Studies of GMSB decays and signals relevant for Tevatron

  • S. Dimopoulos, M. Dine, S. Raby, S. Thomas, "Experimental Signatures of Low Energy Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking", hep-ph/9601367.

  • S. Ambrosanio et al, "Supersymmetric analysis and predictions based on the CDF ee\gamma\gamma + missing E_T event", hep-ph/9602239.

  • S. Dimopoulos, S. Thomas, J.D. Wells, "Implications of low-energy supersymmetry breaking at the Tevatron", hep-ph/9604452.

  • S. Ambrosanio et al, "Search for supersymmetry with a light gravitino at the Fermilab Tevatron and CERN LEP colliders", hep-ph/9605398.

  • K.S. Babu, C. Kolda, F. Wilczek, "Experimental Consequences of a minimal messenger model for supersymmetry breaking", hep-ph/9605408.

  • J. Amundson et al (Snowmass supersymmetry theory working group), "Report of the Supersymmetry Theory Subgroup", hep-ph/9609374

  • H. Baer, M. Brhlik, C.H. Chen and X. Tata, "Signals for the minimal gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model at the Fermilab Tevatron collider", hep-ph/9610358

  • D.A. Dicus and S. Nandi, "New collider bound on light gravitino mass", hep-ph/9611312

  • S. Ambrosanio, G.D. Kribs, S.P. Martin, "Three-body decays of selectrons and smuons in low-energy supersymmetry breaking models", hep-ph/9710217, and "Signals for gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking models at the CERN LEP2 collider", hep-ph/9703211.

  • S. Ambrosanio and A. Nelson, "New Multi-Scale Supersymmetric Models with Flavor Changing Neutral Current Suppression", hep-ph/9707242.

  • C.H. Chen, J.F. Gunion, "Maximizing Hadron Collider sensitivity to gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking models", hep-ph/9707302 and "Probing gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking models at the Tevatron via delayed decays of the lightest neutralino", hep-ph/9802252.

  • J. Kim et al, "Light-Gravitino Production at Hadron Colliders", hep-ph/9707331.

  • B. Dutta and S. Nandi, "An unusual signal for supersymmetry at the Tevatron", hep-ph/9709511.

  • J.L. Feng and T. Moroi, "Tevatron signatures of longlived charged sleptons in gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking models", hep-ph/9712499.

  • M. Carena, S. Pokorski, C.E.M. Wagner, "Photon signatures for low-energy supersymmetry breaking and broken R parity", hep-ph/9801251.