United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller


April 2, 2005


WASHINGTON, D.C.– Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) issued the following statement after the death of John Paul II this afternoon:

“I am deeply saddened by the death of Pope John Paul II.  The Pope has provided inspiration, leadership, and hope through a tumultuous period in the world’s history and has been a powerful presence in the lives of not just Catholics, but people of all faiths.  John Paul II has been a man of peace, someone who was extraordinary in reaching out to all people in his tireless efforts to improve the human condition.

“Pope John Paul II was a beacon of light and freedom for all people of the world.  He opposed Nazism during World War II and, at great personal risk, during the Cold War he challenged the powers of Soviet Europe that controlled his homeland of Poland and the rest of the Eastern Bloc.  Throughout his papacy, he reached out to promote religious freedom, economic justice, and peace.  As head of the Catholic Church, he held great power, but he acted with humbleness and quiet authority.

“The Pope’s legacy will affect the course of human history.  The best way to honor his legacy is to lead our lives in a manner that respects life, works for freedom, and strives to relieve human suffering. 

“Over the last hours and days, people across the globe have assembled to offer their prayers for Pope John Paul II.  This outpouring of emotion is an extraordinary testament to the millions of lives that he touched.  I am sure that Pope John Paul II will continue to be an inspiration for us all.”