From: Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 8:43 PM To: Subject: Docket 00N-1396 & Docket 00D-1598 To whom it may concern, In reference to allowing genetically modified organisms to enter our food crops and eventually into our food supplies, this experiment is most dangerous. Like any good government organization it is your duty to uphold a high degree of protection to those of us that you serve. In the real world of politics and corporate monetary gain there has been a distorted perspective of who our government is serving and for what reasons. It is obvious that the business of science has overruled the good sense of science when it comes to GMO's, (and many other substances). Unfortunately the payola of corporate lobbyists have done their job well and GMO's have begun to saturate our farm lands with a very dangerous threat to the natural order of life at a deep and fundamental level of the biological processes of nature. This arrogant interference of biology will unfortunately create a devastating effect upon the generations to come. Are you concerned about your children's children? Would you want them to possibly suffer because of the importance of corporate profit? Can you guarantee GMO foods will not disrupt the biology of nature in the long run? Can you comprehend the mystical process of natures intelligence? Do you know how the compounds that are mixed together to develop GMO's are going to interact with the biological evolution of life on this planet, in the long run? You cannot fathom the distortion of biological intelligence that GMO's are tampering with. How can you be so confident in the industries scientific assessment of long term safety when there are no models available for how nature will interact with these aberrations of the plant kingdom? What will occur if nature develops strange funguses and viruses to destroy these GMO crops? What will happen to our food supplies then? How many people will have to suffer and die with strange diseases before the GMO experiment is fully and fairly assessed? Who will be responsible if it takes twenty or thirty years for a devastating problem to occur? Why does the U.S. government ignore the possible and unforeseeable dangers of GMO's? If you are willing to allow this corporate experiment to become a possible threat to the food supply and eventually to the human organism then you are gambling for very high stakes indeed. I am not willing to allow the corporations who have brought us DDT, atomic radiation poisoning, tobacco and thousands of other highly toxic and dangerous compounds that have seriously polluted our air, water, lands, and foods to feed me with their new cash cow experiment. These corporations have a long history of trying to convince us that all of these substances are safe for us. Have you looked around to recognize the relationship of our toxic environment and the rate of illness that permeates our rich and powerful country. Scientific logic and theory, when it comes to outsmarting nature with chemicals and laboratory inventions has always proved quite dangerous to the ecological equilibrium in nature and in the biological processes of all life forms in the long run. GMO's are a very high risk experiment, but as you may know, a very profitable endeavor if the public can be persuaded to shut up and accept the corporate scientists proposed safety sales pitch. Ignorance does not always lead to blissful experiences. There are so many ways to improve the food supply and the quality of life for human beings that would include working with the biological laws of nature. In allowing the financial nectar of corrupt corporate management to dictate government policy through back room politics in order to generate the billions of dollars in proposed profits for said corporations is quite unethical and immoral. I do not agree with the proposed rules that would allow GMO foods to enter into the consumer food chain without our knowledge and without our ability to determine whether we want to be a guinea pig for scientific experimentation in the realm of microorganism mutations. Please incorporate some ethical consumer concerns in making your choices in all laws pertaining to GMO foods. If you are going to err, do it in favor of public health, not corporate wealth. Limit the amount of GMO's that are allowed into our environment. The conviction of safety from corporate hired scientists is indeed ludicrous. I demand long term independent studies that are done fairly and without corporate influence. I demand labels on all GMO products so I have the ability to choose what substances go into my body. I demand to be informed of what goes into GMO foods and how they are made. I think very stringent laws are necessary in producing GMO products. There is a wise old saying that reminds us that everything that you do will eventually come back to you. It is the law of life. Govern with wisdom, life is a very precious thing. Sincerely, Daniel Kilrain