Maruh 8# 1951. Fmfesror c. A. stuaPt, Departaont of Biology, Brown Univerrity, PPovidenQo 12, Ii. I. Deim Profeuor Stuart: Xa rempwmr to your latter of t&o fit&, f am plearred to rend herewith the five culturu uhinh you requerted. However, in of W-677 I put W-1177, it6 S' (rtreptoqwln-re6imt6nt) mdant. If thils i6 wmatiriactoq, plea80 let m know. The attauhed sheet 6wnarS.6es 001~ partfoularr about the 6tmi.m. You will find that Y-33 aarriar a *artabile@ laatooe-negs8ive eharaoter, while that 48 W-4177 i6 stable. The other aharaeterm are l&wise stablo, but L you may have ww dtifistitg in raoring the Gal- and Ara-