1.0 Systematically-Corrected NLAPS Data Format

1.1 Overview of the NLAPS Product Contents

1.2 NDF Product Composition

                                      |  Image Header File  |
                                     |   Image File (Band 1)|  <----- Each image file contains only  
                                     ------------------------         one band.  The image file sequence 
                                                 *                    begins with the lowest band number. 
                                                 *                    The number of bands present 
                                                 *                    depends on the product ordered. 
                                     |   Image File (Band N)| 
                                      |  Work Order Report  |    

                                     | History and Processing |
                                     |       Parameters       |
Figure 1-1. Geometrically corrected NDF product (BSQ).

                                      |  Image Header File  |

                                      |     Image File      |  <------ The file contains each band 
                                      -----------------------          in interleaved order. 
                                                                       The first line of band 1 is 
                                      -----------------------          present, followed by the first 
                                      |  Work Order Report  |          line of band n, the second 
                                      -----------------------          line of band 1, and so on.   
                                                                       The number of bands present 
                                     --------------------------        depends on the product ordered.
                                     | History and Processing |
                                     |       Parameters       |
Figure 1-2. Geometrically corrected NDF product (BIL).

                 ---------------------   ---------------------    ---------------------
                 | Image Header File |   | Image Header File |    | Work Order Report |
                 ---------------------   ---------------------    ---------------------

                 ---------------------   ---------------------  -------------------------- 
                 |Image File (Band 1)|   |Image File (Band N)|  | History and Processing |
                 ---------------------   ---------------------  |      Parameters        |

                 ---------------------- -----------------------  
                 | Image File (Band 2)| |Image File (Band N+1)| 
                 ---------------------- ----------------------- 
Figure 1-3. Typical file sequence on multi-volume order.

1.2.1 Image File Format

Table 1-1. General parameters.

|      Keywords        |   Description of keywords and appropriate values   |
|NDF_REVISION          | Format version code <m>"."<nn>. This document      |
|                      | describes version "1.00"                           |
|PRODUCT_NUMBER        | Product order number in <NNNYYMMDDSSSSdddd>        |
|                      | format with NNN = Node, YY = year, MM = month,     |
|                      | DD = day, SSSS = Sequence Number, and dddd =       |
|                      | unit number.                                       |
|DATA_FILE_INTERLEAVING| Interleaving type. Valid values are: "BIL","BSQ".  |
|TAPE_SPANNING_FLAG    | Tape spanning flag for images that span multiple   |
|                      | volumes in <n>"/"<m> format, where                 |
|                      | <n> is the current volume number and <m>           | 
|                      | is the total number of volumes.                    |
|START_LINE_NUMBER     | First data/image line number on this volume (for   |
|                      | multiple volumes). Integer format.                 |
|START_DATA_FILE       | First data file number on this volume (for         |
|                      | multiple volumes). Integer format.                 |
|BLOCKING_FACTOR       | Blocking factor. Number of data records per block. |
|                      | Integer format. Default is "1".                    |
|MAP_PROJECTION_NAME   | Map projection name, as specified in GCTP          |
|                      | documentationa.                                    |
|USGS_PROJECTION_NUMBER| USGS supported projection number, as specified     |
|                      | in GCTP documentationa.                            |
|USGS_MAP_ZONE         | USGS map zone code, for UTM and State Plane        |
|                      | Cartographic System. (Negative numbers are used    |
|                      | to indicate southern hemisphere for UTM zone).     |
|USGS_PROJECTION_      | USGS map projection parametersa. There are 15      |
|PARAMETERS            | parameters, all with the same format (D26.15).     |
|HORIZONTAL_DATUM      | Name of the horizontal datum usedb.                |
|                      | See Appendix A.                                    |
|EARTH_ELLIPSOID_      | Semi-major axis of Earth ellipsoid. F11.3          |
|SEMI-MAJOR_AXIS       | format, in meters.                                 |
|EARTH_ELLIPSOID_      | Semi-minor axis of Earth ellipsoid. F11.3          |
|SEMI-MINOR_AXIS       | format, in meters.                                 |
|EARTH_ELLIPSOID_      | <x-offset>","<y-offset>","<z-offset>               |
|ORIGIN_OFFSET         | x-, y- & z-offsets of Earth ellipsoid in meters.   | 
|                      | F11.3 format.                                      |
|EARTH_ELLIPSOID_      | <x-plane offset>","<y-plane offset>",              |
|ROTATION_OFFSET       | "<z-plane offset> Angular offset from              |
|                      | x-plane, y-plane & z-plane of Earth ellipsoid      |
|                      | in degrees. F9.6 format.                           |
|PRODUCT_SIZE          | Valid values are: "FULL_SCENE", "SUBSCENE",        |
|                      | "MULTI_SCENE".                                     |
|RESAMPLING            | Resampling kernel. Valid values are: "NN",         |
|                      | "BL", "CC", "KD16","SINC8", "SINC16", "NONE",      |
|                      | <user-defined>, where <user-defined>               |
|                      | is an unique name for an user-definable kernel.    |
|PROCESSING_DATE/TIME  | Processing date/time  <MMDDYY>"/"                  |
|                      | <hhmmssxx> format, in local system time.           | 
|PROCESSING_SOFTWARE   | Processing software version: "NLAPS_"<xx>"         |    
|                      | where xx = software version number.                |
|DATA_SET_TYPE         | Type of data. Format of data type:                 |
|                      | <producer>"_"<sensor>|<data type>[FMT<nnn>]        |
|                      | Valid types are: "EDC_MSS","EDC_TM"                |
|PIXEL_FORMAT          | Format of pixel. Valid values are: "BIT", "BYTE",  |
|                      | "2BYTEINT", "4BYTEINT", "REAL", "DOUBLE".          |
|                      | Note that integers may be signed or unsigned.      | 
|PIXEL_ORDER           | Valid values are: "NOT_INVERTED",                  | 
|                      |   "[<n>-]BYTE_INVERTED",                           |
|                      |   "[<n>-]BIT_INVERTED".                            |
|                      | An example is: "BYTE_INVERTED".                    |
|                      | Default value is "NOT_INVERTED".                   |
|BITS_PER_PIXEL        | Number of bits per pixel. Integer format.          |
|PIXELS_PER_LINE       | Number of pixels per line. Integer format.         |
|LINES_PER_DATA_FILE   | Number of data lines for each data/image file.     | 
|                      | For example, for a 3-band BIL imagery data file.   | 
|                      | the value of LINES_PER_DATA_FILE will equal the    |
|                      | number of lines in each band multiplied by 3.      |
|                      | Integer format. For BSQ imagery, the value of      |
|                      | LINES_PER_DATA_FILE will equal the number of       |
|                      | lines in each band.                                |
|DATA_ORIENTATION      | Data orientation in <position>"/"                  |
|                      | <direction> formatc.                               |
|                      | Valid values are:                                  |
|                      |   "UPPER_LEFT/RIGHT", "UPPER_LEFT/BOT",            |
|                      |   "UPPER_RIGHT/LEFT", "UPPER_RIGHT/BOT",           |
|                      |   "BOTTOM_LEFT/RIGHT", "BOTTOM_LEFT/TOP",          |
|                      |   "BOTTOM_RIGHT/LEFT", "BOTTOM_RIGHT/TOP".         |
|NUMBER_OF_DATA_FILES  | Total number of image/data files. Header, work     |
|                      | order report and history files are excluded.       |
|                      | Integer format.                                    |
|LINES_PER_VOLUME      | Number of data lines on this volume (for multiple  |
|                      | volumes). Integer format.                          |
|RECORD_SIZE           | Length of physical record in bytes. Integer format.|
|UPPER_LEFT_CORNER     | <Longitude>"," <Latitude>"," <Easting>",           |
|                      | "<Northing> where Longitude and Latitude           |
|                      | represent geodetic coordinates in <DDDMMSS>        |
|                      | "."<SSSSC> format with DDD = degrees,              |
|                      | MM = minutes, SS.SSSS = seconds, and               |
|                      | C = "N", "S", "E" or "W".  Easting and Northing    |
|                      | are expressed in meters, in F13.3 format.  These   |
|                      | 4 measurements are taken at the center of the      |
|                      | upper-left-most pixel. An example of longitude:    |
|                      | 5 degrees, 13 min., 12.7 sec. west of prime        |
|                      | meridian will be expressed as "0051312.7000W".     |
|                      | An example of latitude: 18 degrees, 12 min.,       |
|                      | 54.7 sec. north of the equator will be expressed   |
|                      | as "0181254.7000N".                                |
|UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER    | <Longitude>"," <Latitude>",                        |
|                      | "<Easting>","<Northing>.  The format               |
|                      | is similar to that of UPPER_LEFT_CORNER. These     |
|                      | 4 measurements are taken at the center of the      |
|                      | upper-right-most pixel.                            |
|LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER    | <Longitude>"," <Latitude>",                        |
|                      | "<Easting>","<Northing>.  The format               |
|                      | is similar to that of UPPER_LEFT_CORNER. These     |
|                      | 4 measurements are taken at the center of the      |
|                      | lower-right-most pixel.                            |
|LOWER_LEFT_CORNER     | <Longitude>"," <Latitude>",                        |
|                      | "<Easting>","<Northing>.  The format               |
|                      | similar to that of UPPER_LEFT_CORNER.  These 4     |
|                      | measurements are taken at the center of the        |
|                      | lower-left-most pixel.                             |
|REFERENCE_POINT       | Valid values are:                                  |
|                      |   "SCENE_CENTER", "NONE".                          |
|REFERENCE_POSITION    | <Longitude>","<Latitude>",                         |
|                      | "<Easting>", "<Northing>",                         |
|                      | "<Pixel #>","<Line #>.  Used to                    |
|                      | geographically reference the image to the ground.  |
|                      | The longitude, latitude, easting and northing      |
|                      | formats are the same as those in UPPER_LEFT_CORNER.|
|                      | Pixel # and Line # refer to reference point pixel  |
|                      | and line numbers respectively, with the first      |
|                      | pixel in the image being 1,1. They both have       |
|                      | F9.2 formats and can be negative. Integer          |
|                      | line/pixel numbers correspond to the center        |
|                      | of a pixel.                                        |
|REFERENCE_OFFSET      | <x-offset>","<y-offset>.  Horizontal               | 
|                      | offset of the true reference point from the        |
|                      | nominal WRS scene center in units of whole         |
|                      | pixels. Both are F9.2 format.                      |
|ORIENTATION           | Orientation angle in degrees measured clockwise    |
|                      | from grid (map) North. May be negative.            |
|                      | F11.6 format.                                      |
|WRS                   | WRS Path/Row in <ppp>"/"<rrr.n> format,            |
|                      | where n is the fractional row value.               |
|ACQUISITION_DATE/     | Date and time of acquisition of reference point    |
|TIME                  | in <MMDDYY>"/"<hhmmssxx> format,                   |
|                      | in GMT.                                            |
|SATELLITE             | Satellite number. Valid values are                 |
|                      | "Landsat_"<n>, where n is an integer from          |
|                      | 1 through 5.                                       |
|SATELLITE_INSTRUMENT  | Instrument type: <SSSSSS>[mm][nn], where           |
|                      | <SSSSSS> is the sensor type, [mm] the mode         | 
|                      | number, and [nn] the multiplexor.                  |
|                      | Valid values are: "MSS", "TM".                     |
|PIXEL_SPACING         | <Horizontal pixel size>","<vertical                |          
|                      | pixel size>.  Horizontal and vertical pixel        |
|                      | size in PIXEL_SPACING_UNITS. F9.4 format.          |
|PIXEL_SPACING_UNITS   | Units of measure:  "METERS"                        |
|PROCESSING_LEVEL      | Processing level. For TM & MSS, valid values       |
|                      | are: "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07",     |
|                      | "08", "09", "10". These correspond to the          |
|                      | standard Landsat processing levelsc.               |
|SUN_ELEVATION         | Sun elevation in degrees at the reference point    |
|                      | (acquisition time). F6.2 format.                   |
|SUN_AZIMUTH           | Sun azimuth in degrees at the reference point      |
|                      | (acquisition time). F6.2 format.                   |
|NUMBER_OF_BANDS_      | Number of bands in the volume. Integer format.     |
|IN_VOLUME             |                                                    |

Table 1-2. MSS/TM image specific header fields.
|      Keywords        |   Description of keywords and appropriate values   |
|BAND1_NAME            | Name of first band. For example: "TM_Band_3".      |
                       | Format: string.                                    |
|BAND1_WAVELENGTHS     | <start of range>","<end of range>                  |
|                      | Range of wavelength of first band in the volume    |
|                      | in micrometers. F6.2 format.                       |
|BAND1_RADIOMETRIC     | <Gain>","<bias> Gain and bias values               |  
|_GAINS/BIAS           | for first band. F16.7 format. (Not applied)        |
|...                   | ...                                                |
|...                   | ...                                                |
|BAND<n>_NAME          |  Name of last band in the volume, where <n>        |
|                      |  is the number of bands present. Format: string.   |
|BAND<n>_WAVELENGTHS   | <start of range> "," <end of range>                |
|                      | Range of wavelength of last band in the volume     |
|                      | in micrometers.  F6.2 format.                      |
| BAND<n>_RADIOMETRIC_ | <Gain> "," <bias> Gain and bias values for         |
| GAINS/BIAS           | last band. F16.7 format. (Not applied)             | 
+----------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ Image Header File Examples

Header examples are listed below to demonstrate how the metadata appear in the first file of each digital product.

MSS Systematically Corrected Image Header Example:

Systematic TM Image Header Example:

1.2.2 Image Files

The Image files contain the raw image pixels or elevation samples. There are no header records within the files nor are there any prefix or suffix data to the individual image records. All data files in the same data set must have the same pixel spacing and pixel format. A different resolution product must appear as a different volume set.

If the image has BSQ scan line organization, the scan lines are sequentially written for each band to the same image file as shown in Figure 1-4. If the image has BIL scan line organization then the scan lines are sequenced by interleaving all bands as shown in Figure 1-5.

                                      |    Line 1 Band 1    |
                                      |    Line 2 Band 1    |
                                      |    Line N Band 1    |
                                      |    Line 1 Band 2    |
                                      |    Line M Band N    |

Figure 1-4. BSQ Scan Line Organization.

                                      |    Line 1 Band 1    |
                                      |    Line 1 Band 2    |
                                      |    Line 1 Band N    |
                                      |    Line 2 Band 1    |
                                      |    Line M Band N    |

Figure 1-5. BIL Scan Line Organization.

1.2.3 Work Order Report File Work Order Report File Format

The Work Order Report File provides a record of the work executed in to a DORRAN Product Order. This file is in ASCII format and contains information relative to the processing performed and the parameters used (e.g., latitude, longitude, heights, dates). Work Order Report File Example

Multiple processing stage examples are listed below to display how the work order file appears in a product file.

  Latitudes and longitudes are specified in degrees.
  Heights are specified in meters.
  Northings and eastings are specified in meters with respect to the map
  Dates are in MM/DD/YY format.

      format_version = 001
      order_nbr = 0119705050080
      unit_nbr = 0002
      message_date = 05/05/97
      message_type = ORD
      product_code = N400
      product_assign = P
      priority_code = 4
      date_due = 05/16/97
      satellite = 4
      sensor = TM
      input_media_type = DT
      input_media_fmt = BR
      storage_loc = BE1869
      dct_id = 9603804TMR
      nbr_scenes = 01


      new_scene_id            scene_addr_id_1       scene_addr_id_2
      LT4080012009221310      3225401               3425521      
      geo_corr_level = MAP
      rad_calib_meth = NASA
      terrain_corr = FULL
      output_prod_spc = WRS_SCENE
          out_prod_path = 080 
          out_prod_row = 12.0 

      image_orientation = MAP
          projection_code = 3
              parm1 = 6378206.4
              parm2 = 6356583.8
              parm3 = +055000000
              parm4 = +065000000
              parm5 = -154000000
              parm6 = +050000000
              parm7 = 0.0
              parm8 = 0.0
              parm9 =      
              parm10 =      
              parm11 =      
              parm12 =      
              parm13 =      
              parm14 =      
              parm15 =      

          zone = 62
          horizontal_datum = NAD27
      prod_pixel_height = 30.00 meters
      prod_pixel_width = 30.00 meters
      resamp_method = 1P2D
      resamp_tech = NN
      base_elevation = 0
      rad_enhancement = NONE
      nbr_maps = 0


      map_quad_name              state  id      ctr_lat     ctr_lon  scale
      BAIRD MTS                  AK     D-6    67.87515  -161.75125  63360   
      BAIRD MTS                  AK     C-6    67.62515  -161.75125  63360   
      BAIRD MTS                  AK     B-3    67.37516  -160.25122  63360   
      DE LONG MTS                AK     A-2    68.12523  -162.90149  63360   
      MISHEGUK MTN               AK     D-5    68.87521  -161.70156  63360   
      MISHEGUK MTN               AK     C-3    68.62522  -160.50153  63360   
      MISHEGUK MTN               AK     B-2    68.37522  -159.90153  63360   
      MISHEGUK MTN               AK     A-1    68.12523  -159.30149  63360   

      inp_image_quick_look_req = N
      rad_corr_quick_look_req = N
      deband_quick_look_req = N
      despike_quick_look_req = N
      resam_img_quick_look_req = N
      verify_req_f = Y
      spectral_bands = 1234567
      product_format = NDF
      data_organization = BSQ
Start Time = Wed May  7 08:10:13 1997
End   Time = Wed May  7 09:50:19 1997

   Input Media = DCRSi
   Input Data Format = R

   Volume Information:
   Storage Location |  SceneIdList
   BE1869           |   LT4080012009221310

   Total Swaths = 1149
   Input Center:        
      Date = 07/31/92
      Time = 21:28:17.331
   Sync Losses = 0
   Bands Ingested = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  All error measurements are in meters.

   Start Time = Wed May  7 09:50:28 1997
   End   Time = Thu May  8 08:33:38 1997

   Number of CPs in model: 12        

   Error             Mean Error      RMS Error        Std Dev Error
   Along Track             0.05          14.36                14.36
   Across Track            0.04          12.61                12.61
   Height                  0.00           1.17                 1.17
   Combined                0.06          19.15                19.15


   CP#             Lat          Long     Height
   1761       68.39428    -160.81073      416.2
   1900       65.84476    -161.26330       83.8
   1757       66.04878    -163.18753        5.4
   1749       66.44256    -164.91038        5.2
   1772       68.71724    -159.80461      615.7
   1867       67.09000    -160.48211       14.8
   1747       67.70850    -163.67470      141.9
   1870       66.87875    -162.37753        8.3
   1773       68.31944    -162.69128      321.1
   3067       67.63941    -159.80809      188.4
   3045       68.80425    -158.57369      496.1
   2919       68.19158    -158.40685      511.1

   CP#     Auto-     Type         Along      Across      Height   Combined
           marked?                Track       Track
   1761    Y         RCP         -12.88       13.89       -0.27      18.95
   1900    Y         RCP         -23.12       -1.97       -0.21      23.20
   1757    Y         RCP          11.58      -14.27        0.10      18.38
   1749    Y         RCP           2.47        0.15       -0.03       2.48
   1772    Y         RCP          14.45        1.97        0.05      14.59
   1867    Y         RCP          10.03       15.38        1.44      18.42
   1747    Y         RCP          -9.20        7.71       -1.07      12.05
   1870    Y         RCP          -1.15        1.60       -0.02       1.97
   1773    Y         RCP          -2.19       -5.31        0.66       5.78
   3067    Y         RCP          22.50      -12.56       -1.23      25.80
   3045    N         RCP         -24.07      -25.44       -2.04      35.08


   Start Time =     
   End   Time =     


   Start Time =     
   End   Time =     


   Start Time = Thu May  8 12:01:01 1997
   End   Time = Thu May  8 13:42:17 1997

   Map Projection = ALBCONEQ
   Datum (Earth Spheroid) = NAD27
   Geometric Correction Level = map-projected
   Image Orientation = 0.00000 degrees
   Resampling Method = 1 PASS
   Resampling Kernel = NearestNeighbor

   Radiometric Correction:
   Radiometric Calibration Algorithm = NASA

   Band | Reference           DN to Radiance     Default Absolute
        | Detector           Gain      Offset    Calibration?
   1    | 6              0.602431   -1.520000    N   
   2    | 10             1.175100   -2.840000    Y   
   3    | 4              0.805765   -1.170000    N   
   4    | 13             0.814549   -1.510000    N   
   5    | 11             0.108078   -0.370000    Y   
   6    | 2              0.055158    1.237800    N   
   7    | 15             0.056980   -0.150000    N   

   Destriping gains/offsets for band: 1         

            |           Forward                      Backward
   Detector |       Gain     Offset              Gain      Offset
   1        |    0.78433    0.29926           0.78433     0.29926
   2        |    0.77905    0.03200           0.77905     0.03200
   3        |    0.77170    0.36095           0.77170     0.36095
   4        |    0.77223    0.05781           0.77223     0.05781
   5        |    0.77337    0.50945           0.77337     0.50945
   6        |    0.76821   -0.04249           0.76821    -0.04249
   7        |    0.77253    0.37804           0.77253     0.37804
   8        |    0.76391    0.13617           0.76391     0.13617
   9        |    0.76821    0.35678           0.76821     0.35678
   10       |    0.75941    0.16086           0.75941     0.16086
   11       |    0.76450    0.40036           0.76450     0.40036
   12       |    0.77114    0.27287           0.77114     0.27287
   13       |    0.77645    0.39795           0.77645     0.39795
   14       |    0.77946    0.22023           0.77946     0.22023
   15       |    0.77247    0.20965           0.77247     0.20965
   16       |    0.76960    0.77496           0.76960     0.77496

   Destriping gains/offsets for band: 2         

            |           Forward                      Backward
   Detector |       Gain     Offset              Gain      Offset
     1      |    0.92263    0.11176           0.92263     0.11176
     2      |    0.95739    0.00318           0.95739     0.00318
     3      |    0.94097    0.05991           0.94097     0.05991
     4      |    0.94543    0.03197           0.94543     0.03197
     5      |    0.92423    0.02186           0.92423     0.02186
     6      |    0.92992    0.04379           0.92992     0.04379
     7      |    0.93282   -0.05269           0.93282    -0.05269
     8      |    0.93854    0.01889           0.93854     0.01889
     9      |    0.93533    0.09538           0.93533     0.09538
     10     |    0.93502    0.07684           0.93502     0.07684
     11     |    0.94839    0.18911           0.94839     0.18911
     12     |    0.95575    0.07295           0.95575     0.07295
     13     |    1.00000    0.00000           1.00000     0.00000
     14     |    0.93213    0.14986           0.93213     0.14986
     15     |    0.93873    0.09908           0.93873     0.09908
     16     |    0.95294    0.53281           0.95294     0.53281

   Destriping gains/offsets for band: 3         

            |           Forward                      Backward
   Detector |       Gain     Offset              Gain      Offset
     1      |    0.82449    0.34040           0.82449     0.34040
     2      |    0.84720   -0.02824           0.84720    -0.02824
     3      |    0.84019    0.27483           0.84019     0.27483
     4      |    0.84096    0.00256           0.84096     0.00256
     5      |    0.83539    0.15796           0.83539     0.15796
     6      |    0.82960   -0.11024           0.82960    -0.11024
     7      |    0.83059    0.26347           0.83059     0.26347
     8      |    0.83795    0.07642           0.83795     0.07642
     9      |    0.82686    0.16029           0.82686     0.16029
     10     |    0.83344    0.10596           0.83344     0.10596
     11     |    0.83908    0.19398           0.83908     0.19398
     12     |    0.84280    0.08144           0.84280     0.08144
     13     |    0.83041    0.00622           0.83041     0.00622
     14     |    0.83686    0.29333           0.83686     0.29333
     15     |    0.83508    0.19984           0.83508     0.19984
     16     |    0.85172    0.54368           0.85172     0.54368

   Destriping gains/offsets for band: 4         

            |           Forward                      Backward
   Detector |       Gain     Offset              Gain      Offset
     1      |    0.91243    0.78473           0.91243     0.78473
     2      |    0.90396    0.58161           0.90396     0.58161
     3      |    0.91308    0.74759           0.91308     0.74759
     4      |    0.92598    0.49815           0.92598     0.49815
     5      |    0.91395    0.63062           0.91395     0.63062
     6      |    0.90429    0.76309           0.90429     0.76309
     7      |    0.94953    0.71035           0.94953     0.71035
     8      |    0.91031    0.78870           0.91031     0.78870
     9      |    0.91206    0.69160           0.91206     0.69160
     10     |    0.91552    0.71569           0.91552     0.71569
     11     |    0.91866    0.83250           0.91866     0.83250
     12     |    0.90992    0.57046           0.90992     0.57046
     13     |    0.91390    0.47232           0.91390     0.47232
     14     |    0.92592    0.87141           0.92592     0.87141
     15     |    0.91068    0.63165           0.91068     0.63165
     16     |    0.92488    1.22867           0.92488     1.22867

   Destriping gains/offsets for band: 5         

            |           Forward                      Backward
   Detector |       Gain     Offset              Gain      Offset
     1      |    0.85795    0.03722           0.85795     0.03722
     2      |    0.84215   -0.00703           0.84215    -0.00703
     3      |    0.85177    0.15527           0.85177     0.15527
     4      |    0.85629    0.12461           0.85629     0.12461
     5      |    0.86646    0.08615           0.86646     0.08615
     6      |    0.86618    0.06877           0.86618     0.06877
     7      |    0.83467    0.22678           0.83467     0.22678
     8      |    0.84995    0.10107           0.84995     0.10107
     9      |    0.85498    0.27205           0.85498     0.27205
     10     |    0.85660    0.19841           0.85660     0.19841
     11     |    0.84681    0.19363           0.84681     0.19363
     12     |    0.83132    0.10948           0.83132     0.10948
     13     |    0.83979    0.19199           0.83979     0.19199
     14     |    1.00000    0.00000           1.00000     0.00000
     15     |    0.84190    0.15905           0.84190     0.15905
     16     |    0.84185    0.26782           0.84185     0.26782

   Destriping gains/offsets for band: 6         

            |           Forward                      Backward
   Detector |       Gain     Offset              Gain      Offset
     1      |    1.04060   -77.8645           1.04060    -77.8645
     2      |    0.97885   -73.8671           0.97885    -73.8671
     3      |    1.02156   -75.7902           1.02156    -75.7902
     4      |    1.00733   -76.1533           1.00733    -76.1533

   Destriping gains/offsets for band: 7         

            |           Forward                      Backward
   Detector |       Gain     Offset              Gain      Offset
     1      |    0.83130    0.64723           0.83130     0.64723
     2      |    0.80734    0.38493           0.80734     0.38493
     3      |    0.81515    0.67353           0.81515     0.67353
     4      |    0.81802    0.44890           0.81802     0.44890
     5      |    0.82714    0.67058           0.82714     0.67058
     6      |    0.82208    0.54472           0.82208     0.54472
     7      |    0.80749    0.72788           0.80749     0.72788
     8      |    0.82814    0.47885           0.82814     0.47885
     9      |    0.79715    0.82045           0.79715     0.82045
     10     |    0.81734    0.50298           0.81734     0.50298
     11     |    0.81766    0.74890           0.81766     0.74890
     12     |    0.81512    0.53721           0.81512     0.53721
     13     |    0.82515    0.62419           0.82515     0.62419
     14     |    0.83117    0.61081           0.83117     0.61081
     15     |    0.82455    0.55252           0.82455     0.55252
     16     |    0.83596    0.93135           0.83596     0.93135


   Start Time = Thu May  8 13:56:32 1997
   End   Time = Thu May  8 15:43:57 1997

  All error measurements are in meters.

   Number of QA points: 11

   Error         Mean Error      RMS Error         Std Dev Error
   Along Track      8.18           26.85               25.57
   Across Track    -0.32           11.19               11.19
   Height           0.00            0.00                0.00
   Combined         8.19           29.09               27.91

   CP#           Lat          Long       Height
   1844       67.43051    -159.79999       96.3
   1832       67.43153    -160.38900      275.2
   2912       68.17039    -158.32567      413.6
   1779       67.90176    -160.48251      183.5
   1769       67.94361    -160.85264      153.4
   1764       68.03363    -163.03726      169.3
   1726       67.97121    -161.80174      120.1
   1774       68.69891    -161.73276      418.4
   1763       68.32228    -162.08651      309.6
   1728       68.46604    -159.92139      358.7
   1734       68.88445    -161.37935      419.2

   CP#     Auto-     Type         Along      Across      Height   Combined
           marked?                Track       Track
   1844    Y         RCP          -3.22        1.62        0.00       3.60
   1832    N         RCP          14.99       15.14        0.00      21.30
   2912    N         RCP          29.73       -2.12        0.00      29.81
   1779    N         RCP          73.64      -18.51        0.00      75.93
   1769    N         RCP          15.19      -14.63        0.00      21.09
   1764    Y         RCP          -8.33        5.43        0.00       9.95
   1726    N         RCP           0.27      -15.08        0.00      15.09
   1774    N         RCP          -0.01        0.01        0.00       0.01
   1763    Y         RCP           8.40       -0.82        0.00       8.44
   1728    N         RCP         -30.06       14.18        0.00      33.23
   1734    Y         RCP         -10.59       11.28        0.00      15.47

  All error measurements are in output pixels.

   Number of correlation points:    

   Error      Mean Error       RMS Error       Std Dev Error

          Band Number          |        Location                  Error
   Correlation     Reference   |    Line       Pixel         Line     Pixel

  Mean, Std.Dev, Striping are in DN's (Digital Numbers).

   Start Time = Thu May  8 13:56:18 1997
   End   Time = Thu May  8 13:56:24 1997

   Band      Chip Location       Chip Size          Mean   Std Dev  Striping
            Line     Pixel     Line    Pixel 
   1        3671     1268      128     128          96.64     0.57      0.16
   1        7341     2535      128     128          78.69     1.20      0.21
   1        11012    3802      128     128          78.66     3.60      0.32
   1        14682    5069      128     128          69.21     3.18      0.35
   2        3671     1268      128     128          34.81     0.31      0.10
   2        7341     2535      128     128          29.14     2.64      0.48
   2        11012    3802      128     128          29.27     1.74      0.13
   2        14682    5069      128     128          22.57     2.39      0.29
   3        3671     1268      128     128          39.84     0.34      0.12
   3        7341     2535      128     128          32.95     0.92      0.12
   3        11012    3802      128     128          33.20     2.64      0.20
   3        14682    5069      128     128          23.44     3.71      0.41
   4        3671     1268      128     128          66.14     0.54      0.12
   4        7341     2535      128     128          64.66     3.00      0.26
   4        11012    3802      128     128          56.09     4.94      0.58
   4        14682    5069      128     128          33.60    14.83      1.64
   5        3671     1268      128     128          90.94     1.71      0.27
   5        7341     2535      128     128          88.64     2.10      0.18
   5        11012    3802      128     128          83.41     8.02      0.46
   5        14682    5069      128     128          43.82    21.01      2.41
   6        918      318       128     128         113.85     1.78      0.39
   6        1836     636       128     128         122.11     2.48      0.32
   6        2753     953       128     128         126.92     1.70      0.21
   6        3671     1271      128     128         117.36     5.91      0.57
   7        3671     1268      128     128          30.85     0.80      0.13
   7        7341     2535      128     128          32.24     2.68      0.29
   7        11012    3802      128     128          35.22     4.71      0.27
   7        14682    5069      128     128          15.52     6.76      0.75


   Start Time = Thu May  8 15:44:23 1997
   End   Time = Thu May  8 15:52:47 1997

   Output Format = NDF
   Image Organization = BSQ
   Output Pixel Height = 30.000 meters
   Output Pixel Width = 30.000 meters
   Bands Processed = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
   Product Scene Center:
      Date      = 07/31/92
      Time      = 21:28:16.667
      Latitude  = 68.25412
      Longitude = -160.65024
   Image Extent:

      Lat:       69.20791-------------------------- Lat:       69.45268
      Long:    -164.15293                           Long:    -157.72857
      North:   2168910.00                           North:   2168910.00
      East:    -406050.00                           East:    -148110.00
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      |                                                               |
      Lat:       67.01699                           Lat:       67.23937
      Long:    -163.30133                           Long:    -157.41209
      North:   1923990.00                           North:   1923990.00
      East:    -406050.00---------------------------East:    -148110.00
   State Vectors:

   Date         Time         |          Orbit State            
                             |       Lat          Long         Radius
                             |                               (meters)  
   07/31/92     21:27:36.344 |  70.36254    -157.68079    7074689.500
   07/31/92     21:28:16.667 |  68.12403    -160.66732    7074671.511
   07/31/92     21:28:58.104 |  65.78255    -163.21253    7074673.563

   Date         Time         |          Attitude State (radians)
                             |       Roll        Pitch          Yaw
   07/31/92     21:27:36.344 |   0.000152    -0.000257     0.000569
   07/31/92     21:28:16.667 |   0.000129    -0.000302     0.000562
   07/31/92     21:28:58.104 |   0.000108    -0.000328     0.000569


   Work Order Start:
      Date = 05/07/97
      Time = 08:09:51

   Work Order End:
      Date = 05/08/97
      Time = 15:54:28

   Total CPU Time = 7561.44 seconds

1.2.4 History and Processing Parameters File History and Processing Parameters File Example

A history and processing parameters file is found in each NLAPS data product. This file provides documentation about the original customer request and the processing parameters used to produce the NLAPS digital product.

#Message Specific Fields
#Product Order Parameters
#Input Data Definition
#Input Data Locator Information
#Processing Parameters
#Output Product Specification

= PROCESSING STAGE:  SystematicModelGen

= SystematicModelGen_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp
    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/DataIngest_";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;

= DataIngest_0 Output Parameters:

  IngestQualityFlag = TRUE;
  InputImage =
    InputImageHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    InputImageResourceId = "diskSpace_3";
    InputImageAllocationId = 606112L;
  IngestPredictedOrbitFlag = TRUE;
  WcuExitCode = 0L;

= DataIngest_0 Report:

  ReportHeader =
    ReportName = "Ingest";
    VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00;
    WorkOrderId = "01197091801240003";
    StartTime = "Tue Sep 23 12:02:50 1997";
    StartTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 23L;
      hour = 12L;
      minute = 2L;
      sec = 50L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CompletionTime = "Tue Sep 23 14:50:28 1997";
    CompletionTimeRecord =

      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 23L;
      hour = 14L;
      minute = 50L;
      sec = 28L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CpuTime = 4.406400000000000e+02;
  IngestHeader =
    WorkOrderID = "01197091801240003";
    Satellite = "LS5 ";
    Sensor = "TM  ";
  ProcessingInformation =
    TotalNumberOfSwaths = 706L;
    TotalNumberSwathsWithSyncLosses = 0L;
    TotalNumberOfSyncLosses = 0L;
    NumberBadSwaths = 0L;
    InputCentreDateAndTimeAtStation =
      year = 1985L;
      month = 6L;
      day = 12L;
      hour = 14L;
      minute = 35L;
      sec = 28L;
      usec = 239686L;
      time_system = 2L;
  InputSpecification =
    InputMedia = "DCRSi";

    InputDataFormat = "AT";
    VolumeInformation =
        NumberOfScenes = 2L;
        SceneId =
        StorageLocation = "BE0333";
    NumberOfBandsIngested = 7L;
    BandNumbersIngested =

= DataIngest_0 Processing History:

Uncalibrating imagery?:  TRUE
Ingesting Scene Header ...
Processing Scene Number 2
  Start SLID = I2_S337_F_L0_B1
  Stop SLID  = I2_S710_R_L15_B7
Ingesting Ancillary Data ...
Ingesting Interval Header ...
Discarding invalid frame.
Band 1 : RMIN = -0.0099   RMAX = 1.004
Band 2 : RMIN = -0.023   RMAX = 2.434
Band 3 : RMIN = -0.008   RMAX = 1.369
Band 4 : RMIN = -0.0192   RMAX = 2.639
Band 5 : RMIN = -0.00803   RMAX = 0.59
Band 5 : RMIN = -0.00803   RMAX = 0.59
Band 6 : RMIN = 0.12378   RMAX = 1.55996
Band 7 : RMIN = -0.00378   RMAX = 0.3624
Ingesting Imagery ...
Discarding invalid frame.
First image line recei.e.,was: I2_S334_R_L3_B6
SLID I2_S366_R_L0_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 78.08.
SLID I2_S366_R_L0_B2 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 66.75.
SLID I2_S366_R_L1_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 87.3.
SLID I2_S366_R_L2_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 77.9925.
SLID I2_S366_R_L3_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 86.54.
SLID I2_S366_R_L4_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 78.6975.
SLID I2_S366_R_L5_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 87.17.
SLID I2_S366_R_L6_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 79.15.
SLID I2_S366_R_L7_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 86.2225.
SLID I2_S366_R_L8_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 78.885.
SLID I2_S366_R_L9_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 86.7875.
SLID I2_S366_R_L10_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 78.855.
SLID I2_S366_R_L11_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 87.76.
SLID I2_S366_R_L12_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 79.0925.
SLID I2_S366_R_L13_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 87.985.
SLID I2_S366_R_L14_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 78.7925.
SLID I2_S366_R_L15_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 88.7025.
SLID I2_S406_R_L0_B2 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 114.853.
SLID I2_S406_R_L15_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 148.462.
SLID I2_S443_F_L0_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 84.3.
SLID I2_S443_F_L0_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 143.193.
SLID I2_S443_F_L1_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 83.495.
SLID I2_S443_F_L1_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 139.628.
SLID I2_S443_F_L2_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 83.0075.
SLID I2_S443_F_L2_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 141.125.
SLID I2_S443_F_L3_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 82.8.
SLID I2_S443_F_L3_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 138.803.
SLID I2_S443_F_L4_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 82.85.
SLID I2_S443_F_L4_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 141.617.
SLID I2_S443_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 82.2375.
SLID I2_S443_F_L5_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 141.355.
SLID I2_S443_F_L6_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 83.7275.
SLID I2_S443_F_L6_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 141.455.
SLID I2_S443_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 82.7475.
SLID I2_S443_F_L7_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 141.148.
SLID I2_S443_F_L8_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 85.26.
SLID I2_S443_F_L8_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 142.613.
SLID I2_S443_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 81.5125.
SLID I2_S443_F_L9_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 141.392.
SLID I2_S443_F_L10_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 82.9225.
SLID I2_S443_F_L10_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 141.3.
SLID I2_S443_F_L11_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 83.505.
SLID I2_S443_F_L11_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 143.447.
SLID I2_S443_F_L12_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 82.2675.
SLID I2_S443_F_L12_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 144.74.
SLID I2_S443_F_L13_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 84.0525.
SLID I2_S443_F_L13_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 142.46.
SLID I2_S443_F_L14_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 84.485.
SLID I2_S443_F_L14_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 144.358.
SLID I2_S443_F_L15_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 86.635.
SLID I2_S483_F_L0_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 100.24.
SLID I2_S483_F_L1_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 95.89.
SLID I2_S483_F_L2_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 98.6525.
SLID I2_S483_F_L3_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.7225.
SLID I2_S483_F_L3_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 95.0125.
SLID I2_S483_F_L4_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 52.8875.
SLID I2_S483_F_L4_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 98.7225.
SLID I2_S483_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S483_F_L5_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 96.6125.
SLID I2_S483_F_L6_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 53.155.
SLID I2_S483_F_L6_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 98.88.
SLID I2_S483_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5325.
SLID I2_S483_F_L7_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 96.495.
SLID I2_S483_F_L8_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 54.2625.
SLID I2_S483_F_L8_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 99.78.
SLID I2_S483_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 49.7475.
SLID I2_S483_F_L9_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 96.675.
SLID I2_S483_F_L10_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 98.765.
SLID I2_S483_F_L11_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.0875.
SLID I2_S483_F_L11_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 98.175.
SLID I2_S483_F_L12_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 101.01.
SLID I2_S483_F_L13_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.36.
SLID I2_S483_F_L13_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 97.6225.
SLID I2_S483_F_L14_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 53.8175.
SLID I2_S483_F_L14_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 101.048.
SLID I2_S483_F_L15_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 53.2175.
SLID I2_S484_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S485_F_L3_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.7225.
SLID I2_S485_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S485_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5325.
SLID I2_S485_F_L11_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.0875.
SLID I2_S486_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S487_F_L1_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 45.4925.
SLID I2_S487_F_L3_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.7225.
SLID I2_S487_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S487_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5325.
SLID I2_S487_F_L13_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 48.3975.
SLID I2_S488_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S489_F_L1_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 45.4925.
SLID I2_S489_F_L3_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.7225.
SLID I2_S489_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S489_F_L6_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 46.92.
SLID I2_S489_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5325.
SLID I2_S489_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 44.04.
SLID I2_S489_F_L11_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 48.1625.
SLID I2_S490_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S491_F_L1_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 45.4925.
SLID I2_S491_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S492_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S493_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S493_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 41.195.
SLID I2_S493_F_L13_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 42.5325.
SLID I2_S494_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S495_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S495_F_L6_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 40.7075.
SLID I2_S496_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S497_F_L1_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 39.63.
SLID I2_S497_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S498_R_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.5875.
SLID I2_S499_F_L3_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 39.13.
SLID I2_S499_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.41.
SLID I2_S499_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 39.0025.
SLID I2_S499_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 35.4875.
SLID I2_S501_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 35.4875.
SLID I2_S503_F_L1_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 33.79.
SLID I2_S505_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 33.27.
SLID I2_S505_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.645.
SLID I2_S505_F_L11_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 27.6925.
SLID I2_S507_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 41.7875.
SLID I2_S507_F_L6_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 25.1525.
SLID I2_S507_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.645.
SLID I2_S507_F_L13_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 24.995.
SLID I2_S509_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 41.7875.
SLID I2_S509_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 30.3925.
SLID I2_S509_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.645.
SLID I2_S509_F_L11_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 24.77.
SLID I2_S511_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 41.7875.
SLID I2_S511_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.645.
SLID I2_S513_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 41.7875.
SLID I2_S513_F_L9_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.645.
SLID I2_S523_F_L0_B2 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.275.
SLID I2_S523_F_L0_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 49.6725.
SLID I2_S523_F_L0_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 22.39.
SLID I2_S523_F_L0_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 38.5775.
SLID I2_S523_F_L1_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 63.3125.
SLID I2_S523_F_L1_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.4675.
SLID I2_S523_F_L1_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 22.04.
SLID I2_S523_F_L1_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.7425.
SLID I2_S523_F_L2_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 49.9125.
SLID I2_S523_F_L2_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 37.72.
SLID I2_S523_F_L3_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.5025.
SLID I2_S523_F_L3_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 21.7425.
SLID I2_S523_F_L3_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.315.
SLID I2_S523_F_L4_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 49.3025.
SLID I2_S523_F_L4_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 21.81.
SLID I2_S523_F_L4_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 37.6325.
SLID I2_S523_F_L5_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.6825.
SLID I2_S523_F_L5_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 41.7875.
SLID I2_S523_F_L5_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.845.
SLID I2_S523_F_L6_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 49.5175.
SLID I2_S523_F_L6_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 22.0375.
SLID I2_S523_F_L6_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 37.665.
SLID I2_S523_F_L7_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 51.21.
SLID I2_S523_F_L7_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 24.62.
SLID I2_S523_F_L7_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 32.745.
SLID I2_S523_F_L8_B1 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 55.8725.
SLID I2_S523_F_L8_B4 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 50.185.
SLID I2_S523_F_L8_B5 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 22.5575.
SLID I2_S523_F_L8_B7 : Cal Lamp Value negati.e.,Setting to mean value 38.1925.


= DefineProduct_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro

    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp
    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/DefineProdu";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;

= DefineProduct_0 Report:

  ReportHeader =
    ReportName = "productDefinitionReport";
    VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00;
    WorkOrderId = "01197091801240003";
    StartTime = "Tue Sep 23 14:50:49 1997";
    StartTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 23L;
      hour = 14L;
      minute = 50L;
      sec = 49L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CompletionTime = "Tue Sep 23 14:50:58 1997";
    CompletionTimeRecord =

      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 23L;
      hour = 14L;
      minute = 50L;
      sec = 58L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
  numPixels = 10159L;
  numLi.e.,= 13845L;

= PROCESSING STAGE:  ImageCorrection

= ImageCorrection_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp

    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ImageCorrec";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;
  InputImageFile = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/InputScen
  ResampleImageOrDemFlag = TRUE;

= ImageCorrection_0 Output Parameters:

  outputImage =
    outputImageHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Prod
    outputImageAllocationId = 606311L;
  WcuExitCode = 0L;

= ImageCorrection_0 Report:

  ReportHeader =
    ReportName = "resamplerReport";
    VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00;
    WorkOrderId = "01197091801240003";
    StartTime = "Tue Sep 23 14:51:12 1997";
    StartTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 23L;
      hour = 14L;
      minute = 51L;
      sec = 12L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CompletionTime = "Tue Sep 23 16:11:33 1997";
    CompletionTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 23L;
      hour = 16L;
      minute = 11L;
      sec = 33L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CpuTime = 7.472810000000000e+03;
GeometricCorrectionLevel = "map-projected";
  ProductInfo =
    Projection = "UTM     ";
    Datum = "WGS84";
    Orientation = 0.000000000000000e+00;
  ResamplingInfo =
    Method = "1 PASS";
    Kernel = "CubicConvolution";
  SatelliteAngleOfIncidence = 1.597180564395302e-01;
  SatelliteAngleOfIncidenceDirection = "R";
  SatelliteIncidentOrientation = 3.579932111816261e+02;
  SatelliteOffNadirPointingAngle = -1.846498034540121e-02;
  OffNadirPointingAngle = 0.000000000000000e+00;
  DemCorrection =
    WasApplied = FALSE;
  ElevationCorrection =
    WasApplied = FALSE;
  RadiometricCorrection =
    WasApplied = TRUE;
    RadCorrTableReport =
      calOption = "NASA";
      bandInProduct =
      bandData =
          bandNumber = 1L;
          gainOffsetCoefficient =
            gain = 6.02431e-01;
            offset = -1.52000e+00;
          lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L;
          upperReflectanceLimit = 100L;
          referenceDetector = 15L;
          useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE;
          numberDetectors = 16L;
          destriping =
                gain = 9.84534e-01;
                offset = -3.87137e-04;
                gain = 9.82207e-01;
                offset = -1.34289e-01;
                gain = 9.72669e-01;
                offset = 1.58113e-01;
                gain = 9.79620e-01;
                offset = -5.83693e-02;
                gain = 9.81357e-01;
                offset = -7.42142e-02;

                gain = 9.84374e-01;
                offset = -2.87376e-01;
                gain = 9.82837e-01;
                offset = -1.64689e-01;
                gain = 9.74684e-01;
                offset = -1.12227e-01;
                gain = 9.73205e-01;
                offset = 6.23742e-02;
                gain = 9.80387e-01;
                offset = 9.30704e-03;
                gain = 9.74495e-01;
                offset = -9.11883e-02;
                gain = 9.88943e-01;
                offset = -1.79406e-01;
               gain = 8.69081e-01;
                offset = 1.40964e+00;
                gain = 8.81989e-01;
                offset = 1.46794e+00;
                gain = 8.62380e-01;
                offset = 1.46273e+00;
                gain = 8.74878e-01;
                offset = 1.56715e+00;
                gain = 8.70895e-01;
                offset = 1.56582e+00;
                gain = 8.80657e-01;
                offset = 1.73937e+00;
          bandNumber = 6L;
          gainOffsetCoefficient =
            gain = 5.51582e-02;
            offset = 1.23780e+00;
          lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L;
          upperReflectanceLimit = 100L;
          referenceDetector = 4L;
          useDefaultAbsCalibration = TRUE;
          numberDetectors = 4L;
          destriping =
                gain = 9.99233e-01;
                offset = 1.04569e-01;
                gain = 1.00087e+00;
                offset = -1.20247e-01;
                gain = 9.98020e-01;
                offset = 2.44788e-01;
                gain = 1.00188e+00;
                offset = -2.25110e-01;
                gain = 9.99233e-01;
                offset = 1.04569e-01;
                gain = 1.00087e+00;
                offset = -1.20247e-01;
                gain = 9.98020e-01;
                offset = 2.44788e-01;
                gain = 1.00188e+00;
                offset = -2.25110e-01;
          bandNumber = 7L;
          gainOffsetCoefficient =
            gain = 5.69804e-02;
            offset = -1.50000e-01;
          lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L;
          upperReflectanceLimit = 100L;
          referenceDetector = 15L;
          useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE;
          numberDetectors = 16L;
          destriping =
                gain = 9.09925e-01;
                offset = 3.91116e+00;
                gain = 9.13257e-01;
                offset = 3.63591e+00;
                gain = 9.00800e-01;
                offset = 3.94784e+00;
                gain = 9.02400e-01;
                offset = 3.83751e+00;
                gain = 9.01278e-01;
                offset = 3.81316e+00;
                gain = 9.14446e-01;
                offset = 3.89456e+00;
                gain = 8.95654e-01;
                offset = 3.89958e+00;
                gain = 9.10272e-01;
                offset = 3.88554e+00;
                gain = 8.99320e-01;
                offset = 4.03689e+00;
                gain = 9.03419e-01;
                offset = 3.87197e+00;
                gain = 8.91694e-01;
                offset = 3.95856e+00;
                gain = 9.12236e-01;
                offset = 4.11672e+00;
                gain = 9.08704e-01;
                offset = 4.00073e+00;
                gain = 9.07603e-01;
                offset = 4.09737e+00;
                gain = 9.00547e-01;
                offset = 3.90168e+00;
                gain = 9.10732e-01;
                offset = 4.45661e+00;
                gain = 9.09925e-01;
                offset = 3.91116e+00;
                gain = 9.13257e-01;
                offset = 3.63591e+00;
                gain = 9.00800e-01;
                offset = 3.94784e+00;
                gain = 9.02400e-01;
                offset = 3.83751e+00;
                gain = 9.01278e-01;
                offset = 3.81316e+00;
                gain = 9.14446e-01;
                offset = 3.89456e+00;
                gain = 8.95654e-01;
                offset = 3.89958e+00;
                gain = 9.10272e-01;
                offset = 3.88554e+00;
                gain = 8.99320e-01;
                offset = 4.03689e+00;
                gain = 9.03419e-01;
                offset = 3.87197e+00;
                gain = 8.91694e-01;
                offset = 3.95856e+00;
                gain = 9.12236e-01;
                offset = 4.11672e+00;
                gain = 9.08704e-01;
                offset = 4.00073e+00;
                gain = 9.07603e-01;
                offset = 4.09737e+00;
                gain = 9.00547e-01;
                offset = 3.90168e+00;
                gain = 9.10732e-01;
                offset = 4.45661e+00;


= BlackLineQA_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp
    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/BlackLineQA";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;
  ImagePathname = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ProductSce

= BlackLineQA_0 Output Parameters:

  WcuExitCode = 0L;


= ViewProduct_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp
    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ViewProduct";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;
  DataIngestReport = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/DataIng";
  AssessCloudCover = FALSE;
  ImagePathname = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ProductSce

= ViewProduct_0 Output Parameters:

  WcuExitCode = 0L;

= ViewProduct_0 Report:

  ReportHeader =
    ReportName = "ImageAssessmentReport";
    VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00;
    WorkOrderId = "01197091801240003";
    StartTime = "Wed Sep 24 07:33:21 1997";
    StartTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 24L;
      hour = 7L;
      minute = 33L;
      sec = 21L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CompletionTime = "Wed Sep 24 13:33:55 1997";
    CompletionTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 24L;
      hour = 13L;
      minute = 33L;
      sec = 55L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CpuTime = 5.957000000000000e+01;
  Passed = TRUE;

= PROCESSING STAGE:  ReleaseInputResource

= ReleaseInputResource_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp
    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ReleaseInpu";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;
  inputAllocationId = 606112L;

= PROCESSING STAGE:  FormatProduct
= FormatProduct_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp
    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/FormatProdu";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;
  productLocation = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/";
  imagePathname = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ProductSce
  productSceneNumber = 0L;

= FormatProduct_0 Output Parameters:

  procImageryFileInfo =
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 2547L;
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 140651355L;
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 140651355L;
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 140651355L;
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 140651355L;
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 140651355L;
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 140651355L;
      procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
      procImageryFileSize = 140651355L;
  WcuExitCode = 0L;

= FormatProduct_0 Report:

  ReportHeader =
    ReportName = "ProductFormattingReport";
    VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00;
    WorkOrderId = "01197091801240003";
    StartTime = "Wed Sep 24 13:34:06 1997";
    StartTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 24L;
      hour = 13L;
      minute = 34L;
      sec = 6L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CompletionTime = "Wed Sep 24 13:41:36 1997";
    CompletionTimeRecord =
      year = 1997L;
      month = 9L;
      day = 24L;
      hour = 13L;
      minute = 41L;
      sec = 36L;
      usec = 0L;
      time_system = 2L;
    CpuTime = 1.538800000000000e+02;
  OutputFormat = "NDF";
  ImageOrganization = "BSQ";
  OutputPixelHeight = 2.500000000000000e+01;
  OutputPixelWidth = 2.500000000000000e+01;
  OutputBands =
  SceneCentreDateTime =
    year = 1985L;
    month = 6L;
    day = 12L;
    hour = 14L;
    minute = 35L;
    sec = 28L;
    usec = 240717L;
    time_system = 2L;
  SceneStartDateTime =
    year = 1985L;
    month = 6L;
    day = 12L;
    hour = 14L;
    minute = 35L;
    sec = 3L;
    usec = 45000L;
    time_system = 2L;
  SceneEndDateTime =
    year = 1985L;
    month = 6L;
    day = 12L;
    hour = 14L;
    minute = 35L;
    sec = 53L;
    usec = 363000L;
    time_system = 2L;
  SceneCentreLatLong =
    Latitude = -1.373445670179092e+01;
    Longitude = -7.526846667326588e+01;
  TopLeftLatLong =
    Latitude = -1.216603511162464e+01;
    Longitude = -7.643379151023149e+01;
  TopRightLatLong =
    Latitude = -1.216828865612454e+01;
    Longitude = -7.409968456714992e+01;
  BottomLeftLatLong =
    Latitude = -1.529453387309399e+01;
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  TopRightMap =
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  ImageLi.e.,= 13845L;
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      OrbitState =
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      AttitudeState =
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        Pitch = -3.027061040041242e-06;
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      Time =
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      AttitudeState =
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      Time =
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      OrbitState =
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      AttitudeState =
        Roll = 0.000000000000000e+00;
        Pitch = 2.636368382908442e-05;
        Yaw = 0.000000000000000e+00;

= PROCESSING STAGE:  ReleaseProductResource

= ReleaseProductResource_0 Input Parameters:


  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
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    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ReleaseProd";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;
  productAllocationId = 606311L;

= PROCESSING STAGE:  ArchiveRdcReport

= ArchiveRdcReport_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
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    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/ArchiveRdcR";
    processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;

= PROCESSING STAGE:  CreateGenReportInputFile

= PROCESSING STAGE:  GenerateReport

= GenerateReport_0 Input Parameters:

  commonChildInputParams =
    checkpointNumber = 0L;
    inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Input
    productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Pro
    outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/Outp
    reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003/GenerateRep";
    workOrderCreationTime = 875034092L;
    workOrderStartTime = 875034160L;
  outputDirectory = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197091801240003";
  compactReport = "01197091801240003.compact";
  humanReadableReport = "01197091801240003.rpt";
  processingHistory = "01197091801240003.his";
  wocCpuUsage = 3.000000000000000e+00;
  workOrderStartTime = "09/24/97 07:33:01";


09-23-97 12:01:28 Info                   NlapsPaControlPanel    WCU:0000 WCU_Wri
      Work order was started by operator halverso.

09-23-97 12:02:40 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process WOC_PreciseModelWoController, PID 1889@edcsgs5, started at 09-23-9
7 12:02:40

09-23-97 12:02:44 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to DataIngest

09-23-97 12:02:51 Info                      INGMTA_IngestTmA   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process INGMTA_IngestTmA, PID 1904@edcsgs5, started at 09-23-97 12:02:51

09-23-97 14:30:55 Warning                   INGMTA_IngestTmA  MBPTA:0046 MBPTA_M
      Unexpected scene header (path 6, row 68) recei.e.,- continuing.

09-23-97 14:30:55 Trace                     INGMTA_IngestTmA  MBPTA:9999 MBPTA_M

09-23-97 14:50:09 Error                     INGMTA_IngestTmA   GICS:0222 cmb_tim
      Attempted to add/subtract a relative time to/from a non

09-23-97 14:50:09 Error                     INGMTA_IngestTmA   GICS:0222 cmb_tim
      Attempted to add/subtract a relative time to/from a non

09-23-97 14:50:30 Info                      INGMTA_IngestTmA   MAIN:0010   MAIN_
      Process INGMTA_IngestTmA, PID 1904@edcsgs5, stopped at 09-23-97 14:50:30

09-23-97 14:50:44 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to DefineProduct

09-23-97 14:51:04 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to ImageCorrection

09-23-97 14:51:14 Info                       OPR_MsResampler   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process OPR_MsResampler, PID 8128@edcsgs5, started at 09-23-97 14:51:14

09-23-97 14:51:49 Warning                    OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0113 RDC_MsR
      Problem locating calibration lamp step

09-23-97 14:51:49 Warning                    OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0113 RDC_MsR
      Problem locating calibration lamp step

09-23-97 14:51:49 Error                      OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0027 RDC_TmR
      Insufficient calibration data
09-23-97 14:51:49 Warning                    OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0017 RDC_TmR
      Band 5, detector 10 : default absolute calibration used

09-23-97 14:51:50 Warning                    OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0113 RDC_MsR
      Problem locating calibration lamp step

09-23-97 14:51:50 Warning                    OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0113 RDC_MsR
      Problem locating calibration lamp step

09-23-97 14:51:50 Warning                    OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0113 RDC_MsR
      Problem locating calibration lamp step

09-23-97 14:51:50 Warning                    OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0113 RDC_MsR
      Problem locating calibration lamp step

09-23-97 14:51:50 Error                      OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0080
      Bad calibration data, cannot continue
09-23-97 14:51:50 Error                      OPR_MsResampler    RDC:0038 RDC_TmT
      Default absolute calibration used for band 6

09-23-97 16:11:47 Info                       OPR_MsResampler   MAIN:0010   MAIN_
      Process OPR_MsResampler, PID 8128@edcsgs5, stopped at 09-23-97 16:11:47

09-23-97 16:11:59 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to BlackLineQA

09-23-97 16:12:03 Info                       BQA_BlackfillQa   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process BQA_BlackfillQa, PID 11211@edcsgs5, started at 09-23-97 16:12:03

09-23-97 16:12:04 Info                       BQA_BlackfillQa   MAIN:0010   MAIN_
      Process BQA_BlackfillQa, PID 11211@edcsgs5, stopped at 09-23-97 16:12:04

09-23-97 16:12:11 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to ViewProduct

09-23-97 16:12:16 Info                      IMAS_AssessImage   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process IMAS_AssessImage, PID 11214@edcsgs5, started at 09-23-97 16:12:16

09-24-97 07:33:00 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process WOC_PreciseModelWoController, PID 7942@edcsgs5, started at 09-24-9
7 07:33:00

09-24-97 07:33:06 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to Pending
09-24-97 07:33:19 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to ViewProduct

09-24-97 07:33:24 Info                      IMAS_AssessImage   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process IMAS_AssessImage, PID 7946@edcsgs5, started at 09-24-97 07:33:24

09-24-97 13:27:58 Info                         imageryViewer   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process imageryViewer, PID 628@edcsgw5, started at 09-24-97 13:27:58

09-24-97 13:31:59 Info                         imageryViewer    WCU:0000 WCU_Wri
      Work order passed visual inspection

09-24-97 13:33:56 Info                      IMAS_AssessImage   MAIN:0010   MAIN_
      Process IMAS_AssessImage, PID 7946@edcsgs5, stopped at 09-24-97 13:33:56

09-24-97 13:34:05 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to FormatProduct

09-24-97 13:34:07 Info                     TOXNF_MakeProduct   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process TOXNF_MakeProduct, PID 11420@edcsgs5, started at 09-24-97 13:34:07

09-24-97 13:32:15 Info                         imageryViewer   MAIN:0010   MAIN_
      Process imageryViewer, PID 628@edcsgw5, stopped at 09-24-97 13:32:15

09-24-97 13:34:17 Info                     TOXNF_MakeProduct    PFT:0038       P
      The file associated with product formatting procedure code 24 has size zer
o and will not be created.
09-24-97 13:34:17 Info                     TOXNF_MakeProduct    PFT:0038       P
      The file associated with product formatting procedure code 25 has size zer
o and will not be created.

09-24-97 13:41:37 Info                     TOXNF_MakeProduct   MAIN:0010   MAIN_
      Process TOXNF_MakeProduct, PID 11420@edcsgs5, stopped at 09-24-97 13:41:37

09-24-97 13:41:44 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOC:0113 WOC_Wor
      Processing complete for work order 01197091801240003.

09-24-97 13:41:45 Info          WOC_PreciseModelWoController    WOB:0028   WOB_D
      Work order stage changed to GenerateReport

09-24-97 13:41:47 Info                   RPT_ReportGenerator   MAIN:0009   MAIN_
      Process RPT_ReportGenerator, PID 11878@edcsgs5, started at 09-24-97 13:41:

= End of Processing History

Appendix A

Table A-1. USGS horizontal datums.

Column 1 identifies the horizontal datum options.
Column 2 identifies each horizontal datum's default ellipsoid/Earth model.
Column 3 references brief geographical descriptions for each listed datum. The datum listed for each geographical area is only suggested as the appropriate datum to be used.

    Column 1        |        Column 2           |         Column 3
   Datum name            Default elipsoid              Geographical Area
ADINDAN_BURKI       | Clarke 1880               | Adindan, Burkina Faso  
ADINDAN_CAMER       | Clarke 1880               | Adindan, Cameroon  
ADINDAN_ETHIO       | Clarke 1880               | Adindan, Ethiopia  
ADINDAN_MALI        | Clarke 1880               | Adindan, Mali  
ADINDAN_MEAN        | Clarke 1880               | Adindan, MEAN FOR Ethiopia
ADINDAN_SENEG       | Clarke 1880               | Adindan, Senegal  
ADINDAN_SUDAN       | Clarke 1880               | Adindan, Sudan  
AFGOOYE_SOMAL       | KRASSOVSKY 1940           | Afgooye, Somalia  
AIN_EL_ABD_BAHRA    | International1924         | Ain el Abd 1970, Bahrain  
AIN_EL_ABD_SAUDI    | International1924         | Ain el Abd 1970, Saudi Arabia 
AMERICAN_S_AMERI    | Clarke1866                | American Samoa 1962, American Samoa Islands  
ANNA_1_AST_COCOS    | AustralianNationalSpheroid| Anna 1 Astro 1965, Cocos Islands  
ANTIGUA_IS_ANTIG    | Clarke 1880               | Antigua Island Astro 1943, Antigua (Leeward Islands)
ARC_1950_BOTSW      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Botswana  
ARC_1950_BURUN      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Burundi  
ARC_1950_LESOT      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Lesotho  
ARC_1950_MALAW      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Malawi  
ARC_1950_MEAN       | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, MEAN FOR Botswana
ARC_1950_SWAZI      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Swaziland  
ARC_1950_ZAIRE      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Zaire  
ARC_1950_ZAMBI      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Zambia  
ARC_1950_ZIMBA      | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1950, Zimbabwe  
ARC_1960_MEAN       | Clarke 1880               | Arc 1960, MEAN FOR Kenya
ASCENSION_ASCEN     | International1924         | Ascension Island 1958, Ascension Island  
ASTRONOMIC_MARCU    | International1924         | Astronomical Station 1952, Marcus Island  
ASTRO_BEAC_IWO_J    | International1924         | Astro Beacon E 1945, Iwo Jima  
ASTRO_DOS_ST_HE     | International1924         | Astro DOS 71/4, St Helena Island  
ASTRO_TERN_TERN     | International1924         | Astro Tern Island (FRIG) 1961, Tern Island  
AUSTGEO66_AUSTR     | AustralianNationalSpheroid| AustGeo66, Australia
AUSTGEO84_AUSTR     | AustralianNationalSpheroid| AustGeo84, Australia
AYABELLE_L_DJIBO    | Clarke 1880               | Ayabelle Lighthouse, Djibouti  
BELLEVUE_EFATE      | International1924         | Bellevue (IGN), Efate & Erromango Islands  
BERMUDA_19_BERMU    | Clarke1866                | Bermuda 1957, Bermuda  
BISSAU_GUINE        | International1924         | Bissau, Guinea-Bissau  
BOGOTA_OBS_COLOM    | International1924         | Bogota Observatory, Colombia  
BRAZIL_GEOID        | International1967         |
BUKIT_RIMP_INDON    | Bessel1841                | Bukit Rimpah, Indonesia (Bangka & Belitung Ids)  
CAMPO_INCH_ARGEN    | International1924         | Campo Inchauspe, Argentina  
CAMP_AREA_ANTAR     | International1924         | Camp Area Astro, Antarctica (McMurdo Camp Area)  
CANTON_AST_PHOEN    | International1924         | Canton Astro 1966, Phoenix Islands  
CAPE_CANAV_BAHAM    | Clarke1866                | Cape Canaveral, Bahamas
CAPE_SOUTH          | Clarke 1880               | Cape, South Africa  
CARTHAGE_TUNIS      | Clarke 1880               | Carthage, Tunisia  
CHATHAM_IS_NEW_Z    | International1924         | Chatham Island Astro 1971, New Zealand (Chatham Island)  
CHUA_ASTRO_PARAG    | International1924         | Chua Astro, Paraguay  
CORREGO_AL_BRAZI    | International1924         | Corrego Alegre, Brazil  
DABOLA_GUINE        | Clarke 1880               | Dabola, Guine 
DECEPTION_DECEP     | Clarke 1880               | Deception Island, Deception Island
DJAKARTA_INDON      | Bessel1841                | Djakarta (Batavia), Indonesia (Sumatra)  
DOS_1968_NEW_G      | International1924         | DOS 1968,  New Georgia Islands (Gizo Island)  
EASTER_ISL_EASTE    | International1924         | Easter Island 1967, Easter Island  
ESTONIA             | BESSEL 1841               | NAMIBIA Estonia
EURO_1950_AUSTR     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Austria
EURO_1950_BELGI     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Belgium
EURO_1950_CHANN     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Channel Islands
EURO_1950_CYPRU     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Cyprus  
EURO_1950_EGYPT     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Egypt  
EURO_1950_ENGLA     | International1924         | Euro 1950, England Euro 1950 
EURO_1950_FINLA     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Finland
EURO_1950_GREEC     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Greece  
EURO_1950_IRAN      | International1924         | Euro 1950, Iran  
EURO_1950_IRAQ      | International1924         | Euro 1950, Iraq
EURO_1950_MALTA     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Malta  
EURO_1950_PORTU     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Portugal
EURO_1950_SARDI     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Sardinia  
EURO_1950_SICIL     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Sicily  
EURO_1950_TUNIS     | International1924         | Euro 1950, Tunisia  
EURO_1979_MEAN      | International1924         | Euro 1979, MEAN FOR Austria
FORT_THOMA_NEVIS    | Clarke 1880               | Fort Thomas 1955, Nevis
GAN_1970_REPUB      | International1924         | Gan 1970, Republic of Maldives
GEODETIC_D_NEW_Z    | International1924         | Geodetic Datum 1949, New Zealand  
GRACIOSA_B_AZORE    | International1924         | Graciosa Base SW 1948, Azores (Faial
GRACIOSA_B_SAO      | International1924         | Graciosa Base SW 1948, Sao Jorge
GUAM_1963_GUAM      | Clarke1866                | Guam 1963, Guam  
GUNUNG_SEG_INDON    | Bessel1841                | Gunung Segara, Indonesia (Kalimantan)  
GUX_1_ASTR_GUADA    | International1924         | GUX 1 Astro, Guadalcanal Island  
HERAT_NORT_AFGHA    | International1924         | Herat, North Afghanistan  
HERMANNSKOGEL       | BESSEL 1841               | NAMIBIA Croatia,Serbia,Bosnia-Herzegovina,Slovenia
HJORSEY_19_ICELA    | International1924         | Hjorsey 1955, Iceland  
HONG_KON_HONG       | International1924         | Hong Kong 1963, Hong Kong  
HU_TZU_SHA_TAIWA    | International1924         | Hu-Tzu-Shan, Taiwan  
INDIAN_54_THAIL     | Everest1830_1937Adjustment| Indian 54, Thailand  
INDIAN_60_CON_S     | Everest1830_1937Adjustment| Indian 60, Con Son Island  
INDIAN_60_VIETN     | Everest1830_1937Adjustment| Indian 60, Vietnam (Near 16=B0N)  
INDIAN_75_THAIL     | Everest1830_1937Adjustment| Indian 75, Thailand  
INDIAN_BANGL        | Everest1830_1937Adjustment| Indian, Bangladesh  
INDIAN_INDIA        | Everest1830_1975Definition| Indian, India
INDONESIAN 1974     | IndonesianNationalSpheroid| Indian, Pakistan  
INDONESIAN_INDON    | IndonesianNationalSpheroid| Indonesian 1974, Indonesia  
IRELAND_19_IRELA    | AiryModified1849          | Ireland 1965, Ireland  
ISTS_061_A_SOUTH    | International1924         | ISTS 061 Astro 1968, South Georgia Islands  
ISTS_073_A_DIEGO    | International1924         | ISTS 073 Astro 1969, Diego Garcia  
JOHNSTON_I_JOHNS    | International1924         | Johnston Island 1961, Johnston Island  
KANDAWALA_SRI_L     | Everest1830_1937Adjustment| Kandawala, Sri Lanka  
KERGUELEN_KERGU     | International1924         | Kerguelen Island 1949, Kerguelen Island  
KERTAU_194_WEST     | Clarke 1880               | Kertau 1948, West Malaysia & Singapore  
KOREAN              | GRS 1980                  | South Korea
KUSAIE_AST_CAROL    | International1924         | Kusaie Astro 1951, Caroline Islands  
LEIGON_GHANA        | Clarke 1880               | Leigon, Ghana  
LIBERIA_19_LIBER    | Clarke 1880               | Liberia 1964, Liberia  
LUZON_MINDA         | Clarke1866                | Luzon, (Mindanao)  
LUZON_PHILI         | Clarke1866                | Luzon,  Philippines (Excluding Mindanao)  
L_C_5_AS_CAYMA      | Clarke1866                | L. C. 5 Astro 1961, Cayman Brac Island  
MAHE_1971_MAHE      | Clarke 1880               | Mahe 1971, Mahe Island  
MASSAWA_ETHIO       | Bessel1841                | Massawa, Ethiopia (Eritrea)  
MERCHICH_MOROC      | Clarke 1880               | Merchich, Morocco  
MIDWAY_AST_MIDWA    | International1924         | Midway Astro 1961, Midway Islands  
MINNA_CAMER         | Clarke 1880               | Minna, Cameroon  
MINNA_NIGER         | Clarke 1880               | Minna, Nigeria  
MONTSERRAT_MONTS    | Clarke 1880               | Montserrat Island Astro 1958, Montserrat (Leeward Islands)
M_PORALOKO_GABON    | Clarke 1880               | M'Poraloko, Gabon  
NAD27               | Clarke 1866               | North America
NAD27_ALASKA        | Clarke 1866               | Alaska (Excluding Aleutian Ids)
NAD27_BAHAMAS       | Clarke 1866               | Bahamas (Except San Salvador Id)
NAD27_CANAL_ZO      | Clarke 1866               | Canal Zone
NAD27_CENT_AME      | Clarke 1866               | Mean for Central America
NAD27_CE_CANAD      | Clarke 1866               | Canada (Manitoba, Ontario)
NAD27_CONUS         | Clarke 1866               | Mean for Conus
NAD27_CUBA          | Clarke 1866               | Cuba
NAD27_EA_CANAD      | Clarke 1866               | Canada (New Brunswick,Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec)
NAD27_E_OF_180      | Clarke 1866               | Alaska (Aleutian Ids East of 180W)
NAD27_GREENLAN      | Clarke 1866               | Greenland (Hayes Peninsula)
NAD27_ME_CANAD      | Clarke 1866               | Mean for Canada
NAD27_NW_CANAD      | Clarke 1866               | Canada (Northwest Territories)
NAD27_SAN_SALV      | Clarke 1866               | Bahamas (San Salvador Island)
NAD27_WE_CANAD      | Clarke 1866               | Canada (Alberta, British Columbia)
NAD27_W_OF_180      | Clarke 1866               | Alaska (Aleutian Ids West of 180W)
NAD27_YU_CANAD      | Clarke 1866               | Canada (Yukon)
NAD83               | GRS1980                   | North America
NAHRWAN_OMAN        | Clarke 1880               | Nahrwan, Oman (Masirah Island) 
NAHRWAN_SAUDI       | Clarke 1880               | Nahrwan, Saudi Arabia  
NAHRWAN_UNITE       | Clarke 1880               | Nahrwan, United Arab Emirates  
NAPARIMA_B_TRINI    | International1924         | Naparima BWI, Trinidad & Tobago  
NORTHAM_27_MEANE    | Clarke1866                | NorthAm 27, MEANEast of Mississippi  
NORTHAM_27_MEANW    | Clarke1866                | NorthAm 27, MEANWest of Mississippi  
NORTHAM_83_ALASK    | GRS1980                   | NorthAm 83, Alaska (Excluding Aleutian Ids)  
NORTHAM_83_ALEUT    | GRS1980                   | NorthAm 83, Aleutian Islands  
NORTHAM_83_CANAD    | GRS1980                   | NorthAm 83, Canada  
NORTHAM_83_CONUS    | GRS1980                   | NorthAm 83, CONUS  
NORTHAM_83_HAWAI    | GRS1980                   | NorthAm 83, Hawaii  
NORTHAM_83_MEXIC    | GRS1980                   | NorthAm 83, Mexico
NORTH_SAHA_ALGER    | Clarke 1880               | North Sahara 1959, Algeria  
OBSERVATOR_AZORE    | International1924         | Observatorio Meteorologico 1939, Azores (Corvo & Flores Is
OLD_EGYPTI_EGYPT    | Helmert1906               | Old Egyptian 1907,  Egypt  
OLD_HAWAII_HAWAI    | Clarke1866                | Old Hawaiian, Hawaii  
OLD_HAWAII_INTH     | HAYFORD 1924              | Hawaii
OLD_HAWAII_INTM     | HAYFORD 1924              | Maui
OLD_HAWAII_INTO     | HAYFORD 1924              | Oahu
OLD_HAWAII_KAUAI    | Clarke1866                | Old Hawaiian, Kauai  
OLD_HAWAII_MAUI     | Clarke1866                | Old Hawaiian, Maui  
OLD_HAWAII_MEAN     | Clarke1866                | Old Hawaiian, MEAN FOR Hawaii 
OLD_HAWAII_OAHU     | Clarke1866                | Old Hawaiian, Oahu  
OMAN_OMAN           | Clarke 1880               | Oman, Oman  
OSGRTBRT36_ENGLA    | Airy1830                  | OSGrtBrt36, England  
OSGRTBRT36_MEAN     | Airy1830                  | OSGrtBrt36, MEAN FOR England
OSGRTBRT36_SCOTL    | Airy1830                  | OSGrtBrt36, Scotland
OSGRTBRT36_WALES    | Airy1830                  | OSGrtBrt36, Wales  
PICO_DE_LA_CANAR    | International1924         | Pico de las Nieves , Canary Islands  
PITCAIRN_A_PITCA    | International1924         | Pitcairn Astro 1967, Pitcairn Island  
POINTE_NOI_CONGO    | Clarke 1880               | Pointe Noire 1948, Congo  
POINT_58_MEAN       | Clarke 1880               | Point 58, MEAN FOR Burkina Faso & Niger  
PORTO_SANT_PORTO    | International1924         | Porto Santo 1936, Porto Santo
PROSOAM_56_BOLIV    | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, Bolivia  
PROSOAM_56_CHILN    | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, ChilNorthern
PROSOAM_56_CHILS    | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, ChilSouthern
PROSOAM_56_COLOM    | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, Colombia  
PROSOAM_56_ECUAD    | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, Ecuador  
PROSOAM_56_GUYAN    | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, Guyana 
PROSOAM_56_MEAN     | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, MEAN FOR Bolivia
PROSOAM_56_PERU     | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, Peru  
PROSOAM_56_VENEZ    | International1924         | ProSoAm 56, Venezuela  
PROSOCH_63_CHILE    | International1924         | ProSoCh 63, Chile (Near 53 1/2 S) (Hito XVIII)
PUERTO_RIC_PUERT    | Clarke1866                | Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
PULKOVO_19_RUSSI    | KRASSOVSKY 1940           | Pulkovo 1942, Russia  
QATAR_NATI_QATAR    | International1924         | Qatar, National Qatar  
QORNOQ_GREEN        | International1924         | Qornoq, Greenland (South)  
REUNION_MASCA       | International1924         | Reunion, Mascarene Islands  
ROME_1940_ITALY     | International1924         | Rome 1940, Italy (Sardinia)  
SANTO_DOS_ESPIR     | International1924         | Santo (DOS) 1965, Espirito Santo Island  
SAO_BRAZ_AZORE      | International1924         | Sao Braz, Azores (Sao Miguel)
SAPPER_HIL_EAST     | International1924         | Sapper Hill 1943, East Falkland Island  
SCHWARZECK_NAMIB    | BesselNamibia             | Schwarzeck, Namibia  
SELVAGEM_G_SALVA    | International1924         | Selvagem Grande 1938, Salvage Islands  
SGRTBRT36_ISLE      | Airy1830                  | OSGrtBrt36, Isle of Man
SIERRA_LEONE_60     | Clarke 1880               | Sierra Leone
SOUTHAM_69_ARGEN    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Argentina  
SOUTHAM_69_BALTR    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Baltra
SOUTHAM_69_BOLIV    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Bolivia  
SOUTHAM_69_BRAZI    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Brazil  
SOUTHAM_69_CHILE    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Chile  
SOUTHAM_69_COLOM    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Colombia  
SOUTHAM_69_ECUAD    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Ecuador  
SOUTHAM_69_GUYAN    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Guyana  
SOUTHAM_69_MEAN     | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, MEAN FOR Argentina
SOUTHAM_69_PARAG    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Paraguay  
SOUTHAM_69_PERU     | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Peru  
SOUTHAM_69_TRINI    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Trinidad & Tobago  
SOUTHAM_69_VENEZ    | SOUTH AMERICAN 1969       | SouthAm 69, Venezuela  
SOUTH_ASIA_SINGA    | Modified Fischer 1960     | South Asia, Singapore  
S_42_PULK_ALB       | KRASOVSKY                 | Albania
S_42_PULK_CZECH     | KRASOVSKY                 | Czechoslavakia
S_42_PULK_HUNGA     | KRASSOVSKY 1940           | S-42 (Pulkovo 1942)  Hungary  
S_42_PULK_KAZAK     | KRASOVSKY                 | Kazakhstan
S_42_PULK_LATVI     | KRASOVSKY                 | Latvia
S_42_PULK_POLAN     | KRASOVSKY                 | Poland
S_42_PULK_ROMAN     | KRASOVSKY                 | Romania
S_JTSK_CZECH        | Bessel1841                | S-JTSK, Czechoslavakia (Prior 1 JAN 1993)  
TANANARIVE_MADAG    | International1924         | Tananarive Observatory 1925, Madagascar  
TIMBALAI_1_BRUNE    | Everest1830_1967Definition| Timbalai 1948, Brunei 
TOKYO_JAPAN         | Bessel1841                | Tokyo, Japan  
TOKYO_MEAN          | Bessel1841                | Tokyo, MEAN FOR Japan
TOKYO_OKINA         | Bessel1841                | Tokyo, Okinawa  
TOKYO_SOUTH         | Bessel1841                | Tokyo, South Korea  
TRISTAN_AS_TRIST    | International1924         | Tristan Astro 1968, Tristan da Cunha  
VITI_LEV_FIJI       | Clarke 1880               | Viti Levu 1916, Fiji (Viti Levu Island)  
VOIROL_196_ALGER    | Clarke 1880               | Voirol 1960, Algeria  
WAKE_ENIWE_MARSH    | Hough 1960                | Wake-Eniwetok 1960, Marshall Islands  
WAKE_ISLAN_WAKE     | International1924         | Wake Island Astro 1952, Wake Atoll  
WGS 1972            | NWL10D                    | Global
WGS 66              | NWL9D                     | Global
WGS84               | WGS84                     | Global
WGS_1972_GLOBA      | NWL10D                    | WGS 1972 Global Definition  
WGS_1984_GLOBA      | WGS84                     | WGS 1984 Global Definition  
YACARE_URUGU        | International1924         | Yacare, Uruguay  
ZANDERIJ_SURIN      | International1924         | Zanderij, Suriname  

Appendix B

Table B-1. USGS projection parameters (array elements 1-8).

|                        |                       Array Element               |
|Code and Projection Name|---------------------------------------------------+
|                        |   1  |   2  |  3   |  4   |   5   |    6    |7 | 8|
| 0 Geographic           |      |      |      |      |       |         |  |  |
| 1 UTM                  |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |       |         |  |  |
| 2 State Plane          |      |      |      |      |       |         |  |  |
| 3 Albers Equal Area    |SMajor|SMinor|STDPR1|STDPR2|CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN|
| 4 Lambert Conform. Con.|SMajor|SMinor|STDPR1|STDPR2|CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN|
| 5 Mercator             |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |CentMer|TrueScale|FE|FN|
| 6 Polar Stereographic  |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |LongPol|TrueScale|FE|FN|
| 7 Polyconic            |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN|
| 8 Equid. Conic A       |SMajor|SMinor|STDPAR|      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN|
|   Equid. Conic B       |SMajor|SMinor|STDPR1|STDPR2|CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN|
| 9 Transverse Mercator  |SMajor|SMinor|Factor|      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN|
|10 Stereographic        |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN|
|11 Lambert Azimuthal    |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN|
|12 Azimuthal Equidistant|Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN|
|13 Gnomonic             |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN|
|14 Orthographic         |Sphere|      |      |      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN|
|15 Gen. Vert. Near Per. |Sphere|      |Height|      |CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN|
|16 Sinusoidal           |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN|
|17 Equirectangular      |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|TrueScale|FE|FN|
|18 Miller Cylindrical   |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN|
|19 Van der Grinten      |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|OriginLat|FE|FN|
|20 Hotin Oblique Merc. A|SMajor|SMinor|Factor|      |       |OriginLat|FE|FN|
|   Hotin Oblique Merc. B|SMajor|SMinor|Factor|AziAng|AzmthPt|OriginLat|FE|FN|
|21 Robinson             |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN|
|22 Space Oblique Merc. A|SMajor|SMinor|      |IncAng|AscLong|         |FE|FN|
|   Space Oblique Merc. B|SMajor|SMinor|Satnum|Path  |       |         |FE|FN|
|23 Alaska Conformal     |SMajor|SMinor|      |      |       |         |FE|FN|
|24 Goodes Homolosine    |Sphere|      |      |      |       |         |  |  |
|25 Mollweide            |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN|
|26 Interrupt Mollweide  |Sphere|      |      |      |       |         |  |  |
|27 Hammer               |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN|
|28 Wagner IV            |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN|
|29 Wagner VII           |Sphere|      |      |      |CentMer|         |FE|FN|
|30 Oblated Equal Area   |Sphere|      |Shapem|Shapen|CentLon|CenterLat|FE|FN|

Table B-2. USGS projection parameters (array elements 9-15).

        |                        |      Array Element       |
        |Code and Projection Name|--------------------------+
        |                        |  9  | 10 |  11 | 12 | 13 |
        | 0 Geographic           |     |    |     |    |    |
        | 1 UTM                  |     |    |     |    |    |
        | 2 State Plane          |     |    |     |    |    |
        | 3 Albers Equal Area    |     |    |     |    |    |
        | 4 Lambert Conform. Con.|     |    |     |    |    |
        | 5 Mercator             |     |    |     |    |    |
        | 6 Polar Stereographic  |     |    |     |    |    |
        | 7 Polyconic            |     |    |     |    |    |
        | 8 Equid. Conic A       |zero |    |     |    |    |
        |   Equid. Conic B       |one  |    |     |    |    |
        | 9 Transverse Mercator  |     |    |     |    |    |
        |10 Stereographic        |     |    |     |    |    |
        |11 Lambert Azimuthal    |     |    |     |    |    |
        |12 Azimuthal Equidistant|     |    |     |    |    |
        |13 Gnomonic             |     |    |     |    |    |
        |14 Orthographic         |     |    |     |    |    |
        |15 Gen. Vert. Near Per. |     |    |     |    |    |
        |16 Sinusoidal           |     |    |     |    |    |
        |17 Equirectangular      |     |    |     |    |    |
        |18 Miller Cylindrical   |     |    |     |    |    |
        |19 Van der Grinten      |     |    |     |    |    |
        |20 Hotin Oblique Merc. A|Long1|Lat1|Long2|Lat2|zero|
        |   Hotin Oblique Merc. B|     |    |     |    |one |
        |21 Robinson             |     |    |     |    |    |
        |22 Space Oblique Merc. A|PSRev|LRat|PFlag|    |zero|
        |   Space Oblique Merc. B|     |    |     |    |one |
        |23 Alaska Conformal     |     |    |     |    |    |
        |24 Goodes Homolosine    |     |    |     |    |    |
        |25 Mollweide            |     |    |     |    |    |
        |26 Interrupt Mollweide  |     |    |     |    |    |
        |27 Hammer               |     |    |     |    |    |
        |28 Wagner IV            |     |    |     |    |    |
        |29 Wagner VII           |     |    |     |    |    |
        |30 Oblated Equal Area   |Angle|    |     |    |    |

      SMajor    Semi-major axis of ellipsoid.  If zero, Clarke 1866 in
                meters is assumed.
      SMinor    Eccentricity squared of the ellipsoid if less than zero;
                if zero, a spherical form is assumed, or if greater than
                zero, the semi-minor axis of ellipsoid.
      Sphere    Radius of reference sphere.  If zero, 6370997 meters is
      STDPAR    Latitude of the standard parallel.
      STDPR1    Latitude of the first standard parallel.
      STDPR2    Latitude of the second standard parallel.
      CentMer   Longitude of the central meridian.
      OriginLat Latitude of the projection origin.
      FE        False easting in the same units as the semi-major axis.
      FN        False northing in the same units as the semi-major axis.
      TrueScale Latitude of true scale.
      LongPol   Longitude down below pole of map.
      Factor    Scale factor at central meridian (Transverse Mercator) or
                center of projection (Hotine Oblique Mercator).
      CentLon   Longitude of center of projection.
      CenterLat Latitude of center of projection.
      Height    Height of perspective point.
      Long1     Longitude of first point on center line (Hotine Oblique
                Mercator, format A).
      Long2     Longitude of second point on center line (Hotine Oblique
                Mercator, format A).
      Lat1      Latitude of first point on center line (Hotine Oblique
                Mercator, format A).
      Lat2      Latitude of second point on center line (Hotine Oblique
                Mercator, format A).
      AziAng    Azimuth angle east of north of center line (Hotine Oblique
                Mercator, format B).
      AzmthPt   Longitude of point on central meridian where azimuth occurs
                (Hotine Oblique Mercator, format B).
      IncAng    Inclination of orbit at ascending node, counter-clockwise
                from equator (Space Oblique Mercator, format A).
      AscLong   Longitude of ascending orbit at equator (Space Oblique
                Mercator, format A).
      PSRev     Period of satellite revolution in minutes (Space Oblique
                Mercator, format A).
      LRat      Landsat ratio to compensate for confusion at northern end
                of orbit (Space Oblique Mercator, format A -- use 0.5201613).
      PFlag     End of path flag for Landsat:  0 = start of path,
                1 = end of path (Space Oblique Mercator, format A).
      Satnum    Landsat Satellite Number (Space Oblique Mercator, format B).
      Path      Landsat Path Number (Use WRS-1 for Landsat 1, 2 and 3 and
                WRS-2 for Landsat 4, 5 and 6.)  (Space Oblique Mercator,
                format B).
      Shapem    Oblated Equal Area oval shape parameter m.
      Shapen    Oblated Equal Area oval shape parameter n.
      Angle     Oblated Equal Area oval rotation angle.

Array elements 14 and 15 are set to zero.
All array elements with blank fields are set to zero.
All angles (e.g., latitudes, longitudes, azimuths) are entered in packed degrees/minutes/seconds (DDDMMMSSS.SS) format.

The following notes apply to the Space Oblique Mercator A projection.

          Parameter 4   099005031.2
          Parameter 5   128.87 degrees - (360/251 * path number)
                                         in packed DMS format
          Parameter 9   103.2669323
          Parameter 10  0.5201613
          Parameter 4   098012000.0
          Parameter 5   129.3 degrees - (360/233 * path number)
                                         in packed DMS format
          Parameter 9   98.884119
          Parameter 10  0.5201613

Table B-3. Landsat processing levels.

| Level     |                                      Definition               |
|    0      | "Raw" Uncorrected, radiometrically and geometrically raw      |
|           | scan lines reversed and nominally aligned.                    |
|    1      | Radiometrically corrected (calibration applied). Scan line    |
|           | reversed and nominally aligned.                               |
|    2      | Radiometrically raw, along-scan line geometric correction     |
|           | tables appended.                                              |
|    3      | "Bulk corrected" radiometrically raw, along-scan line         |
|           | geometric corrections applied                                 |
|    4      | "Bulk corrected" radiometrically corrected, along-scan        |
|           | line geometric corrections applied.                           |
|    5      | Radiometrically corrected, two dimensional resampling,        |
|           | SOM or map projection, no ground control point.               |
|    6      | Radiometrically and geometrically corrected, with two         |
|           | dimensional resampling, ground control points and SOM         |
|           | or map projection.                                            |
|    7      | Radiometrically and geometrically corrected, with two         |
|           | dimensional resampling, ground control points, SOM or         |
|           | map projection and digital terrain model                      |
|    8      | "Systematically corrected".  Radiometrically and              |
|           | geometrically corrected using the satellite model and         |
|           | platform/ephemeris information.  Rotated and aligned to       |
|           | the user defined map projection.                              |
|    9      | "Precision corrected".  Radiometrically and geometrically     |
|           | corrected using the satellite model and platform/ephemeris    |
|           | information.  Rotated and aligned to the user defined map     |
|           | projection using ground control points to improve the         |
|           | satellite model.                                              |
|   10      | "Terrain corrected".  Radiometrically and geometrically       |
|           | corrected using the satellite model and platform/euphemeris   |
|           | information.  Rotated and aligned to the user defined map     |
|           | projection using ground control points and digital terrain    |
|           | model to improve the satellite model and remove the geodetic  |
|           | inaccuracy caused by the parallax error that occurs because   |
|           | of local terrain elevation.                                   |
Processing levels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are no longer available.