Chronic Liver Disease Calculator
(Attained age 12)
Date of Birth

SSA CLD Formula

      9.57 x [Loge (creatinine mg/dL)
 +   3.78 x [Loge (bilirubin mg/dL)]
 + 11.20 x [Loge (INR)]
 +   6.43

 = SSA CLD score
    (rounded to nearest whole number)

Date of First
Laboratory Test
Must have attained age 12 by the date of the first laboratory value
Serum Total Bilirubin
Must be between
0.5 and 50

Serum Creatinine

Must be between
0 and 20


Must be between
0.5 and 99

Is the individual in renal failure or on dialysis within a week of any serum creatinine in the period used for calculation?
(If Yes, the calculator will automatically use a serum creatinine value of 4.0 mg/dL.)

 Yes  No Must respond 'Yes' or 'No'
CLD Score  

The above calculator has been adapted from the MELD formula documented on the UNOS Website.

CLD Calculator
Version 2.0 (11/19/2007)