Psp~S ?opts$40 5~) Anna Priisiatt it look5d lue rain, his mastsr told him to gatlar in th oats, hs refused to do this and waa b.aten with a ~‘aw hide • lis was so angry, b. went to one of the witoh «sraft.ra for e. charm so la oould tix his old aaster. (A) Tia witch doctor told h~.a to got tivs iaw nails, as tiars wers fi~~ ~ers in his iaaiter‘a family, walk to ths bans, tian walk baokwaz‘ds a f6w steps ~ poun~1 ons nail in the gz‘ouM, giving each nail the n~a of each zE~mber of ths tsnily1 starting with tia naatsr, t~ the mi3tress ‚ and so on through the ta4lily. ~aoh time one nail wa~ pounded ~iown in th. ground, walk baebrard~ and nail the naxt oxa in Until all wors pounded deep in the ground. lis d~id as instructed and was never beaten again. (A) Jans Gartt~n was the village witah. $ia disturb•& iia. slaves with kar oat. Always at milking ti tia eat would ap~ar, and at night would go from oz~ cabin to another, p~rtting oix~ tia grease la~npa With his p. No aatter how t}ay tried to kill the o, it Just could not be tc~ra. 1An old witch dootor to]4 then to n~it a clime D fom a bulist with tue silvsr, and shoot tia oat. 1~ said a 1s4 bU11.t woulct za~•r kill a levitehed animal. Tb. ativr bullet fixed tbø oat. (A) Ja_ also bswitoh.~1 tias ehioksns. Tiay were dyin~ so fast .3~rbhing thsy~ dit& soelMd use]..s.. Finally a big tirs wss built and tho d.ead Ohiokena thrown into tia tirs, timt bunisd tia