VIEWING THE ECLIPSE FROM BULGARIA KEN PHILLIPS (RUTHERFORD APPLETON LABORATORY) November 1999 Up till last year I had never seen a total eclipse of the Sun which is remarkable considering I have made solar physics my career and was interested in observing the Sun as an amateur astronomer back in the 1960's. The impetus for going to the eclipse in February 1998, in the Caribbean, was really a committee that had been set up at the laboratory where I work, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, to steer UK activities for the eclipse of August 11, 1999. Someone had suggested that it would be a good idea to "showcase" UK solar physics activities by conducting an experiment to observe the eclipse. Almost simultaneously one of my colleagues had been drawing my attention to a new electronic (CCD, standing for charge-coupled device) camera which could record images at very fast frame rates (up to 70 frames a second) with digital output. It was designed by EEV, the Chelmsford company making them for scientific, and in particular astronomical, purposes. These cameras seemed very exciting, and at the time I thought it would be highly useful to see if they could be put on to a solar optical telescope to record the way the photospheric granules evolve. But I also became interested in experiments that Prof. Jay Pasachoff and colleagues from Williams College, Massachusetts, had done in searching for fast changes in the solar corona. There was equivocal evidence from these searches, made during a number of total eclipses in the 1980's, that there were periodic modulations in the coronal intensity which pointed to the long-elusive heating mechanism of the solar corona being magnetic waves (magneto-hydrodynamic, or MHD, to be precise). The solar corona is the very hot, but tenuous, "atmosphere" of the Sun which is not visible to the naked eye at all unless the brilliant solar photosphere is blotted out by the Moon, i.e. during a total solar eclipse. After 50 years of close study, both by observational astronomers and theorists, the exact heating mechanism of the solar corona is still unknown, though it is undoubtedly connected with the weak magnetic field pervading the corona. As interesting as solar granules are, it seemed to me, back in 1997 when the UK solar eclipse committee was set up, that searching for the modulations that Pasachoff had reported with the new EEV cameras would be highly relevant to the long-standing solution of the corona's high temperature. Of course, many very sophisticated experiments, many on spacecraft such as the Japanese Yohkoh satellite and the ESA/NASA mission SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory), have looked at the same question in the past. However, all previous experiments have really concentrated on getting the maximum "spatial" (or angular) resolution rather than the crucial question of time resolution. The reason time resolution is of such importance is that theory predicts that if magnetic waves are really important for solar coronal heating, the periods of the waves should be very short -- perhaps only a few seconds. However, imaging with the ultraviolet and X-ray instruments aboard Yohkoh and SOHO, for instance, is necessarily a slow business. Images are generally built up by scanning or by CCD cameras adapted for the X-ray range, and with the limitations of spacecraft telemetry, images of even small portions of the corona will take about 2 minutes or so to form. So a wave travelling through one of the numerous loop structures making up the corona or causing modulations in the intensity with periods of a few seconds will be completely unnoticed in spacecraft imaging. With my colleague Pete Read at RAL, then, we drew up a preliminary design for an instrument that could image the solar corona during an eclipse with the new EEV cameras at very fast rates and with a spatial resolution matching those of spacecraft. I dubbed it the "Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System", or SECIS. One development that gave great impetus to our work was the offer of a clever software means of "grabbing" the images from the cameras and putting them into the disk storage of a specially adapted PC. This was done by a small computer firm in Maidenhead, 4C's (Carr-Crouch Computer Company) who have done a marvellous job for us in making equipment and designing software that could be carried out into the field for doing our experiments. Of course, like any science research enterprise where the output is uncertain we had problems with the funding of the instrument, but we eventually got some funds for the equipment itself from RAL. At a late stage, I decided that going to the eclipse in February 1998, visible in the Caribbean, would be a very good idea, preparatory to the 1999 eclipse, so we hurriedly made preparations to go to the French West Indies island of Guadeloupe. By this time I was joined by my colleagues at Queen's University Belfast, where I have a visiting professorship through the head of the Astrophysics Group there, Prof. Francis Keenan. Prof. Keenan got funding for our trip to the Caribbean through the Leverhulme Trust. Peter Gallagher, then a PhD student, joined me in the Guadeloupe expedition along with Francisco Diego, an experienced "eclipse chaser" familiar to lots of people from many television appearances before the 1999 eclipse. We met up with Dr Serge Koutchmy, also an eclipse chaser, from the Institute of Astrophysics in Paris, who organised a site for us in the island. We were lucky enough to have extremely clear skies but in the event very unlucky as almost literally at the last minute there was a failure in the power supplying our and everyone else's equipment at the site. It was not a pleasant scene! Not too deterred by this, we then made plans to use the SECIS cameras on a coronagraph at the National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak, situated in southern New Mexico. This was at the invitation of Dr Ray Smartt who works there and whom we met in Guadeloupe. Peter and I and Pete Read went out there in August 1998 and, though the trip wasn't without problems (one of the cameras developed a fault and the skies were surprisingly cloudy) we eventually got some nice images of the corona (Fig. 1). Peter Gallagher was in fact the one who got these images, as I had to return home for a conference by September. He did a very preliminary analysis and on the face of it there is evidence for modulations in coronal intensity in the coronal loops above an active region (associated with large sunspots) on the Sun's west limb visible in the figure. So this was encouraging. We were now joined by a team of seasoned solar observers from the Astronomical Institute, University of Wroclaw, in south-western Poland, consisting of Prof. Bogdan Rompolt, Dr Pawel Rudawy, Arek Berlicki and Adam Buczylko. They had funds approved to build a high-precision heliostat or tracking mirror (Fig. 2) which could provide a horizontal beam of sunlight for the SECIS instrument which we now designed to be built on a horizontal optical bench. We were still not quite sure that the cameras would be sensitive enough to record the solar corona despite the tests in Sac Peak, so we did some more tests in Poland last May on the full Moon (which has approximately the same surface brightness as the corona) in Poland, using the Wroclaw heliostat. Things seemed to work out reasonably well. Unfortunately there was a delay in the despatch of the SECIS instrument back to the UK and this had serious impact on our final preparations for the August eclipse. In fact things were very fraught indeed in the days leading up to the despatch of the equipment out to Bulgaria, where by agreement with Prof. Vlado Dermendjiev at the University of Sofia we had arranged to view the eclipse. Thing after thing seemed to go wrong -- at one point we even had a minor fire; one of the tiny cooling fans on the cameras had a short and the wires melted and the insulation caught fire! I had arranged to fly out to Bulgaria myself on July 31, some two weeks before the eclipse, and eventually Peter Gallagher from Belfast, Robin Barnsley from the JET Laboratory in Culham, plus our Wroclaw colleagues, were all ensconced in hotels or beach bungalows in the site, a small seaside village called Shabla, on the Black Sea. At first things were not auspicious at all: the weather started off very stormy, and Peter and I were amazed one day sitting at a beachside cafe drinking our cappucinos to witness a fully fledged tornado out at sea! Fortunately it didn't come our way. The Polish heliostat arrived and Pawel and colleagues set it all up, using time-honoured ways of aligning it to the local meridian. But no sign of our equipment! There had apparently been a most unfortunate delay in the UK in the "Carnet" process that was supposed to steer the equipment through UK and Bulgarian customs. We had a desperate time trying to persuade people to hurry the thing along, using the one and only pay phone in Shabla. I was most grateful to Dr Maria Madjarska, who is a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Dermendjiev's group, who did a lot of shouting and screaming down the phone line for me, in a mixture of English and Bulgarian. Eventually our kit arrived, the morning of August 10, the day before the eclipse! To add to our troubles, the hotel we were staying at threw a wobbly and after much stress I decided to check out and go into other accommodation. One good thing -- the weather had brightened up considerably and we were blessed on the morning of the eclipse by perfect weather. The totality was predicted for 1410 local time. By mid-morning the SECIS equipment and the heliostat were all at the ready. Anyone who has been to an eclipse will know the feeling of suspense that we experienced that morning. Through the hotel hiccup, I had skipped breakfast and didn't much feel like lunch either. When totality came, still with cloudless skies, everything seemed to work like a charm. We started exposing the cameras at precisely the moment of second contact, and ran for precisely 2 minutes and 20 seconds, the predicted duration of totality. There were ooh's and aah's from the many people at the site around us during the totality whilst I and my colleagues were ourselves gaping at the incredible spectacle in the sky. I am not sure whether my conscious mind was properly in gear at all at that moment but I do remember being awestruck by not only the marvellous intricacy of the corona through binoculars but the seemingly enormous number of bright pink prominences distributed all round the solar limb. Fantastic! Peter and others were whooping with joy the instant totality was over, and I do vaguely remember Bulgarian high-alcohol beers being handed around in profusion. Drinking on an empty stomach is not, as I remember from student days, an activity to be recommended! The rest of the day fades almost into oblivion, but one thing I do remember, with great delight was when Peter played the SECIS images back on our computer monitor and there, in both channels, was the corona and in one of the channels all the prominences we had witnessed with our eyes moments before. We had captured 12,728 images in the 2m 20s of the totality, and could look forward to lots of data analysis and learning about Fourier transforms. Figure 3 shows just one of these thousands of SECIS images, compared with SOHO ultraviolet images either side (they show the corona and chromosphere on the solar disk as well as the solar limb). Right now, we are all busy trying to search for modulations or other fast changes. Looking at the movie, one could perhaps make the claim that there are tiny "coronal mass ejections" taking place in one of the coronal active regions, though we need to look at this more carefully. Unfortunately Peter Gallagher has joined the brain drain and has taken up a postdoctoral appointment in New Jersey, but I hope we will still have his expertise at least remotely. Our Polish colleagues have been busy in looking at flat-fielding issues and the like, while Peter's replacement at Queen's University, David Williams, is making progress in the analysis also. Our first paper, basically on the instrument including the heliostat, was accepted for publication in the European journal Solar Physics and results have been presented already at various conferences. I hope you will be seeing more and exciting results from the SECIS data in the coming months. In the meantime have a look at our SECIS web site and also my own personal one where there is a movie of the August 11 eclipse images. The BBC eclipse web site also has features by me and Peter Gallagher along with other eclipse chasers. See below for details. SECIS web site: KJHP's web site: If you have problems in displaying the movie, it can be obtained from David Williams' ftp site at Queen's University Belfast: BBC web site: Figure Captions: Fig. 1: SECIS image from the Evans coronagraph at National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak (left) with corresponding images from the Yohkoh X-ray satellite (middle) and the TRACE ultraviolet imaging satellite (right). Fig. 2: The University of Wroclaw heliostat (mirror not in place). The heliostat can operate at any latitude and tracks the Sun at precisely the solar rate of motion across the sky to form a horizontal beam of sunlight. The mirror (by Zeiss Corporation) is flat to 1/10th wave and made of low-expansion glass. Fig. 3: (centre) SECIS image (one of 12728), white-light channel (views coronal structures and prominences) compared with images from the EIT instrument on the SOHO satellite (left in He II light, showing chromosphere and prominences; right in Fe XII light, showing corona). --ooOOoo--