September 2000 Newsletter Clinical Image Processing CIP ----------------------------------------------- NEW GROUP: As many of you know, there has been a large effort in the clinical center to improve their image processing expertise and facilities. As a member of the clinical center, I have decided to devote more of my time to this effort and to the formation of the clinical image processing group. - John ----------------------------------------------- THANKS TO: 1. Jeff Solomon and Ian Hunter for inviting us to their MEDx 3.3 new features talk. For those who didn't get a copy of the links page, here they are: To register for a local copy of MEDx 3.3: Release notes from the talk: All other links can be found at: 2. Murruy Loew (George Washington Univ) for inviting us to hear Bryan Morse's talk on level sets 3. Hank Eden (OD/ORS) for inviting us to a product demonstation by Dimension Technologies Inc on their "Virtual Windows". ( 4. Patrick Bellgowan(NIMH/LBC) and Michael Beauchamp(NIMH/LBC) for inviting us to their creating roi's with afni seminar. B.T.W. The web page of the resource that was passed around at the end was: ----------------------------------------------- REMINDER: Thanks to Daniel Glen (NIMH) for letting us know about the following upcoming presentation: Title: Active Neuroanatomical Atlases Construction and application of digital atlases in rodent research. Speaker: Jonathan Nissanov MCP Hahnemann University (formerly Drexel University) Date: 9/5 Time: 2:00 pm Place: bldg. 36, room 1B07 ----------------------------------------------- AFNI: Michael Beauchamp(NIMH/LBC) is collecting names and emails of anyone who would be interested in being on a new afni user's list. His email is: ----------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE NOTICE: The 3rd Visible Human Project Conference sponsered by National Library of Medicine is taking place on October 5-6. On line registration must be received by 9/18. Please see for more information. ----------------------------------------------- LINKS: We are still going with our software pages. With the help of Rakesh Mullick we have image processing software and visualization software pretty well represented. Instead of continuing with this project this month we are soliciting link information. We are currently interested in: NIH links ( that describe the following: 1. NIH departments that do image processing 2. Image Processing Information sources at NIH 3. Image Processing Data sources at NIH 4. Image Processing Software Repositories at NIH (scripts, plugins, etc) 5. Image Processing Training sources at NIH 6. Image Processing Links pages at NIH ------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE UPDATE! As most of you know, there is a database of all image processing researchers at the NIH Image Processing SIG web site ( This site is viewed by many people both inside and outside of NIH. When you get a chance, please look at your entry and update if it is out of date ( If you don't have an entry and are doing image processing on the NIH campus please submit an entry through the NIH Image Processing SIG website (