;+ ; Project : SDAC ; ; Name : XSHOW ; ; Purpose : To show (unmap) an X widget ; ; Explanation : So obvious, that explaining it will take more ; lines than the code. ; ; Category : widgets ; ; Use : XSHOW,ID ; ; Inputs : ID = widget ids to show ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : NAME = set if input ID is a an event handler name ; ALL = set to show all instances of NAME ; ; Written : Dominic Zarro (ARC) ; ; Version : Version 1.0, 18 September 1993 ; Version 2.0, 17 November 1999 -- added /all, /name ; ;- pro xshow,id,sensitive=sensitive,name=name,all=all if not exist(id) then return if keyword_set(name) and (datatype(id) eq 'STR') then $ ids=get_handler_id(id,all=all) else ids=id nid=n_elements(ids) if nid gt 0 then begin for i=0,nid-1 do begin if xalive(ids(i)) then begin realized=widget_info(ids(i),/realized) widget_control,ids(i),/map,/show,realize=(not realized),iconify=0 if keyword_set(sensitive) then widget_control,ids(i),/sensitive endif endfor endif return & end