think #at 1% ia worth some little fnvcotigatio?: in Bahia, bsc~ee great econa?iee might result. The following thoughts aame Co AS a course of investigation to follow:- 1. Keep a daQ/ list of ~qk~fooo" found, with zone number, nnme of street and number, snd tyqe ot container in which Found, snd, if *ssiblc, whet!,er large or f3 all. 2. Select an a*TTrooriate arca for which we have x co-pletely detailed ma-~. About ten &se in the contested ten rsl district mi -ht 8ufffoe-- the measnt 4tC: D,ist,rict and a PW:J sdjoinin,? zones. 3. Yake a, spot 7mp of all"fooofJ n found, using a different colored pin for eech seek, for a month% this to consitute R. wor!t,le to lanve sore OF the aontrol operr tions outside a? 9 bu&et, or pe+39s, in d vcr- elastic 0t-e. The iqortant thing is, it 8EeaY to ..-a, thnt f'u: ly 9r>"; of the exqenses can be budgeted, in somewhat the following r:?nner. 1. Only olaces where service is to be continuously in operation for a neriod o? eix months to come under the regular budgets, E Thie would include onlythe ststions 0P nermanent oorttrol. 2. Eaah at+.ion to hqve 8 &mffxr budget with si.~ilrar itorc: ntim!~ers, the sn?ounts to vqry, of course, witA ERCH et-t&m. Eoth tkt- Lots1 s-nun& mr? the oroportionnte s3ounts of the various itan-8. 4.. Eat); station budget to be in t::o narts, the first to include expenses for control in the city proper, and the second to cover expenses in the permanent interior stations, For thie last, three or POtir items Voi:ld secu to t-e suQPiaient 27 5 This w:uld neaeaait=?te, if the a::;aterr wexe pt:t inLo effect on July but P;ie budgets, 1, 19 Por Bahia, Recife, Par&y!a rind Ga@na Grande, Mrtpl, vd Forta.leza, reapectivel;, each nith its rea-octive interioqc\etations. 6. Temoor~ary control measures could then he financed by special grants for Qqornry work in the vriclus other plrsceu indicated from time to time. .J`he above systee does not seem to :`:tr: to be unduly co~!plfasted. It would Tut eriah 8tRtion on cot more thar tw budgets, snc! rcost of them would te onm qne moat of the time. . It ie perfectly obvious and well known that by far the larger port oP the expenditures ooaur nor in the city of #ahiR with its surrounding tone of seaon- dary cities, in Reaife, ParahybR and Cnmina &snde, in Wtal, and in Fortaleze. Thee are the permsnent sf.ations where a-ntrcl ?leRsuree imd therefore costs are relatively stibi! ized. in aoatr. The only th:ng thqt seen's linK:le to ha,nnen is a reduction The budgets ehmld sllow for so-.e exvwaion, or cow-m. perhaps, in my ignorance 0% the entire working of budgets, including their course in and thru tl~e home office, this nlan haa insunarsbla and dangerous tiahni- an1 diffioultieo. The thought oaaure to me that oerhaps these budgets could tre arranged within the yellow fever budget for Lhio ymr, snd $ve R l;iais for the budgets and a-qsopriationa next year. Aa I read over this memorandum it seeir;s as if the tone were authoritative. It is not meant to be such, jut in the 1Qhi. of my undqrstanding of the situstion, which is only partial, the thinz seem3 feasable.