Dear Colleagues, My previous writeup was a general discussion of capabilities, which I thought had been requested, but I see that Cho went more to specifics of addressing the grand challenge. Hence, I have written up this information as well. SUMMARY: We expect to be able to compute the bunch to bunch wakefield on current hardware, explicitly with a FDTD approach within six months of project commencement, through implementation of two new capabilities along with associated verification. We would be able to do systems with errors as well. DETAILS I have just confirmed that we can run a 0.43 B cell simulation on our 96-core cluster at Tech-X. This is sufficient to resolve a single cavity (1.287 m x 0.223 m x 0.223 m) to 0.53 mm, just resolving the air gap by a grid of 2430*421*421. In this configuration, VORPAL took 2.5s/time step. (0.58 us per cell update, which is slow, probably due to the fact that this run was using virtual memory.) Khabiboulline (FNAL) showed results in May where he was able to effectively model the air gap with a coarser grid by relaxing the gap and compensating by filling the gap with dielectric. This causes no reduction of stable time step compared with the vacuum results. This method could be used to go to a grid that is of the order of 1 mm resolution or greater. (The formteil thickness is 8mm, so 2mm might be the limit.) In any case, going to only 1 mm gives a factor of 8 in system size, thus allowing the modeling of a fully 8-cavity cryomodule with 0.43B cells. Such a grid would be 9720*210*210. With the perfect-dispersion methods recently developed, this would require a step size of 1mm/c = 3.3 ps, which implies 300 time steps per ns. With the worst-case estimate of 6x increase in computational time for the perfect dispersion algorithms, this gives 4500s = 75 m per ns for the entire cryomodule. (The computation is expected to be not quite so bad, as cache hits improve with more operations per time step.) The cavity is 9720 steps long (or 32 ns), so another metric is 11 computational hours for a beam to propagate through the entire cryomodule. For a microbunch spacing of 300 ns, we then can do two bunches, in order to compute a wake field of the entire cryomodule, basically brute force, but fully self consistent, in 120 hours (5 days) on less than 100 processors. A 1000 processor cluster brings this back down to 12 hours. There would be 11*9720 = 100,000 time steps in this calculation. To obtain accuracy estimates, we propose to do the simulation at several comparable resolutions. Richardson extrapolation, we expect, will give us both the error and a higher-order result, as we have shown in the recent SciDAC proceedings. To make this computation work, we believe we need to implement and verify the following: dielectric model in gap perfect dispersion model which we would expect completed within 6 months after project commencement. We would also investigate the implementation of the capacitive gap mode mentioned earlier. This could be repeated with any sets of errors desired. We could bring the compute time down further by restoring our load balancing. That is another several months work.