more-ang_size.html - learned about what is angular size more-rltnshp.html - learned about the relationship between angular size and actual size ang_prac1.html - practice using angular size (everyday situation) parallax-movie.html - saw a movie demonstrating stellar parallax betelgeuse.html - practice using angular size in astrophysical situation parallax-size.html - using parallax to fins the distance to HT Cas psf.html - learned about point-spread functions and why any telescope is limited in what it can image strength.html - learned about the 1/r^2 effect of decrease in strength of signals with distance time.html - learned about the size scale of the Universe and how long a radar signal would take to travel to HT Cas and back lightcurve_match.html - practice matching points in the binary's orbit to points in the lightcurve htcas-xray.html - learned how to use the relationship distance = dt * v and X-ray lightcurves to calculate the size of the central star