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The LXR Cross Referencer

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001 #include <algorithm>
002 #include <cassert>
003 #include <iostream>
004 #include <functional>
005 #include <string>
008 #include <strstream>  /*gnu-specific*/
009 typedef strstream __sstream;
010 #else
011 #include <sstream>
012 typedef std::ostringstream __sstream;
013 #endif
015 #include <iomanip>
016 using std::setw;
018 #include "AthenaKernel/IClassIDSvc.h"
019 #include "AthenaKernel/IProxyProviderSvc.h"
020 #include "AthenaKernel/IIOVSvc.h"
021 #include "AthenaKernel/errorcheck.h"
022 #include "GaudiKernel/IHistorySvc.h"
023 #include "GaudiKernel/ISvcLocator.h"
024 #include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
025 #include "GaudiKernel/IConversionSvc.h"
026 #include "GaudiKernel/Incident.h"
027 #include "GaudiKernel/IOpaqueAddress.h"
028 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
029 #include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
030 #include "GaudiKernel/ThreadGaudi.h"
031 #include "GaudiKernel/DataHistory.h"
032 #include "SGTools/DataBucketBase.h"
033 #include "SGTools/DataProxy.h"
034 #include "SGTools/DataStore.h"
035 #include "SGTools/StringPool.h"
036 #include "SGTools/TransientAddress.h"
037 #include "SGTools/SGVersionedKey.h"
038 #include "SGTools/unordered_map.h"
039 #include "StoreGate/ActiveStoreSvc.h"
040 #include "StoreGate/StoreClearedIncident.h"
042 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
044 using std::bind1st;
045 using std::find_if;
046 using std::mem_fun;
047 using std::not1;
048 using std::hex;
049 using std::dec;
050 using std::endl;
051 using std::ends;
052 using std::setw;
053 using std::string;
055 using SG::DataProxy;
056 using SG::DataStore;
057 using SG::TransientAddress;
059 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
060 // Remapping implementation.
062 namespace SG {
065 struct RemapImpl
066 {
067   typedef IStringPool::sgkey_t sgkey_t;
069   // Hash function for the key.
070   // Just cast the low bits to a size_t.
071   struct keyhash
072   {
073     std::size_t operator() (sgkey_t key) const
074     { return static_cast<std::size_t> (key); }
075   };
077   struct remap_t {
078     sgkey_t target;
079     off_t index_offset;
080   };
081   typedef SG::unordered_map<sgkey_t, remap_t, keyhash> remap_map_t;
082   remap_map_t m_remaps;
083 };
086 } // namespace SG
088 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
089 /// Standard Constructor
090 StoreGateSvc::StoreGateSvc(const string& name,ISvcLocator* svc)
091   : Service(name, svc), m_pIncSvc(0), m_pCLIDSvc(0), m_pDataLoader(0), 
092     m_pPPS(0), m_pHistorySvc(0), m_pStore(new DataStore), 
093     m_DumpStore(false), m_ActivateHistory(false), m_pIOVSvc(0),
094     m_storeLoaded(false),
095     m_remap_impl (new SG::RemapImpl)
096 {
097   declareProperty("Dump", m_DumpStore);
098   declareProperty("ActivateHistory", m_ActivateHistory);
099 }
102 /// Standard Destructor
103 StoreGateSvc::~StoreGateSvc()  {
104   delete m_pStore;
105   delete m_remap_impl;
106 }
108 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
109 /// Service initialisation
110 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::initialize()    {
112   MsgStream msg( messageService(), name() );
113   msg << MSG::INFO << "Initializing " << name() 
114       << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq ;
116   if(!(Service::initialize()).isSuccess()) {
117     msg << MSG::ERROR << "Could not initialize base Service !!" << endreq;
118     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
119   }
121   // set store ID (ugly!):
122   string generic_name = getGaudiThreadGenericName(name()) ;
123   if (generic_name == "StoreGateSvc" || generic_name == "EventStore") {
124     store()->setStoreID(StoreID::EVENT_STORE);
125   } else if (generic_name == "DetectorStore") {
126     store()->setStoreID(StoreID::DETECTOR_STORE);
127   }  else if (generic_name == "ConditionsStore") {
128     store()->setStoreID(StoreID::CONDITION_STORE);
129   } else if (generic_name == "InputMetaDataStore" || generic_name == "TagMetaDataStore") {
130     store()->setStoreID(StoreID::METADATA_STORE);
131   } else if (generic_name == "MetaDataStore") {
132     store()->setStoreID(StoreID::SIMPLE_STORE);
133   } else if (generic_name == "SpareStore") {
134     store()->setStoreID(StoreID::SPARE_STORE);
135   } else {
136     store()->setStoreID(StoreID::UNKNOWN);
137   }
139   static const bool CREATEIF(true);
140   // set up the incident service:
141   if (!(service("IncidentSvc", m_pIncSvc, CREATEIF)).isSuccess()) {
142     msg << MSG::ERROR 
143         << "Could not locate IncidentSvc "
144         << endreq;
145     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
146   }
148   //start listening to "EndEvent"
149   static const int PRIORITY = 100;
150   m_pIncSvc->addListener(this, "EndEvent", PRIORITY);
151   m_pIncSvc->addListener(this, "BeginEvent", PRIORITY);
153   // cache pointer to Persistency Service
154   if (!(service("EventPersistencySvc", m_pDataLoader, CREATEIF)).isSuccess()) {
155     m_pDataLoader = 0;
156     msg << MSG::ERROR
157         << "Could not get pointer to Persistency Service"
158         << endreq;
159     return StatusCode::FAILURE;;
160   }
162   if (!(service("ClassIDSvc", m_pCLIDSvc, CREATEIF)).isSuccess()) {
163     msg << MSG::ERROR
164         << "Could not get pointer to ClassID Service"
165         << endreq;
166     return StatusCode::FAILURE;;
167   }
169   if (!(service("ProxyProviderSvc", m_pPPS, CREATEIF)).isSuccess()) {
170     msg << MSG::ERROR
171         << "Could not get pointer to ProxyProvider Service"
172         << endreq;
173     return StatusCode::FAILURE;;
174   }
176   if ( 0 == m_pPPS || (m_pPPS->preLoadProxies(*m_pStore)).isFailure() )
177   {
178       msg << MSG::DEBUG
179           << " Failed to preLoad proxies"
180           << endreq;
181       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
182   }
184   // Get hold of History Service
185   if (m_ActivateHistory &&
186       !(service("HistorySvc", m_pHistorySvc, CREATEIF)).isSuccess()) {
187     msg << MSG::ERROR
188         << "Could not locate History Service"
189         << endreq;
190     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
191   }
193   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
194 }
195 /// Service start
196 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::start()    {
198   MsgStream msg( messageService(), name() );
199   msg << MSG::INFO << "Start " << name() << endreq;
200 /*
201 // This will need regFcn clients to be updated first.
202   if ( 0 == m_pPPS || (m_pPPS->preLoadProxies(*m_pStore)).isFailure() )
203   {
204       msg << MSG::DEBUG
205           << " Failed to preLoad proxies"
206           << endreq;
207       return StatusCode::FAILURE;
208   }
209 */
210   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
211 }
213 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
214 IIOVSvc* StoreGateSvc::getIIOVSvc() {
215   // Get hold of the IOVSvc
216   if (0 == m_pIOVSvc && !(service("IOVSvc", m_pIOVSvc)).isSuccess()) {
217     MsgStream mlog( msgSvc(), name() );
218     mlog << MSG::WARNING
219         << "Could not locate IOVSvc "
220         << endreq;
221   }
222   return m_pIOVSvc;
223 }
225 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
226 void StoreGateSvc::handle(const Incident &inc) {
227   MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
229   if ( inc.type() == "EndEvent" && m_DumpStore) 
230   {
231     // dump store:
233     log << MSG::DEBUG 
234         << "Dumping StoreGate Contents" 
235         << endreq;
236     log << MSG::INFO 
237         << '\n' << dump() << endl 
238         << endreq;
240   }
241   // NO MORE this is now done by the event loop mgrs
242   //  else if ( inc.type() == "BeginEvent") 
243   //  {
244   //     if ( loadEventProxies().isFailure() )
245   //     {
246   //       log << MSG::DEBUG
247   //      << " Failed to load proxies at Begin Event "
248   //      << endreq;
249   //     }
250   //  }
251 }
253 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::loadEventProxies() {
254   StatusCode sc(StatusCode::SUCCESS);
255   //FIXME this should probably be dealt with by the providers
256   if (0 != m_pPPS && !m_storeLoaded) {
257     m_storeLoaded = true;
258     //this (probably) can't be done in initialize (circular init!)
259     ActiveStoreSvc* pActive(0);
260     const bool CREATEIF(true);
261     if (!(serviceLocator()->service("ActiveStoreSvc", pActive, CREATEIF)).isSuccess()) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
262     pActive->setStore(this);
263     sc=m_pPPS->loadProxies(*m_pStore);
264   } 
265   return sc;
266 }
268 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
269 // Create a key for a type (used if the client has not specified a key)
270 string StoreGateSvc::createKey(const CLID& id)
271 {
272   __sstream o;
273   o << m_pStore->typeCount(id)+1 << std::ends;
274   string ret(o.str());
276   o.freeze(false);
277 #endif
278   return ret;
279 }
280 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
281 // clear store
282 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::clearStore(bool forceRemove)
283 {
284   emptyTrash();
285   assert(m_pStore);
286   MsgStream mlog( messageService(), name() );
287   MsgStream* pmlog( (messageService()->outputLevel(name()) <= MSG::VERBOSE) ? &mlog : 0);
288   m_pStore->clearStore(forceRemove, pmlog);
289   m_storeLoaded=false;  //FIXME hack needed by loadEventProxies
290   m_remap_impl->m_remaps.clear();
292   // Send a notification that the store was cleared.
293   if (m_pIncSvc)
294     m_pIncSvc->fireIncident (StoreClearedIncident (this, name()));
296   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
297 }
298 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
299 /// Service finalisation
300 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::finalize()    {
301   MsgStream mlog( messageService(), name() );
302   mlog << MSG::INFO << "Finalizing " << name() 
303       << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq ;
304   const bool FORCEREMOVE(true);
306   // Incident service may not work in finalize.
307   // Clear this, so that we won't try to send an incident from clearStore.
308   if (m_pIncSvc) {
309     m_pIncSvc->release();
310     m_pIncSvc = 0;
311   }
314   clearStore(FORCEREMOVE).ignore();
316   //protect against double release
317   if (m_pHistorySvc) {
318     m_pHistorySvc->release();
319     m_pHistorySvc = 0;
320   }
322   return Service::finalize();
323 }
324 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
325 /// Service reinitialization
326 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::reinitialize()    {
327   MsgStream mlog( messageService(), name() );
328   mlog << MSG::INFO << "Reinitializing " << name() 
329       << " - package version " << PACKAGE_VERSION << endreq ;
330   const bool FORCEREMOVE(true);
331   clearStore(FORCEREMOVE).ignore();
332   //not in v20r2p2! return Service::reinitialize();
333   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
334 }
336 const InterfaceID& 
337 StoreGateSvc::interfaceID() { 
338   static const InterfaceID _IID("StoreGateSvc", 1, 0);
339   return _IID; 
340 }
342   // Query the interfaces.
343   //   Input: riid, Requested interface ID
344   //          ppvInterface, Pointer to requested interface
345   //   Return: StatusCode indicating SUCCESS or FAILURE.
346   // N.B. Don't forget to release the interface after use!!!
347 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::queryInterface(const InterfaceID& riid, void** ppvInterface) 
348 {
349   if ( IProxyDict::interfaceID().versionMatch(riid) )    {
350     *ppvInterface = (IProxyDict*)this;
351   } else if ( interfaceID().versionMatch(riid) )    {
352     // In principle this should be cast to IStoreGateSvc*. However, there
353     // is an anomaly in that existing clients are using the concrete StoreGate
354     // interface instread of an abstract IStoreGateSvc interface.
355     *ppvInterface = (StoreGateSvc*)this;
356   } else  {
357     // Interface is not directly available: try out a base class
358     return Service::queryInterface(riid, ppvInterface);
359   }
360   addRef();
361   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
362 }
364 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
365 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
366 // add proxy (with IOpaqueAddress that will later be retrieved from P)
367 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
368 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::recordAddress(IOpaqueAddress* pAddress, bool clearAddressFlag)
369 {
370   assert(0 != pAddress);
371   CLID dataID = pAddress->clID();
373   if (dataID == 0)
374   {
375     MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
376     log << MSG::WARNING
377         << "recordAddress: Invalid Class ID found in IOpaqueAddress @" 
378         << pAddress << ". IOA will not be recorded"
379         << endreq;
380         return StatusCode::FAILURE;
381   }
383   string gK = (pAddress->par())[0];   // FIXME
385   if (gK == "") gK = createKey(dataID);
387   // Check if a key already exists
388   DataProxy* dp = m_pStore->proxy_exact(dataID, gK);
390   // Now treat the various cases:
391   if (0 == dp) 
392   {
393     // create the proxy object and register it
394     TransientAddress* tAddr = new TransientAddress(dataID, gK, 
395                                                    pAddress, clearAddressFlag);
396     m_pStore->addToStore(dataID, new DataProxy(tAddr, m_pDataLoader,
397                                                true, true)).ignore();
398   }
399   else if ((0 != dp) && (0 == dp->address()))
400   // Note: intentionally not checking dp->isValidAddress()
401   {
402     // Update proxy with IOpaqueAddress
403     dp->setAddress(pAddress);
404   }
405   else
406   {
407     string errType;
408     m_pCLIDSvc->getTypeNameOfID(dataID, errType).ignore();
409     MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
410     log << MSG::WARNING
411         << "recordAddress: preexisting proxy @" << dp
412         << " with non-NULL IOA found for key " 
413         << gK << " type " << errType << " (" << dataID << "). \n"
414         << "Cannot record IOpaqueAddress @" << pAddress
415         << endreq;
416     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
417   }
419   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
421 }    
423 DataProxy* StoreGateSvc::setupProxy(const CLID& dataID, 
424                                     const string& gK, 
425                                     DataObject* pDObj,
426                                     bool allowMods, 
427                                     bool resetOnly) {
428   // locate the proxy           
429   DataProxy* dp = m_pStore->proxy_exact(dataID, gK);
431   if (0 != dp) { //proxy found  
432     if (0 != dp->object())
433     {
434       // Case 0: duplicated proxy               
435       MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
436       log << MSG::WARNING << " setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key " 
437           << gK << " and clid " << dataID
438           << "\n Pre-existing valid DataProxy @"<< dp 
439           << " found in Store for key " <<  dp->object()->name()
440           << " with clid " << dp->object()->clID()
441           << endreq;
442       recycle(pDObj);      // commit this object to trash
443       dp = 0;
444     } else {
445       // Case 1: Proxy found... if not valid, update it:
446       dp->setObject(pDObj);
447       if (!allowMods) dp->setConst();
448     } 
449   } else {
450     // Case 2: No Proxy found:
451     TransientAddress* tAddr = new TransientAddress(dataID, gK);
452     dp = new DataProxy(pDObj, tAddr, !allowMods, resetOnly);
453     if (!(m_pStore->addToStore(dataID, dp).isSuccess())) {
454       MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
455       log << MSG::WARNING << " setupProxy:: could not addToStore proxy @" << dp
456           << endreq;
457       recycle(pDObj);      // commit this object to trash
458       delete dp;
459       dp = 0;
460     }
461   }
462   return dp;
463 }
465 /// set store id in DataStore:
466 void StoreGateSvc::setStoreID(StoreID::type id)
467 {
468   store()->setStoreID(id);
469 }
471 // return keys for a given object (clid)
472 std::vector<std::string> StoreGateSvc::keys(const CLID& id, bool allKeys)
473 { 
474   return store()->keys(id, allKeys);
475 } 
477 bool StoreGateSvc::isSymLinked(const CLID& linkID, DataProxy* dp)        
478 {        
479   return (0 != dp) ? dp->transientAddress()->transientID(linkID) : false;        
480 }
482 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
483 // Dump Contents in store:
484 string StoreGateSvc::dump() const
485 { 
486   __sstream ost;
487   ost << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \n";
488   ost << "StoreGateSvc(" + name() + ")::dump():\n";
490   DataStore::ConstStoreIterator s_iter, s_end;
491   store()->tRange(s_iter, s_end).ignore();
493   for (; s_iter != s_end; s_iter++) 
494   {
496     CLID id = s_iter->first;
497     int nProxy = store()->typeCount(id);
498     string tname;
499     m_pCLIDSvc->getTypeNameOfID(id, tname).ignore();
500     ost << "Found " << nProxy << ((nProxy == 1) ? " proxy" : " proxies") 
501         << " for ClassID " << id <<" ("<< tname << "): \n";
503     // loop over each type:
504     SG::ConstProxyIterator p_iter = (s_iter->second).begin();
505     SG::ConstProxyIterator p_end =  (s_iter->second).end();
507     while (p_iter != p_end) {
508       const DataProxy& dp(*p_iter->second);
509       ost << " flags: (" 
510           << setw(7) << (dp.isValid() ? "valid" : "INVALID") << ", "
511           << setw(8) << (dp.isConst() ? "locked" : "UNLOCKED") << ", "
512           << setw(6) << (dp.isResetOnly() ? "reset" : "DELETE")
513           << ") --- data: " << hex << setw(10) << dp.object() << dec
514           << " --- key: " << p_iter->first << '\n';
515       ++p_iter;
516     }
517   }
518   ost << "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \n" <<ends;
519   string ret(ost.str());
521   ost.freeze(false);
522 #endif
523   return ret;
525 }
527 DataStore* 
528 StoreGateSvc::store() 
529 { 
530   return m_pStore; 
531 }
533 const DataStore* 
534 StoreGateSvc::store() const 
535 { 
536   return m_pStore; 
537 }
540 StatusCode
541 StoreGateSvc::addSymLink(const CLID& linkid, DataProxy* dp)
542 { 
543   if (0 == dp) {
544     MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
545     log << MSG::WARNING
546         << "addSymLink: no target DataProxy found. Sorry, can't link to a non-existing data object"
547         << endreq;
548     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
549   } 
550   StatusCode sc = m_pStore->addSymLink(linkid, dp); 
552   // If the symlink is a derived->base conversion, then we may have
553   // a different transient pointer for the symlink.
554   if (sc.isSuccess()) {
555     void* baseptr = SG::DataProxy_cast (dp, linkid);
556     m_pStore->t2pRegister (baseptr, dp).ignore();
557   }
558   return sc;
559 }
562 StatusCode
563 StoreGateSvc::addAlias(const std::string& aliasKey, DataProxy* proxy)
564 {
565   if (0 == proxy) {
566     MsgStream log(messageService(), name());
567     log << MSG::WARNING
568         << "addAlias: no target DataProxy given, Cannot alias to a non-existing object" 
569         << endreq;
570     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
571   }
573   // add key to proxy and to ProxyStore
574   return m_pStore->addAlias(aliasKey, proxy);
575 }
577 int StoreGateSvc::typeCount(const CLID& id) const
578 {
579   return m_pStore->typeCount(id);
580 }  
582 DataProxy* 
583 StoreGateSvc::proxy(const void* const pTransient) const
584 { 
585   return m_pStore->locatePersistent(pTransient); 
586 }
588 DataProxy* 
589 StoreGateSvc::deep_proxy(const void* const pTransient) const
590 { 
591   return this->proxy (pTransient);
592 }
594 DataProxy* 
595 StoreGateSvc::proxy(const CLID& id) const
596 { 
597   return proxy(id, false);
598 }
600 DataProxy* 
601 StoreGateSvc::proxy(const CLID& id, bool checkValid) const
602 { 
603   DataProxy* dp = m_pStore->proxy(id);
605   /// Check if it is valid
606   if (checkValid && 0 != dp) {
607     // FIXME: For keyless retrieve, this checks only the first instance
608     // of the CLID in store. If that happens to be invalid, but the second
609     // is valid - this does not work (when checkValid is requested).
610     return dp->isValid() ? dp : 0;
611   }
612   //  } else if (0 == dp) {
613   //    dp = m_pPPS->retrieveProxy(id, string("DEFAULT"), *m_pStore);
614   //  }
615   return dp;
616 }
618 DataProxy* 
619 StoreGateSvc::proxy(const CLID& id, const string& key) const
620 { 
621   return proxy(id, key, false);
622 }
624 DataProxy*
625 StoreGateSvc::proxy(const CLID& id, const string& key, bool checkValid) const
626 { 
627   DataProxy* dp = m_pStore->proxy(id, key);
628   if (0 == dp && 0 != m_pPPS) {
629     dp = m_pPPS->retrieveProxy(id, key, *m_pStore);
630   }
631   if (checkValid && 0 != dp && !(dp->isValid())) dp = 0;
632   return dp;
633 }
635 std::vector<const SG::DataProxy*> 
636 StoreGateSvc::proxies() const
637 {
638   using std::distance;
639   DataStore::ConstStoreIterator s_iter, s_end;
640   store()->tRange(s_iter, s_end).ignore();
642   std::vector<const SG::DataProxy*> proxies;
643   proxies.reserve( distance( s_iter, s_end ) );
645   for (; s_iter != s_end; ++s_iter ) {
647     const CLID id = s_iter->first;
648     proxies.reserve( proxies.size() + store()->typeCount(id) );
650     // loop over each type:
651     SG::ConstProxyIterator p_iter = (s_iter->second).begin();
652     SG::ConstProxyIterator p_end =  (s_iter->second).end();
654     for ( ; p_iter != p_end; ++p_iter ) {
655       proxies.push_back( p_iter->second );
656     }
657   }
659   return proxies;
660 }
662 DataProxy*
663 StoreGateSvc::transientProxy(const CLID& id, const string& key) const
664 { 
665   DataProxy* dp(m_pStore->proxy(id, key));
666   return ( (0 != dp && dp->isValidObject()) ? dp : 0 );
667 }
669 DataObject* 
670 StoreGateSvc::accessData(const CLID& id) const
671 { 
672   DataProxy* theProxy(proxy(id, true));
673   return (0 == theProxy) ? 0 : theProxy->accessData();
674 }
676 DataObject* 
677 StoreGateSvc::accessData(const CLID& id, const string& key) const
678 { 
679   DataProxy* theProxy(proxy(id, key, true));
680   return (0 == theProxy) ? 0 : theProxy->accessData();
681 }
683 bool
684 StoreGateSvc::transientSwap( const CLID& id,
685                              const std::string& keyA, const std::string& keyB )
686 {
687   const bool checkValid = true;
688   DataProxy* a = proxy( id, keyA, checkValid );
689   DataProxy* b = proxy( id, keyB, checkValid );
690   if ( 0 == a || 0 == b ) { return false; }
691   DataObject* objA = a->accessData();
692   DataObject* objB = b->accessData();
694   if ( 0 == objA || 0 == objB ) { return false; }
695   // prevent 'accidental' release of DataObjects...
696   const unsigned int refCntA = objA->addRef(); 
697   const unsigned int refCntB = objB->addRef();
698   // in case swap is being specialized for DataObjects 
699   using std::swap;
700   swap( objA, objB );
701   a->setObject( objA );
702   b->setObject( objB );
703   // and then restore old ref-count;
704   return ( (refCntA-1) == objA->release() && 
705            (refCntB-1) == objB->release() );
706 }
708 StatusCode
709 StoreGateSvc::typeless_record( DataObject* obj, const std::string& key,
710                                const void* const raw_ptr,
711                                bool allowMods, bool resetOnly, bool noHist )
712 {
713   if ( record_impl( obj, key, raw_ptr, allowMods, resetOnly ).isFailure() ) {
714     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
715   }
717   if ( !m_ActivateHistory || noHist ) {
718     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
719   }
721   if ( store()->storeID() != StoreID::EVENT_STORE ) {
722     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
723   } else {
724     return record_HistObj( obj->clID(), key, name(), allowMods, resetOnly );
725   }
726 }
728 StatusCode
729 StoreGateSvc::record_impl( DataObject* pDObj, const std::string& key,
730                            const void* const raw_ptr,
731                            bool allowMods, bool resetOnly )
732 {
733   CLID clid = pDObj->clID();
734   //first of all check whether raw_ptr has already been recorded
735   //We need to do this before we create the bucket, the proxy etc
736   SG::DataProxy* dp(proxy(raw_ptr));
737   if (0 != dp) {
738     std::string clidTypeName; 
739     m_pCLIDSvc->getTypeNameOfID(clid, clidTypeName).ignore();
740     MsgStream msg( messageService(), name() );
741     msg << MSG::WARNING
742         << "record: failed for key="<< key << ", type "  << clidTypeName
743         << " (CLID " << clid << ')' 
744         << "\n object @" << raw_ptr 
745         << " already in store with key="<< dp->name()
746         << ". Will not record a duplicate! "
747         << endreq;
748     DataBucketBase* pDBB(dynamic_cast<DataBucketBase*>(pDObj));
749     if (pDBB) pDBB->relinquish(); //don't own the data obj already recorded!
750     this->recycle(pDObj);
751     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
752   }
754   // setup the proxy
755   dp = setupProxy( clid, key, pDObj, allowMods, resetOnly );
756   if ( 0 == dp ) {
757     std::string clidTypeName; 
758     m_pCLIDSvc->getTypeNameOfID(clid, clidTypeName).ignore();
759     MsgStream msg( messageService(), name() );
760     msg << MSG::WARNING
761         << "record: Problem setting up the proxy for object @" <<raw_ptr 
762         << "\n recorded with key " << key 
763         << " of type "  << clidTypeName
764         << " (CLID " << clid << ") in DataObject @" << pDObj
765         << endreq;
767     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
768   }
770   // record in t2p:
771   if ( !(t2pRegister( raw_ptr, dp )).isSuccess() ) {
772     std::string clidTypeName; 
773     m_pCLIDSvc->getTypeNameOfID(clid, clidTypeName).ignore();
774     MsgStream msg( messageService(), name() );
775     msg << MSG::WARNING
776         << "record: can not add to t2p map object @" <<raw_ptr 
777         << "\n with key " << key 
778         << " of type "  << clidTypeName
779         << " (CLID " << clid << ')' 
780         << endreq;
781     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
782   }
784   // Automatically make all legal base class symlinks
785   const SG::BaseInfoBase* bib = SG::BaseInfoBase::find( clid );
786   if ( bib ) {
787     std::vector<CLID> bases = bib->get_bases();
788     for ( std::size_t i = 0, iMax = bases.size(); i < iMax; ++i ) {
789       if ( bases[i] != clid ) {
790         if ( addSymLink( bases[i], dp ).isSuccess() ) {
791           // register with t2p
792           this->t2pRegister( SG::DataProxy_cast( dp, bases[i] ), dp ).ignore();
793         }
794         else {
795           MsgStream msg( messageService(), name() );
796           msg << MSG::WARNING
797               << "Doing auto-symlinks for object with CLID " << clid
798               << " and SG key " << key 
799               << ": Proxy already set for base CLID " << bases[i]
800               << "; not making auto-symlink." << endmsg;
801         }
802       }
803     }
804   } else {
805     MsgStream msg( msgSvc(), name() );
806     msg << MSG::WARNING
807         << "Could not find suitable SG::BaseInfoBase for CLID ["
808         << clid << "] !\t"
809         << "No auto-symlink established !"
810         << endreq;
811   }
813   //handle versionedKeys: we register an alias with the "true" key
814   //unless an object as already been recorded with that key.
815   //Notice that addAlias overwrites any existing alias, so a generic
816   //retrieve will always return the last version added 
817   //FIXME not the one with the highest version
818   if (SG::VersionedKey::isVersionedKey(key)) {
819     SG::VersionedKey vk(key);
820     std::string trueKey(vk.key());
821     //first check if we have already a proxy for trueKey
822     if (0 == this->proxy(clid,trueKey)) {
823       //if none found add the alias
824       if (!(this->addAlias(trueKey, dp)).isSuccess()) {
825         MsgStream msg( msgSvc(), name() );
826         msg << MSG::WARNING
827             << "Could not setup alias key " << trueKey 
828             << " for VersionedKey " << key
829             << ". Generic access to this object with clid" << clid 
830             << " will not work"
831             << endreq;      
832       }
833     }
834   }
836   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
838 }
840 DataProxy*
841 StoreGateSvc::locatePersistent(const TransientAddress* tAddr, 
842                                bool checkValid) const
843 { 
844   DataProxy* dp = m_pStore->proxy(tAddr);
846   if (checkValid && 0 != dp) {
847     return dp->isValid() ? dp : 0;
848   } else {
849     return dp;
850   }
851 }
853 StatusCode
854 StoreGateSvc::removeProxy(DataProxy* proxy, const void* const pTrans, 
855                           bool resetOnly)
856 {
857   // check if valid proxy
858   if (0 == proxy || 0 == pTrans) return StatusCode::FAILURE;
860   // remove all entries from t2p map
861   t2pRemove(pTrans);
862   SG::DataProxy::CLIDCont_t clids = proxy->transientID();
863   for (SG::DataProxy::CLIDCont_t::const_iterator i = clids.begin();
864        i != clids.end();
865        ++i)
866   {
867     void* ptr = SG::DataProxy_cast (proxy, *i);
868     t2pRemove(ptr);
869   }
871   // remove from store
872   return m_pStore->removeProxy(proxy, resetOnly);
873 }
875 StatusCode
876 StoreGateSvc::t2pRegister(const void* const pTrans, DataProxy* const pPers)
877 { 
878   return m_pStore->t2pRegister(pTrans, pPers);
879 }
882 void
883 StoreGateSvc::t2pRemove(const void* const pTrans)
884 { m_pStore->t2pRemove(pTrans); }
886 StatusCode 
887 StoreGateSvc::proxyRange(const CLID& id,
888                          SG::ConstProxyIterator& begin,
889                          SG::ConstProxyIterator& end) const {
890   return m_pStore->pRange(id,begin,end);
891 }
893 StatusCode StoreGateSvc::setConst(const void* pObject)
894 {
895   // Check if dataproxy does not exist
896   DataProxy * dp = proxy(pObject); 
898   if (0 == dp)
899   {
900     MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
901     log << MSG::WARNING
902         << "setConst: NO Proxy for the dobj you want to set const"
903         << endreq;
904     return StatusCode::FAILURE;
905   }
907   dp->setConst();
908   return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
909 }
911 //put a bad (unrecordable) dobj away
912 void StoreGateSvc::recycle(DataObject* pBadDObj) {
913   assert(pBadDObj);
914   //DataObject::release won't delete an object refCount==0
915   if (0 == pBadDObj->refCount()) pBadDObj->addRef(); 
916     m_trash.push_back(pBadDObj);
917 }
919 //throw away bad objects
920 void StoreGateSvc::emptyTrash() {
921   while (!m_trash.empty()) {
922     m_trash.front()->release();  //delete the bad data object
923     m_trash.pop_front();     //remove pointer from list
924   }
925 }
928 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
930 bool StoreGateSvc::bindHandleToProxy(const CLID& id, const string& key,
931                                      IResetable* ir, DataProxy *&dp) 
932 {
934   dp = (0 == m_pPPS) ? 0 : m_pPPS->retrieveProxy(id, key, *m_pStore);
936   if (0 == dp) return false;
938   dp->bindHandle(ir);
940 #ifndef NDEBUG
941     MsgStream log( messageService(), name() );
943     log << MSG::DEBUG
944         << " Bound handle " << hex << ir << " to proxy " 
945         << dp << dec 
946         << endreq;
947 #else
948     log << MSG::DEBUG
949         << " Bound handle " << MSG::hex << ir << " to proxy " 
950         << dp << MSG::dec 
951         << endreq;
952 #endif
953 #endif
954     return true;
955 }
957 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
959 StatusCode 
960 StoreGateSvc::record_HistObj(const CLID& id, const std::string& key,
961                              const std::string& store, 
962                              bool allowMods, bool resetOnly) {
964   assert(m_pHistorySvc);
966   DataHistory *dho;
967   dho = m_pHistorySvc->createDataHistoryObj( id, key, store );
969   std::string idname;
970   StatusCode sc = m_pCLIDSvc->getTypeNameOfID(id, idname);
971   if (sc.isFailure() || idname == "" ) { 
972     std::ostringstream ost;
973     ost << id;
974     idname = ost.str();
975   }
976   idname = idname + "/" + key;
978   DataObject* obj = asStorable<DataHistory>(dho);
980   return record_impl(obj, idname, dho, allowMods, resetOnly);
981 }
984 /**
985  * @brief Find the key for a string/CLID pair.
986  * @param str The string to look up.
987  * @param clid The CLID associated with the string.
988  * @return A key identifying the string.
989  *         A given string will always return the same key.
990  *         Will abort in case of a hash collision!
991  */
992 StoreGateSvc::sgkey_t
993 StoreGateSvc::stringToKey (const std::string& str, CLID clid)
994 {
995   return m_stringpool.stringToKey (str, clid);
996 }
999 /**
1000  * @brief Find the string corresponding to a given key.
1001  * @param key The key to look up.
1002  * @return Pointer to the string found, or null.
1003  *         We can find keys as long as the corresponding string
1004  *         was given to either @c stringToKey() or @c registerKey().
1005  */
1006 const std::string* StoreGateSvc::keyToString (sgkey_t key) const
1007 {
1008   return m_stringpool.keyToString (key);
1009 }
1012 /**
1013  * @brief Find the string and CLID corresponding to a given key.
1014  * @param key The key to look up.
1015  * @param clid[out] The found CLID.
1016  * @return Pointer to the string found, or null.
1017  *         We can find keys as long as the corresponding string
1018  *         was given to either @c stringToKey() or @c registerKey().
1019  */
1020 const std::string*
1021 StoreGateSvc::keyToString (sgkey_t key, CLID& clid) const
1022 {
1023   return m_stringpool.keyToString (key, clid);
1024 }
1027 /**
1028  * @brief Remember an additional mapping from key to string/CLID.
1029  * @param key The key to enter.
1030  * @param str The string to enter.
1031  * @param clid The CLID associated with the string.
1032  * @return True if successful; false if the @c key already
1033  *         corresponds to a different string.
1034  *
1035  * This registers an additional mapping from a key to a string;
1036  * it can be found later through @c lookup() on the string.
1037  * Logs an error if @c key already corresponds to a different string.
1038  */
1039 void StoreGateSvc::registerKey (sgkey_t key,
1040                                 const std::string& str,
1041                                 CLID clid)
1042 {
1043   if (!m_stringpool.registerKey (key, str, clid)) {
1044     CLID clid2;
1045     const std::string* str2 = m_stringpool.keyToString (key, clid2);
1046     REPORT_MESSAGE (MSG::WARNING) << "The numeric key " << key
1047                                 << " maps to multiple string key/CLID pairs: "
1048                                 << *str2 << "/" << clid2 << " and "
1049                                 << str << "/" << clid;
1050   }
1051 }
1053 void
1054 StoreGateSvc::releaseObject(const CLID& id, const std::string& key) {
1055   DataProxy *pP(0);
1056   if (0 != (pP = proxy(id, key))) {
1057     // remove all entries from t2p map
1058     SG::DataProxy::CLIDCont_t clids = pP->transientID();
1059     SG::DataProxy::CLIDCont_t::const_iterator i(clids.begin()), e(clids.end());
1060     while (i != e) t2pRemove(SG::DataProxy_cast (pP, *i++));
1061     DataBucketBase *pDBB(dynamic_cast<DataBucketBase*>(pP->object()));
1062     //tell the bucket to let go of the data object
1063     if (0 != pDBB) pDBB->relinquish(); //somebody else better took ownership
1064     pP->reset();
1065   }
1066 }
1069 /**
1070  * @brief Declare a remapping.
1071  * @brief source Key hash of the container being remapped.
1072  * @brief target Key hash of the container being remapped to.
1073  * @brief index_offset Amount by which the index should be adjusted
1074  *        between the two containers.
1075  */
1076 void StoreGateSvc::remap_impl (sgkey_t source,
1077                                sgkey_t target,
1078                                off_t index_offset)
1079 {
1080   SG::RemapImpl::remap_t payload;
1081 = target;
1082   payload.index_offset = index_offset;
1083   m_remap_impl->m_remaps[source] = payload;
1084 }
1087 /**
1088  * @brief Test to see if the target of an ElementLink has moved.
1089  * @param sgkey_in Original hashed key of the EL.
1090  * @param index_in Original index of the EL.
1091  * @param sgkey_out[out] New hashed key for the EL.
1092  * @param index_out[out] New index for the EL.
1093  * @return True if there is a remapping; false otherwise.
1094  */
1095 bool StoreGateSvc::tryELRemap (sgkey_t sgkey_in, size_t index_in,
1096                                sgkey_t& sgkey_out, size_t& index_out)
1097 {
1098   SG::RemapImpl::remap_map_t::iterator i =
1099     m_remap_impl->m_remaps.find (sgkey_in);
1100   if (i == m_remap_impl->m_remaps.end())
1101     return false;
1102   const SG::RemapImpl::remap_t& payload = i->second;
1103   sgkey_out =;
1104   index_out = index_in + payload.index_offset;
1105   return true;
1106 }
1108 DataObject* StoreGateSvc::typeless_readPrivateCopy(const CLID& clid,
1109                                                    const std::string& key) {
1110   DataObject *pObj(0);
1111   DataProxy *p(this->proxy(clid, key));
1112   if (p) {
1113     if (p->object()) { //this looks in transient mem only
1114       //if there is a dobj in transient memory we take ownership with addRef
1115       p->addRef();
1116       //and make the store forget about the proxy for a moment
1117       const bool FORCEREMOVE(true);      
1118       store()->removeProxy(p, FORCEREMOVE).ignore();
1119       //now we try to read the object from disk. Relies on PPS to reload proxy
1120       DataProxy *pDisk(this->proxy(clid, key));
1121       if (pDisk) {
1122         //We are managing the pObj so we addRef it
1123         if ( (pObj = pDisk->accessData()) ) pObj->addRef();
1124         //don't need this guy anymore, notice we use the StoreGateSvc version
1125         //to remove the t2p entry as well
1126         removeProxy(pDisk, SG::DataProxy_cast(pDisk,clid), FORCEREMOVE).ignore();
1127       }
1128       //replace the "transient" proxy where it was
1129       store()->addToStore(clid, p);
1130     } else if ( (pObj = p->accessData()) ) { //try reading from disk
1131       //We are managing the pObj so we addRef it
1132       pObj->addRef();
1133       //and make the proxy forget about it
1134       p->reset();
1135     }
1136   }
1137   if (0 == pObj) {
1138     string errType;
1139     m_pCLIDSvc->getTypeNameOfID(clid, errType).ignore();
1140     MsgStream mlog(messageService(), name() );
1141     mlog << MSG::WARNING << "typeless_record: did not find object of type "
1142          << errType << " with key " << key << endmsg;
1143   }
1144   return pObj;
1145 }
1148 // This is intended to be called from the debugger.
1149 void SG_dump (StoreGateSvc* sg)
1150 {
1151   std::cout << sg->dump() << "\n";
1152 }

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