Comment 04114731 From: Nick Edwards [] Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:25 PM To: Rulemaking, TTB Subject: Notice No. 41 Nick Edwards 1027 Walnut St. Apt. A Macon, GA 31201 September 15, 2005 Chief, Regulations and Procedures Division Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau PO Box 14412 Washington, DC 20044-4412 RE: Notice No. 41 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in support of Notice No. 41 about the Labeling and Advertising of Wines, Distilled Spirits, and Malt Beverages. In the past few years we have seen an abundance of new beers and wines that have claimed a lower amount of carbohydrates and calories than the traditional non-light beers. The problem has always been being able to determine these claims. Many of the beer companies have voluntarily decided to include the carbs and calories on the lesser versions of their beer, but it is hard to find what the normal beers contain. Regulations that would require the full disclosure of these facts would help the consumer make a much more informed decision on deciding what they would like to drink. I do have one concern with the regulations. There should be an exemption from this rule for microbrews. Small breweries that make seasonal beers would have to burden a large cost for the testing of their beer to get accurate numbers. This could have the effect of running these small batch beers off the market, or making them prohibitively expensive. Respectfully Submitted, Nick Edwards Mercer Law Student