From: Diana Rhoades [] Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 10:50 AM To: Dockets, FDA Subject: Docket No. 2006N-0352 Attachments: BCBSPublic2.pdf I heard about the meeting set for September by the FDA. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. I would like to speak out, however, and say that this is an important issue and one that does not get enough attention. I have spent the last two and a half years recovering from mercury poisoning and am still not recovered. I believe this poisoning was caused by a) a lot of amalgams in my mouth, b) a gold crown on top of an amalgam filling which is particularly toxic and c) by breaking a mercury thermometer (the straw that broke the camel’s back, as they say) in December 2003, as well as other environmental mercury exposure. I have attached a copy of the letter I sent to my insurance company a couple of years ago (which was denied through several appeals). Because doctors are not taught about this in medical school, few recognize it or treat it. It’s hard to test for and get insurance coverage to cover any related expenses, so the costs involved to recover are generally out-of-pocket. I have spent $35,000 -40,000 out-of-pocket to-date on medical bills and am still not well. I have decreased energy, sleeping problems and decreased immune system. I was lucky in that my job allowed me to work from home a couple of days a week (programming) which is the only way I would have survived these past few years. I am a single parent, 45 years old, and have no one else to pay my mortgage or bills. Unfortunately, my position was eliminated this past May when the company did some major downsizing, so I have moved in with my son and am trying to get well so that I can get a new job. Mercury poisoning is very destructive. It caused so much cognitive dysfunction, in the beginning, that I was afraid I would lose my job because I could not do it mentally. It makes you suicidal and anti-social. It has changed my personality and put an end to my social life. Few friends can go through an illness of this duration with a person. My family has been a big support, but it has been very tough. My immune system has been ruined and I have one health problem and/or dental problem after another. It seems never-ending. I so much want to be the person I was prior to the mercury poisoning. In addition to outlawing mercury amalgams and getting insurance coverage for safe removal of them, I hope we can meet our energy needs without coal and the resulting mercury pollution. Thank you for your time and attention to this issue that is very important to me and others who have suffered mercury poisoning! D Rhoades