As of: February 11, 2009
Tracking No. 803eb7c1
Comments Due: April 25, 2008

Docket: FWS-R1-ES-2007-0006
Designation of Critical Habitat for 12 Hawaiian Picture-wing Flies

Comment On: FWS-R1-ES-2007-0006-0014
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revised Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for 12 Species of Picture-Wing Flies From the Hawaiian Islands

Document: FWS-R1-ES-2007-0006-0017
Comment on FR Doc # E8-04317

Submitter Information

Name: Catherine  Robinson

Waipahu,  HI,  96797

General Comment

They're fruit flies, for crying out loud!

They're agricultural pests.

They're an excuse for government to encroach yet further into lands,
funds, "projects," and private property.

If you want "picture wings," the Mediterranean fruit fly has far more beautiful wing
patterns. And it's regularly battled with poisons, even in residential areas, without
residents' permission, for the billions of dollars of damage they do to fruit crops in
the U.S.

Hawaii has problems with growing our own fruit for reasonable prices here in the
islands, our agricultural lands are diminishing, and is stuggling to grow enough for
profitable export. Hawaii does not need to cultivate a further future threat to that

It's outrageous that one department will "protect" an agricultural threat, and then
the agricultural department will condemn any fruits for export it finds infested with
or damaged by such pests. This is insanity! In the name of "threatened species"!
Fruit flies! That can dance differently from other fruit flies?! Oh, yeah, that's a

And all those "species" this legislation is designed to protect: which one is it that
dances so prettily? Or do they all do it alike? Then, they're merely subspecies,
and none of them combined is worth government or international protection, even if
they can be separately designated.

Oh -- private property owners within designated "protected habitat" will be
prohibited from doing anything on their property that could "threaten" the FRUIT
FLIES. And who's going to spy on private property owners to make sure they
don't "threaten" these fruit flies with their gardening, building, destroying unwanted
vegetation, spraying with insecticides to get rid of dangerous pests like
mosquitoes and centipedes?

All this is costing us taxpayers. We resent it. We're held hostage to self-
styled "environmentalists" and their alarmist cronies whose only aim is to
ultimately restrict human beings from any natural habitat, and it seems our
government is only too eager to grant them their requests at our expense.

I don't want my taxes going to strip my fellow citizens of their private property
rights. Especially for FRUIT FLIES!

Exactly how are human beings responsible for "endangering" this potential
agricultural pest, anyway? Have human beings actually endangered them in the
almost two centuries of heavy agriculture here? Do humans actually endanger
them by hiking in fruit fly "habitat"? Are there places we can go outside of
laboratories to see them do their little dances and be charmed and awed by them?

Exactly WHAT is this ruling going to accomplish besides firm up and
further "environmentalists' " goals and government reach into citizens' lives?

It's time the people stand up against this overgrown and unconstitutional
government and tell it "NO! We've given enough!"

Especially for a fruit fly.

I will kill any fruit fly I find. Promise.

Please, if you respect human citizens, if you value human citizens, DO NOT carry
through this legislation!