Notes on meeting with Camille Ginsburg and Andy Hocker from Fermi TD on June 23, 2006, 9AM in ICB3. Vertical Test Stand (Camille) will start to use an elog early next year. Horizontal Test Stand (Andy) will start to use an elog in August. Both have experience with AD Elog, CRL and TD weblog. Camille was on a committee that reviewed logbooks last year and recommended the CRL. In the end the TD weblog was developed instead - the deciding issue was that they wanted local control. Her notes are at: Both Camille and Andy agreed local control can be the right answer for a small project but is probably the wrong answer for a big project. The magnet tests will be small scale but the cavity tests will, in the end, be very large scale. They agree with model in which they start up with one product and migrate to another. An elog should not be confused with: - a database holding measurement data - a data catalog - document management system - slow controls data repository - a system to manage travellers - an analysis notebook Dedicated systems are needed for the above. An elog is for "operations", broadly construed to include prep for and execution of module tests. Vertical Test stand at DESY has automatted tools to record data but they use a paper logbook. They both give zero weight to the issue of searching attachments. Any attachment that is interesting to search belongs in the document management system or the analysis notebook. It is important to be able to thumbnail many image formats, not just gif/jpg. If the "impedance" for making an entry is too high, the entries won't be made. This is very bad. Andy's comments on existing products: - AD Elog - best fit with his mental model of what a logbook is. Excellent readability. - TD weblog - poorer readability - CRL - fonts are too small ( I have heard the same comment from several others ). - He likes being able to highlight text within an entry using bold/color, whether by html or other means. What about mistyping of cavity names/numbers when making an entry? This is a weakness of the AD product. The TD weblog has pulldown menus for which cavity is under test but no controls for adding entries to the list - so one device might get multiple entries with different capitalizations. Fortunately the product maintainers can fix these sorts of errors after the fact. I suggested the following scenario. They are doing a test on a cavity and the cryo system has a non-fatal problem. On first glance the data looks OK so it is written to the data storage system. If someone later notices a problem with this data, how would they discover that the test conditions are suspect? Camille and Andy agree that they would likely look for the answer in the elog. So this is a real scenario in which some would look at old entries.