============================== b01.txt ============================= p16.04.03 build 1 - 11 Jan 05 Online Level 3 release Level3: bellavan l3fcalcluster p16-04-01-br-02 <- p16-04-01-br-01 change method arguements from variables to addresses of variables where possible to save calling time (mostly in L3CalCluster_base); initialize pointer _UnpCal to 0x0 in L3CalCluster_case constructor; swap blah++ to ++blah to increase speed where possible; rework L3TCalCluster method SConeCluster() slightly to increase speed (code changes for this from Volker Buescher) l3fisolation p16-br-14 <- p16-br-11 move location of where swarm objects are calculated within DoThisTool from last to first in hopes of speeding things up when doing tracks bug fix: undo changes made anticipating l3tCalUnpTool interface change l3fstatmanager p16-br-05 <- p16-br-04 Fixed missing set_count calls in l3ToolStats and l3FilterStats which solves a problem with persistancy of timing information l3ftrigger_base p16-br-11 <- p16-br-10 Modifed the execution order of filter scripts associated with a given l2 trigger bit. Now carried out in order of appearance in the trigger_text part of the trigger programming l3tCalUnpTool p16-br-03-br-04 <- p16-br-03-br-03 remove unnecessary layer of indirection in DoThisTool call (i.e. removed _DoThisToolGB() method); swap blah++ with ++blah to increase speed where possible; reduce redundant logic calculations, for example: (_Chan_SCA(modword) ? 1 : 8)==1 becomes just _Chan_SCA(modword); reduce setting of variable "gain" in DoThisTool() method from three statements to two; switch for-loop conditionals from "<=" or ">=" to "<" or ">" where possible for speed; re-write Get_CellsInCone(...) method to exit sooner in case of range problems; simplify main execution loop in Get_CellsInCone(...) method; remove GetId() call from destructor (causes crashes occasionally) ============================== b02.txt ============================= p16.04.03 build 2 - 12 Jan 05 == Level2: bellavan l3tCalUnpTool p16-br-03-br-03 <- p16-br-03-br-04 Backout to the previous version