;+ ;NAME: show_specs ;CALL: show_specs,time,[keywords] ;KEYWORDS: advance: advances to the next time ; zlog: makes color axis log ; subtract: subtracts 90 from 180 and 0 ; nlines: # of lines for the contour ; nofill: doesn't fill in the contour ; showdata: shows the data points ; erange: the erange ; xrange: the xrange ; range: the zrange ; b3: uses b3 data ; units: specifies the units ; var_label: specifies the variable labels ; plotenergy: plots energy instead of velocity ; vel: tells which velocity to use for bulk flow (def: v_3d_ph2) ; smooth: smooths the data ; onecnt: shows the one count line ; eesah: does a plot for eesa high as well ; pesah: does a plot for pesa high as well ; elb: uses el burst data ; sundir: plots the sun direction ; print: prints the data ;NOTES: Window 4 should be the tplot window (must be already tplotted) ; Window 1 will have eesa low velocity graphs ; Window 2 will have el_eh_spec ; Window 3 will have eesa high velocity graphs (if EESAH is set) ; Window 5 will have pesa high velocity graphs (if PESAH is set) ;CREATED: Arjun Raj (8-19-97) ;- pro show_specs,thetime,advance = advance,zlog=zlog,erange = erange,range = range,xrange = xrange,b3=b3,units = units,showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,nofill = nofill,var_label = var_label,phb=phb,subtract = subtract,sundir = sundir,elb = elb,eesah = eesah,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,print = print,pesah = pesah,olines = olines,notctek = notctek if not keyword_set(vel) then vel = 'v_3d_ph1' if keyword_set(elb) then el = get_elb((thetime),advance = advance) else $ el = get_el((thetime),advance = advance) ;if keyword_set(phb) then begin ; elb = 1 ; el = get_phb((thetime),advance = advance) ;endif eh = get_eh(el.time-4) ph = get_ph2(el.time-4) if keyword_set(elb) then ph = get_phb(el.time -1) ;if keyword_set(print) then ph = get_phb(el.time-1) print,time_string(el.time) print,time_string(eh.time) print,time_string(ph.time) print,'el.time = '+time_string(el.time) if keyword_set(olines) then blah = olines else blah = 0 store_data,'blah',data = {ytitle:time_string(el.time-1), m:blah} wi,4 get_data,'old_time',data = old_time,index = theindex device, get_graphics = old,set_graphics = 6 color =!d.n_colors-1 @tplot_com tplot_x = tplot_vars.settings.x time_offset=tplot_vars.settings.time_offset time_scale = tplot_vars.settings.time_scale if theindex ne 0 then begin px = old_time.x ;coords = convert_coord((px-time_offset)/time_scale,0,/data,/to_norm) coords = data_to_normal((px-time_offset)/time_scale,tplot_x) px = coords(0) plots,[px,px],[0,1],color = color,/norm,thick = 1,lines = 0 end px = el.time ;coords = convert_coord((px-time_offset)/time_scale,0,/data,/to_norm) coords = data_to_normal((px-time_offset)/time_scale,tplot_x) plots,[coords(0),coords(0)],[0,1],color = color,/norm,thick = 1,lines = 0 device,set_graphics = old store_data,'old_time',data = {x:px,y:px} date = time_string(el.time) newstring = strmid(date,0,10) + '_' + strmid(date,11,8) ;************COMPLETELY EXPERIMENTAL PRINTING THING****************** if keyword_set(print) then begin pp2,newstring,/land !p.multi = [0,1,32] device,font_size = 10 ;get_v_spec_t,el,sundir = sundir,erange = erange,range = range,b3 = b3,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,var_label = var_label,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,position=[.60,.50,.92,.95],olines = olines ;if keyword_set(elb) then get_en_pa_spec,el,b3 = b3,zlog = zlog,xrange = xrange,onecnt = onecnt,sundir = sundir,range = range,units = units,subtract = subtract,position = [.08,.18,.40,.95] else $ ;get_el_eh_spec,thetime,b3 = b3,sundir = sundir,zlog = zlog,xrange = xrange,onecnt = onecnt,range = range,units = units,subtract = subtract,position = [.08,.50,.40,.95] ;MORE EXPERIMENTAL STUFF get_v_spec_t,el,sundir = sundir,erange = erange,range = range,b3 = b3,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,var_label = var_label,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,position=[.69,.62,.92,.95],pos2 = [.69,.18,.95,.5],olines = olines get_v_spec_t,ph,sundir = sundir,range = range,b3 = b3,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,position=[.05,.62,.3,.95],olines = olines get_v_spec_t,ph,sundir = sundir,range = range,b3 = b3,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,/nosub,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,position=[.38,.62,.61,.95],olines = olines if strpos(el.data_name, 'Burst') ne -1 then get_en_pa_spec,el,b3 = b3,zlog = zlog,xrange = xrange,onecnt = onecnt,sundir = sundir,range = range,units = units,subtract = subtract,position = [.05,.18,.3,.5],pos2 = [.38,.18,.59,.5] else $ get_el_eh_spec,thetime,b3 = b3,zlog = zlog,xrange = xrange,onecnt = onecnt,sundir = sundir,range = range,units = units,subtract = subtract,thepos = [.05,.35,.59,.55],the2pos = [.05,.15,.59,.32] if keyword_set(notctek) then pplot2,newstring else pplot2,newstring,/col endif else begin ;******************************** wi,1 get_v_spec_t,el,sundir = sundir,erange = erange,range = range,b3 = b3,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,var_label = var_label,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,olines = olines wi,2 thetime = time_string(el.time) if keyword_set(elb) then get_en_pa_spec,el,b3 = b3,zlog = zlog,xrange = xrange,onecnt = onecnt,sundir = sundir,range = range,units = units,subtract = subtract else $ get_el_eh_spec,thetime,b3 = b3,sundir = sundir,zlog = zlog,xrange = xrange,onecnt = onecnt,range = range,units = units,subtract = subtract if keyword_set(eesah) then begin wi,3 get_v_spec_t,eh,b3 = b3,sundir = sundir,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,onecnt = onecnt,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,olines = olines endif if keyword_set(pesah) then begin wi,5 get_v_spec_t,ph,b3 = b3,sundir = sundir,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,onecnt = onecnt,nlines = nlines,nofill =nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,olines = olines wi,6 get_v_spec_t,ph,b3 = b3,sundir = sundir,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,onecnt = onecnt,nlines = nlines,nofill =nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,/nosubtract,olines = olines endif if keyword_set(phb) then begin wi,5 ph = get_phb(el.time - 1,advance=advance) get_v_spec_t,ph,sundir = sundir,erange = erange,range = range,b3 = b3,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,olines=olines wi,6 get_v_spec_t,ph,sundir = sundir,erange = erange,range = range,b3 = b3,units = 'df',showdata = showdata,nlines = nlines,nofill = nofill,zlog = zlog,plotenergy = plotenergy,onecnt = onecnt,/cr,/gr,smooth = smooth,vel = vel,/nosub,olines = olines endif endelse end