EMS Data Processing Components

User 's Guide

H. Glass, J. DiMarco

The user may first wish to read an overview of the Extensible Measurement System.

The harmonics data processing part of EMS is divided into several components. The components that should be used depend on the type of probe signal readout being used by the measurement system. Two types of readout are handled by EMS:

  1. integrated voltages (PDI)
  2. raw voltages (DVM)
Both readout types assume digital bucking. Future versions of EMS may process analog bucking systems.

The principal task of the user is to connect the components together in a meaningful way and to set component properties. This User's Guide explains how this is done.

The data processing components are:

The natural flow of these components is pictured in a graphical presentation (PowerPoint). In most cases, the user will connect components using the illustrated schemes. Details of how to make the connections depend upon the measurement procedure (how the measurement is done and how the raw data are organized), and the analysis goals (what information the user expects to extract from the processed data).

Common measurement procedures

  1. blah blah

Common analysis strategies

  1. blah blah

Component properties and connections

  1. blah blah

Running the EMS program and controlling the data processing flow

  1. blah blah


Page last modified 5/8/00 by Hank Glass.



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