00:48:17 *** Kyle_AmesLa1 has quit ("Leaving.") 01:08:01 *** Kyle_AmesLa1 (n=kschoche@ohm.scl.ameslab.gov) has joined #pvfs2 01:15:33 *** Kyle_AmesLa1 has parted #pvfs2 () 01:32:33 *** yfttyfs (n=yf@ has joined #pvfs2 05:09:49 *** yfttyfs has quit (Remote closed the connection) 07:28:51 *** yfttyfs (n=yf@ has joined #pvfs2 07:57:04 *** yfttyfs has quit ("Leaving.") 07:58:56 *** yfttyfs (n=yf@ has joined #pvfs2 08:08:31 *** yfttyfs has quit (Remote closed the connection) 08:53:04 *** _icebon4 (n=icebone@pD9E34D11.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #pvfs2 09:07:46 *** _icebon4 has quit (Remote closed the connection) 09:08:17 *** _icebon4 (n=icebone@pd9e34d11.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #pvfs2 09:09:39 *** _icebon4 has quit (Remote closed the connection) 09:10:13 *** _icebon4 (n=icebone@pd9e34d11.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #pvfs2 09:10:40 *** _icebon4 has quit (Remote closed the connection) 09:11:12 *** _icebon4 (n=icebone@pd9e34d11.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #pvfs2 09:14:00 *** Kyle_AmesLab (n=kyle@12-216-6-144.client.mchsi.com) has joined #pvfs2 13:28:32 *** Kerrek (n=chatzill@c-71-196-234-180.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #pvfs2 13:31:45 *** pcarns (n=pcarns@adsl-219-143-139.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #pvfs2 13:41:22 *** yfttyfs (n=yf@ has joined #pvfs2 15:10:45 *** yfttyfs has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:37:18 *** |icebone| (n=icebone@pD9E34C65.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #pvfs2 19:53:13 *** _icebon4 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:14:43 is Alt_AIO server-side only? 20:35:07 yep 20:35:23 that just toggles how the server does its reads and writes 20:35:53 pcarns: any idea where we can pick up the AIO branch? 20:36:13 pcarns: we finally got everything working, and cant scale above 8 proc's.. 20:36:56 Kyle_AmesLab: not sure actually, I know it is in trunk but I don't know which releases have it 20:37:11 pcarns: ahh, okay. thanks 20:37:18 Kyle_AmesLab: you have to use the TroveMethod config option to turn it on or off 20:39:19 pcarns: its not on by default 20:39:21 pcarns: ?? 20:41:30 Kyle_AmesLab: no, as far as I know it uses the "normal" dbpf method by default 20:41:37 fs.conf 20:48:43 *** _icebone_ (n=icebone@pD9E3508B.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #pvfs2 20:50:34 robl: do I have to set it in both StorageHints as well as Default? 20:54:29 *** |icebone| has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20:58:50 Kyle_AmesLab: http://www.pvfs.org/pvfs2-options.html#TroveMethod 21:00:52 robl: I was looking at that 21:00:58 robl: it says I can pick either 21:01:12 Kyle_AmesLab: set it in StorageHints 21:01:16 robl: but not whether or not I have to put in default if I also want it in storage 21:01:33 Kyle_AmesLab: its not inherited 21:02:42 slang: awesome, thanks 21:07:38 *** _icebone_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:23:50 hello all 21:23:59 * slang waves 21:24:14 heya 21:24:21 bout time you woke up hozer 21:24:31 I am trying to write a proposal 21:24:43 blah, write a proposal that fixes my tooth, I just chipped it 21:24:47 doh 21:24:54 I'm trying to get on the bioeconomy gravy train 21:25:43 so, there is native linux AIO in the trunk? 21:26:22 in A branch, I believe 21:26:43 Kyle_AmesLab: brett and I were also talking about having Brett's shim layer do async pvfs operations, as well as using a single file instead of 1 file per process 21:27:20 hozer: bbode mentioned something like that 21:30:00 hozer: but I didnt follow up on it 21:30:14 hozer: he didnt say anything about the single file thing tho 21:31:43 I was going to try to figure out how to do pvfs async in NetPIPE 21:46:13 that sounds icky 21:47:25 it shouldn't be too bad 21:47:37 we don't have a lot of async users, so that would be a great test 21:47:49 our model is a lot like MPI 21:58:00 upc all the way 22:02:13 hozer: I put aio hints onto those servers, run 15,000 clients and tell me if its faster 22:11:22 tell us too 22:11:42 it should be, iven what we know of glibc aio 22:11:43 (assuming you are writing to a single file) 22:11:56 *** pcarns has parted #pvfs2 () 22:16:00 heh 22:16:14 Kyle_AmesLab: you do much work with upc? 22:16:16 robl: any docs I should start with ? 22:16:30 (for the async stuff) 22:16:36 Kyle_AmesLab: you and darius can hang out when you are at argonne and talk about it 22:17:48 hozer: pvfs async? heh 22:17:51 hozer: http://www.pvfs.org/doxygen/group__sysint.html 22:17:57 robl: hah, no I dont I just heard about it from a collegue 22:20:39 *** Kerrek has parted #pvfs2 () 22:24:48 hozer: the biggest users of the async interface are the syncronous calls (they call the async and block) and pvfs2-client-core 22:30:04 heh, okay 23:00:50 16:25 < hozer> so, there is native linux AIO in the trunk? 23:00:50 16:26 < Kyle_AmesLab> in A branch, I believe 23:01:36 hozer: native linux aio has the same interfaces as glibc aio 23:02:16 hozer: so the pvfs support is there if the kernel/libaio support is there 23:02:35 Kyle_AmesLab: I don't know of any branches that are aio specific 23:08:09 slang: I swear someone said it existed, or was in a branch, in fact, the mailing list had someone doing tests on it at one point. 23:09:04 Kyle_AmesLab: sure 23:09:15 Kyle_AmesLab: but that doesn't require any code mods to pvfs 23:09:39 Kyle_AmesLab: if you compile kernel support for aio and install libaio, pvfs servers will use it automatically 23:13:45 slang: hrm. 23:14:08 Kyle_AmesLab: no good? 23:14:15 hozer: we had that bulposix aio port at one point.. 23:14:24 slang: not sure what that means for client side stuff? 23:14:34 slang: we want to overlap computation with reads 23:14:52 * slang nods 23:14:57 slang: we only get likie 80% cpu utilization right now, and want higher heh 23:15:02 Kyle_AmesLab: on the client you're not going throught the vfs though, right? 23:15:15 slang: no. 23:15:16 Kyle_AmesLab: so you can just the PVFS_isys_* interfaces 23:15:32 Kyle_AmesLab: that's what robl was referring to I think 23:15:42 Kyle_AmesLab: that gives you the async functionality you're looking for 23:15:57 slang: bbode wrote a wrapper for our jobs so it uses libpvfs2 23:24:31 Kyle_AmesLab: cool 23:53:38 *** Kyle_AmesLab has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))