SUBENT C0853001 20011206 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 12 24 INSTITUTE (1USACAL) REFERENCE (J,PR,99,138,195307) AUTHOR (T.S.Webb,F.B.Hagedorn,W.A.Fowler,C.C.Lauritsen) TITLE Elastic Scattering by F19 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USACAL) 2-MeV electrostatic generator. SAMPLE Thick targets produced by pressing LiF powder into circular recess in copper backing. METHOD (BCINT) DETECTOR (SCIN) Zinc sulfide scintillation counter. MONITOR (29-CU-0(P,EL)29-CU-0,,DA) Energy scale calibrated using gammas associated with 873- and 1372-keV resonances in 19F(p,alpha) reaction. ERR-ANALYS Probable uncertainty in absolute values 6%, due to uncertainties in: . LiF stopping power (5%). . solid angle (3%), . target composition and behavior (3%). In addition there is a systematic uncertainty due to energy resolution which is negligible at angles >90 degrees, but could increase to observed yield by 5-10% at 60 degrees. Statistical uncertainty at each point is 102%. STATUS Data downloaded fron SigmaBase Web site. HISTORY (20011206C) VM ENDBIB 24 NOCOMMON 0 0 ENDSUBENT 27 SUBENT C0853004 20011220 20050616 20050926 0000 BIB 5 7 REACTION (7-N-14(P,G)8-O-15,PAR,DA) SAMPLE 14N gas in stainless steel transmission cell with molybdenum entrance and exit windows. METHOD Absolute cross section obtained from known target thickness and the detector efficiency. ERR-ANALYS Overall uncertainty in cross sections <30%. STATUS (UNOBT) Data given in Figs. 7, 8 in reference. ENDBIB 7 COMMON 1 3 E-LVL MEV 0. ENDCOMMON 3 NODATA 0 0 ENDSUBENT 15