#VRML V2.0 utf8 EXTERNPROTO Vista [ exposedField SFString type exposedField MFNode texture exposedField MFVec2f vFov exposedField MFVec2f hFov exposedField SFVec2f pitchRange exposedField SFVec2f yawRange exposedField SFVec2f zoomRange exposedField MFColor groundColor exposedField MFFloat groundRange exposedField MFColor skyColor exposedField MFFloat skyRange exposedField MFNode children eventOut SFVec2f clickPt eventOut SFVec2f overPt eventOut SFBool isBound eventIn SFBool set_bind ] "http://www.livepicture.com/proto/vistaproto15.wrl#Vista" NavigationInfo { type "EXAMINE" avatarSize [ 0, 0, 0 ] headlight TRUE } Cursor { name "CURS_LINK" clickPoint [7, 1] texture ImageTexture { url "curs_link.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "CURS_URL" clickPoint [4, 1] texture ImageTexture { url "curs_url.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "PANIMAGE" clickPoint [3,0] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:pancursor.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "PANDOWN" clickPoint [3,0] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:pancursordown.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "ZOOMIN" clickPoint [6,6] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:zoomincursor.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "ZOOMOUT" clickPoint [6,6] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:zoomoutcursor.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Script { field SFFloat startZoom 0.436332 field SFVec3f startView 0.000000 3.141593 0 url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.setFOV(startZoom); browser.setOrientation(startView); } " } DEF 20-22 Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "20-22.jpg" } vFov -0.286 0.328 pitchRange -0.286 0.328 hFov 0.000 2.393 yawRange 0.000 2.393 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ DEF 20-22_Img0031_switch Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { ccw TRUE coord Coordinate { point [ -1.893064 -1.208762 10.036569, -4.657424 -1.179349 8.983321, -4.634600 0.737728 8.862313, -1.870240 0.708315 9.915561 ] } texCoord TextureCoordinate { point [ 0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1 ] } coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1 ] } appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 specularColor 0 0 0 emissiveColor 1 1 1 } texture ImageTexture { url ["", "http://ghtmaps01.cr.usgs.gov:8087/fif=img0031.fpx"] } } } ] } ] } ] } DEF 20-22_switch Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF 20-22_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE 20-22.isBound TO 20-22_activator.activate ROUTE 20-22_activator.switchControl TO 20-22_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF 20-22_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.541481 0.690752, 0.600741 0.887283 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "20-22" field SFString hsName "20-22_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.571111 0.789018 field SFVec3f endView 0.000000 3.141593 0 field SFFloat endZoom 0.436332 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { bind = TRUE; browser.setFOV(endZoom); browser.setOrientation(endView); } } " ROUTE 20-22.overPt TO 20-22_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE 20-22.clickPt TO 20-22_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE 20-22_hs_hs.bind TO headscarp.set_bind } DEF 20-22_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.100000 0.757225, 0.140741 0.864162 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "20-22" field SFString hsName "20-22_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.120371 0.810694 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.099170 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 0.305712 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.120838 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.405000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 1.207611; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE 20-22.overPt TO 20-22_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE 20-22.clickPt TO 20-22_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE 20-22_hs_hs_2.bind TO pan6.set_bind } DEF headscarp Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "headscarp.jpg" } vFov -0.369 0.369 pitchRange -0.369 0.369 hFov 0.000 0.000 yawRange 0.000 0.000 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF headscarp_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF headscarp_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE headscarp.isBound TO headscarp_activator.activate ROUTE headscarp_activator.switchControl TO headscarp_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF headscarp_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.430732 0.727272, 0.468293 0.971074 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp" field SFString hsName "headscarp_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.449513 0.849173 field SFVec3f endView 0.000000 3.141593 0 field SFFloat endZoom 0.436332 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { bind = TRUE; browser.setFOV(endZoom); browser.setOrientation(endView); } } " ROUTE headscarp.overPt TO headscarp_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE headscarp.clickPt TO headscarp_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE headscarp_hs_hs.bind TO 20-22.set_bind } DEF headscarp_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.489756 0.760331, 0.523415 0.975206 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp" field SFString hsName "headscarp_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.506586 0.867768 field SFVec3f endView 0.000000 3.141593 0 field SFFloat endZoom 0.350000 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { bind = TRUE; browser.setFOV(endZoom); browser.setOrientation(endView); } } " ROUTE headscarp.overPt TO headscarp_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE headscarp.clickPt TO headscarp_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE headscarp_hs_hs_2.bind TO headscarp1.set_bind } DEF headscarp_hs_hs_3 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.803902 0.880165, 0.834634 1.000000 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp" field SFString hsName "headscarp_hs_hs_3" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.819268 0.940083 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.211499 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 5.125020 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.157394 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.405000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.009896; curView.y = 1.089382; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE headscarp.overPt TO headscarp_hs_hs_3.overPt ROUTE headscarp.clickPt TO headscarp_hs_hs_3.clickPt ROUTE headscarp_hs_hs_3.bind TO pan6.set_bind } DEF headscarp1 Vista { type "CYLINDER" texture ImageTexture { url "headscarp1.jpg" } vFov -0.360 0.360 pitchRange -0.360 0.360 hFov 0.000 0.000 yawRange 0.000 0.000 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ DEF headscarp1_Img0031_switch Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { ccw TRUE coord Coordinate { point [ 2.477891 -0.920385 -9.683945, 4.880383 -0.892886 -8.876543, 4.881025 1.203467 -8.910845, 2.478533 1.175968 -9.718246 ] } texCoord TextureCoordinate { point [ 0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1 ] } coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1 ] } appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 specularColor 0 0 0 emissiveColor 1 1 1 } texture ImageTexture { url ["", "http://ghtmaps01.cr.usgs.gov:8087/fif=img0031.fpx"] } } } ] } ] } DEF headscarp1_Img0067a_switch Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { ccw TRUE coord Coordinate { point [ 6.186873 -0.490104 -8.426840, 11.020806 -0.646696 -1.659951, 10.929776 2.846577 -1.646259, 6.095843 3.003169 -8.413147 ] } texCoord TextureCoordinate { point [ 0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1 ] } coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1 ] } appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 specularColor 0 0 0 emissiveColor 1 1 1 } texture ImageTexture { url ["", "http://ghtmaps01.cr.usgs.gov:8087/fif=img0067a.fpx"] } } } ] } ] } ] } DEF headscarp1_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ DEF headscarp1_CROWS_switch Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ Group {}, Sound { source DEF headscarp1_CROWS_movie AudioClip { loop FALSE url "headscarp1_v_CROWS.WAV" } } ] } ] } ] } DEF headscarp1_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE headscarp1.isBound TO headscarp1_activator.activate ROUTE headscarp1_activator.switchControl TO headscarp1_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF headscarp1_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.890000 0.316667, 0.908500 0.454167 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp1" field SFString hsName "headscarp1_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.899250 0.385417 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.004014 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 5.460105 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.350000 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.297000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.011100; curView.y = 0.454815; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE headscarp1.overPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE headscarp1.clickPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE headscarp1_hs_hs.bind TO 20-22.set_bind } DEF headscarp1_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.633500 0.533333, 0.656500 0.700000 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp1" field SFString hsName "headscarp1_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.645000 0.616666 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.009896 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 4.091244 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.350000 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.358997; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 2.493796; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE headscarp1.overPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE headscarp1.clickPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE headscarp1_hs_hs_2.bind TO headscarp.set_bind } DEF headscarp1_hs_hs_3 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.518000 0.612500, 0.536500 0.733333 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp1" field SFString hsName "headscarp1_hs_hs_3" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.527250 0.672917 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.017802 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 3.418297 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.165850 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.405000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 1.295296; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE headscarp1.overPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_3.overPt ROUTE headscarp1.clickPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_3.clickPt ROUTE headscarp1_hs_hs_3.bind TO pan6.set_bind } DEF headscarp1_hs_hs_4 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.557500 0.633333, 0.577500 0.766667 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp1" field SFString hsName "headscarp1_hs_hs_4" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.567500 0.700000 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.132628 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 3.373826 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.130350 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.380997; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.009896; curView.y = 2.762647; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE headscarp1.overPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_4.overPt ROUTE headscarp1.clickPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_4.clickPt ROUTE headscarp1_hs_hs_4.bind TO pan4.set_bind } DEF headscarp1_hs_hs_5 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.496500 0.562500, 0.515000 0.683333 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp1" field SFString hsName "headscarp1_hs_hs_5" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.505750 0.622917 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.090181 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 3.092043 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.098332 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.355000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.009896; curView.y = 2.839284; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE headscarp1.overPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_5.overPt ROUTE headscarp1.clickPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_5.clickPt ROUTE headscarp1_hs_hs_5.bind TO nwscarp.set_bind } DEF headscarp1_hs_hs_6 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.465000 0.637500, 0.488500 0.766667 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "headscarp1" field SFString hsName "headscarp1_hs_hs_6" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.476750 0.702083 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.059202 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 2.859809 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.137541 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.361999; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 2.456987; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE headscarp1.overPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_6.overPt ROUTE headscarp1.clickPt TO headscarp1_hs_hs_6.clickPt ROUTE headscarp1_hs_hs_6.bind TO uppond.set_bind } DEF pan6 Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "pan6.jpg" } vFov -0.415 0.415 pitchRange -0.415 0.415 hFov 0.000 3.171 yawRange 0.000 3.171 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF pan6_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF pan6_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE pan6.isBound TO pan6_activator.activate ROUTE pan6_activator.switchControl TO pan6_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF pan6_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.852282 0.448795, 0.890178 0.554217 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "pan6" field SFString hsName "pan6_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.871230 0.501506 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.033475 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 2.578515 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.272376 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.358997; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.001065; curView.y = 1.315437; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE pan6.overPt TO pan6_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE pan6.clickPt TO pan6_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE pan6_hs_hs.bind TO headscarp.set_bind } DEF pan4 Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "pan4.jpg" } vFov -0.391 0.391 pitchRange -0.391 0.391 hFov 0.000 3.690 yawRange 0.000 3.690 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF pan4_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF pan4_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE pan4.isBound TO pan4_activator.activate ROUTE pan4_activator.switchControl TO pan4_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF pan4_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.712817 0.480645, 0.740233 0.593548 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "pan4" field SFString hsName "pan4_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.726525 0.537097 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.021031 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 2.774532 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.126755 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.405000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.009896; curView.y = 0.673941; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE pan4.overPt TO pan4_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE pan4.clickPt TO pan4_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE pan4_hs_hs.bind TO pan6.set_bind } DEF pan4_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.616861 0.393548, 0.651816 0.512903 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "pan4" field SFString hsName "pan4_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.634338 0.453226 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.080076 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 2.152916 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.140002 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.355000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.000000; curView.y = 3.141593; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE pan4.overPt TO pan4_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE pan4.clickPt TO pan4_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE pan4_hs_hs_2.bind TO nwscarp.set_bind } DEF pan4_hs_hs_3 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.479781 0.400000, 0.509253 0.503226 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "pan4" field SFString hsName "pan4_hs_hs_3" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.494517 0.451613 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.077877 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 1.609333 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.124468 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.361999; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 2.598813; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE pan4.overPt TO pan4_hs_hs_3.overPt ROUTE pan4.clickPt TO pan4_hs_hs_3.clickPt ROUTE pan4_hs_hs_3.bind TO uppond.set_bind } DEF uppond Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "uppond.jpg" } vFov -0.372 0.372 pitchRange -0.372 0.372 hFov 0.000 0.000 yawRange 0.000 0.000 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF uppond_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF uppond_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE uppond.isBound TO uppond_activator.activate ROUTE uppond_activator.switchControl TO uppond_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF uppond_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.896569 0.314050, 0.914706 0.417355 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "uppond" field SFString hsName "uppond_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.905638 0.365702 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.161827 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 5.594391 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.157385 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.405000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.002985; curView.y = 1.127011; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE uppond.overPt TO uppond_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE uppond.clickPt TO uppond_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE uppond_hs_hs.bind TO pan6.set_bind } DEF uppond_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.497059 0.541322, 0.521079 0.681818 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "uppond" field SFString hsName "uppond_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.509069 0.611570 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.069202 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 2.969433 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.142969 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.442999; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 0.636312; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE uppond.overPt TO uppond_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE uppond.clickPt TO uppond_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE uppond_hs_hs_2.bind TO camerasta.set_bind } DEF uppond_hs_hs_3 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.840686 0.342975, 0.863725 0.491736 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "uppond" field SFString hsName "uppond_hs_hs_3" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.852206 0.417355 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.138597 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 5.238554 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.125734 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.355000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.009896; curView.y = 2.959869; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE uppond.overPt TO uppond_hs_hs_3.overPt ROUTE uppond.clickPt TO uppond_hs_hs_3.clickPt ROUTE uppond_hs_hs_3.bind TO nwscarp.set_bind } DEF uppond_hs_hs_4 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.972549 0.301653, 0.993627 0.446281 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "uppond" field SFString hsName "uppond_hs_hs_4" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.983088 0.373967 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.087493 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 6.239709 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.116152 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.380997; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.000017; curView.y = 3.121330; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE uppond.overPt TO uppond_hs_hs_4.overPt ROUTE uppond.clickPt TO uppond_hs_hs_4.clickPt ROUTE uppond_hs_hs_4.bind TO pan4.set_bind } DEF camerasta Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "camerasta.jpg" } vFov -0.453 0.453 pitchRange -0.453 0.453 hFov 0.000 3.913 yawRange 0.000 3.913 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF camerasta_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF camerasta_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE camerasta.isBound TO camerasta_activator.activate ROUTE camerasta_activator.switchControl TO camerasta_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF camerasta_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.870000 0.180645, 0.890625 0.264516 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "camerasta" field SFString hsName "camerasta_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.880313 0.222581 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.264470 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 3.257989 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.101770 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.361999; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009861; curView.y = 5.939198; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE camerasta.overPt TO camerasta_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE camerasta.clickPt TO camerasta_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE camerasta_hs_hs.bind TO uppond.set_bind } DEF camerasta_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.060625 0.558065, 0.085625 0.661290 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "camerasta" field SFString hsName "camerasta_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.073125 0.609677 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.060598 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 0.368945 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.170205 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.378000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 0.557388; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE camerasta.overPt TO camerasta_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE camerasta.clickPt TO camerasta_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE camerasta_hs_hs_2.bind TO instrument2.set_bind } DEF instrument2 Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "instrument2.jpg" } vFov -0.388 0.388 pitchRange -0.388 0.388 hFov 0.000 4.010 yawRange 0.000 4.010 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF instrument2_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF instrument2_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE instrument2.isBound TO instrument2_activator.activate ROUTE instrument2_activator.switchControl TO instrument2_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF instrument2_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.815000 0.151852, 0.842500 0.277778 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "instrument2" field SFString hsName "instrument2_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.828750 0.214815 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.211080 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 3.207723 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.115654 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.160291; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.288189; curView.y = 3.398453; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE instrument2.overPt TO instrument2_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE instrument2.clickPt TO instrument2_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE instrument2_hs_hs.bind TO camerasta.set_bind } DEF instrument2_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.117500 0.388889, 0.144375 0.496296 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "instrument2" field SFString hsName "instrument2_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.130937 0.442593 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.009896 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 0.557388 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.167560 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.363997; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.008604; curView.y = 3.000832; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE instrument2.overPt TO instrument2_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE instrument2.clickPt TO instrument2_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE instrument2_hs_hs_2.bind TO pond.set_bind } DEF pond Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "pond.jpg" } vFov -0.374 0.374 pitchRange -0.374 0.374 hFov 0.000 0.000 yawRange 0.000 0.000 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF pond_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF pond_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE pond.isBound TO pond_activator.activate ROUTE pond_activator.switchControl TO pond_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF pond_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.959500 0.209205, 0.983500 0.376569 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "pond" field SFString hsName "pond_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.971500 0.292887 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.098559 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 6.062419 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.170903 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.378000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.009896; curView.y = 3.220639; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE pond.overPt TO pond_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE pond.clickPt TO pond_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE pond_hs_hs.bind TO instrument2.set_bind } DEF pond_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.554500 0.456067, 0.583000 0.606695 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "pond" field SFString hsName "pond_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.568750 0.531381 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.000000 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 3.141593 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.114476 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.263000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = 0.000000; curView.y = 2.051538; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE pond.overPt TO pond_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE pond.clickPt TO pond_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE pond_hs_hs_2.bind TO 11-13.set_bind } DEF 11-13 Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "11-13.jpg" } vFov -0.273 0.273 pitchRange -0.273 0.273 hFov 0.000 2.462 yawRange 0.000 2.462 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF 11-13_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF 11-13_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE 11-13.isBound TO 11-13_activator.activate ROUTE 11-13_activator.switchControl TO 11-13_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF 11-13_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.600714 0.018237, 0.643571 0.188450 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "11-13" field SFString hsName "11-13_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.622143 0.103343 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.182282 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 1.637939 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.090617 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.363997; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 5.887868; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE 11-13.overPt TO 11-13_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE 11-13.clickPt TO 11-13_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE 11-13_hs_hs.bind TO pond.set_bind } DEF nwscarp Vista { type "SPHERE" texture ImageTexture { url "nwscarp.jpg" } vFov -0.365 0.365 pitchRange -0.365 0.365 hFov 0.000 4.507 yawRange 0.000 4.507 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ ] } DEF nwscarp_switch Switch { whichChoice 0 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF nwscarp_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE nwscarp.isBound TO nwscarp_activator.activate ROUTE nwscarp_activator.switchControl TO nwscarp_switch.set_whichChoice } DEF nwscarp_hs_hs Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.012941 0.614545, 0.040000 0.749091 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "nwscarp" field SFString hsName "nwscarp_hs_hs" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.026471 0.681818 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (-0.090600 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 0.186942 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.098114 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.361999; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 4.147810; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE nwscarp.overPt TO nwscarp_hs_hs.overPt ROUTE nwscarp.clickPt TO nwscarp_hs_hs.clickPt ROUTE nwscarp_hs_hs.bind TO uppond.set_bind } DEF nwscarp_hs_hs_2 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.826471 0.265455, 0.855883 0.410909 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "nwscarp" field SFString hsName "nwscarp_hs_hs_2" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.841177 0.338182 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.161426 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 3.756298 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.163537 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.405000; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009303; curView.y = 1.711138; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE nwscarp.overPt TO nwscarp_hs_hs_2.overPt ROUTE nwscarp.clickPt TO nwscarp_hs_hs_2.clickPt ROUTE nwscarp_hs_hs_2.bind TO pan6.set_bind } DEF nwscarp_hs_hs_3 Script { eventIn SFVec2f overPt eventIn SFVec2f clickPt field MFVec2f bBox [ 0.950588 0.345455, 0.981177 0.494545 ] field SFString cursor "CURS_LINK" field SFString fromNode "nwscarp" field SFString hsName "nwscarp_hs_hs_3" field SFString targetName "" field SFVec2f targetLocation 0.965882 0.420000 field SFInt32 repeat 0 field SFVec3f curView 0 0 0 field SFVec3f viewInc 0 0 0 field SFFloat curZoom 0 field SFFloat zoomInc 0 eventOut SFBool bind url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.addHotSpot(fromNode, hsName, targetLocation, targetName); } function overPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) browser.setCursor(cursor); } function clickPt(value, timestamp) { if (browser.pointInBox(value, bBox)) { repeat = browser.getCurrentFrameRate() * 1.000000; if (repeat < 1) repeat = 1; curView = browser.getOrientation(); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); viewInc.x = (0.008430 - curView.x) / repeat; viewInc.y = 4.217815 - curView.y; if (viewInc.y > 3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y - 6.28318; if (viewInc.y < -3.14159) viewInc.y = viewInc.y + 6.28318; viewInc.y = viewInc.y / repeat; zoomInc = (0.158345 - curZoom) / repeat; } } function repeat() { curView = browser.getOrientation(); curView.x += viewInc.x; curView.y += viewInc.y; browser.setOrientation(curView); curZoom = browser.getFOV(); curZoom += zoomInc; browser.setFOV(curZoom); if (repeat == 0) { bind = TRUE; curZoom = 0.380997; browser.setFOV(curZoom); curView.x = -0.009896; curView.y = 1.692219; browser.setOrientation(curView); } } " ROUTE nwscarp.overPt TO nwscarp_hs_hs_3.overPt ROUTE nwscarp.clickPt TO nwscarp_hs_hs_3.clickPt ROUTE nwscarp_hs_hs_3.bind TO pan4.set_bind }