#! /bin/csh -f # # Utility for burning x-ray data sets onto DVD-R -James Holton 7-30-07 # using a rImage DVD producer robot # # if($#argv == 0) then set BAD goto Help endif goto Setup ############################################################################ Help: cat << EOF usage: backup_rimage.com directory [otherdirectory] -not junk -only good -since time -copies 1 -splituser where: directory - is the directory you want to back up onto a DVD-R junk - are files/subdirectories you want to leave out good - is a string that the back-ed up filenames must contain time - either "hour", "day" or a filename no files as old or older than this file will be included -priority - urgency (default is 4) -copies - number of copies to make (default is 1) -splituser - don't mix different users data on the same DVD -finish - change the "finished run signal" filename example: backup_rimage.com /data/mcfuser/whatever -not '_0_' will back up everything but screening shots backup_rimage.com /data/mcfuser/whatever -only img -only scan -not '_0_' will back up every *.img or *.scan file but no screening shots backup_rimage.com /data/mcfuser -since /data/mcfuser/blah/firstrun_1_100.img will back up everything collected AFTER firstrun_1_100.img EOF if($?BAD) goto exit ############################################################################ Return_from_Setup: echo "host: `hostname`" echo "cmdline: $0 $*" echo "smbfs: ${archive_disk}" echo "smbclient: $smbclient" echo "remote: ${remote_folder}" echo "finish: $finish_signal_file" echo "temp: ${tempfile}*" echo "nice: $?NICE" echo "priority: $priority" echo "copies: $copies" echo "dirs: $dirs" echo "onlyfind: $onlyfind" echo "not: "\"$not\" echo "splituser: $splitusers" echo "note: $note" echo "titles: $titles" startover: echo -n "examining files... \r" rm -f ${tempfile}* >& /dev/null echo -n "" >! ${tempfile}filenames if( "$dirs" != "") then find $dirs -type f -print >> ${tempfile}filenames endif if( "$lists" != "") then awk '{print $NF}' $lists >> ${tempfile}filenames endif if( -e "$user_diskimage") then echo "$user_diskimage" >! ${tempfile}filenames echo "x x x |$user_diskimage" >! ${tempfile}dated echo "x x x x |$user_diskimage" >! ${tempfile}grouped.txt echo "$user_diskimage" >! ${tempfile}dvd0001.list goto files_divided endif # filter and get dates if($?weird_filenames) then find $dirs -type f -printf "%T@ %s %t |%p\n" |\ egrep "$onlyfind" |\ egrep -v "$not" |\ sort -u |\ sort -n |\ cat >! ${tempfile}dated else cat ${tempfile}filenames |\ egrep "$onlyfind" |\ egrep -v "$not" |\ awk '/^\.\//{$0=substr($0,3)} {gsub("[()\\[\\]\\$]","\\\\&");print}' |\ awk 'NF>=1{print "puts \"[file mtime \""$0"\"] [file size \""$0 "\"] [clock format [file mtime \""$0"\"] -format \"%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y\"] |"$0"\""}' |\ tclsh |\ sort -u |\ sort -n |\ cat >! ${tempfile}dated endif # format: epoch date |original_filename # find "groups" of files to keep together (if possible) echo "end" |\ cat ${tempfile}dated - |\ awk -v lastarchive=$lastarchive '$1>lastarchive' |\ awk -v mediasize=$mediasize '{file=substr($0,index($0,"|")+1);pattern=file;\ n="";$2=int($2/2048+2)*2048} \ /[0-9][0-9][0-9]\.img$/{n=split(file,a,"."); ext=a[n];\ pattern=substr(file,1,length(file)-length(ext)-4) "%03d." ext;}\ /_E[0-9]_[0-9][0-9][0-9]\.img$/{n=split(file,a,"."); ext=a[n];\ pattern=substr(file,1,length(file)-length(ext)-8) "_E%d_%03d." ext;}\ pattern!=lastpattern || /^end$/ {if(gsize>mediasize){breakup=1;--group}\ for(i=1;i<=files;++i){if(breakup){gsize=size[i];++group};\ printf "%10s %d %10.0f %10.0f |%s\n",time[i],group,gsize,size[i],name[i]};\ lastpattern=pattern;gsize=files=breakup=0;++group}\ {++files;time[files]=$1;size[files]=$2;name[files]=file;gsize+=$2}' |\ sort -n >! ${tempfile}grouped.txt # format: epoch group_number group_size file_size |filename set groups = `cat ${tempfile}grouped.txt | wc -l` if($groups == 0 && $?REALTIME) then echo -n "no files! will check again in 5 min \r" set timeout = 30 if ($?DEBUG) set timeout = 1 while ( $timeout > 0 ) @ timeout = ( $timeout - 1 ) sleep 10 rm -f $finish_signal_file end goto startover endif if($?REALTIME && 0) then # don't bother trying to keep datasets together cat ${tempfile}dated |\ awk -v lastarchive=$lastarchive '$1>lastarchive'{print $1,NR,$2,$2,substr($0,index($0,"|"))}' |\ cat >! ${tempfile}grouped.txt endif # divide these images up into DVDs rm -f ${tempfile}dvd????.list >& /dev/null cat ${tempfile}grouped.txt |\ awk '{gsize=$3;file=substr($0,index($0,"|")+1)}\ seen[$2]{gsize=0} {++seen[$2];print $1,$2,gsize,$4,"|" file}' |\ awk -v mediasize=$mediasize -v tempfile=$tempfile -v splitusers=$splitusers '\ {file=substr($0,index($0,"|")+1)}\ {n=split(file,w,"/")} n<5{delete w} w[2]~/data$/{user=w[3]} \ w[2]~/data$/ && w[3]~/user$/{user=w[4]}\ w[2]~/data$/ && w[3]=="sibyls"{user=w[4]}\ n>4 && w[2]~/data$/ && w[3]~/user$/ && w[4]~/^uc[bs]/ && w[4] !~/[_-]/ {user=w[5]}\ user != lastuser && splitusers && lastuser{print "new user:", lastuser"->"user}\ NR==1 || dvdsize+$3>mediasize || (user != lastuser && splitusers) {\ if(dvd) printf "%s %d%% %s ...\n", dvd, dvdsize/mediasize*100, lastname;\ lastuser=user; dvd=sprintf("%04d",dvd+1);dvdsize=0}\ {dvdsize+=$4;lastname=file;print file >> tempfile"dvd"dvd".list"} \ END{if(dvdsize>0)printf "%s %d%% %s ...\n", dvd, dvdsize/mediasize*100, lastname;}' |\ cat # > /dev/null files_divided: if(! -s ${tempfile}grouped.txt) then echo -n "no files! \r" if ($?REALTIME) then # create an "empty" DVD and go forard... echo -n "" >! ${tempfile}dvd0001.list else set BAD = "empty DVD" goto exit endif endif if(! $?APPROVED) then echo "" # get a nice "starting" number for our archive set dvdnum = `ls -1 "${archive_disk}" | awk '{printf "%04d\n", substr($1,match($1,"[0-9]"))+1}' | sort -nr | head -1` if ("$dvdnum" == "") set dvdnum = 0001 if ("$user_dvdnum" != "") then set dvdnum = $user_dvdnum endif # explain the filename patterns here foreach dvd ( ${tempfile}dvd????.list ) echo "" echo "$media #$dvdnum" sumarize.com $sumopts $dvd set dvdnum = `echo $dvdnum | awk '{printf "%04d", $1+1}'` end set dvds = `ls -1 ${tempfile}dvd????.list | wc -l` set s = "s" if($dvds == 1) set s = "" set set = disk if ($copies > 1) set set = pair if ($copies > 2) set set = set set in = "Yes" echo "this will take $dvds ${media}-R ${set}${s}" echo "Okay? [${in}]" echo -n "-> " if (! $?AUTO) then set in = ( $< ) endif if("$in" =~ [Nn]*) exit # only do this once set APPROVED endif # delete any files corresponding to already-done jobs (mainly for -realtime) #if (-e "$last_done") then # # eliminate everything up to and including the last job we did # foreach dvd ( ${tempfile}dvd????.list ) # rm -f $dvd # if("$dvd" == "$last_done") break # end #endif set dvdnum = 0 if("$user_dvdnum" != "") then set dvdnum = $user_dvdnum endif set lastdvd = `ls -1 ${tempfile}dvd????.list | tail -1` set dvds = `ls -1 ${tempfile}dvd????.list | wc -l` foreach dvd ( ${tempfile}dvd????.list ) # sanity check: are there any files in this list? set files = `awk 'NF>0' "$dvd" | wc -l` if($files == 0) then echo "ERROR: disk #${dvdnum} is empty! " sleep 60 continue endif if ($?REALTIME) then # wait until we have enough data if ($dvd == $lastdvd && ! -e $finish_signal_file) then echo -n "waiting for more than $mediasize bytes to appear... \r" set timeout = 30 if ($?DEBUG) set timeout = 1 while ( $timeout > 0 && ! -e $finish_signal_file ) @ timeout = ( $timeout - 1 ) sleep 10 end goto startover endif if (-e $finish_signal_file) then # reset the "finished" flag echo "user typed finished" set lastarchive = `echo "puts [file mtime $finish_signal_file]]" | tclsh` set finishdate = `echo "puts [clock format $lastarchive]" | tclsh` echo "user typed finished at $finishdate" set lastarchive = `echo "puts [clock seconds]" | tclsh` set finishdate = `echo "puts [clock format $lastarchive]" | tclsh` echo "found finish file at $finishdate" rm -f $finish_signal_file > /dev/null endif endif # sanity check: are there any files in this list? # check if maybe someone deleted it? set files = `awk 'NF>0' "$dvd" | wc -l` if($files == 0) then echo "ERROR: disk #${dvdnum} is empty! " continue endif increment: # make sure the disk is up while (! -w "${archive_disk}" ) if (! $?waiting) echo waiting for "$archive_disk" to become ready set waiting sleep 10 end unset waiting # make sure no two labels collide set dvdnum = `ls -1 "${archive_disk}" | awk '{printf "%04d\n", substr($1,match($1,"[0-9]"))+1}' | sort -nr | head -1` if ("$dvdnum" == "") set dvdnum = 0001 if ("$user_dvdnum" != "") then set dvdnum = $user_dvdnum endif retry: # sumarize each disk for the user's approval echo "" echo "$media #$dvdnum" sumarize.com $sumopts $dvd echo 'okay to write this '${media}'-R [Y/auto/skip]' echo -n "-> " set answer = "Y" if(! $?AUTO) then set answer = ( $< ) if ("$answer" == "") set answer = yes endif if("$answer" == "auto") then set AUTO set answer = yes endif if("$answer" !~ [Yy]*) then set lastdvd = "$dvd" continue endif # make sure the disk is up while (! -w "${archive_disk}" ) if (! $?waiting) echo waiting for "$archive_disk" to become ready set waiting sleep 10 end unset waiting # wait for the queue to clear a bit # while ( `ls -1 ${archive_disk} | egrep '\.nwp$|\.inp0$' | wc -l` > (3 - $copies) && $?NICE && ! ( "$dvd" == "$lastdvd") ) while ( `ls -1 ${archive_disk} | egrep '\.nwp$|\.inp0$' | wc -l` > (5 - $copies) && $?NICE && ! ( "$dvd" == "$lastdvd") ) if (! $?waiting) then echo "waiting for robot to catch up... " set waiting = `echo "puts [clock seconds]" | tclsh` else set now = `echo "puts [clock seconds]" | tclsh` if ($now > $waiting + 3600) then echo "it's been more than an hour! " set waiting = `echo "puts [clock seconds]" | tclsh` ls -lrt /archive | grep order | tail -1 echo -n "it is now: " date endif endif sleep 10 end unset waiting # check if we have enough space for the iso image set spaceleft = 0 while ( ! $spaceleft ) # read megabytes available on disk set spaceleft = `df -k "${archive_disk}" | tail -1 | awk '{printf "%d", $(NF-2)/1024}'` # see if a DVD image will fit if ( `echo $mediasize $spaceleft | awk '{print ( 1.1*$1/1024/1024 > $2 && $2 > 1)}'` ) then echo -n "waiting for space to be available on $archive_disk \r" set spaceleft = 0 sleep 10 endif end # hopefully, we have a pre-made label file if (! -e "${archive_disk}"/bmp_label.btw && -e ~jamesh/archiving/robot/bmp_label.btw ) then cp ~jamesh/archiving/robot/bmp_label.btw "${archive_disk}"/bmp_label.btw endif if (! -e "${archive_disk}"/bmp_label.btw) then # what do we do about this? set BAD = "no btw file found for rImage robot" goto exit endif # make sure the disk is up while (! -w "${archive_disk}" ) if (! $?waiting) echo waiting for "$archive_disk" to become ready set waiting sleep 10 end unset waiting # check again... make sure no two disks collide set test = `ls -1 "${archive_disk}" | awk '{printf "%04d\n", substr($1,match($1,"[0-9]"))+1}' | sort -nr | head -1` if("$test" != "$dvdnum" && "$user_dvdnum" == "") then echo "job #$dvdnum already taken, using job #$test" set dvdnum = $test endif if ("$user_dvdnum" != "") then # user specified a DVD serial number echo "re-using files for SN: $user_dvdnum" set dvdnum = $user_dvdnum if(! -e "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.txt) then echo "re-generating "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.txt" cat << EOF | awk '{printf "%s\r\n", $0}' >! "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.txt ${remote_folder}label_${dvdnum}.bmp EOF endif else # do this fast to "claim" the dvdnum slot number cp $dvd "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list echo "${remote_folder}label_${dvdnum}.bmp\r" >! "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.txt cat << EOF | awk '{printf "%s\r\n", $0}' >! "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.txt ${remote_folder}label_${dvdnum}.bmp EOF if(-w /data/log/dvd_filesystem_sums.log) then # make a record of the checsum of this disks's filesystem set sum = `sort $dvd | md5sum` # note the date when the order was submitted set epoch = `echo 'puts [file mtime '"${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list']' | tclsh` echo "files_${dvdnum}.list $epoch $sum" |\ cat >> /data/log/dvd_filesystem_sums.log endif # worthwhile now to record the file checksums? cat $dvd |\ awk '{system("md5sum "$0)}' |\ awk '{file=substr($0,index($0,$2));\ print "set epoch [file mtime \""file"\"]";\ print "set year [clock format $epoch -format \"%Y\"]";\ print "puts \"$epoch $year "$1,file"\""}' |\ tclsh >&! "${archive_disk}"/checksums_${dvdnum}.txt # wait a bit #sleep 5 # check again... make sure nobody else took it set test = `diff $dvd "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list | wc -l` if("$test" != 0) then set test = `ls -1 "${archive_disk}" | awk '{printf "%04d\n", substr($1,match($1,"[0-9]"))+1}' | sort -nr | head -1` echo "WARNING: collided with another process on #$dvdnum" goto startover endif endif # pass user-specified title through appropriately set title_option = ( "" "" ) foreach title ( 1 2 ) if("$titles[$title]" != "") then set title_option[$title] = "-title" endif end set note_option = "" if("$note" != "") set note_option = "-note" # sanity check: are there any files in this list? set files = `awk 'NF>0' "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list | wc -l` if($files == 0) then echo "ERROR: disk #${dvdnum} is empty! " if("$user_dvdnum" != "") goto exit if(-e "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list ) goto startover continue endif if("$user_dvdnum" != "" && "$user_label" == "" && -e "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.bmp) then echo "re-using label file for SN: $dvdnum" set user_label = "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.bmp set titles = "repeat" endif if(! -e "$user_label") then # generate the label in BMP format echo -n "generating label for job #$dvdnum" rm -f label.bmp >& /dev/null rm -f ${tempfile}label.bmp >& /dev/null autolabel.com bmp ${tempfile}label.bmp $sumopts $title_option[1] "$titles[1]" $title_option[2] "$titles[2]" $note_option "$note" "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list >! ${tempfile}autolabel.log & echo "" else echo "using $user_label as the disk label" endif # we will get back to this job after the "wait" command below set orderid = ( $titles ) if ("$titles" == " ") set orderid = `titles.com $dvd` set orderid = `echo "$dvdnum $orderid" | awk '$3!=""{$3="_"$3} {gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]","_");print substr($1"_"$2 $3,1,20)}'` set orderid = `echo "$orderid" | awk '{gsub("_$","");gsub("__","_");print}'` diskimage: if(-e "$user_diskimage") then # use a pre-made disk image set diskimage_dir = `dirname $user_diskimage` set diskimage_dir = `cd $diskimage_dir ; pwd` set archive_disk_dir = `cd ${archive_disk} ; pwd` if("$diskimage_dir" == "$archive_disk_dir") then # file is somewhere the robot can see it. set user_diskimage_name = `basename $user_diskimage` else echo "copying $user_diskimage to ${archive_disk}/image_${dvdnum}.iso" cp "$user_diskimage" ${archive_disk}/image_${dvdnum}.iso endif goto wait_for_label endif # make the iso image # echo "making disk $dvdnum image..." set mkisofserror = 0 # dry run... cat "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list |\ awk '/^\.\//{$0=substr($0,3)} {gsub("[=]","\\="); print $0"="$0}' |\ mkisofs -print-size -r $dashJ -D -graft-points -path-list - >&! ${tempfile}mkisofs.log if($status) then echo "ERROR calculating disk image size" set mkisofserror = 1 endif set imagesize = `awk '/Total extents scheduled/{print $NF}' ${tempfile}mkisofs.log` if("$smbclient" == "") then # use filesystem to transfer the image cat "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list |\ awk '/^\.\//{$0=substr($0,3)} {gsub("[=]","\\="); print $0"="$0}' |\ sh -c "mkisofs -r $dashJ -D -graft-points -o "${archive_disk}"/image_${dvdnum}.iso -path-list - " |&\ tee ${tempfile}mkisofs.log |\ awk -v dvdnum=$dvdnum '/estimate finish/{\ printf " preparing to write disk #%s %s\r",dvdnum,$1}' if($status) then echo "ERROR preparing disk image." set mkisofserror = 1 endif else # use smbclient to transfer the image cat "$dvd" |\ awk '/^\.\//{$0=substr($0,3)} {gsub("[=]","\\="); print $0"="$0}' |\ ( mkisofs -r $dashJ -D -graft-points -path-list - | $smbclient -c "put - image_${dvdnum}.iso" ) |&\ tee ${tempfile}mkisofs.log |\ awk -v dvdnum=$dvdnum '/estimate finish/{\ printf " preparing to write disk #%s %s\r",dvdnum,$1}' if($status) then # something went wrong in the transfer... set mkisofserror = 1 endif endif grep -i error ${tempfile}mkisofs.log if(! $status) then echo "mkisofs gave an error? " endif set writtensize = `tail ${tempfile}mkisofs.log | awk '/extents written/{print $1}'` if("$writtensize" != "$imagesize") then echo "ERROR: disk image is not the right size" set mkisofserror = 1 endif if ("$smbclient" == "") then # ${archive_disk} cannot be accessed via SMB, must be a filesystem if(-e "${archive_disk}"/image_${dvdnum}.iso) then # set test = `file "${archive_disk}"/image_${dvdnum}.iso` # if("$test" !~ *ISO9660*) then # echo "ERROR: disk image is corrupt" # set mkisofserror = 1 # endif else # the image file does not exist! echo "ERROR: image file does not exist" set mkisofserror = 1 endif else $smbclient -c "dir image_${dvdnum}.iso" | grep "File not found" > /dev/null if( ! $status ) set mkisofserror = 1 endif if( $mkisofserror ) then # something went wrong cat ${tempfile}mkisofs.log echo "ERROR generating disk image. " if ("$smbclient" != "") then $smbclient -c "rm image_${dvdnum}.iso" > /dev/null endif if (-e "${archive_disk}"/image_${dvdnum}.iso) then rm -f "${archive_disk}"/image_${dvdnum}.iso > /dev/null endif echo "Sorry! " set test = `awk '/Error/ && /Joliet/' ${tempfile}mkisofs.log | wc -l` if("$test") then echo "abandoning Windows-compatible format" set dashJ = "" goto diskimage endif rm -f ${tempfile}mkisofs.log >& /dev/null # try again? wait goto startover endif set dashJ = "-J" rm -f ${tempfile}mkisofs.log >& /dev/null # finish off message echo " preparing to write disk #$dvdnum 100% " wait_for_label: # wait for the label to finish (it was generating in the background) wait if (-e "$user_label") then echo "using $user_label as the disk label" if ("$user_label" != "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.bmp) then cp -f "$user_label" "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.bmp >& /dev/null endif else set bmpfile = `awk '/bmp is ready/{print $1;exit}' ${tempfile}autolabel.log` rm -f ${tempfile}autolabel.log >& /dev/null if(! -e "$bmpfile") then cat ${tempfile}autolabel.log echo "ERROR generating disk $dvdnum label. " echo "Sorry! " rm -f ${tempfile}autolabel.log # try again? goto startover endif rm -f ${tempfile}autolabel.log rm -f "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.bmp > /dev/null mv ${bmpfile} "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.bmp >& /dev/null rm -f ${bmpfile} > /dev/null endif # wait a tic for SMBFS to catch up? sleep 5 # now write the order file echo "submitting to robot as: $orderid" set diskimage_name = "${remote_folder}image_${dvdnum}.iso" set delete = "_DELETE" if( $?user_diskimage_name ) then set diskimage_name = "${remote_folder}$user_diskimage_name" set delete = "" endif cat << EOF | awk '{printf "%s\r\n", $0}' >! "${archive_disk}"/order_${dvdnum}.nwp order_id=$orderid priority=$priority media=DVDR filetype=IMAGE$delete file=$diskimage_name copies=$copies label=${remote_folder}bmp_label.btw merge=${remote_folder}label_${dvdnum}.txt labtype=EDITOR_FMT fixate=NOAPPEND EOF # bump us up if we are in a hurry if($priority < 4) then foreach order ( ${archive_disk}"/order_* ) if("$order" != "${archive_disk}/order_${dvdnum}.nwp") then echo "bumping $order" touch $order endif end endif set backlog = `ls -1 $archive_disk | awk -v dvdnum=$dvdnum '/^order_/ && ! /don0$/{++n} $1~"^order_"dvdnum{us=n} END{print us"/"n}'` if ("$backlog" == "1/1") set backlog = first echo "disk #$dvdnum is $backlog in the queue" # allow the Network Publisher to change/delete these files chmod a+rw "${archive_disk}"/order_${dvdnum}.nwp >& /dev/null chmod a+rw "${archive_disk}"/image_${dvdnum}.iso >& /dev/null chmod a+rw "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.txt >& /dev/null chmod a+rw "${archive_disk}"/label_${dvdnum}.bmp >& /dev/null chmod a+rw "${archive_disk}"/files_${dvdnum}.list >& /dev/null # remember where we are (for -realtime mode) if(-e ${tempfile}dated) then # use this in case somebody touched the last file while we were busy archiving it awk '{print "DVD|"$0}' $dvd |\ tac - ${tempfile}dated |\ awk '{file=substr($0,index($0,"|")+1)} \ /^DVD/{dvd[file]=1;next} NF>6 && dvd[file]{print $1,"|"file;exit}' |\ cat >! ${tempfile}lastfile set lastfile = `cat ${tempfile}lastfile` rm -f ${tempfile}lastfile >& /dev/null if($#lastfile < 2) then # do an exhaustive search awk '{print "DVD|"$0}' $dvd |\ cat - ${tempfile}dated |\ awk '{file=substr($0,index($0,"|")+1)} \ /^DVD/{dvd[file]=1;next} NF>8 && dvd[file]{print $1,"|"file}' |\ sort -n |\ tail -1 >! ${tempfile}lastfile set lastfile = `cat ${tempfile}lastfile` rm -f ${tempfile}lastfile >& /dev/null endif else # somebody deleted out tempfile? echo "WARNING: ${tempfile}dated deleted " set lastfile = `awk '{print "puts \"[file mtime "$0"] |"$0"\""}' $dvd | tclsh | sort -n | tail -1 | awk 'NF>1'` endif if("$lastfile" == "") then set BAD = "lost my place in time" goto exit endif set lastarchive = "$lastfile[1]" if("$note" != "" && -w /data/log) then # create a record of the last file we backed up in this "stream" set stream = `echo "$note $dirs" | awk -F "[ \/]" '$NF==""{$NF=$(NF-1)} {print tolower($1)"_"$NF}'` rm -f /data/log/last_${stream}_backup.txt >& /dev/null echo "$lastfile" >! /data/log/last_${stream}_backup.txt set last_file = `awk '$2~/^|/{print substr($0,index($0,"|")+1)}' /data/log/last_${stream}_backup.txt` touch --reference "$last_file" /data/log/last_${stream}_backup.txt endif end if ($?REALTIME) goto startover goto exit exit: if($?BAD) then echo "" echo "" echo "ERROR: $BAD " exit 9 endif exit finishup: onintr unset REALTIME goto startover exit Setup: ############################################################# # platform-specific issues set test = `echo "123asdf" | awk '{print $1+0}'` if("$test" != "123") then alias awk nawk set test = `echo "123asdf" | awk '{print $1+0}'` if("$test" != "123") alias awk gawk set test = `echo "123asdf" | awk '{print $1+0}'` if("$test" != "123") then set BAD = "awk no good" goto exit endif endif set test = `echo -n "\r" |& od -c | wc -w` if("$test" != 3) then alias echo /bin/echo set test = `echo -n "\r" |& od -c | wc -w` if("$test" != 3) alias echo '/bin/echo -e' set test = `echo -n "\r" |& od -c | wc -w` if("$test" != 3) alias echo /usr/bin/echo set test = `echo -n "\r" |& od -c | wc -w` if("$test" != 3) alias echo '/bin/echo \!* | awk '\''/^-n/{printf "%s", substr($0,4) ; exit} {print}'\' set test = `echo -n "\r" |& od -c | wc -w` if("$test" != 3) then set BAD = "echo command is broken" goto exit endif endif set test = `echo "string is digit 1" | /usr/bin/tclsh |& wc -l` if($test != 0) then set test = `echo "string is digit 1" | tclsh |& wc -l` if($test != 0) alias tclsh tclsh8.2 set test = `echo "string is digit 1" | tclsh |& wc -l` if($test != 0) alias tclsh tclsh8.3 set test = `echo "string is digit 1" | tclsh |& wc -l` if($test != 0) then setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ~jamesh alias tclsh ~jamesh/tclsh8.2 echo "" | tclsh >& /dev/null if("$status") then set BAD = "tclsh not available" goto exit endif endif alias sock_exchange.tcl "tclsh `which sock_exchange.tcl` \!*" endif ###################################################################### set priority = 4 #set NICE set media = DVD set copies = 1 set splitusers = 0 set user_label = "" set user_dvdnum = "" #set noglob set dirs set lists set onlyfind = "default " set not = "default " set sumopts = "" set dummy set dashJ = "-J" set titles = ( "" "" ) set note = "" set lastarchive = 0 set lastdvd = "" set last_done = "" set finish_signal_file = " default " set user_diskimage = "" set archive_disk = "/archive" #set remote_folder = "C:\Orders\" set remote_folder = "O:\Orders\" #set remote_folder = "" set tempfile = /tmp/tempfile_rimage if($?USER) then if(-e /tmp/${USER}) set tempfile = /tmp/${USER}/tempfile_rimage endif # clear any old temp files #rm -f ${tempfile}* set tempfile = ${tempfile}$$ rm -f ${tempfile}* >& /dev/null if ($?DEBUG) then echo "DEBUGGING" set tempfile = /tmp/archive/tmp/tempfile set archive_disk = "/tmp/archive" mkdir -p $archive_disk endif # this is how you should mount the windows share # smbmount //bl831archive.dhcp.lbl.gov/archive /archive -o "dmask=777,fmask=777,username=Administrator%12345" # smbmount //archive/orders /archive -o "lfs,dmask=777,fmask=777,username=Administrator%" # or in fstab: # //archive/orders /archive smbfs lfs,dmask=777,fmask=777,username=Administrator%12345 0 0 set path = ( `dirname $0` $path ) if($#argv == 0) then set BAD goto Help endif set i = 0 while($i < $#argv) @ i = ( $i + 1 ) @ j = ( $i + 1 ) set arg = "$argv[$i]" set ARG = `echo $arg | awk '{print toupper($1)}'` if("$arg" =~ *@*) then set alert_email = "$arg" echo "will alert $alert_email when each DVD is ready." endif if(-e "$arg") then if("$arg" =~ *.bmp) then set user_label = $arg echo "using $user_label as the disk label" continue endif test -d $arg if((! $status) && ("$arg" !~ */)) then set arg = "${arg}/" endif test -d $arg if($status) then # not a directory if("$arg" =~ *.iso) then set user_diskimage = "$arg" continue endif set lists = ( $lists $arg ) continue endif if(! $?NO) then set dirs = ( $dirs $arg ) else set not = ( $not $arg ) endif continue endif # re-submit an old order under the same ID if("$arg" == "-repeat" && $j <= $#argv) then set test = `echo "$argv[$j]" | awk '{print $1+0}'` if(-e "${archive_disk}"/files_${test}.list) then set lists = "${archive_disk}"/files_${test}.list set user_dvdnum = $test # make sure it all goes on one disk set mediasize = 5000000000 echo "re-submitting job SN: $user_dvdnum" else echo "WARNING: $arg[$j] is not a valid job ID" endif unset noglob # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif # only back up certain patterns if("$arg" == "-only" && $j <= $#argv) then set noglob if("$onlyfind" == "default ") set onlyfind = "" set onlyfind = ( $onlyfind $argv[$j] ) unset noglob # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif if("$arg" == "-regardless" || "$arg" == "-allfiles") then set sumopts = "-nodatasets" set onlyfind = "" set not = "\n " continue endif if("$arg" == "-nice") then set NICE continue endif # only back up new files if("$arg" == "-since" && $j <= $#argv) then set file = "$argv[$j]" set epoch = `echo 'puts [clock scan "'$file'"]' | tclsh |& cat` if ("$epoch" =~ [1-9]*) then set lastarchive = $epoch set date = `echo "puts [clock format $epoch]" | tclsh` echo "backing up files since $date" endif if ("$file" == "now") then set lastarchive = `echo "puts [clock seconds]" | tclsh` echo "backing up new files only" endif if ("$file" == "hour") then set lastarchive = `echo "puts [expr [clock seconds] - 3600]" | tclsh` echo "backing up everything from one hour ago" endif if("$file" == "day") then set lastarchive = `echo "puts [expr [clock seconds] - 24*3600]" | tclsh` echo "backing up everything since yesterday" endif if ("$file" == "last") then set file = `ls -1rt ${archive_disk} | grep files | tail -1` set file = ${archive_disk}/$file set file = `awk '{print "puts \"[file mtime "$1"] "$1"\""}' $file | tclsh | sort -n | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}'` endif if (-e "$file" ) then # must be a file echo "last backed-up file was $file" set lastarchive = `echo "puts [file mtime $file]" | tclsh` endif # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif # set the robot priority if("$arg" == "-priority" && $j <= $#argv) then set num = `echo $argv[$j] | awk 'int($1+0)==$1{print $1}'` if ("$num" != "") then set priority = $num endif # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif # select multiple copies if("$arg" == "-copies" && $j <= $#argv) then set num = `echo $argv[$j] | awk 'int($1+0)==$1{print $1}'` if ("$num" != "") then set copies = $num endif # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif if("$arg" == "-realtime") then set REALTIME set AUTO if (-e $finish_signal_file) then # reset the "finished" flag rm -f $finish_signal_file > /dev/null endif onintr finishup continue endif if("$arg" =~ *splituse*) then # don't mix users on the same DVD set splitusers = 1 if($?NO) set splitusers = 0 continue endif # user specificed "finish" signal if("$arg" == "-finish" && $j <= $#argv) then set finish_signal_file = "$argv[$j]" # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif if("$arg" =~ *dpi) then set dpi = `echo $arg | awk '{print $1+0}'` continue endif if("$arg" == "CD") then set media = "CD" continue endif if("$arg" == "DVD") then set media = "DVD" continue endif if("$arg" == "-auto") then set AUTO continue endif # user-selectable title if("$arg" == "-title" && $j <= $#argv) then if("$titles[1]" == "") then set titles[1] = "$argv[$j]" else set titles[2] = "$argv[$j]" endif # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif # user-selectable note (to appear next to serial number) if("$arg" == "-note" && $j <= $#argv) then set note = "$argv[$j]" # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif # user-selectable media size if("$arg" == "-mediasize" && $j <= $#argv) then set size = `echo $argv[$j] | awk '/G/{$1*=1e9} /M/{$1*=1e6} /[kK]/{$1*=1e3} {printf "%.0f",$1}'` set test = `echo $size | awk '{print ($1>300e6)}'` if("$test") then set mediasize = "$size" else echo "WARNING: media size of $size bytes is not realistic" echo "WARNING: media size must be given in bytes" endif # skip two this time @ i = ( $i + 1 ) continue endif if($?NO) then if("$not" == "default ") set not = "" set not = ( $not $arg ) endif if(("$ARG" =~ NO*) || ("$ARG" =~ "-NO"*)) then set NO continue endif unset NO end touch ${tempfile}filenames >& /dev/null if($status && $?CCP4_SCR) then set tempfile = ${CCP4_SCR}/tempfile endif touch ${tempfile}filenames >& /dev/null if($status && -e /tmp/${USER}) then set tempfile = /tmp/${USER}/tempfile endif touch ${tempfile}filenames >& /dev/null if ($status ) set tempfile = /tmp/tempfile if ("$finish_signal_file" == " default ") then set finish_signal_file = "/data/log/finished_run" if($#dirs == 1) then # there is only one monitor directory, let's watch it set finish_signal_file = "${dirs}/finished_run" endif endif # default to exclude common undesirables if("$not" == "default ") set not = "\.imx_ \.dkx_ mtz2various_TMP \.adxv_beam_center tempfile sent_home _temp align MiscScans scan\.inf scan\.efs on\.jpg beam\.jpg diff\.jpg in\.jpg diff.\.jpg sqr.\.jpg thresh\.jpg blob\.jpg over\.jpg marked\.jpg" # create exclusion definitions set not = `echo " $not " | awk 'BEGIN{RS=" "} NF==1{printf "%s|", $1}'` set not = `echo $not | awk '{print substr($1,1,length($1)-1)}'` if ("$not" == "") set not = "\n " # default to just images if("$onlyfind" == "default ") set onlyfind = "jpg jpeg img scan" set onlyfind = `echo " $onlyfind " | awk 'BEGIN{RS=" "} NF==1{printf "%s|", $1}'` set onlyfind = `echo "$onlyfind" | awk '{print substr($1,1,length($1)-1)}'` if(! $?mediasize) then set mediasize = 4600000000 set mediasize = 4000000000 if ("$media" == "CD") set mediasize = 683483136 endif # go into auto mode if user is not interactive test -t 1 if($status) set AUTO # smbclient command to use to access the DVD robot computer set smbclient = "smbclient //archive/orders -U Administrator -N" set computer = `df $archive_disk | tail -1 | awk '/^\/\//{print $1}' | awk -F "[/]" '{print $3}'` # explicitly set up smbclient to mimic the smbmount mountpoint (if it works) if("$computer" != "") then set sharename = `df $archive_disk | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'` set username = `grep $archive_disk /etc/fstab | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F "[=]" 'BEGIN{RS=","} /username/{print $2}'` if ("$username" != "" && "$sharename" != "") then set smbclient = "smbclient $sharename -U $username -N" endif else # $archive_disk must be a local filesystem set smbclient = "" endif # make sure we know the share name set sharename = `echo "$smbclient" | awk '{print $2}'` # this is how you should mount the windows share # smbmount //archive/orders /archive -o "lfs,dmask=777,fmask=777,username=Administrator%password" # or in fstab: # //archive/orders /archive smbfs lfs,dmask=777,fmask=777,username=Administrator%12345 0 0 goto Return_from_Setup end end end end end end # benchmarks: mkisofs on local raid: 5:47.58 mkisofs onto grph2: 10:00.52 cp image onto grph2: 9:53.20 cp image onto grph1: 3:59.33 cp image onto grph3: 5:40.55 cp image on graphics1: 3:51.57 cp into null on grph1: 3:30.42 cp into null on servr: 3:17.52 cp into null on data4: 0:36.45 cp into null on grph3: 1:41.82