;+ ;Project :SolarB EIS ; ;Name :eis_generate_raster_title ; ;Purpose :Used for eis_mk_raster interface ; ;Category :EIS technical planning ; ;Input :structure of type eis_raster ; ;Output :string ; ;Written :Chunkey Lepine, RAL, d.r.lepine@rl.ac.uk, 0044-1235-44-6515 ; ;Version :V0 October 2005 ; ;- ;************************************************************************ FUNCTION eis_generate_raster_title, ra ;print,'generating raster title' CASE ra.slitindex OF 0: Slit = '1"' 1: Slit = '250"' 2: Slit = '2"' 3: Slit = '40"' ELSE: stop ENDCASE ; Update exposure times label expTimeValue = STRARR(ra.nExp) FOR i = 0,ra.nExp -1 DO BEGIN expTime = ra.exposures[i]/1000. delTime = ra.delays[i] blah1 = STRCOMPRESS( STRING(format='(F-6.2)',expTime),/REMOVE_ALL) blah2 = STRCOMPRESS( STRING(format='(I-6)',delTime),/REMOVE_ALL) expTimeValue[i] = blah1 + '(' + blah2 + ')' ENDFOR expTime = STRJOIN(['[ExpT(Delay):',expTimeValue,']'],/single) windows = '[wH:' + STRING(format='(I4)' , ra.windHeight) + ',' + $ 'nWins:' + STRING(format='(I2)' , ra.nWindows) + ',' + $ 'LL:' + STRING(format='(I06)' , ra.ll_id) ; + ']' IF (ra.split EQ 1) THEN split = '(s)' ELSE split = '' windows = STRJOIN([windows,split,']'],/SINGLE) ; Raster Type IF (ra.rasterType EQ 0) THEN BEGIN rType = '[Scan:' steps = STRING(format='(I4)',ra.scan_FM_nSteps) + '(' sSize = STRING(format='(I4)',ra.scan_FM_stepSize) + '")steps]' rT = STRJOIN([rType,steps,sSize] , /SINGLE) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (ra.sns_nExps EQ 1) THEN blah = 'set' ELSE blah = 'sets' rT = '[SNS:' + STRING(format='(I5)',ra.sns_nExps) + blah + ']' ENDELSE ra_id = '[RA:' + STRING(format='(I06)' , ra.id) + ']' slitSlot = '[ss:' + STRING(format='(A3)',Slit) + ']' nExposures = '[Exps:' + expTimeValue + ']' titleString = [ra_id,rt,slitSlot,windows,expTime] title = STRCOMPRESS(STRJOIN(titleString , /SINGLE) , /REMOVE_ALL) RETURN, title END