War Doctor CaManr bet me acknowledge with thenits your letter regding correapondaice vith de Emif and Draper, It aems very clserly a cam of a fleld obviously need- ing exploration enit gmrtiuularly exploration which my prove convincing and thorough. ft is not B subject cua which it io easy to come to a dsoisbn, and 1 asl 0011- sequently more obUged to you for your kindnssa ia fur- nishG me with further laformation and opinion in om- neation with it, To mmer the last its= in your letter I am very sue that if you rdd like to keep Ur,Rockefellerb lettw regaxding the grant made to your inveetlgative tiork X should be very glad to have you do sor with b6st regaruls, Your8 sincerely,