package gov.nist.javax.sip.parser; import gov.nist.javax.sip.address.*; import gov.nist.core.*; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Vector; /** * Parser For SIP and Tel URLs. Other kinds of URL's are handled by the * J2SE 1.4 URL class. * @version JAIN-SIP-1.1 $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2006/05/17 05:20:18 $ * * @author M. Ranganathan
* * This code is in the public domain. */ public class URLParser extends Parser { public URLParser(String url) { this.lexer = new Lexer("sip_urlLexer", url); } URLParser(Lexer lexer) { this.lexer = lexer; this.lexer.selectLexer("sip_urlLexer"); } protected static boolean isMark(char next) { return next == '-' || next == '_' || next == '.' || next == '!' || next == '~' || next == '*' || next == '\'' || next == '(' || next == ')'; } protected static boolean isUnreserved(char next) { return Lexer.isAlpha(next) || Lexer.isDigit(next) || isMark(next); } protected static boolean isReservedNoSlash(char next) { return next == ';' || next == '?' || next == ':' || next == '@' || next == '&' || next == '+' || next == '$' || next == ','; } // Missing '=' bug in character set - discovered by interop testing // at SIPIT 13 by Bob Johnson and Scott Holben. // change . to ; by Bruno Konik protected static boolean isUserUnreserved(char la) { return la == '&' || la == '?' || la == '+' || la == '$' || la == '#' || la == '/' || la == ',' || la == ';' || la == '='; } protected String unreserved() throws ParseException { char next = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (isUnreserved(next)) { lexer.consume(1); return new StringBuffer().append(next).toString(); } else throw createParseException("unreserved"); } /** Name or value of a parameter. */ protected String paramNameOrValue() throws ParseException { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { char next = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (next == '[' || next == ']' // JvB: fixed this one || next == '/' || next == ':' || next == '&' || next == '+' || next == '$' || isUnreserved(next)) { retval.append(next); lexer.consume(1); } else if (isEscaped()) { String esc = lexer.charAsString(3); lexer.consume(3); retval.append(esc); } else break; } return retval.toString(); } private NameValue uriParam() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("uriParam"); try { String pvalue = null; String pname = paramNameOrValue(); char next = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (next == '=') { lexer.consume(1); pvalue = paramNameOrValue(); } if (pname.toString().equals("") && ( pvalue == null || pvalue.toString().equals("") )) return null; else return new NameValue(pname, pvalue); } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("uriParam"); } } protected static boolean isReserved(char next) { return next == ';' || next == '/' || next == '?' || next == ':' || next == '=' // Bug fix by Bruno Konik || next == '@' || next == '&' || next == '+' || next == '$' || next == ','; } protected String reserved() throws ParseException { char next = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (isReserved(next)) { lexer.consume(1); return new StringBuffer().append(next).toString(); } else throw createParseException("reserved"); } protected boolean isEscaped() { try { char next = lexer.lookAhead(0); char next1 = lexer.lookAhead(1); char next2 = lexer.lookAhead(2); return ( next == '%' && Lexer.isHexDigit(next1) && Lexer.isHexDigit(next2)); } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } protected String escaped() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("escaped"); try { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); char next = lexer.lookAhead(0); char next1 = lexer.lookAhead(1); char next2 = lexer.lookAhead(2); if (next == '%' && Lexer.isHexDigit(next1) && Lexer.isHexDigit(next2)) { lexer.consume(3); retval.append(next); retval.append(next1); retval.append(next2); } else throw createParseException("escaped"); return retval.toString(); } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("escaped"); } } protected String mark() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("mark"); try { char next = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (isMark(next)) { lexer.consume(1); return new String( new char[]{next} ); } else throw createParseException("mark"); } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("mark"); } } protected String uric() { if (debug) dbg_enter("uric"); try { try { char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (isUnreserved(la)) { lexer.consume(1); return Lexer.charAsString(la); } else if (isReserved(la)) { lexer.consume(1); return Lexer.charAsString(la); } else if (isEscaped()) { String retval = lexer.charAsString(3); lexer.consume(3); return retval; } else return null; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("uric"); } } protected String uricNoSlash() { if (debug) dbg_enter("uricNoSlash"); try { try { char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (isEscaped()) { String retval = lexer.charAsString(3); lexer.consume(3); return retval; } else if (isUnreserved(la)) { lexer.consume(1); return Lexer.charAsString(la); } else if (isReservedNoSlash(la)) { lexer.consume(1); return Lexer.charAsString(la); } else return null; } catch (ParseException ex) { return null; } } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("uricNoSlash"); } } protected String uricString() { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); while (true) { String next = uric(); if (next == null) break; retval.append(next); } return retval.toString(); } /** * Parse and return a structure for a generic URL. * Note that non SIP URLs are just stored as a string (not parsed). * @return URI is a URL structure for a SIP url. * @throws ParsException if there was a problem parsing. */ public GenericURI uriReference() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("uriReference"); GenericURI retval = null; Vector vect = lexer.peekNextToken(2); Token t1 = (Token) vect.elementAt(0); Token t2 = (Token) vect.elementAt(1); try { // System.out.println("token = " + t1.getTokenValue()); // System.out.println("tokenval = " + t1.getTokenType()); if (t1.getTokenType() == TokenTypes.SIP) { if (t2.getTokenType() == ':') retval = sipURL(); else throw createParseException("Expecting \':\'"); } else if (t1.getTokenType() == TokenTypes.TEL) { if (t2.getTokenType() == ':') { retval = telURL(); } else throw createParseException("Expecting \':\'"); } else { String urlString = uricString(); try { retval = new GenericURI(urlString); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw createParseException(ex.getMessage()); } } } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("uriReference"); } return retval; } /** * Parser for the base phone number. */ private String base_phone_number() throws ParseException { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); if (debug) dbg_enter("base_phone_number"); try { int lc = 0; while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { char w = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (Lexer.isDigit(w) || w == '-' || w == '.' || w == '(' || w == ')') { lexer.consume(1); s.append(w); lc++; } else if (lc > 0) break; else throw createParseException("unexpected " + w); } return s.toString(); } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("base_phone_number"); } } /** * Parser for the local phone #. */ private String local_number() throws ParseException { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); if (debug) dbg_enter("local_number"); try { int lc = 0; while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (la == '*' || la == '#' || la == '-' || la == '.' || la == '(' || la == ')' // JvB: allow 'A'..'F', should be uppercase || Lexer.isHexDigit(la)) { lexer.consume(1); s.append(la); lc++; } else if (lc > 0) break; else throw createParseException("unexepcted " + la); } return s.toString(); } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("local_number"); } } /** * Parser for telephone subscriber. * * @return the parsed telephone number. */ public final TelephoneNumber parseTelephoneNumber() throws ParseException { TelephoneNumber tn; if (debug) dbg_enter("telephone_subscriber"); lexer.selectLexer("charLexer"); try { char c = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (c == '+') tn = global_phone_number(); else if ( Lexer.isHexDigit(c) // see RFC3966 || c == '#' || c == '*' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '(' || c == ')' ) { tn = local_phone_number(); } else throw createParseException("unexpected char " + c); return tn; } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("telephone_subscriber"); } } private final TelephoneNumber global_phone_number() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("global_phone_number"); try { TelephoneNumber tn = new TelephoneNumber(); tn.setGlobal(true); NameValueList nv = null; this.lexer.match(PLUS); String b = base_phone_number(); tn.setPhoneNumber(b); if (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { char tok = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (tok == ';') { this.lexer.consume(1); nv = tel_parameters(); tn.setParameters(nv); } } return tn; } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("global_phone_number"); } } private TelephoneNumber local_phone_number() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("local_phone_number"); TelephoneNumber tn = new TelephoneNumber(); tn.setGlobal(false); NameValueList nv = null; String b = null; try { b = local_number(); tn.setPhoneNumber(b); if (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { Token tok = this.lexer.peekNextToken(); switch (tok.getTokenType()) { case SEMICOLON : { this.lexer.consume(1); nv = tel_parameters(); tn.setParameters(nv); break; } default : { break; } } } } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("local_phone_number"); } return tn; } private NameValueList tel_parameters() throws ParseException { NameValueList nvList = new NameValueList(); // JvB: Need to handle 'phone-context' specially // 'isub' (or 'ext') MUST appear first, but we accept any order here NameValue nv; while ( true ) { String pname = paramNameOrValue(); // Handle 'phone-context' specially, it may start with '+' if ( pname.equalsIgnoreCase("phone-context")) { nv = phone_context(); } else { if (lexer.lookAhead(0) == '=') { lexer.match('='); String value = paramNameOrValue(); nv = new NameValue( pname, value ); } else { nv = new NameValue( pname, "" ); // flag param } } nvList.add( nv ); if ( lexer.lookAhead(0) == ';' ) { lexer.match(';'); } else { return nvList; } } } /** * Parses the 'phone-context' parameter in tel: URLs * @throws ParseException */ private NameValue phone_context() throws ParseException { lexer.match('='); char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); Object value; if (la=='+') { // global-number-digits lexer.consume(1); // skip '+' value = "+" + base_phone_number(); } else if ( Lexer.isAlpha(la) || Lexer.isDigit(la) ) { Token t = lexer.match( Lexer.ID ); // more broad than allowed value = t.getTokenValue(); } else { throw new ParseException( "Invalid phone-context:" + la , -1 ); } return new NameValue( "phone-context", value ); } /** * Parse and return a structure for a Tel URL. * @return a parsed tel url structure. */ public TelURLImpl telURL() throws ParseException { lexer.match(TokenTypes.TEL); lexer.match(':'); TelephoneNumber tn = this.parseTelephoneNumber(); TelURLImpl telUrl = new TelURLImpl(); telUrl.setTelephoneNumber(tn); return telUrl; } /** * Parse and return a structure for a SIP URL. * @return a URL structure for a SIP url. * @throws ParsException if there was a problem parsing. */ public SipUri sipURL() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("sipURL"); SipUri retval = new SipUri(); try { lexer.match(TokenTypes.SIP); lexer.match(':'); retval.setScheme(TokenNames.SIP); int m = lexer.markInputPosition(); try { String user = user(); char la; la = lexer.lookAhead(0); // name:password@hostPort lexer.match(':'); String password = password(); lexer.match('@'); HostNameParser hnp = new HostNameParser(this.getLexer()); HostPort hp = hnp.hostPort(); retval.setUser(user); retval.setUserPassword(password); retval.setHostPort(hp); } catch (ParseException ex) { // name@hostPort try { lexer.rewindInputPosition(m); String user = user(); lexer.match('@'); HostNameParser hnp = new HostNameParser(this.getLexer()); HostPort hp = hnp.hostPort(); retval.setUser(user); retval.setHostPort(hp); } catch (ParseException e) { // hostPort lexer.rewindInputPosition(m); HostNameParser hnp = new HostNameParser(this.getLexer()); HostPort hp = hnp.hostPort(); retval.setHostPort(hp); } } lexer.selectLexer("charLexer"); while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { if (lexer.lookAhead(0) != ';') break; lexer.consume(1); NameValue parms = uriParam(); if (parms != null) retval.setUriParameter(parms); } if (lexer.hasMoreChars() && lexer.lookAhead(0) == '?') { lexer.consume(1); while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { NameValue parms = qheader(); retval.setQHeader(parms); if (lexer.hasMoreChars() && lexer.lookAhead(0) != '&') break; else lexer.consume(1); } } return retval; } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("sipURL"); } } public String peekScheme() throws ParseException { Vector tokens = lexer.peekNextToken(1); if (tokens.size() == 0) return null; String scheme = ((Token) tokens.elementAt(0)).getTokenValue(); return scheme; } /** * Get a name value for a given query header (ie one that comes * after the ?). */ protected NameValue qheader() throws ParseException { String name = lexer.getNextToken('='); lexer.consume(1); String value = hvalue(); return new NameValue(name, value); } protected String hvalue() throws ParseException { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); // Look for a character that can terminate a URL. if (la == '+' || la == '?' || la == ':' || la == '[' || la == ']' || la == '/' || la == '$' || la == '_' || la == '-' || la == '"' || la == '!' || la == '~' || la == '*' || la == '.' || la == '(' || la == ')' || Lexer.isAlpha(la) || Lexer.isDigit(la)) { lexer.consume(1); retval.append(la); } else if (la == '%') { retval.append(escaped()); } else break; } return retval.toString(); } /** * Scan forward until you hit a terminating character for a URL. * We do not handle non sip urls in this implementation. * @return the string that takes us to the end of this URL (i.e. to * the next delimiter). */ protected String urlString() throws ParseException { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); lexer.selectLexer("charLexer"); while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); // Look for a character that can terminate a URL. if (la == ' ' || la == '\t' || la == '\n' || la == '>' || la == '<') break; lexer.consume(0); retval.append(la); } return retval.toString(); } protected String user() throws ParseException { if (debug) dbg_enter("user"); try { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); while (lexer.hasMoreChars()) { char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); //if (la == '=') break; if (isUnreserved(la) || isUserUnreserved(la)) { retval.append(la); lexer.consume(1); } else if (isEscaped()) { String esc = lexer.charAsString(3); lexer.consume(3); retval.append(esc); } else break; } return retval.toString(); } finally { if (debug) dbg_leave("user"); } } protected String password() throws ParseException { StringBuffer retval = new StringBuffer(); while (true) { char la = lexer.lookAhead(0); if (isUnreserved(la) || la == '&' || la == '=' || la == '+' || la == '$' || la == ',') { retval.append(la); lexer.consume(1); } else if (isEscaped()) { String esc = lexer.charAsString(3); retval.append(esc); lexer.consume(3); // bug reported by // Jeff Haynie } else break; } return retval.toString(); } /** * Default parse method. This method just calls uriReference. */ public GenericURI parse() throws ParseException { return uriReference(); } /** **/ } /* * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.7 2006/05/17 05:20:18 jeroen * fixed phone-context string value being returned * * Revision 1.6 2006/05/15 19:31:11 jeroen * fixed tel: URI case, characters are only allowed in %-encoded form * * Revision 1.5 2006/05/14 21:30:27 jeroen * more fixed tel: URL parsing, in line with RFC3966 * * Revision 1.3 2006/05/14 20:20:32 jeroen * fix for local phone numbers * * Revision 1.2 2005/10/22 23:53:35 jeroen * fixed nasty little bug in URI parser: typo in bracket ('[' instead of ']') * * Revision 2005/10/04 17:12:36 mranga * * Import * * * Revision 1.9 2005/07/14 14:53:58 mranga * Submitted by: mranga * Reviewed by: mranga * * Applied Jeff Heynie's bug fix for URL parser. * * Revision 1.8 2004/07/28 14:13:55 mranga * Submitted by: mranga * * Move out the test code to a separate test/unit class. * Fixed some encode methods. * * Revision 1.7 2004/04/22 22:51:18 mranga * Submitted by: Thomas Froment * Reviewed by: mranga * * Fixed corner cases. * * Revision 1.6 2004/02/06 20:15:55 mranga * Submitted by: Bruno Konik * Reviewed by: mranga * Fixed character sets for parsing of urls and methods. * * Revision 1.5 2004/01/22 13:26:32 sverker * Issue number: * Obtained from: * Submitted by: sverker * Reviewed by: mranga * * Major reformat of code to conform with style guide. Resolved compiler and javadoc warnings. Added CVS tags. * * CVS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * CVS: Issue number: * CVS: If this change addresses one or more issues, * CVS: then enter the issue number(s) here. * CVS: Obtained from: * CVS: If this change has been taken from another system, * CVS: then name the system in this line, otherwise delete it. * CVS: Submitted by: * CVS: If this code has been contributed to the project by someone else; i.e., * CVS: they sent us a patch or a set of diffs, then include their name/email * CVS: address here. If this is your work then delete this line. * CVS: Reviewed by: * CVS: If we are doing pre-commit code reviews and someone else has * CVS: reviewed your changes, include their name(s) here. * CVS: If you have not had it reviewed then delete this line. * */