quotaon, quotaoff - Turns filesystem quotas on or off

	  quotaon [-guv] filesystem ...

	  quotaon -a [-guv]

	  quotaoff [-guv] filesystem ...

	  quotaoff -a [-guv]

	  -a	    Turns on (with quotaon) or turns off (with quota-
		    off) quotas	for all	filesystems identified in
		    /etc/fstab as read/write with quotas.

	  -g	    Turns on or	off group quotas only.

	  -u	    Turns on or	off user quotas	only.

	  -v	    Prints a message for each filesystem whose quotas
		    are	turned on or off.

	  The quotaon command announces	to the system that disk	quotas
	  should be enabled on one or more filesystems.	 The filesys-
	  tems specified must have entries in /etc/fstab and be
	  mounted at the time.

	  The quotaoff command announces to the	system that any	disk
	  quotas on the	specified filesystems specified	should be
	  turned off.

	  quotaon and quotaoff must be run by a	user with superuser

	  These	commands expect	each filesystem	to have	quota files
	  named	quota.user and in the root directory.
	  (These default file locations	may be overridden in

	  By default both user and group quotas	are turned on or off.
	  The -g flag specifies	that only group	quotas should be
	  affected; the	-u flag	specifies that only user quotas	should
	  be affected.

		    Specifies the command path

		    Specifies the command path

		    Contains user quotas for filesystem

		    Contains user quotas for filesystem

		    Contains filesystem	names and locations

	  Commands:  edquota(8), fsck(8), quota(1), quotacheck(8),

	  Functions:  quotactl(2).

	  Files:  fstab(4).

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