%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Bibliography data base Bochev % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Books, book chapters and lecture notes % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % @book{BochevLSFEM:2001, author={P. Bochev}, title={Finite element methods based on least squares and modified variational principles}, series={ COM2MAC Lecture Notes}, publisher={Postech}, address={Pohang, South Korea}, year={2001}, annote={Based on lecture notes given in Postec in 2001} } % @book{BochevIMA:2006, title={Compatible discretizations. Proceedings of {IMA} Hot Topics workshop on Compatible discretizations}, series={IMA Volume 142}, publisher={Springer Verlag}, editor={D. Arnold and P. Bochev and R. Lehoucq and R. Nicolaides and M. Shashkov}, year={2006}, annote={Collected lectures from the IMA workshop} } % @inproceedings{BochevVKI:2003, author={P. Bochev}, title={A discourse on variational and geometric aspects of stability of discretizations}, booktitle={33rd Computational Fluid Dynamics Lecture Series}, series={VKI LS 2003-05}, editor={H. Deconinck}, publisher={Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics}, address={Chaussee de Waterloo, 72, B-1640 Rhode Saint Genese, Belgium}, year={2003}, note={90 pages}, annote={ISSN0377-8312. , 90 pages} } % @inproceedings{bochevPSD, author = {P. B. Bochev and A. C. Robinson}, title = {Matching algorithms with physics: exact sequences of finite element spaces}, booktitle={Preservation of stability under discretization}, year ={2001}, editor={D. Estep and S. Tavener}, pages={145-165}, address={Philadelphia}, organization={Colorado State University}, publisher={SIAM} } % @inproceedings{bh:2006, author={P. Bochev and M. Hyman}, title={Principles of compatible discretizations}, booktitle = {Compatible discretizations, Proceedings of IMA Hot Topics workshop on Compatible discretizations}, volume={IMA 142}, publisher={Springer Verlag}, year={2006}, pages={89--120} } % @inproceedings{BochevICM:2006, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={Least-squares finite element methods}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM)}, address={Madrid}, year={ 2006}, annote={ Plenary Lectures. SAND 2006-0198C.}, } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Refereed journal articles % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % @article{Bochev:1987, author = {P. Bochev}, title = { Application of the extended interval arithmetic to a real initial value problem}, journal = { Annuaire Univ. Sofia Fac. Math. Inform.}, volume = { 81}, number={1}, year = { 1987 }, pages = { 167--180}, annote = { My first ever paper. Appeared in (1994); MR 95f:65096} } % @inproceedings{Bochev:1989, author={P. Bochev}, title={Safe and accurate computation of the matrix exponential}, booktitle={Numerical Methods and Applications}, address={Sofia}, year={1988}, publisher={Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences}, pages={65--69} } % @inproceedings{BochevHIFICOMP:1989, author={R. Angelov and P. Bochev and G. Grozev and S. Markov}, title={Highly accurate and safe numerical computations via interval analysis and advanced computer arithmetic}, booktitle={Numerical methods and applications}, pages={23--27}, publisher={Publ. House Bulgar. Acad. Sci.}, address={Sofia}, year={1989}, annote={ CNO 1027605} } % @article{BochevMarkov:1989, author = { P. Bochev and S. Markov}, title = { A self-validating numerical method for the matrix exponential}, journal = { Computing }, volume = { 43}, number = {1}, year = { 1989 }, pages = { 59--72 }, annote = {A method to compute exp(A) with guarantee. Cited in the republished paper by Moler and Van Loan: 19 dubious ways to compute the matrix exponential. MR 90i:65072} } % @article{Bochev:1990, author = { P. Bochev}, title = { Simultaneous self-verified computation of $exp(A)$ and $\int^1_0 exp(As)ds$}, journal = { Computing }, volume = { 45}, number = {2}, year = { 1990 }, pages = { 183--191}, annote = { Continues BochevMarkov:1989 ny extending the method to also compute an integral of the exponential. MR 91i:65058} } % @inproceedings{BochevSCAN:1989, author={P. Bochev}, title={Enclosure methods for set valued phase flow}, booktitle={Contributions to computer arithmetic and self-validating numerical methods}, publisher={Baltzer}, address={Basel}, year={1989}, pages={173--181}, annote={Paper presented at SCAN89 conference in Basel, 1990; MR 92h:65070} } % @phdthesis{PB2, author = {P. Bochev}, title = {Least-squares finite element methods for the {S}tokes and {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, school = {Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia}, year = {1994}, annote = {The definitive source on mathematics of least-squares for incompressible flows :))} } % @article{PG1, author = { P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title = { A least-squares finite element method for the Navier-{S}tokes equations}, journal = { Appl. Math. Lett.}, volume = { 6}, number = {2}, year = { 1993 }, pages = { 27--30}, annote = {Our first joint paper with Max about velocity-vorticity-pressure lsfem for Navier-{S}tokes. MR 96e:76077} } @article{PG2, author = { P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title = { Accuracy of least-squares methods for the Navier-{S}tokes equations }, journal= { Comput. \& Fluids}, volume = { 22}, number = {4-5}, year = { 1993}, pages = { 549--563}, annote = {Conatins numerical study of convergence rates for VVP {S}tokes. MR 94e:76053} } % @article{PG3, author = { P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title = { Analysis of least-squares finite element methods for the {S}tokes equations }, journal = { Math. Comp.}, volume = { 63 }, year = { 1994}, pages = {479--506}, annote = {Extends Aziz, Kellog, Osborne analysis to weighted LSFEm for VVP {S}tokes. MR 95c:76060} } % @article{BochevScovel:1994, author = { P. Bochev and C. Scovel}, title = { On quadratic invariants and symplectic structure}, journal = { BIT }, volume = { 34}, number={3}, year = { 1994 }, pages = { 337--345}, annote = {Our famous paper about symplectic methods. Even has a commuting diagram property. Gives conditions that make a scheme symplectic. MR97k:65164} } @article{PG5, author = { P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title = { Least-squares for the velocity-pressure-stress formulation of the {S}tokes equations}, journal= { Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, volume = { 126}, number={3-4}, year = { 1995}, pages = { 267--287}, annote = { Extends analysis of PG3 to weighted LSFEM for VPS {S}tokes. MR 96g:76034} } @article{PB1, author = { P. Bochev}, title = { Analysis of least-squares finite element methods for the Navier-{S}tokes equations}, journal= { SIAM J. Num. Anal.}, volume = { 34}, number={5}, year = { 1997 }, pages = { 1817--1844}, annote = { Analysis of LSFEM for VVP Navier-{S}tokes. The SIAM student prize paper. MR 98g:76053} } @article{BochevLiao:1996, author = {P. Bochev and and G. Liao and G. dela Pena}, title = { Analysis and computation of adaptive moving grids by deformation}, journal = { Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations}, volume = { 12}, number={4}, year = { 1996 }, pages = { 489--506}, annote = { Uses LSFEM for div - curl equations in a moving mesh method. MR 97c:65161} } @article{pb, author = { P. Bochev}, title = { Least-squares methods for optimal control}, journal = {Nonlinear Anal.}, volume={ 30}, number={3}, year={1997}, pages={ 1875--1885}, annote={CNO 1490097} } @article{bb, author={P. Bochev and D. Bedivan}, title={Least-squares methods for Navier-{S}tokes boundary control problems}, journal={Int. J. Comput. Fluid Dyn.}, volume={ 9}, number={1}, year={1997}, pages={43--58}, annote={ MR 98k:76084} } @article{PBetna, author = { P. Bochev}, title = { Experiences with negative norm least-squares methods for the Navier-{S}tokes equations}, journal = { ETNA }, volume = { 6 }, pages = { 44--62}, year = { 1997}, annote = { Contains numerical results with negative norm LSFEM for Navier-{S}tokes} } @article{PBnmpde, author = { P. Bochev }, title = { Negative norm least-squares methods for the velocity-vorticity-pressure Navier-{S}tokes equations}, journal = { Numerical Methods in PDE's}, volume = { 15 }, year = { 1999 }, pages = {237--256}, annote = { Rigorous analysis of the negative norm method for VVP Navier-{S}tokes} } @article{PCM2, author = { P. Bochev and Z. Cai and T. Manteuffel and S. McCormick}, title = { Analysis of velocity-flux least squares methods for the {N}avier-{S}tokes equations, {P}art-I}, journal = { SIAM. J. Num. Anal.}, volume = { 35}, number={3}, year = { 1998}, pages = { 990-1009}, annote = { Formulation and analysis of LSFEM for VF form of Navier-{S}tokes} } % @article{PCM99, author = { P. Bochev and T. Manteuffel and S. McCormick}, title = { Analysis of velocity-flux least squares methods for the Navier-{S}tokes equations, Part-II }, journal = { SIAM. J. Num. Anal.}, volume = { 36}, number={4}, year = { 1999 }, pages = { 1125--1144}, annote = { Continuation of PCM2 - gives analysis of discrete negative norm method} } % @article{PG98, author = { P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title = {Finite element methods of least-squares type}, journal= { SIAM Review }, volume = { 40}, number={4}, year = { 1998 }, pages = { 789--837}, annote = {The definitive reference about least-squares in general. MR 99k:65104 } } % @inproceedings{BochevENUMATH:1997, author={P. Bochev}, title={ Least-squares methods for the Navier-{S}tokes equations: trends and developments}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications ENUMATH 97, Heidelberg, September 29- October 3, 1997}, editor={H. Bock and G. Kansacht and R. Rannacher and F. Brezzi and R. Glowinski and Y. Kuznetsov and J. Periaux}, pages={172--179}, publisher={World Sci. Publishing}, address={River Edge, NJ}, year={1998}, annote={ CNO 1705030, ISBN:981-02-3546-1} } % @article{BochevChoi:2001a, author = { P. Bochev and J. Choi}, title = { Improved least-squares error estimates for scalar hyperbolic problems}, journal = { Comput. Methods Appl. Math.}, volume = { 1}, number={2}, year = { 2001 }, pages = { 115--124}, annote = { Shows that the gap of the least-squares method for scalar hyperbolic equation is less than suggested by conventional analysis. MR 2002g:65139} } % @article{BochevChoi:2001b, author = { P. Bochev and J. Choi}, title = { A comparative study of least-squares, {SUPG} and {G}alerkin methods for convection problems}, journal = { Int. J. Comput. Fluid Dyn.}, volume = { 15}, number={2}, year = { 2001 }, pages = { 127--146}, annote = { Compares three methods for scalar advection problem. MR 2002m:76066} } % @article{BochevZPinch:2003, author = { P. Bochev and J. Hu and A. Robinson and R. Tuminaro}, title = { Towards robust 3{D} Z-pinch simulations: discretization and fast solvers for magnetic diffusion in heterogeneous conductors}, journal = { Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal.}, volume = { 15 }, year = { 2003 }, pages = { 186--210}, annote ={ (electronic); CNO 1991273. Edge elements and ML solvers for eddy current like problem} } % @article{BBGS02, author = {T. Barth and P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger and J.N.Shadid}, title = {A Taxonomy of consistently stabilized finite element methods for the {S}tokes problem}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Sci. Comp.}, VOLUME = {25}, number={5}, YEAR = {2004}, PAGES = {1585-1607}, } @inproceedings{BochevDD:2003, author={P. Bochev and R. Lehoucq}, title={Regularized formulations of FETI}, booktitle={Domain Decomposition methods in Science and Engineering}, editor={I. Herera and D. Kayes and O. Widlund and R. Yates}, publisher={National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)}, year={2003}, pages={203--209}, annote={ISBN970-32-0859-2, pp.203-209. SAND 2002-0965C.} } % @article{BochevMHD:2004, author={P. Bochev and C. Garasi and J. Hu and A. Robinson and R. Tuminaro}, title={An improved algebraic multigrid method for solving {M}axwell's equations}, journal={SIAM J. Sci. Comp.}, volume={ 25}, number={2}, pages={623--642}, year={ 2004}, annote={ SAND 2002-8222J} } % @article{BochevAMG:2007, author={P. Bochev and J. Hu and C. Siefert and R. Tuminaro}, title={An algebraic multigrid approach based on a compatible gauge reformulation of {M}axwellÕs equations}, journal={SIAM J. Sci. Comp.}, % volume={}, % number={2}, % pages={623--642}, year={ 2007}, note={submitted}, annote={ SAND 2007-XXXX} } % @article{BochevSUPG:2004, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger and J. Shadid}, title={Stability of the {SUPG} finite element method for transient advection-diffusion problems.}, journal={Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, volume={193}, number={23-26}, pages={2301-2323}, year={2004}, annote={ SAND 2003-3576J.} } % @ARTICLE{bgs04, AUTHOR = { P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger and J. Shadid}, TITLE = {On inf-sup stabilized finite element methods for transient problems}, JOURNAL = {CMAME}, VOLUME = {193}, pages= {1471-1489}, YEAR = {2004} } % @article{PG44, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={Least-squares finite element methods for optimization and control problems for the {S}tokes equations.}, journal={ Comp. Math. Appl.}, volume={48}, number={7}, year={2004}, pages={1035--1057}, annote={ SAND 2003-0744J.} } @inproceedings{PG55, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title= {Least-squares/penalty finite element methods for optimization and control problems}, booktitle={Proceedings of the workshop "Towards real time and online {PDE} constrained optimization}, address={Santa Fe}, year={2005}, publisher={SIAM, Philadelphia}, note={To appear.} } % @article{DB04, AUTHOR = {C. Dohrmann and P. Bochev}, TITLE = {A stabilized finite element method for the {S}tokes problem based on polynomial pressure projections}, JOURNAL ={IJNME}, VOLUME = {46}, YEAR = {2004}, pages = {183-201}, } % @Article{bg03, AUTHOR = {P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, TITLE = {An absolutely stable Pressure-{P}oisson stabilized method for the {S}tokes equations}, journal={SIAM. J. Num. Anal.}, volume={42}, number={3}, pages={1189--1207}, year={2005}, annote={Presents a version of the Pressure-{P}oisson stabilization that uses discrete Laplace operator and which is unconditionally stable.} } % @article{PB2004, author={P. Bochev}, title={Least-squares finite element methods for first-order elliptic systems}, journal={Int. J. Num. Anal. Modeling}, volume={1}, number={1}, pages={49--64}, year={2004}, annote={2004 SAND 2004-0299J}, } % @article{bl05, author={P. Bochev and R. Lehoucq}, title={On the finite element solution of the pure Neumann problem}, journal={SIAM Review}, volume={47}, number={1}, pages={50--66}, year={2005}, annote={ SAND 2001-0733J}, } % @article{BochevREMAP:2005, author={P. Bochev and M. Shashkov}, title={Constrained interpolation (remap) of divergence-free fields}, journal={Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, volume={194}, year={2005}, pages={511Ñ530}, annote={ SAND 2003-3705J.}, } @article{PGo1, author={ P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={Least-squares finite element methods for optimality systems arising in optimization and control problems.}, journal={ SIAM J. Num. Anal.}, volume={43}, number={6}, pages={517--543}, year={2006}, annote={ SAND 2004-1017J.}, } @article{BochevKPDP:2006, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={On least-squares finite element methods for the {P}oisson equation and their connection to the {D}irichlet and {K}elvin principles.}, journal={ SIAM J. Num. Anal.}, volume={43}, number={1}, pages={340--362}, year={2005} } @article{DBG05, author={P. Bochev and C. Dohrmann and M.D. Gunzburger}, title={Stabilization of low-order mixed finite elements for the {S}tokes equations}, journal={SIAM J. Num. Anal.}, volume={44}, number={1}, pages={82--101}, year={2006}, annote={ SAND 2004-2391J}, } % @article{BochevMHD:2006, author={J. Hu and R. Tuminaro and P. Bochev and C. Garasi and A. Robinson}, title={Toward an h-independent algebraic multigrid method for {M}axwellÕs equations.}, journal={ SIAM J. Sci. Comp.}, volume={27}, number={5}, pages={1669--1688}, year={2006}, annote={ SAND 2004-2134J.}, } % @article{BochevPPSDarcy:2006, author={P. Bochev and C. Dohrmann}, title={A computational study of stabilized, low order ${C}^0$ finite element approximations of {D}arcy equations}, journal={Computational Mechanics}, year={2006}, note={To appear}, annote={SAND 2004-4652J.}, } % @inproceedings{BochevAT:2005, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={Compatible discretizations of second-order elliptic equations}, series={Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI}, volume={318}, issue={35}, booktitle={Boundary-Value Problems of Mathematical Physics and Related Problems of Function Theory}, editors={S. Repin and G. A. Seregin}, pages={75--99}, year={2005}, annote={ SAND 2004-6077J.} } % @article{bl06, author={P. Bochev and R. Lehoucq}, title={Regularization and stabilization of discrete saddle-point variational problems}, journal={ETNA}, volume={ 22}, pages={97--113}, year={2006}, annote={ SAND 2005-1514J.}, } @article{BochevMDG:2006, author={T. Hughes and G. Scovazzi and P. Bochev and A. Buffa}, title={A multiscale {D}iscontinuous {G}alerkin method with the computational structure of a continuous {G}alerkin method}, journal={CMAME}, volume={195}, pages={2761--2787}, year={2006}, annote={ SAND 2005-2124J.}, } % @inproceedings{BochevMDG:2006a, author={P. Bochev and T. Hughes and G. Scovazzi}, title={ A Multiscale {D}iscontinuous {G}alerkin Method}, booktitle={Proceedings of LSSC 2005}, editor={I. Lirkov and S. Margenov and J. Wasniewski}, series={Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume={ 3743}, pages={84--93}, annote={SAND 2005-2587 C.}, year={2006} } % @article{BochevKimShin:2006, author={P. Bochev and S. Kim and B. Shin}, title={Analysis and computation of least-squares methods for a compressible {S}tokes problem}, journal={ Num. Meth PDE}, volume={22}, issue={4}, year={2006}, pages={867-883}, annote={ SAND 2006-2148J}, } @article{BochevLSMT:2007, author={P. Bochev and D. Day}, title={Analysis and computation of a least-squares method for consistent mesh tying.}, journal={J. Comp. Appl. Math}, year={2007}, note={Submitted}, annote={SAND 2007-XXXX}, } % @article{BochevLSMT:2006, author={P. Bochev and D. Day}, title={A least-squares method for consistent mesh tying}, journal={Int. J. Num. Anal. Modeling}, year={2007}, volume={4}, issue={3-4}, pages={342-352}, annote={ SAND 2006-1412J}, } % @article{PGo2, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={On least-squares variational principles for the discretization of optimization and control problems}, journal={Methods and Applications of Analysis}, volume={12}, number={4}, pages={395--426}, year={2005}, annote={SAND 2005-4939J.} } % @article{BochevSmallDt:2006, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger and R. Lehoucq}, title={On stabilized finite element methods for the {S}tokes problem in the small time step limit}, journal={Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids.}, volume={53}, issue={4}, pages={573-597}, doi={10.1002/fld.1295}, year={2007}, annote={SAND 2005-7817J}, } % @article{BochevMLS:2006, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={A locally conservative least-squares method for {D}arcy flows}, journal={Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering}, note={To appear.}, annote={ SAND 2006-2097J}, year={2007} } @article{BochevMT:2007, author={M. Parks and L. Romero and P. Bochev}, title={A novel {L}agrange-multiplier based method for consistent mesh tying}, journal={Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, note={Accepted}, annote={SAND 2006-6840J}, year={2007} } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Conference proceedings % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % @inproceedings{PCM1, author = { P. Bochev and Z. Cai, T. Manteuffel and S. McCormick}, title = { First order least squares for the Navier-{S}tokes equations}, booktitle = { Proceedings of the Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, Part 1}, series = {NASA Conference Publication }, number = { 3339 }, year = { 1996 }, pages = { 41--55} } % @inproceedings{PG4, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={Analysis of weighted least-squares finite element methods for the Navier-{S}tokes equations}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress}, volume ={2}, Editor={W.F. Ames}, publisher={ Georgia Tech}, address={Atlanta}, pages={584-587}, year={1994} } % @INCOLLECTION{bgl04, AUTHOR = { P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger and R. Lehoucq}, TITLE = {On stabilized finite element methods for transient problems with varying time scales.}, BOOKTITLE ={Proceedings of ECOMASS 2004}, PUBLISHER = {European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering}, YEAR = {2004} } % @incollection{BochevPPS:2004, author={P. Bochev and C. Dohrmann}, title={ Stabilized finite element methods for the {S}tokes problem based on polynomial pressure projections}, booktitle={ Proceedings of ECOMASS 2004}, year={2004} } % @inproceedings{BochevWCCM:2002, author={P. Bochev and J. N. Shadid and M. D. Gunzburger}, title={On stabilized finite element methods for transient problems with varying time scales.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCMÊV)}, editor={ H.A. Mang and F.G. Rammerstorfer and J. Eberhardsteiner}, publisher={ Vienna University of Technology, Austria}, address={Vienna, Austria}, year={2002}, month={7-12 July}, ANNOTE={ ISBNÊ3-9501554-0-6, http://wccm.tuwien.ac.at. SAND 2002-1487C.} } % @inproceedings{BochevODE:1987, author={P. Bochev and S. Markov}, title={Interval analytic methods for solving ODEÕs}, note={in Bulgarian}, booktitle={Proceedings of the {XIII} {N}ational {W}orkshop Ò{A}pplications of {M}athematicsÓ}, address={Varna}, year={1987}, pages={200-203} } % @inproceedings{BochevHIFICOMP:1989, author={P. Bochev and T. Velitchkov and S. Markov}, title={Numerical methods with result verification and software environment for their realization}, note={In Bulgarian}, booktitle={Proceedings 18th Spring Conference of the Union of Mathematicians in Bulgaria}, address={Albena, April 6-10}, year={1989}, pages={67-79} } % @inproceedings{BochevASME:1997, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={Least-squares finite element methods for viscous, incompressible flows}, note={ASME Paper FEDSM97-3487}, booktitle={1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting}, address={Vancouver, British Columbia, June 22-26}, year={1997} } % @inproceedings{BochevKAIST:1999, author={P. Bochev and J. Deang and M. Gunzburger}, title={Least-squares finite element methods with applications to the {S}tokes equations}, booktitle={Proceedings of the KAIST Mathematics workshop on Finite Element Methods, {D}aejon, {S}outh {K}orea, {F}ebruary 1999}, editor={Do Young Kwak}, publisher={KAIST}, pages={ 21-39}, year={1999} } % @inproceedings{BochevMDG:2005ASME, author={P. Bochev and T. Hughes and G. Scovazzi}, title={Variational multiscale framework for {DG}}, booktitle={Proceedings of 2005 {ASME} {I}nternational {M}echanical {E}ngineering {C}ongress and {E}xposition}, note={ASME paper IMECE2005-80894}, address={ Orlando, Florida}, year={2005}, } % @inproceedings{BochevREMAP_5LAB:2005, author={P. Bochev and M. Shashkov}, title={Constrained interpolation remap of discrete divergence free fields}, booktitle={ Proceedings of the Five-Laboratory Conference on Computational Mathematics}, address={Vienna, Austria, 19Ð 23 June 2005}, year={2005}, annote={ SAND 2005-3330C. Accepted 06/01/2005} } % @inproceedings{BochevAT_5LAB:2005, author={P. Bochev and M. Hyman}, title={Application of algebraic topology to mimetic discretizations}, booktitle={ Proceedings of the Five-Laboratory Conference on Computational Mathematics}, address={Vienna, Austria, 19Ð 23 June 2005}, year={2005}, annote={SAND 2005-3331C, Accepted 06/01/2005} } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Technical reports % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % @techreport{BochevNASA:1993, author={P. Bochev and M. Gunzburger}, title={Accuracy of least-squares methods for the Navier-{S}tokes equations}, institution={NASA}, number={ Technical Memorandum, 106209, ICOMP-93-19}, year={June 1993} } % @techreport{BochevScovel:1993, author={P. Bochev and C. Scovel}, title={On quadratic invariants and simplectic structure}, number={LA-UR-93-3198}, institution={Los Alamos National Laboratory}, year={1993} } % @techreport{BochevSNL:2000, author={P. Bochev}, title={Finite Element Methods: a variational approach to theory and practice}, institution={Sandia National Laboratories}, number={Report SAND2000-0979}, volume={SCAN Issue 2}, year={July 2000}, note={133 pages} } % @techreport{BochevVMS:2004, author={P. Bochev and M. Christon and S. Collis and R. Lehoucq and A. Slepoy and J. Shadid}, title={A Mathematical Framework for Multiscale Science and Engineering: The Variational Multiscale Method and Interscale Transfer Operators}, institution={Sandia National Laboratories}, number={SAND2004-2871}, year={2004} } % @techreport{BochevGEO:2005, author={D. Day and P. Bochev and K. Pendley and C. Weiss and A. Robinson}, title={Geophysical Subsurface Imaging and Interface Identification}, institution={Sandia National Laboratories}, number={SAND2005-6272}, year={2005} } %[5] P. Bochev, Least-squares methods for elliptic problems, in Proceedings of Conference on Iterative Solution Methods for the Elasticity Equations as Arising in Mechanics and Biomechanics, IMMBÕ98, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands, September 28-30, 1998.