FLUD Logfile (in raw format)

Figure 1 illustrates some typical widgets corresponding to those in the example.
Figure 1: A Few Typical Widgets

Logfile records tend to be too long to fit on a conventional single printed line, so these records have been broken up for display purposes only, using a trailing backslash to indicate continuation. True logfile records may not be broken up in this way. Embedded comments (lines starting with "--") help to explain the meaning of the lines immediately following.

-- The loghead record contains information pertaining to the 
-- entire session
loghead  2000/01/18-13:33:44.22 subject=joe_jones version=v1 time_zone=-5 \
     generator=WebVIP browser_hw=SGI-Indigo-2 \
     browser_sw="netscape-v4.2 for IRIX6.5" \
     detected_U=keyrelease,pointerpress,pointerrelease,enterwidget  \
-- Taskhead marks the beginning of a new task.
taskhead 2000/01/18-13:33:46.12 task01 website=VVR-home testdata=default.dat
-- here we see a page being "spontaneously" loaded - at least,
-- there is no record of a user request
event 2000/01/18-13:33:46.44 win_01 \
     #OP newpage loading  *    url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah"
event 2000/01/18-13:33:46.44 win_01 \
     #OP newpage complete *    url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah"
-- in the next two records, the user grabs the resizing handle on
-- the window and resizes it; only the initial and final state are shown.
event 2000/01/18-13:33:48.22 win_01 \
     #U pointerpress   screen_xy=22,33      button=1 \
     #W win_resizer handle value=yes level=window ready=focus
-- Here is a good example of the components of an event: the user
-- has released the mouse button (#U) from the window resizer
-- widget (#W) and as a result the window now has a new size (#WN).
event 2000/01/18-13:33:49.9  win_01 \
     #U pointerrelease screen_xy=212,343    button=1 \
     #W win_resizer handle value=no level=window ready=focus    \
     #WN * resize up_left=11,22 low_right=345,567
-- Random keypress on the webpage, with no effect
event 2000/01/18-13:33:54.22 win_01 url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah" \
     #U keypress  webpage_xy=234,432 key=f3
-- a questionnaire block
qhead    2000/01/18-13:33:55.11 Questionnaire_22
qrec     Q_006 "about once a week"
qrec     Q_007 7.233
qend     2000/01/18-13:33:56.2
-- user clicks on an active image to request a newpage
event    2000/01/18-13:33:56.3 win_01 url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah" \
     #U pointerpress webpage_xy=4,5 button=shift-2 \
     #W "details.jpeg"    link value=yes level=page   \
     #OP newpage request * url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html"
event    2000/01/18-13:33:56.8 win_01 url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah" \
     #U pointerrelease webpage_xy=4,5 button=shift-2 \
     #W "details.jpeg" link
-- user slides mouse off the old window
event    2000/01/18-13:33:58.1 win_01 \
     #U leavewindow
-- new window opens and new page appears as requested;  only the 
-- top 37% of the webpage is visible within the window named win_02.
event    2000/01/18-13:33:58.6 win_02 \
     #WN * open up_left=20,10 low_right=520,810
event    2000/01/18-13:34:01.1 win_02 \
     #OP newpage loading *  url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html"
event    2000/01/18-13:34:02.2 win_02 \
     #U pointermove webpage_xy=45,67
event    2000/01/18-13:34:03.1 win_02 \
     #OP newpage complete * url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #OP page_locate win_03 url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html"\
         horizontal=0.0,0.0 vertical=0.0,0.37
-- user clicks on a radio button, specifying yogurt for dessert
event    2000/01/18-13:34:03.6 win_02 \
     url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #W "dessert.yogurt" radio value=yes
-- what was he thinking? - opts for mango instead - notice state
-- change induced in the original yogurt widget
event    2000/01/18-13:34:03.7 win_02  \
     url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #W  "dessert.mango"  radio value=yes \
     #OW "dessert.yogurt" radio value=no
-- user types "glo" into a textbox
event    2000/01/18-13:34:04.1 win_02 \
     url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #U enterwidget \
     #W "comment.txt" textbox value="":0,0 level=page ready=focus
event    2000/01/18-13:34:04.2 win_02 \
     url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #U keypress webpage_xy=2,3 key=g \
     #W "comment.txt" textbox value="g":1,0
event    2000/01/18-13:34:04.3 win_02 \
     url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #U keypress webpage_xy=2,3 key=l \
     #W "comment.txt" textbox value="gl":2,0
event    2000/01/18-13:34:04.4 win_02 \
     url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #U keypress webpage_xy=2,3 key=o \
     #W "comment.txt" textbox value="glo":3,0
event    2000/01/18-13:34:04.9 win_02 \
     url="http://zingy.ncsl.nist.gov/blah/details.html" \
     #U leavewidget \
     #W "comment.txt" textbox value="glo":3,0 level=page ready=blur
-- end of task. Note use of ad hoc fields for task metrics;
-- FLUD does not define num_found or time_taken.
taskend  2000/01/18-13:34:45.00 task01 num_found=22 time_taken=26.23
-- questionnaire outside of a task
qhead    2000/01/18-13:34:48.11 Questionnaire_22
qrec     Q_001 yes
qrec     Q_002 37
qrec     Q_003 b
qrec     Q_011 fewer
qrec     Q_012 "yes, but with more fish"
qend     2000/01/18-13:38:11.2
-- in this task, the subject just jumps among webpages
taskhead 2000/01/18-13:40:00.01 task-glorp website=VVR-home \
event    2000/01/18-13:40:02.2 win_01 #OP newpage loading  * url="/aa"
event    2000/01/18-13:40:04.2 win_01 #OP newpage complete * url="/aa"
event    2000/01/18-13:40:07.6 win_01 #OP newpage request  * url="/bb"
event    2000/01/18-13:40:11.2 win_01 #OP newpage complete * url="/bb"
event    2000/01/18-13:40:44.4 win_01 #OP newpage request  * url="/ff"
event    2000/01/18-13:40:55.1 win_01 #OP newpage request  * url="/dd"
-- subject complains about the test procedure
note     2000/01/18-13:40:56.2 subject "This was a stupid test..."
taskend  2000/01/18-13:41:02.2 task-glorp num_found=22 time_taken=26.23
-- tester refutes subject's complaint
note     2000/01/18-13:43:56.2 tester "No it wasn't"
logend   2000/01/18-13:50:00.0 status=completed num-tasks=2

Version 1.1
Page last modified: 15 May 2002
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)