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  1. Fitc and Rhodamine replacements
  2. Alternative non-UV nuclear stains
  3. Microscope slides and coverslips for direct cell culture growing
  4. Glass-bottom petridishes and culture wells for high n.a. oil immersion objectives
  5. LysoTracker
  6. CellTracker
  7. Mounting media with antifade reagents


FITC and Rhodamine replacements: Alexa Dyes

This new family of fluorescent dyes was specifically developed for laser lines available on confocal system, has much better signal and less bleaching than FITC. Available conjugated with secondary AB or as protein labeling kits.

Order from: Molecular Probes:


Alternative non-UV Nuclear Stains

TO-PRO 3 is a far red nucleic acid stain. Although almost invisible to the human eye, it is well suited for confocal studies and digital imaging with CCD cameras. It's far red emmission spectrum ensures minimum cross talk with GFP and other blue excitation dyes. Similary easy to use as DAPI or Hoechst.

No UV light source or laser required. Can be used on Zeiss LSM 410 confocal system

Order from:

Molecular Probes:


NUNC LabTek™ Chamber slides and chambered coverslips

Branch users: Kakali Sarkar (Shaw Lab)

Grow cell cultures directly on a microscope slide or on a coverslip, with up to 16 removable cell culture chambers on it.

For technical details and order information:

Nalgene NUNC:


Glass bottom petridishes and culture wells

Branch users: Jie Zhu (Nussenzweig lab)

Petridishes for use with high n.a. oil immerson objectives on inverted microscopes. Available in 35mm and 50 mm diameters with coated or uncoated glass cover slips in the bottom.

Order from:

MatTek Corporation
Kathleen Goodhue
200 Homer Ave
Ashland, MA 01721
Phone: 800-634-9018
Fax: 508-879-1532

WillCo Wells BV
WG plein 287
1054 SE Amsterdam
The Netherlands.
Phone : +.31.(0).20.685.01.71
Fax : +.31.(0).20.685.03.33

96 well culture plates with glass bottom are available from Polyfiltronics or Phenix Reserach Products. Long delivery times may be a problem:

Polyfiltronics, Inc.
136 Weymouth St.
Rockland, MA 02370-1136 USA
Toll Free: 1-800-434-7659
Voice: 1-781-878-1133
Fax: 1-781-878-0822
Email: polyfil@polyfiltronics.com
Phenix Research Products
3540 Arden Road
Hayward, CA   94545

Item# M77260039 



Branch users: Marta Catalfamo (Henkart lab)

Fluorescent probe that is selectively taken up by acidic organelles, particularly Lysosomes.

Order from:

Molecular Probes



CellTracker CMFDA

Branch users: Kirsi Allison-Ampe (Henkart Lab)

Fluorecescent probe staining living cells. Intracellular esterases activate fluorescence. Dye is trapped in cytoplasma and labels cells over several cell cycles.

Order from:

Molecular Probes:


Mounting media with antifade reagents

Prolong  Antifade Kit

This mounting medium from Molecular Probes hardens within a few hours or overnight and has very good antifade properties. Prolong has to be prepared fresh right before use otherwise the antifade component degrades and can lead to very high autofluorescence.

Ordering info: Molecular Probes (catalog #P-7481)

Polyvinyl alcohol with DABCO

This is a mixture of Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)and glycerol with the antifade reagent DABCO (1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane). PVA polymerizes on contact with air and forms a seal around the the coverslip. (pH 8.7;   n20D (refr. index): 1.381).
You can make a similar mounting media yourself. See the protocols page for details.

Ordering info:  Fluka (catalog #10981)


A ready to use mounting medium on an aqueous base, which does not harden. Vecat shield is a product of Vector Laboratoriess and comes also in variations with DAPI  or Propidium Iodide as nuclear counterstains for FISH applications.

Ordering info: Vector Laboratories (catalog # H1000)

Fluoromount G

A ready to use mounting medium for aqueous specimen supplied by several companied, e.g. Southern Biotechnology Associates, Inc., Electron Microscopy Sciences

Ordering info:
 Southern Biotechnology (Catalog #0100) 
 Electron Microscopy Science (Catalog#17984-25)


Resin-based mounting medium for  dehydrated specimen. Permount does not contain a dedicated antifade reagent.

Ordering info:
Fisher Scientific (Catalog#S70104)
Electron Microscopy Science (Catalog #17986-01)











National Institutes of Health|National Cancer Institute| Division of Basic Science|Experimental Immunology Branch
NCI Microscopy Core Facilities
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