CRANV1P1 ASLIB Cranfield Research Project: Factors Determining the Performance of Indexing Systems: VOLUME 1. Design, Part 1. Text acknowledgments acknowldgements Cyril Cleverdon Jack Mills Michael Keen Cranfield An investigation supported by a grant to Aslib by the National Science Foundation. Use, reproduction, or publication, in whole or in part, is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The project reported in this volume followed on from the first Aslib-cranfield project, and was again financed by a grant from the National Science Foundation. . The support of the Foundation was , as usual, not restricted to financial assistance , and 1 am most grateful for the advice and encouragement which we received , particularly from Mrs. Helen Brownson. The full-time members of the project group were Mr. Jack Mills , from September 1962 to August 1965 , Mr . Wilfrid Lancaster in the year of 1963 , and Mr . Michael Keen, who commenced in January 1963 and is still engaged on the final stages of the project . In addition , some sixty-three other persons have worked part-time at some stage . To all these people, l have to express my apprecia- tion for their efforts . An essential requirement of the project involved go-operation of a large number of research scientists . The response to our request was most satisfactory, and I acknowledge with thanks the generous assistance of some two hundred scientists . many of whom are known to me only by name . As before , Aslib administered the grant and also, on this occasion made accommodation available in their headquarters in London, and I am grateful for the help given by the Director, Mr. Leslie Wilson. and many members of his staff . I would also express my appreciation to the Principal and Senate of the College of Aeronautics for agreeing to my taking part in this project while con- tinuing my normal duties . Finally , there are many friends and colleagues with whom , during the past three years . 1 have had the opportunity of discussing the Aslib-cranfield projects . Their comments and suggestions have always been helpful, and 1 am most grateful for the interest which they have shown,