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Posttest: Answers

Correct Answer Term Definition
1. c edema abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or serous cavity
2. u cranial nerve paralysis loss of a capability that can be associated with a malfunction of a cranial nerve
3. a dermatitis inflammation of the skin
4. k necrosis death or decay of cells or tissues in part of the body
5. h phonocardiography graphic recording of heart sounds
6. j hepatolysis the act of listening to sounds within the body to determine the condition of the heart, lungs, and other organs
7. l percussion tapping or striking on the body to determine, form sounds produced, the condition of internal organs
8. p adenopathy disease of glands
9. d lymphadenopathy disease of lymph nodes
10. o arterial obstruction blockage in the arteries
11. r splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
12. t ascites accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity
13. w pallor paleness, absence of skin coloration
14. e venous obstruction blockage in the veins
15. s cachexia general physical wasting and malnutrition
16. n pleural effusion presence of fluid in the pleural space
17. i auscultation paleness, absence of skin coloration
18. q spinal cord paralysis loss of a capability that can be associated with a nerve that begins in the spinal column
19. v hypersplenism excessive activity of the spleen
20. m paralysis of brain origin loss of ability that can be associated with some type of dysfunctioning of brain tissue
21. b cardiomegaly abnormal enlargement of the heart
22. g hepatomegaly enlargement of the liver
23. f jaundice yellowing pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by deposition of bile pigments