Image Credits

The two-dimensional simulation of a supernova explosion is courtesy of A. Mezzacappa, ORNL.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array image of the Cassiopeia A Supernova Remnant is copyrighted (c) 1992 by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

The schematic diagram of accretion onto a white dwarf, initiating a nova explosion, is from Mike Shara, Bob Williams, and David Zurek (Space Telescope Science Institute); Roberto Gilmozzi (European Southern Observatory); Dina Prialnik (Tel Aviv University); and NASA; more diagrams can be found here.

A photograph of the Daresbury Recoil Separator as installed for nuclear astrophysics measurements with radioactive beams at HRIBF.

An image of the Red Giant Star Betelgeuse from the Hubble Space Telescope (and the Space Telescope Science Institute).

Other images used in these pages include those of Nova Cygni 1992 and Supernova 1987a, also from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Space Telescope Science Institute.