494 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1905 Current month. Inches. -1.2 -1.9 -2.0 -1.3 -1.4 4 .1 -1.4 4 .t i -0.4 -0.7 1 0 .2 +O. i +o. 2 +O.6 +1.6 +2.5 +0.4 -0.; -3.7 -1.4 +1.0 A w c q e c b u d h s and Cdepcsrturea from the nmnacal. Accumu- l a t e d s i n c e Jan. 1. Iiichea. -6 .2 -3.3 -9.3 +1.8 +l. 3 +!Lo -2.2 -1 8 +0.4 +O . 6 +O. 1 +6. 6 t3.0 t 5 . I +7.9 +K O +1.5 -2.1 -9.9 -5.8 +3.5 greater portion of the southern Rocky Mountain and southern It was especially heavy over the greater part of Arizona, where phenomenal amounts for the season were recorded. At Prescott the fall for the month was the greatest in a period of 36 gears, and it is probable that in no previous November since records have been kept was the precipit,ation, both rain and snow, so generally heavy and well distributed over that section. The total depth and the southern limit of snowfall are depicted on Chart X, and the depth of mow on ground a t end of month on Chart SI. Average precipitation and departure from the normal. - Plateau regions. Current month. Percent age of normal. 2. 52 2.16 1.3s 2.30 1. !)2 0.72 1. GO 3.18 3.06 1.15 1.13 3.28 1. !19 2. 32 81 84 66 110 157 135 160 201 546 153 63 47 59 176 Lower Lakk .................. 75 - 2 North Pacific ............... Upper Lake .................. 78 - 2 Middle Pacific.. ............. North Dakota ................ - 3 South Pacific ................ Upper Nississippi Valley.. .. .I ;E I + 2 1) 86 63 6 i .imarillo. T e s ........... Rofalu, N. 1- ........... Elnck Islaurl. R. I . ....... Do .................. D O .,. ................ Do. .................. 110. ................. 23 29 30 1 6 24 25 Do .................. Grand Rapids. h1ir.h ..... Moiunt Tnmalpais, Cal.. . D o .. ................ 28 24 4 5 New England .............. Middle Atlantic. ............ South Atlantic.. ............ Florida Peninsula. .......... East Gulf. .................. West Gulf ................... Ohio Vallev and Tennessee.. .I 5.1 1 - 0.6 1 1 Northern Plateau ........... I 5.1 1 - 0.9 - 0.5 + 0.4 0. 0 + 1.9 + 2.1 + 0.6 ............. 4.4 .............. 5.0 3.6 5.1 .......... 4 ............. 4.2 Lower L a h . ................. North Dakota ................ ................ Upper Mississippi Valley.. ... Upper Lake. 6. i - 0.6 11 North Pacific. ............... ................. .............. Average. Departure. HUMIDITY. The average relative humidity was normal in the Florida Peninsula and the south Pac*ific region; above the norinal in the Gulf States, upper Nississippi Talley, the slope and mid- dle and southern Plateau and north Pacific regions; elsewhere i t mas l~elow the normal. The minus departures Tvere quitme marked in the Atlantic districts north of Florida, and the middle Pacific region, while the plus ciepnrtures mere very marked in the southern slope and southern Plateau re&' .ions. The averages by districts appear in the following table: 8 12 10 8 9 7 11 8 10 S 11 11 7 6 6 13 8 12 I 5 4 New England. ........................... Middle Atlantic.. ....................... South Atlantic .......................... Florida Peninsula* ..................... East Gulf.. .............................. Went Gulf ............................... Ohio Valley and Tennessee.. ............ Loner Lake.. ........................... U per Lake ............................. Sper h+siseippi Valley.. ...... issoun Valley ................. Northern Slope. ................. Middle 810 ................. Southern 8;;. ................ Southern Plateau * ...................... Middle Plateau * ........................ Northern Plateau *. ..................... North Pacific. ........................... d r t h Dakota *. ................. - _- - Average relative humidity and &parturea from the normal. - -~ ~ ~ ~~ Districts. Districts. ................ ............. ............. ............. ............... ............... - 5 Middle Slope. 66 0 Southern Slope i - 74 New Englaud 70 - S hfissoori Valley 69 Middle At.lantic. 68 - 7 Northern Slope. 71 South Atlantic Florida Peninsula. ......... 1 iB 1 11 .............. -2 +4 +4 +I2 + 28 +e -5 +2 -12 0 ~ .~ *Regular Weather Bureau and selected cuoperatire stationa. In Cunudn.-Professor Stupart says : The precipitation in Vanconver Ibland ani1 all the western portions of British Columbia was very light, being iiut a sniall fraction of the average. Farther east, however, at the higher levels it was average or a little in excess, and this was also the case in western Alberta. From eastern Alberta to western Manitoba, where it was mobtly in the form of snow, there was a general deficiency, but to the eabtmard of tills again as far as the neighborhood of Lake Huron there was an excess. * * * In the western portions of the Peninsula of Ontario, where it was part rain and part snow, it was nearly average, but in the more northern and eastern district5 it was deficient. the largest departures occurring in the Ottawa Valley. In &ueber* there was a very general small deficiency. while in the Maritinie Provinces the precipitation, mostly in the form of rain, was very nearly average. At the close of the month there was a light covering of anow over the more northern and eabtern portions of the Northwest Piovinces and also over most of northern Ontario, while in other parts of the Dominion the ground was either bare or nearly so. East Gulf .................... 78 + boiithern Plsieau ........... 71 West Cirlir Niddle Plateau. ............ 64 Ohio Vallev and Tennessee.. 71 - ........... 69 .................... . I iG 1 + - 11 Northern Plateau The maximum wind velocity at each Weather Bureau station for a period of five minutes is given in Table I, which also give8 the altitude of Weather Bureau anemometers above ground. Following are the velocities of 50 miles and over per hour registered during the month: Maximum wind velocities. - A * .- 0 d F - 50 60 54 63 e2 55 58 65 82 32 54 M) 50 i 0 62 68 60 60 64 60 - - L :: ; * .d - - 60 60 57 60 51 58 $2 72 ,50 52 51 54 50 63 50 53 60 60 5'2 53 - d .C u a Stations. 1 : IlW. 11. I I W . I I W . Il\V. 11\F. . h \v . sa. 8. w. Se. IIW. s. s. e. w. a. e . t.. CLEAR SKY AND CLOUDINESS. Average cloudiness obtained in the Middle and South Atlan- tic States and middle slope and north Pacific districts; the cloudiness was below the normal in New England, Florida Peninsula, Ohio Valley and Tennesuee, Lake region, upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, and the northern Plateau region; elsewhere it was above the normal. The distribution of clear sky is graphically shown on Chart IV, and the numerical values of average daylight cloudiness, both for individual stations and by geographic districts, appear in Table I. The averages for the various districts, with departures from the normal, are shown in the following table: . 20 ................... 21 ................... 26 ..... 6 *w. Do. .................. 16 ................... 1s Do ................. 25 .................. 29 DESCRIPTION OF TABLES AND CHARTS. By Mr. W r . B. STOCKMAN, Chief, Division of Meteorological Records. For description of tables and charts see page 20 of REVIEW for January, 1905. NOVEMBER, 1906. 9.5 25 24 24 24 1 1 1 1 25 24 34 29 I2 29 24 1; 6 "9 29 6 29 29 29 29 18 18 29 2!) 29 7 29 "9 6 6 10 I O 20 19 2!1 5 5 29 s 5 5 ?!I 27 2Y 5 2s ?ti ?i 26 26 14 29 IS 18 1s 1s 28 ?4 24 2s L'x 5 i x IR 29 24 24 24 29 28 24 2R 2s 11 I I 24 23 11 2s 24 2R 28 11 11 MONTHLY WEATHER RETIEW. TAB~E I.--climatobgieal data for U. 8. Weat& Bureau sta-, November, 1906. 43 45 45 40 XI 50 4Y .w 49 51 46 45 51 49 53 4; 53 52 54 54 55 4 i Sll 5!) 54 S i lil 63 fil 65 6 i 66 lii 17.1 72 79 so ii fi? 67 li9 li4 69 6s 67 tis 72 64 64 64 72 til) 69 i2 i l 61 59 6:: fi? 5li 51; 51 53 49 48 51 70 32 5n 43 43 44 4:: 4s 45 4 i 46 45 4n 4n 4 1 39 411 44 3fi 48 4s .12 39 495 30 30 13 - i 3 - r - 2; t i a i ;r E ( a E z 90 76 70 i 6 6S 72 72 65 65 6 i 68 72 6 i 66 59 i:i li9 5s tis i 2 63 70 73 68 6:i i!l 65 is 78 6S i 3 I O 51 80 SI i Y SI 79 69 - ... ... ... -- ,J -. ... ... ... S? i Y i 7 $3 16 , J li9 XI 46 4s 72 74 71 i o i l ill (ii 67 i l Ijl; SlJ li9 72 iS 75 ,I, on I d -. -- __ fii -, I:, i n S? 78 sn i Y 42 ,h %(I S4 76 73 77 81 -. 30 29 21; Elevation of instruments. 30 6 8 16 30 I O 12 h 15 5 7 18 17 13 8 9 ?$I 9 15 6 211 10 12 8 27 14 I O 6 15 I2 9 9 30 I6 7 7 15 fi IO 14 1 4 5 21 1 I I 13 6 31) 13 8 9 29 I? 10 8 15 J 16 6 2.1 I I ti 13 30 I O 13 7 "I l l 7 1 2 5 .2 3u 12 5 13 16 1.3 11 3 6 12 S I O 6 14 7 9 30 M 1 1 11 IS 11 4 16 14 5 11 Pressure, i n inches. 6. a 5.4 'r. 1.0 3.5 4.9 0.4 7 .0 9.2 4.3 T. 5 0 T. 4.9 4 2 T. 4.7 T. 4. I T. 5. a 6.6 0.4 7 .6 1.4 4 .9 1. 4.9 T. 4.7 T. 5.0 1.0 5.6 T. 4.6 T. 5.4 0.1 4 ti T. 5.1 0 .i 4.6 0.4 4 .2 'r. 4,s T. 4 6 Temperature of the air, in degrees Fahren heit. 76 l(h? 288 876 125 12 26 159 106 69 82 81 117 70 79 16 60 115 181 14 90 11 46 57 67 159115 132 116 I54 29.90 29.96 29.97 29.99 - .11 - .OS - .09 - .06 36. 4 36. s 35.5 31.2 .- 0.3 - 1 .2 - 1. s - 1.7 3 r 3 3 28 36 40 35 3 4 31; 33 3s 36 3.3 34 39 41 35 :ti 3!l 33 4s .. 4n .. 36 XI1 43 !i2 43 44 52 47 4s 32 si 6 i 69 I;l 46 .. .. .. <% 51 54 59 53 41; 4s 63 62 ss s i .. .. 45 13 4? 43 40 IF, 34 ?I; X I ; 36 32 31 34 3:: 34 35 34 34 ?(I 30 .. .. .. .. 33 .. 30 > I 3 i 34 31 27 29 2; 24 ?!I ... 30 24 32 29 31) ?!I 33 ... '19 31 34 26 40 ... 'ii 34 X6 49 37 45 49 41 44 .4% 54 65 6 i 55 41 ... ... ... 54 4 i ',Si 5 i 49 41 43 61 61 4!I 53 ... ... 4 1 s i 4' 3 i 34 31 31 33 3 1 31 ?J 31) ?!I 29 2s 32 ?!I 31 ?i '21; ... ... ... ... 3n .. 27 99 "7 33 !!!) 27 ?4 29.98 29 98 30 UO 30.01 30.02 30. I?! 30. (I3 30.01 30.04 80. 0Y 30.07 30.05 30. OS 31) 10 30.09 30.08 30.10 311.0i 30.10 30. Ill 30.11 - .0 i - .Oi - .06 - .Ofi - .05 - . n6 - . 05 - 0.: - ,115 - . 0:; - . n:; - . n-I - .n.3 - .n3 - .OR - .(I? .00 - .05 - .01 - . o:! - .02 43. 2 41.0 39.4 41.6 L3. 7 - 1. i . __.. , f 0 .5 - 0. 3 . . . . . . . ::n 311 3U 14 Y O 14 311 I 4 31 I 14 15 15 311 30 I5 ?2 2'' 15 311 15 15 1" 15 2'2 2. 12 15 21; 3 :<(I 2.3 12 30 I ? :io :?(I ::n 30 30 90 3(1 30 30 .{I) ::n 9n 3n 30 3n m I n xn :;n sn 30 XI1 XI) X0 14 311 311 ::(I 30 I4 I 4 ::I) 30 30 30 30 : I 1 9 4 6 h 6 5 9 10 !I 4 9 10 5 IO S i n 1; 1 ; ; 5 9 5 M 10 12 10 16 15 IS IH 15 16 I6 I U I I Y 15 I I I O 21 ?I R IS !I 9 9 9 - -. c ': 2 ; I< D L c ! - 3; 31 Y ti 39 3 4 31 HR XO 29 36 R3 33 31 2s 98 3 I 80 "7 :54 x9 40 27 28 3s $2 39 3s :in 33 :13 26 34 37 29 2s 21 13 25 29 31; 21 34 23 33 30 31 2.3 3s 36 39 24 39 37 32 :35 ?n A n 4'2 45 42 XS 13 ::fi 35 RS :35 ?.A J? 30 26 72 34 31; 3 i ::.i 3 i 28 21 x 1 25 21; 34 21; 31 27 25 2S 3n ::n ' Maximum E 1 velocity. .~ ~ on' R a - ; 3 z .- W ~ 56 61 I 66 60 64 61 5s 64 61 63 59 6:; 63 66 66 61 66 64 i l i 4 64 i 4 74 67 69 73 75 -" IO 15 so 77 7D 811 81 $6 45 $3 i2 77 i 4 79 79 78 80 82 60 i 9 78 s4 83 i M 82 RR 86 74 72 75 74 69 71 71 RR 66 64 61 66 63 S i 60 ti0 60 61 63 63 6 i til 60 63 67 56 58 60 53 69 62 60 59 "r I I - g 3 .- E - I 12 i 4 13 19 IS I 4 11 I & 13 12 19 90 "I I4 20 23 24 2n I 9 16 31 21 15 211 ?li .I t j 2:: 2s 35 31) 32 21 45 57 C; i 53 "R 31 43 ?4 41 32 2s R I 45 29 21 24 46 23 $2 40 23 25 24 ?? "4 ?Il 2'. 2IJ 19 ?? 151 IS 20 l? 11 13 IO 12 1s 19 21 I 7 15 5 I5 6 I 4 12 -6 14 12 9 -1 3 3n i n c 0 u 3 , t2 z l r' - m I ~ 9.51s 6. i60 4, 1::: fi, .w 7, :I61 I , 9116 4, 432 5 , "57 5,4S6 7, os0 5,708 4, is0 0,271 5,194 7.904 5, 727 6, nun 6,929 5,477 4, 844 3,011 2,621 6,695 6,421 4,534 6,120 5.194 I , 349 4, 746 5, 739 7. Si'? 5. 1!15 4.644 5.419 6, lii 7, s24 6,285 5,090 9.330 3.285 6. 6!1!1 6. I190 3,981 4 .6 l i 4. 0XU 4,944 6,263 5, O M 6, 0% 5,238 6, 99s 1;. 345 s. 0-13 5.725 4* ii? 5 , 6!I0 4,947 5.43s 6,172 rhr - .- : 868 6.9;s 5. 989 4, nn7 5.71S 9, fi5l) x, 243 4- 725 3.412 3. 780 9,54s i , li1l 0, IJ3J 0,129 3, ?26 8 , 5s3 9, 557 S.61S 6. IZl $1, ?I4 4. XGS 8,928 9. is8 i. 143 3,014 7, 734 7,926 0,340 i , 41 1 Stations. ~ g .- c a .e a - n\v. 1 I K . I I K . s r . I I W . h\P, 5,F. w. 4. \v . R. \v . \v . l I \V . 11\1. h\F. S\V. n\v. I I W . ll\F, l l \l . I I W , 3\v. s. n \v . l ,\V . Y \\. . u\v. R \I,. R\V. S\V. *\v. \v . 11. iir. e . I I W . I l W . \P. *\\'. e . 11. 11. I I W . e. I I W . 11. e . 11\1. I I W . 11. n\v. nr. 11. I I . 11W. S\V. 11W. H. S. *\F. r. ,s\v. 11. \\'. \v . II\F. S. w. \v . *\I,. s. s. \v . \v . s. SW. S+. Il?. S\F. e . e. \v . 11\v. r\v. *e. 4 \v. nu. - 1. a u. 0 + 0 .4 - 1. 1 - 1.4 - 2.8 - 0. 7 - 1. 9 11\v. n \v . l I \Y . R. \P . ll\\,. 11\1. \v. l ,\F . ll\P. \\'. l l \P . II\P. l l \\, s\v. 11\v. 1 1 w . n \v . II\F. l l \V . n \v . 11. S . \\I. I I U . S\F. ne. 11. 11. 11. Y P . I I W . 11. I l r . I l W . I)*. i i r . I I W . 11.'. Ilr. s\v. 11. S\V. 11. 11. P. n \v . *e. s\v. 11. S\\'. I,. 11. I I K . .i \1. *\F. ll\\'. *\F. *\v. *w , 5 \\, S\P. *\v. b\V. l l \\' . \v . \v. l ,W . S\P. Y. S\V. 'iff. S\V. \v . s \I,. I I \Y . NU'. I l W . I l W . \Y . 3\V. 11W. w . \\' . *\\'. \P. iir. r . 2.65 4, ?!I 4. 45 1.73 1.77 2. $2 2. 2% 1.5i 1 . ii 1. 5:; 1.11 1. 49 I . !!!I 1.67 1. 51 1. 61 1. 51; 1. 01 0. 54 1. :;.5 1. &: 0.45 I). S? 0. 90 0. 51 n. 44 0.87 0.26 0. S i 0. 80 o. 66 0. i s 0. !I4 I . 30 1.53 I . 26 0.60 1.11 2. xx n. 2n n. 21; a. 45 1.9s 1. 66 1. ill 2.21 3.24 1. i:< I . 39 3. 71 3. e2 3. 85 2. 9:: 2. n9 5. 72 3. 23 a. I 9 5. 7i 4. 56 2. 63 3. 74 0. Si I . 2i 2. 1s 1.35 3. 5s 5. lfi 3. 74 1 .4 8 2. i5 1. ti4 I . S(I 3.61 2. R(J t. 52 -. 44 2.53 1. 4:: 1. 10 2.51 ', .,.a _.Y O 2.28 2, 5.1 2. 62 2. 14 2. 0s 1.34 !. 70 2.49 New England. East ort .......... . PortPaud;Me.. . . . . . . Concord. . . . . . . . . . . . . North field.. . . . . . . . . . Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nautucket . . . . . . . . . . providence . . . . . . . . . Hartford. . . . . . . . . . . . New Haven.. . . . . . . . Mid. Aflanlic Stafes. Albany . . . . . . . . .. . . . Binghamton . . . . . . . . New York. .... ..... . Harrisburg. . . . . . . . . . Philadelphia .. . . . . . . Scranton . . . . .. . . . . . . Atlautic City _. . . . . . . Ca e May .......... . Barti more . . . . . . . . . . . Washington . . . . . . . . Lynch b ti rg . . . . . . . . . . Mount Weather.. . . . Norfolk.. . _. . . . . . . . . Richinond. . . .. . . . . . . Wytheville.. . . . . . . . . 9. Aflntrlic Sfafes. Asheville . . . . . . . . . . . Charlotte.. . . .. . . . . . . Hatteras . . . . .. . . . . . . Raleigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilmington . . . . . . . . Charleston . . . . .. . . . . Augusta. . . . . . . . . . . . . Savannah . . . . . . . . . . . Jacksonville . . . . . . . . Florida Petbirbsuln. Jupiter.. . . .. . . . . . . . . Key West .......... . Tampa . . . . .. . . , . . . . . h-ad Gulf Sfafes. Atlanta.. . .. . . . . . . . . Macou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peusacola . . . .. . . . . . . Biriuingbalu . . . . . . Mobile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montgomery . . . . . . . . Meridian. . . . . . . . . . . . Vicksburg. . . .. . . . . . . New Orleans .. . . . . . . IVed Grrlf Staled. Shreveport. . . . . . . . . . Fort Smith ......... . Little Rock. .. .. .. .. Corpus Christi . . . . . . Fort Worth.. . . . . . . . Galveston.. . . . . . . . . . Palestine. . . . . . . . . . . . Sun Autonio. .. .. .. . Taylor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio Val. and Tenw Chattanooga . . . . . . Knoxville. . . .. . . . . . . Memphis. . . . . . . . . . . . Nashville . . . . . . . . . . . Louisville. . . . . . . . . . . Evansville . . . . . . . . . . Indianapolis . . . . . . . . Cincinnati. . . . . . . . . . Columbus.. . . . . . . . . . Pittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . Parkersborg . . . . . . . . Elkins.. . . .. . . . . . . . . Lotaer Lake Region. Buffalo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oswego.. . . . . .. . . . . . . Rochester.. . . . . . . . . . 8 racuse ............ Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . Sandusky . . . . . . . . . . . Toledo . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Det,roit . . . . . .. . . . . . Upper Lab Region. Alpena.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Escanaba.. . . .. . . . . . . Grand Rapids.. .. .. . Houghton . . . . . . . . . , Marquette. . . .. . . . . . . Port Huron ........ , BaultSte. Marie ..... Chicago . . . _._ . . . . . . , Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . , Green Bay ........ ., Duluth . . , . . . . . . . . . , Columbia, s. c. .. .. Jne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. fi2 29.83 29.65 29.02 29.84 29.9; 97 29. s3 29. 44 29.90 29.92 29.06 29.69 2Y. 67 29.94 29.16 .10.01 30.05 29.94 29. !)5 29.34 30.00 29.94 27.6s 27.73 29. 27 30.07 29. i o :10.00 30.05 29. 72 29. 91 30.03 30. w2 .w. 00 29.99 28. sli 29.71 30. (14 19.33 29. 86 29. io 30.0" 29.52 29.5s 29.71 30.02 39.35 30.01 29.52 29.31 29.43 29.31 29.04 29. ti9 29.64 29.01 29.52 29.61 29.18 29.41 29.19 29.16 29.44 2s. 01 29.16 29.62 29.44 29. .34 29.24 2Y. 20 29.34 29.36 29. 23 29.29 29.24 29.18 29.14 29. 31 29.25 29.14 29.28 29.31 24.71 28.21 30.01 30. w 29. .so 29. 30 36 36 P i $2 36 52 BO 29 31 35 36 31 4> 31 33 31 2s 35 34 36 "4 ti0 31 46 2i XU 38 47 27 29 95 36 34 24 3' 34 2!l 2.i 44 21J X!) ZS I !I 2 i 30 34 2'1 38 3:; 30 30 31; 44 :i 1 35 31 35 44 :: 0- 46 33 24 45 30 47 49 24 63 38 3s 6Ld 47 54 37 40 46 46 3i 60 34 45 32 46 s2 49 4fi i o 3n ...... - 2. 4 - 1 .9 - 1.5 - I. n - 2.1 - 1.3 - 1.6 - 2.5 - I. 7 - 1.8 - 2.5 - 2.2 - I . S - a. 0 - 2.4 - 2.5 - 4. 4 ~ 1.5 - 1.7 - 2 .1 - 1.5 - 1.0 - 1.9 0.0 - 2. 1 - 1.5 - 1.4 - 1. ti - 2. I - 1.6 ...... - 2. n ...... ...... - 1. n - I. a ..... - n. 6 - 1.6 ~ 1. I - 1.1 - I). 6 - 0 .1 - 1.8 - I . 6 + 0.4 t 0.2 + I . 4 t 0.1 + 0.5 ..... ..... - - 4: : - 2. 5 - 2. 5 ~ 2. 5 ~ 0. 1 + 1.1 - 2.4 - 0.6 - 1.6 - 0. 7 0.0 - 1. 6 - 0.6 - 1.1 - 0. S - 1.4 - 1.6 0. 0 - I). i t 0.4 - 0.4 - 0. n + I). 2 - 1.2 - 0 .2 - 0 .2 - 0. 4 ~ n. i - 0. 7 - 0.4 + 0 .9 ...... ..... t n.1 ..... 75 76 47 79 90 92 57 3. Ill I - .0'2 97 s9 I29 48 53 96 80.12 - .01 50. 12 - .01 30. IO - .n i 3IJ.II 01 30.09 11 02 w .1 2 30. (19 30. ns 30. io 3n.w 30. os 30.11 30. 13 . (IO - .(I3 - , nl! - .I?? - .01 - .02 - .01 + .01 30.00 - .05 .w.oo - .os 50.0'2 - .03 6 6 4 5.' -3; $3 $5 2: -0 - $2 - 28.9 28. 1 28. 3 27.9 29.0 29.2 28. 9 28.9 29. 3 29. 1 29.2 29. 3 29. 7 29. 4 29.3 29. 3 29.4 39.4, 29. 2 29. 0 28.61 2% i. 2% K 27.2' 28. 7' 23.3: 28. 61 28. 6! 27. 31 27. x 25. R: 36. !I! 26.5! 23.9; 24, 6. 33. s' 27.0: 24. 7f 25.2: 2% 5f 27.4: 38. 6: 23. 7f 28. 2: 26. 2.' 26. 3f 26.": 23.25 23.3C 28. :E 29. sc .... .... ..... ..... 25.63 24. 59 25.63 23.64 35.40 37.22 19. 28 t5.50 !8.03 39.03 ..... .... !9.75 !9. 95 !9. s4 19.92 !9.91 8.53 !9.99 !7.55 19. 67 !9. 94 !9. 88 29.66 29.61 29. ri7 29.79 29.94 29.84 ..... 837 714 974 ,015 606 861 698 10: 171 71 71 E 71 84 IO( 534 667 784 96s 1,324 !:ass I, 233 2,505 (110 i 9 6 2 ..... 1 189 I ' 105 1,135 I 572 11306 1371 %I234 ;:OS8 i.372 1,200 !.a21 75 203 11 98 85 75 115 96 43 56 55 11 26 8 11 46 56 26 I I -13 i n 47 i. 291 1,685 398 ,353 ,214 !:Em 129 80 43 44 78 79 .............. Wic ita ............ Oklahoma .......... Sotrfhenk Slope. Amarillo.. .......... Roswell ............. 3outhsm Plnleatr. El Paso .............. Santa F e .. .......... FlagstaR' ........... Phoenix ............ Y U N ~ .............. Independence ...... Middlr Plnleacr. Carson City+ ....... Winnemucca ....... Nodeua ............ Salt Lnke City ...... Durango. ........... Qrand Junction .... Norlkrti Plafearr. Baker City.. ........ Boise ............... Lewi8t.o~ ........... t'ocatello ........... Spokane ............ Walls W a l l a .. .. 3: 676 10 3,678 9 3,762 10 7,013 33 6,907 12 1,108 50 141 16 3,910 11 4 720 82 4'344 18 5: 479 IO 4 366 105 6'546 18 4; 608 43 3,451 52 2,739 61 757 10 4,483 46 1,929 101 1.wO 71 ....... ...... N. Pne. Cbasl Reg, North Head.. ....... I'ort Crescent.. ..... Seattle .............. Tacoma ............. Tatoosh Island.. .... Portland oreg ...... Rosebur; ........... Mid. F'ac. Chad Rig. Eureka ............. Mount Tamalpais ... Red Bluff ........... Sacramento ......... San Francisco.. ..... Loa Angeles ........ Ban Diego.. ......... Ban Lois Obispo .... Wrsl India. Qrand Turk ........ Sen Juan. ......... 3. mc. aut Reg. FEsnO.. ............ -' ~ ~- 211 11 259 12 123 185 213 113 86 7 153 68 498 9 62 62 2,376 11 332 50 MONTHLY WEATHER FtEVlEW. NOVEMBER, 1906 T a m I.-f3imatologhl &&a for u. 8. Wdher Bureuu gtcrtionS, November, 1906-00ntinued. 496 - P; * 2 - c1 0 .- e - E 0 I $ - 71 ". I . 71 7f ... "I yj I < r : i f i f -r ... ... is 69 69 66 71 1;6 71 67 i 3 ... -, I i ... ... ... ... 7; 67 ti; s5 72 64 7s 63 i 0 66 56 51 i 4 i4 7'2 6G :: 5: 76 72 i o 35 65 66 64 5s 69 5i i 3 I: 1 69 55 61 SI 78 86 3s 86 $3 SY 63 P4 54 54 55 mi 67 61 57 ..I ... ... ;; ... 44 - c * B E d - i z G - 2: 2.L 24 3; ... 31 31 31 :jf: 34 33 36 43 ... ... 38 42 ... ... 40 41 36 Hli :I? .12 20 29 :?IJ 2i "4 31 30 24 24 32 33 3:i 3s RS 41 44 4Y 40 42 46 33 31 50 53 ... 29 SI 3s 31 34 ... 38 SI) 33 35 ... ... ... 13 I4 11 10 I6 I 2 14 45 19 ... - m 5 LI 5 . E 2 *. 0' 2 z .- 2: 2: 3( 2: ... 21 2; 2> 3( ?I 2: 3 2 3: ... ... ... 3 I 37 ... ... 34 3.5 31 29 2; 26 ?S ... ... 24 24 21 L"i 26 23 21 I 7 27 24 23 33 33 36 3s 45 OF 37 41 28 29 H 47 LW "5 27 "6 27 24 2'2 30 34 ... ... ... 41 42 33 3s I 4 91 34 35 43 Preasure, In inchei ~ Temperature of the air, In degrees Fahrenheit. Preci itation, i r Zches. - : ! : ? r 3 - 5 t 6 I 1 i , I 1 E 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 7 4 5 7 4 6 ti 9 3 2 7 6 4 2 1 4 4 2 5 , 7 S 3 9 2 1 5 2 i 6 4 0 6 5 1 1 3 7 5 5 7 1 7 I 3 3 1 1 i ) 1 I i 1 I __ I E P i 2 ; 5 0 .? C l i -_ 1 16 4 16 4 1IJ 3' 16 4 11 4: l? 4. 1 1 4. I I 4. 11 41 28 4! I 2 SI 11 4' * 5: 18 61 2s 4! 2s 51 2s 5: 18 5. 28 5: 2s 51 17 51 17 s! 13 3; I5 5: I5 3. 14 5: 11 4: I 6 51 16 41 lli 51 12 4c * 4' 15 41 15 :;: 1-1 51, 14 4> I4 4:j 13 4il I4 -55 I4 55 14 58 Ili 55 ?7 59 l i 59 3 i 64 ?i (;I; !i 54 2 61 32 63 3 18 15 46 1 GI1 2 71 2 56 3 53 :i 50 3 51 2 r,n 21 54 5 51 0 44 3 48 3 44 9 50 53 1 49 1 51 I 50 1 M 50 0 56 ..... .... y 52 2 57 I 65 6 fi2 11 -1 : 69 1 66 2 69 3 86 3s - u 0 0 2. ; 'i ;I L.2 1 - 6 76 S: 03 9,96 7,09 9.51 8,01 6,20 s, 48 6,66 6,49 6,56 s,55 6 . i 9 6, 76. 7,26' 7.93. 7, $:;I 8,36 8,81 7. 1 I ! 8,25! 6.51. 4,311 9, YR: 5 ,4 i : 1,251 7,30( 5.50; 4, 40: 2. i?! b, 671 7 ,3 2 1,ti3: 5, 2:+i 6,361 S.'LI( 5,471 5 , I ?F i , 02; 5. 90: 7,091 5,064 4,821 1, 851 7 , "3.5 5 , 9J'! 4, 669 3.794 1, I;0? i, :3:u 4, 9oi i. YW 1,463 1, 870 !, 932 i, 334 !,219 i. 179 1. 249 I, 405 I, 103 I, 797 I. 656 I. 275 !, 099 I, 324 , P3.5 4.343 4, io2 4.4SI 6,5S7 5,816 5,961 2, Y?! 2.47: b, 131 ..... .... 2-79s 3.735 I , 699 3,539 ..... 5,726 - 0 W * IC1 .- MI ,: .! z -. .* c P, - 3 \$' I 1 W w. 11\v I1\F II\V S. s \\' 11H' \v . I I H S \v Y \P \v . \v . R U' s w \v. s.\v, S\\', Ye. \Y . s. 5 \v , 11w. 11 \I' S P . I ,\V , w. w. \v. 1\-. I l W . \\,. I I \Y . \V . I W . I 1 M . nw. sw. s. SW. * \v. 3\v. \v . s w 5 \v w. n. n. s i r se. Be. ?I \\, II w II\V 11\V l l \V II \P se. I\ w s \v w. N'. w. ST. \\I. se. SW. B e . \\'. \v . S. i r . w. 1. C \\' , s\v. \v . w. *\V . SI,,. 9. 11. se. .... IlY. \v. S. * \v. .... e. w. .iw. " \\'. 3. ?e. 11P. 3. 4\v. i\F. IT. 1. le. 1. 1. le. sw. \v . !? 6' j' 4. 4. 201 17! 8: 71 51 7'. 11, 7t 9: 61 45 93 109 211 84 96 104 89 84 121 31 164 50 67 65 44 49 56 34 50 64 36 47 52 136 86 47 54 S6 S6 54 49 57 10 39 44 56 46 42 92 56 43 10 56 51 58 68 51 54 10 79 56 29 24 20 57 96 57 80 18 56 17 67 70 23 02 51 20 30 IO! Nwlh Dakota. Yoorhead. .......... Bismarck ........... Devila Lake.. ....... Williston .......... Upper Mns. Valley. Minnea olis ........ La Crosse ........... Madison ............ Charles City ........ Davenport .......... Des Moines ......... Dubuque ............ Keokuk.. ........... Cairo ............... La Salle.. ........... Peoria.. ............ b ring!ield, I11 ...... St. Louis ........... Mirsmbri Valley. Columbia Mo.. ..... Kansas city ........ 8 ringfield, MO ..... &peka ............. Lincoln ............. Omaha ............. Valentiue .......... Sioux City ......... Pierre ............. Huron ............. Yankton ........... Noslhcni Wops. Havre .............. Miles City .......... Helena ............. Kaliy!!. ........... Bapi City .......... Cheyeuue .......... Lander ............. Yellowstone Part.. . North Platte ........ Middle Slope. Denver ............. Pueblo.. ............ 8t. Pau?. ........... $annlbal ........... -2' -1: -?' -2. --I -! t ( I ( :!I 1: I I 1: I: 1: I I IC H 4 4 -4 -5 -1lJ -14 -, -., 1 -b -10 -13 -4 -5 0 -1!1 -s , R q 12 I:$ IN 24 IS "1 33 14 -8 33 86 3i I ... I! 1% 0 It: ... 19 22 13 7 18 34 23 3 2 "9 31 30 27 37 32 :; 1 33 44 O? a9 44 33 65 70 1.33 2.32 1.36 1. 15 0.31 2. 50 3. v i t 0.f + 0. 1 + 1.2 32. $ + 7.0 31.8 f 7 .6 33. 4 + 7. 5 PS.8 ..... 31. n + 5. I; , 30.01 - .0 30.02 - .O m.00 - .0 ?O. 00 - .0 6 6 6 .5 6 5 6 6 6 6 61 6' 7. 71 ,I ,I I I i. I lil I;! I : 6' 7: 71 Ij! 6! 6: M 5: it ,t ;; it , .: i ; i s i : (1 ?4 i S i6 15 i9 iu $2 $3 3 ;ti i4 il i2 IO 10 4 i5 ;I Y 80 6 I 80 6 1 0 2 2 7 4 , I 0 3 0 9 ...... - 0. : t $2 + I. 4 3 2. 2 .2' 31 3, 41 3 3: 4' 7: 3: 3. 3' 3: 71 3 r 21 41 3; 4: 4: .A 4. 44 x 3t :$? y: 2i 44 41 .I( ;<$ 4+ RC J I :::i 43 3 4 3:; 34 35 4'2 31; 29 13 R:! 31 31 , <- 51 38 26 33 3,5 .. 31 13 41 27 :!I 19 23 ?2 !? I3 I S !8 !I; I7 10 31 !2 12 28 !R 19 5 40. 2 It 3. 35.2 + 5. S i . 0 + 3. 35.5 IC 5.1 35.9 I + l ., ........... 29.98 - .O 30. 02 - .0 30.02 - .0 w.05 - .0 mnfi - o 29.99 - . 0 2.47 l i 1.4 2.4; $ i:i 2. 28 + 0. 5 2. (18 t 0. fi 2.01 0. c 2.34 + 0. 6 35. 7 + 2. 39.7 + 2.' 40.0 t 3. I 38. 4 + 3.. 42. 8 + 4. I 49. 8 + 3. I 39.3 ..... 39.9 ..... 42. s t I .! 43. 6 + 5.. 46. 6 + 3. ( 42. 4 + 6.! 45. 4 + 2.. 46. H + 6. ; 4s. 1 + 4.1 45. s 7 4.1 42.6 f 4.: 12. 6 + 6.! 39.0 + 4. I 39. 6 + 5 .: 39. !4 1 7. ! 36. 2 + 6. : 40. o + 7 .: 36.6 + 2.: 34. 0 + 4. 1 37. 4 I 6. 1 32.4 + 0. I 31.4 ...... 34.2 + 3 37. 0 + 2 29. li - 2. 31). 0 ...... 4n. 6 + s. 4 46. 0 + 4.7 41.8 + 3.5 43.4 + 4.6 44. s + 4. P 45.4 t 5.2 47. a + 5.c 52. 6 t 4. i 61.6 + 3 .3 56. 1 t 4. 1 4 i . 0 + 2.5 43.4 ..... 48.9 0.0 53.4 + I . 9 39. 3 + 1 .6 34.3 - 1 .6 58.5 0.0 61.0 - 1.3 .46.8 - 1.0 39. 4 + 0. 4 36. S - 0.3 3 i .2 -2 .2 41.8 + 3.0 37.9 ..... 12. 0 + 1. $1 .......... 38.6 ,- 0. 3 30.05 - .0 ,?&(I7 - .0 30.05 - .0 30. IO - . 0 30.06 I - .o 3 6 i : 0.e 1.93 ...... 2.35 ..... 1.60 -1 .4 I . 14 - n. 7 30.07 I- .O: 30.07 -- .0 30.0i - .0 , 3J.07 - . 0: 30.07 - .0; 30.05 - .O: 30.03 - .01 30.03 - . 0: 30.02 - .0( 30. 03 - . 0: 30. 0:) . (II 30. M ~ .o. 30.04 - . o. ........... 1.63 - 1.5 1.92 + 0.7 1.40 - 0. 9 1.91 -n .2 1.1s - 1.9 1.80 + 0. i 2. 52 + 1.8 1.35 + 0.9 0.62 + n. i 1.11 + 0.5 0. 72 0. a 0.60 0. n 2. 72 + 1. 7 4. 16 + 3. 3 2. 37 + 1. 7 30.01 - .o: 30.07 .0l 0.49 0.97 1.51 0.40 0. 11 + (I: i + 0.3 0.0 - 0 .2 ...... 30:oi - .01 30. 14 + .O ( xn. i:j I .o: 30. IX + .o: 1.42 i + 1 .2 1.21 0. 67 1.60 0.04 0. 2l 3. I 6 2.20 2.59 1.42 3.30 1. w 5.09 2.40 $23 I. 40 3.31 3. til 3.44 0. 43 0.92 7. i n ...... + 0.2 + 0.6 - 0. 6 - 0. I + 2 .3 + 1.7 + 1 .7 - 1.1 + 2.2 + 0.1 + 4.4 30.03 - .O: 30.01 - . (1-1 30.06 - .WL 30.06 - .O1 30.08 .O( 30.06 - .02 i 30.03 + .O I 30.04 - .01 30.02 - .01 30.01 + .01 39.96 - -06 29.95 - .03 29.96 - .O ? 39. 99 - . 06 30. a5 + . (12 .......... I Coucordia ne>-- ...... I 2.6 + 1.9 + 3.6 + 5 .7 + 3.1 + 2.2 + 0.3 t 0.2 ............ 30.09 - .os 30.01 - .oi $0.04 - .02 10.01 - .oi 10. I 3 - .04 10.11 -.0 1 m.05 - .ni ........... ........... 1. :E + 0. r; 0.90 + 0. 7 .... 6.1 ............ u. si - 0. 4 1.40 - 0.4 0. 73 - n. 6 ........... 40. 3 + 1.3 33. 6 - 3. 9 17.2 + 4.2 %5. 7 - 2. 1 11.4 -1 .6 14. 6 - 0. 7 48.1 - 0. I 12. 1 - 0. a 15. 2 - 0. 1 13. Y - 0. 4 16.6 + 0. 2 14.4 - I . 2 I?. 2 - 3.0 53.0 - 0.5 49.0 - 1.1 51.3 ...... $3. 4 - 0.5 i3.2 - 0.8 i6. 2 - 0. 1 i6. 7 - 0. 8 i?.6 - 2.8 i9.3 0.0 i9.2 + 0. 6 i5.9 ,- 1 .1 ................ 7 13 x 9 4.7 3.6 U I I li 13 6.0 0.8 3 14 13 3 3.5 7 .2 7 5 9 I6 7.0 7.7 9 l i 6 7 4.3 i .0 6. 8 s 4 11 15 .... fi 5 6 19 7.3 1.0 , 0 13 17 7.9 0.6 5 2 11 17 7.2 T. s 4 4 2 2 h .0 2 .0 9 5 10 15 6.7 T. Y I6 5 9 4 .0 10. io I- M in. 13 t 03 10. I2 I-- .0 l 0. 8-4 - 0. x 1 .6 3 + n. I 3. 23 - 3.7 3.27 - 5. 3 2.43 - 4.0 2. AR - 3.0 9.08 -3 .0 In.o6 + .O I 10.03 + .03 10.04 + .04 10. O i + . 03 10.02 + .05 iO.07 - .03 in. 09 - .03 in.06 - .o j io.02 - .0i ;I). 03 - . 08 811.01 - .os 0 .0 5 - .M 9.98 - .04 9.96 I- .06 0.01 .05 9.95 .00 9.92 t .03 ,n. 02 - .04 ... - 2. R - 1.1 - 1 .4 - 1.5 - 1.2 ...... I. 63 I. 92 69'106 155 I61 330 67 111 6 82 48 45 36 51 45 $3 49 19 43 i l 73 ....... 3. 98 1. 34 I. 97 t 1.d + 2.6 0.0 16 se. ,0 e. ....... '9.6 I .. .... 1.S8 ....... i.33 - I . 2 ____ *More __- - -~ ~- ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ n oue date. +Slation clused nud moved to Reuo, Nev., Nuv. 6, 1905. CbliJonbio-Cont'd. Angiula .................. Aziisa. ................ Ragdad .................. Bakersfield .............. Barber ......................... Harstow ................ O 83 s6 XI 8s 82 Colusa .................. Craftonville.. .................. Crrsceut City ............ Crookrrs ...................... 77 74 Fordyce. ..................... Fort Ross ............... Fruitvale ..................... C:eorgetowu ............. 6i 73 c+ilr<,k (uear). ........... c;leud*~ra. ...................... Grass Valley ................... (ireenrille ................ Hanford ................. Healdshiirg .............. s i 75 81 s9 I)es A r c .. ................ Datton ................... Eldorado ................ Eureka Springs.. ......... Fnyetteville .............. Forrest City.. ............ Falton ......................... Hardy .................. Helena.. ................. Hope .................... Huwe ................... Huntsrille ............... Joinesbor#, ................. Lacrosse ................ Lake Vi1lac.e.. .......... Lonoke.. ................ Lu t.herville. ............. Loxora ...................... Malveru .................. Marked Tree. ................. Marvel1 .................. Moiiutaiu Hwue.. ........ New Lrwiarillr .......... Dodd City ................ EhBu ........................... SO 77 78 SO 78 77 ;!I I J 78 s3 S4 -F 76 SI 79 i Y j SI Prescot t ................. Princetou ................ Eison.. ................... Russellville .............. Silversprings ............. Spielerville ............... Stiittgart ................ Tate.. ................. Texarkana ............... Warren .................. SI sn xri i 4 ' iii ;!I i S S I i l 81 12.5 NevadaCity.. ............ 79 New castle ................ I Newman ................ :: Niles .................... 76 Nordhoff ................ i U Orleano ................ S I Oroville (near).. ......... S4 Ozena.. ....................... Palermo .................. 83 Wiggs ................... Wincliestpr ............. Witts Springs.. ......... (blifonbia. Altiiras ...................... SI SI 80 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.--Clim.dological rmrd of cooperative obeervere, November, 1906. 497 NOVEMBER, 1905. Temperature. : (Fahrenheit. ) Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- 1 1 tiou. Temperature. I (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. - [ .m 4 - 0 .... 76 75 80 80 .... .... .... .... 7s 81 79 80 92 79 75 76 YO 88 76 78 78 77 78 ..... ..... ..... ..... 76' 81 78 78 8? 76 78 81 75 80 79 ss 84 78 75 88 72 80 7s 73 85 77 81 75 8'' 45 4s 59 28 60 54 50 60 56 50 45 78 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 92 80 67 45 87 75 73 SI g:! 7s 51' F(J 75 90 77 67 67 66 74 87 ..... ..... ..... - 6 I - .... 53.4 53.9 58.6 56.6 .... .... .... .... €4. 6 ti?. 1 54.6 62. 6 55. 4 53.8 55.3 5.5. 5 61.0 52. 6 56. Y 53. 4 54. 7 58.4 54.2 59. 3 56. 1 51. s 59. Y w. 0 51. R 55.6 57.6 53.0 57. 2 57. Y 57. 0 59. 4 51. Y 52. 0 58.6 GI. 1 52.4 57. 0 52. 0 5Y. 5 57.6 57.4 51. 2 58. 7 25. 2 41. 6 1. S 39. 2 39. 6 37. 7 42. 0 37.4 32.8 13.2 55. n .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... 2:3, n .... .... .... 62.6 53.2 43.4 57.6 59. 9 51. 8 51. 2 31. tc 56.2 49. 4 44. 2 35. 5 4fi. 0 61. 4 52. 2 3s. 8 44.2 48. o 51. U 58.4 .... .... .... - d % z - 0 58. 2 64. 4 .... .... 51, 6 611. .i 57. s 59. 2 .... .... 44. 1 Si. 5 55.2 50. 5 43. A sn. 4 .... .... .%. 6 53. 9 50. Ii M. 6 3s. c; 57.6 51. 6 61. 0 51.0 $2. 0 50. 6 51. 1 54. 7 56. 6 52. 0 53. 1 52. s 56.0 54.5 5s. 0 53. 2 49.0 54. e; .55. 1 49.5 49. 8 56.0 51.7 SO. 0 53.2 51.2 53. 4 56. s 55. ?! .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 51.0 56. 2 53. 6 50.2 53. 5 55.2 49.6 56. u 59. 2 50. u 52. ti 52. ,3 5 l .S .I;. 6 so. 0 55. s 55. 1 57.1 .io. 4 50. U 54. u 54.3 A2. 0 51. 4 54. 8 53. 4 56.2 4% 9 .... .... F?. 4 .... .... -~ 53 0 5 xi 5 9 s - - __ h a . 0.5 2. 8 24.9 3. 0 1.0 T. T. ..... 4. !I 17. U 17. 0 1 .0 5!. 0 1.5 3.8 3:. 0 10.2 6. U 1.2 T. l- ~ d z - 51.6 58.2 51.4 51. 7 52. 9 44. 8 41.1; 2ti. 6 50. 7 45. 2 59. Y 32.4 36.5 51. 8 57. 0 54.6 52.6 48.0 3% 6 50.2 Sfi. 6 51. 1 52. 6 5s. 3 54. ti 51.4 56.6 $2.4 66.4 5s. 0 50 8 50. 6 51.5 57. n .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... -10. n 53. 8 53.0 52.0 61.0 42.3 61. 1 51.8 ... .... .... .... .... .... .55. 2 42. 4 51. 4 56.6 46. 2 54. A 51.0 45.5 54. I; 52. 9 57.2 51. Y 51.9 .... .... .... .... 55.0 56.4 53.4 89.0 49.6 43. s 52.4 59.2 48.4 51;. 4 53.4 54. (I 46.0 41;. 7 54. ti 49.6 53. 8 51.9 .... .... .... - > s ' b ' ' 2 i k P O - Ilk#. 47.5 1.2 41.0 22.2 3'2.5 4.6 3.0 23.0 T . 16.0 27.0 7.0 4.0 47.0 63.0 6.6 12.0 17.0 12.0 7.0 49.1 10.5 0.8 5.0 0.1 T. 'r . 21. 8 7.2 3.0 T. 9.0 - 8' 2 .- z _- .... 25 25 33 29 .... .... .... .... 29 36 27 24 40 24 20 31 32 33 21 %3 14 27 30 23 34 30 26 31 22 26 2R 28 21 30 39 30 30 20 25 33 45 25 32 23 33 34 30 20 31 -1 1 -10 21 7 -35 17 26 19 15 i -6 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... in .... .... 30 28 ?o 29 32 32 34 2s 30 23 15 - I; 16 33 2s -1 24 ?6 26 32 .... .... .... ~ ; - .- m E - 29 4U ... ... 30 30 28 41 .... ... 12 31 31 "8 18 3s ... ... 31 '29 37 31 10 31 2i 40 27 -4 19 20 23 3u 12 IS 15 5 22 ?R 19 18 21 ?" 12 13 26 19 14 23 15 24 25 25 ?I 22 'LI 17 "4 23 14. 16 19 j 20 IS '1'2 24 18 11 25 23 12 211 14 "0 zl "5 22 21) 25 12 ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .,- -, .... .... 0.) -_ ... ... Stations. Stations. i - .* z - 26 34 34 25 24 33 18 20 -9 25 2s 37 32 I4 33 34 27 32 31 23 23 30 32 2s 3'2 35 27 30 yz 45 34 34 ?!I 24 ... ... ... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... ... .... 15 25 27 29 14 54 30 30 ... ... .... ... .... .... 20 21 30 32 23 32 30 21 37 21; 28 30 22 ... .... ... 37 30 33 1s 26 2s 30 35 17 31 36 24 2s 39 "6 32 29 ... .... 3tc .... InS. 0.66 2.01 1.65 1.94 3.25 1.24 1.75 1.50 1.30 I . 60 3.31 1. 18 1.63 2.01 3.90 1. 31) I. 75 1.90 1.52 0. 70 3.10 I). 98 1. 1Y 2.41 1. $6 1.43 2. 70 1.90 2. 64 2.27 1.09 I. 95 1.17 1.50 2.19 0.87 2. 76 0. 93 1.23 2. 07 1. y% 1. 61; 1.87 (J. 96 I . 20 1.71 4.64 ?. 47 2. 11 0 55 1. 27 0.93 2. 43 2. 15 1.05 0.80 1. w 2. 20 0.03 0.94 10.37 15.49 0. 36 e. 40 2s. 49 19 64 11.37 3. 25 9. 47 4.90 3. 12 6 30 5.3U 3. 0s 6.113 5.01 G. x2 2. 65 I). 44 2. 73 5.65 7. 60 4. 64 3 .3 6. 23 3.84 5.64 6. 96 5. 28 .1. v2 14.25 4. so 1. Rfi 3.47 n. 76 2. go Ins. 2.0 14.0 3.0 4.5 11. 1 7.5 T. 0. 3 17. 5 E. 0 T. 7.0 25.0 3.5 Itrs. 1.01 2.20 1.50 2.50 0.94 0. 90 5.60 1.46 0. 50 4. h5 2.6; 4. 76 5.92 4.65 3. I6 1.96 1. 87 5. 86 1.02 1. 16 2 4s 2.32 1. bo 3. 40 6. 91 3. b0 IO. 15 2.08 1.56 2.40 2. 3'2 0. 87 4. 89 2. 39 0.36 5. 61 5.50 4. 45 1. i4 4.20 4. il 3 ,b 1.6Y 2.89 3. P I 2.58 1. 16 4. 01 1. 62 3.3s 0.83 3. 36 6.21 2. OY 1. x2 1.60 3. 3.3 1. 60 1. 54 4. hl 1.35 1.95 3 w 1.61 0. 61 0.63 3. 00 3.74 2 .3 T. 0. 91 1. % 4. 60 1.63 2.05 1 71 1.25 2. 30 0. 4Y 3. 86 a. 51 3. 85 1.00 2. 20 9.99 2.33 1.69 0. 76 2. 36 2.04 3. 5x3 1.48 4.77 1. 76 0.9; 1. 3s 1. ;lj 1. n6 A tizona-Cont'd. Mesa.. ............ MohawkSummit*~ ..... Y:! 1118. 3.55 2.25 1u. 45 5. nn 7. so I. 91 3. i h 4. 18 9. 75 3. 85 s. 1;s 5. 21 2.51 4. %S .6S . u4 . su . 5G 3.46 i. 85 2. 32 1. 61 1.75 5.23 ,. I 5 3. 63 7. 69 9. :35 s. 36 2. YU 5. 70 4.64 3. 74 3. 91 3.98 4. 00 3. 71 4. 56 4. 1s 1. a0 5. 4rj 3. i:: 2. i4 2. 80 3. W' 2. i'L 5. i 3 (I. 17 4. 59 3. iY 2. ?'L 1.56 1.55 3. 5.5 2. ;?.s 1.3i 1.84 3. 49 4.96 2. 20 1.81 11. S9 3. 77 6. 17 3. 4 1 3. 1 IJ 5.:35 6. "3 2. 48 1. 3s 3. $2 1. 20 1. i!l 3. 13 2.90 3. 55 4. 47 2. 11 4. n4 ..... C - 2 59 2. 23 R. SY 3 . 10 4. s2 3.54 4. 84 5.03 1.36 3. 55 0. 94 Alabama. Ala@ ................... Anniston.. ............... Ashville. ................. Benton.. ................. Bermuda ................ Boligee. .................. Bridgeport ............... Biirkeville ............... Calera. .................. Caiiip Hill.. .............. Citrouelle ............... Clauton ........ Cordova. ................. Dadeville ................ Daphne .................. Decatur .................. Delmar.. ................. Demoyli;. ............... Eiifau a .............. Evergreen. ............... Flomaton ................ Florence ................. Fort Deposit ............. Cfadsden ................. Goodwater ............... Greensboro.. ... Cireenville .. ... Guntersville ............ Hamilton ............... Highland ................ Livin ston ............... Lllcy ..................... Madison Station.. ........ Maplegrove .............. Marion .................. Milstead ................. Newbern ................ Notasulga ............... Oneouta ...... Lock A,. 4 ............... Scat tsboro ............... Seliua ...... Tallassee.. ............... Thomasville.. ............ Tuscaloosa ............... Tuseumbia Tuskegee.. Uniou Spri Uniontown.. ............ Valleyhead.. ............. Vienna.. ................. Wetumpka ............. Sitka.. .................. Skagway ................ Stun rise. .................. Allaire Ranch. ........... Alpine ................... Aztec .................... Renson.. ................ Duncan .................. Flagstaff ................. Fort -4pacbe ............ Fort Defiance ............ Fort Huaohiica.. ......... Gilahend. . Globe ................. Grand Canyon .......... Holbrook ............... Hiiachuca Res ........... Jerome .................. Kingman. ............ Maricopa. .............. '1' MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.-Climatological r m d of cooperative obeeruera-Continued. NOVEMBER, 1905 Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. I - - $ a 2 .- - 0 2s 37 2s 46 40 29 ?2 18 29 :+2 27 34 30 31 31 31 35 29 29 37 2s 4 1 32 31 20 28 3 I 3s 1 li 86 44 34 26 18 18 13 3 2 24 4 24 26 3? "6 31 5 31; 26 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 32 20 3 25 .... .... 1 -16 6 -11 5 9 10 4 2 x 10 2 3 6 0 - 3 3 5 4 I 5 -5 0 5 3 --s -2 4 - 0 - -, ... ... I ... ~ $ 3 a .- .- - 10 4 12 -11 -6 13 S -5 -4 6 -3 3 15 -6 1 5 Y -1 10 -s 12 3 -23 I5 -2 -2; 3 0 -IS 9 .... > .... - .... ... .... l i I O 11 l i 4 12 IO 1 ... .... .... 12 I ... 11 6 ... ... 17 14 15 16 2; 24 1 !I 44 41 41; 45 35 52 40 4s 44 45 44 41 46 59 45 52 44 45 46 4s 5? 42 2; 46 J? :XI 3!I .(!I 47 31 59 ... ~ ; aE 2 - 0 8 . a o m m a .- - 1118. 1.00 u. 3'2 0. 90 2.06 0. 71 0. 65 I). L'u 0.lW 1.26 0. 12 0. 12 2. 93 0 . 73 0. s9 0. 7'2 I . "9 0. 15 11. 41 11. 14 0. !!(I (J. 1 !I 1.35 1. 2:; 1.24 1. 41; 5. SI 0. 5s I .(M (I, 26 I . 74 2.16 0. SL 0. 76 I). fio (I. 1J5 2. I?? 2 , 33 2 . i l 2.54 2.1; x. I15 2. 20 2. 55 2. :3s 2. (15 1.66 2. 73 1.79 2. 20 1. i" 2. 1'1 1. !II 1.41 (I. iil 0. 5s 2. 11 u. fiti 0. i 9 I). 99 1.30 0. i l ; (I. 19 0. 5; 1. I10 0.33 1.20 I). 03 2. 3:; 0. 3s 0. :)I 1.07 1'. 0. ou u. U6 1.46 (1. 46 I . "5 2.4; (I. 57 I . $11 I). fil T. I . 20 0. 45 I.5!J 0. w9 0. :?5 1.20 1. n4 n. IIS (I. nfi n. s i .... .... ~ a z .e H 3 0 87 8 i 84 S4 90 S5 SI; 86 19 S6 SI 45 81;' 78 84 SG s5 84 S4 rj2 79 Bfi s2 .... 72. 55 A5 7% 69 85 80 75 SO ... .... ... i 6 i S h(, 80 .... r- ,I 76 SI i o so 79 7s 74 75 SU' 90 7!r SS 69 74 SO 71 78 i 5 80 87 75 82 80 i Y Sill 79 84, 76 78 i Y 7s. i 5 83 RS R I i 5 i 4 34 H2 S? i s 4' i 5 AB 43 S4 85 ss i!! .... ..... ..... ..... "_ -., 1- - a 3 - :. at i2 E E E m m .* -~ Itld. 3. 6: 2. Gt 1. 12 1.4r 2. ?T 0. 651 u. 3; 0.53 0. 39 0. IM (I. 60 1. 7; u. 45 0. 46 1.55 1. 12 0. 50 I . 17 (1. "I 1.41 I . 93 1.81 1. i 6 1.14 -.os 1.36 0. s5 2. 33 2. ?Y 0. 71) 1. ss 1. s4 0. 96 2. O i 1. fiY 2. 31 1. i 6 I . 92 1.56 1.85 1. 75 1. i U 1.55 1.56 0.40 1.82 I . 66 I . 53 1.46 2.36 1. i 5 1.59 1.53 1. 15 2. BO 1.35 I . 69 1. YO 2.00 1.45 1.80 2.38 1.11 1.54 1. 8U 2. 63 1.86 1.56 1.96 1.59 2. .% a. I6 I . 02 1. SI 1.23 1.38 1.4s 2. 14 0. i!l 1. 23 1.8? 1.9; 2.28 I . 5s 1. 79 1. 60 I . 62 2.24 2. 10 1.09 1 . e2 0. ni n. 60 (1. "a $09 n. 66 n. 2s ~ a I 3 - 52. 5 5% t 4;. ( 59. L 55. 1 53. ti 58. a 3s. a 32. a 56. 2 52. 2 53. 5 55. 2 5 2 6 51. 4 54, 2 61.6 s5. 2 54. Y .... ..... ..... .... ;;: ; .... 59. 8 s3. 5 53. 3 56. 2 53. (I 56. I 57.2 40. x 49. 6 54. s 49. 7 4!l, s 44. :? A:?. 2 .... .... .... 52.5 50. 2 52. 4 51. 4 54. 3 51. !I 59. s 52. 0 .... .... .... .... 51.4 44. 9 53. n .... 44. 4 .... 3;. 3 24. 4 2s. 4 .o .0 .4 41. 8 46. 1 24. 5 39, 2 3!l. 6 43. 6 32 4 3;. 5 40. 8 40.4 :e i 37, R 39. 3 Z2. 8 39. 4 31. 3 39. R 36. 2 .... .... 4n. 2 29. 0 ... 29. 3 3s. 5 40. 4 ~- P a . at 2 * o o m m .- - Ins. 2. so 4. H i 1.78 3.00 I . I ? 2.21 I . 13 4. 4.1 1.77 1. 31; 4. 211 1. 39 2. 60 (1. 80 2. SI 2. 54 2 .1 7 I . 75 2. 511 1. I4 2.0" 2. 51J 1 .3 i l.!,i 3. 55 2. (I> 3. 15 2. (17 1. i 4 2. 85 1 . X!l 2. 65 7. si1 1. 21 1. 90 2. 90 :?. 40 0. !I4 5. 85 2, 24 2. 96 1.55 5. 55 1.6U I . :?? I . 011 2. ii 1.33 1.11 1.?8 3.97 I). $8 6.03 0. I2 0. I4 2. !I5 I . 09 0.23 0. 11 1. 54 0.66 0. I4 IJ. 57 0. (16 1. 13 0. i Y 1. 1s 0. 23 0. 17 0. 61 0. 5s 0.11; T . 0. 21 11. 59 1. I 7 0. x i 0. 25 0. 90 2. 6 i 0. 03 0. 51) 1. 7 2 0. 13 0. (In .... 0.5s ~ ; a - 46. 4 41. s 38.3 31.1 29. 4 47. 6 43. s 31. 1 39. 4 29, 4 3;. 1; 34. 9 37. 2 8 3 . 2 35.6 42. 1 43.6 34.3 .... .... .... 2 i . 6 40. 3 33. 0 21;. 4 $2. 2 .. 41.5 35. x Y!!. 2 ;IY. ? 41.6 36. 1 BS. E 39. 1 34. 1 40. I I 39.1; :$ti. 2 .... .... .... .... .... .... 46. 5 45. I $2. 8 44. Ij 45. 0 43. x 44.5 63. i 65. 2 69. 0 66.4 61.0 7u. u 6?. 3 69. 4 60 2 66. i 85. 8 65. 1; 164. 6 1.1. Y lis. 6 6Y. Y XI. 1 66. 0 65. 8 64.4 72. i (5, 0 61.4 66 0 vi. s AX. 3 63. 4 G9. 4 6s. 4 60. 1 -- .... in. 4 ~ .- .- 3 ~ 0 5; 35 31 39 83 45 47 44 40 14 44 -13 41 35 45 4ti 71 39 4(1 43 39 45 34 .... 21; 39 33 35 "Y 52 35 2s 26 .... .... .... 25 20 32 :io 34 24 32 1s K? 3:: ?R 29 29 35' 3L' 24 34 30 "7 35 24 26 30 30 31 25 32 34 31 39' 27 2 9 29 34 25 28. 25 3 I 33 315 25 25 J" 34 32 29 23 35 27 as 39 32 2s 3s 2; -8 ... .... .... .... .... - a I z ~- 0 i 4 . 2 61.8 60. 2 e?. s 61.8 67. 6 6!I. I) 166.4 66.6 61;. 6 66.0 1;;. 5 1 3 , ? 60. 2 65. 9 166. S 411. i 64.0 63.4 63. Y 6n. R 6ti. 4 61.4 _. .... 51.2' 59. 6 ss. Y S i . 0 50.8 61). 0 60. 3 52. 1 52. 4 .... .... .... 51.6 49. 8 58.0 56.9 58. 6 4s. 8 59, 0 50. i 57.6 5;. 2 55.6 53. 2 5s. u 59. li. 59. 4 56. 4 57.4 49. 4 53.0 5;. 4 51. 2 53.0 55. 1 56. 3 57. 1 52.2 54. 2 5Y 4 5s. 0 59. 4' 53. $1 58.2s 55. (I 5s. 0 53. 1 52. U' 52. 9 58. i 57.9 511. 8 52. 6 51.4 62.0 61.2 59. 8 66. 4 52. 3 fio. 1 61. 1 MI. s 51.8 61. 7 60. 0 56. 2 .... .... .... ..... .... fin. 4 Stations. Stations. !$ 8 z .- H d Southeast Farallun Woodaide. .......... Iris. 31.0 3.0 2. 5 17. 0 4. 2 5. 0 14.0 4. 5 15. 2 :?:;. 0 i s . (1 7. 0 16. 0 84.0 6.0 T. 2.0 6.0 2. 0 1'. 41.5 16. 0 T. 2.0 5. 8 9. u u. s 11.8 T. 4. n 3. 0 4.0 6. S 'r . n. 3 4.0 5. 0 2. 1 2, 0 T. Irrs. T. 2. 7 29. 5 11.0 6. 5 2. 0 2, n 11.0 4. 5 4.0 1. 0 4.0 I . 0 ::. n :?. I 1 1.5 9. 0 10.2 9. 0 36.0 2. R 26.0 !. n ,. 3 2 .2 1. I1 'I' . '1'. 0. 8 1.0 T. 0.5 'r 1 .0 (I. 5 T. T. T. 52 i s 60 61 54 r2 irC INJ 73 55 61 1; I 65 I iu lili 66 A 60 65 65 62 56 74 67 61 i l 1;s .... ... -. ... ... 15 I3 6.5 4Y S l .... 1;s ti0 64 1;o 61 1% R? I?:! c:! 65 e2 5s .... ... .... .... ... .... i 0 i 3 67 72 Ij9 2: ,;I i o 89 s7 x:3 X0 S i i Y 8 i 84 85 s4 S6 SS $1 1 S* s:: 3 5 *ti SI h l S5 S5 83 x4 so 45 S I s2 85 R6 R? X2 CbloradeCont'd. ............ ............. .......... Rocky ford ............... Sagitache ................ Salida ................... BRU Louis ................ autat:lara.. ............. iuero. ................ ridau Lake ........... verton ................. ignr IL'ity ............. Trinidad ................. ....................... Wat.crda e ............... Westclitfe ............... Whi tepi ue ............ Wray.. ................... Yuma.. ................. Cbiiriecticiil. Bridgeport. ............... Cautou ................... Colcliest.er. ............... Falls Village.. .......... Hanleyville ............. Lake Knuonlo~~. .......... Nnrnnlk ................. Southington ............. South Manchester.. ...... Htorrr,. ................... Voluu1owu ............... 1Vallingford. ............ Waterbury ............... West Coruwall ........... West Sim~bury.. ........ IJdntrere. DrIawara, City .......... Milford ........ .. Millsboro. ..... Newark ........ Seaford .................. Ui61ricI of (611aiibi~r. Distribntiug Keservoir* 6 . Receiving Heservoir * b ... West Washington ........ Florida. Apalachicola ............. Archer ................... Avon Park ............... Bartow ................. Bani fay .................. Brooksville .............. Carrabelle. .............. Feruaudiuo .............. Clamiugq,. .............. Fort. i%lWdrln .............. Fort Myers ............... Fort Pierce .... Gainesville .... Grasmere ............... Huutiugtou .............. Hypoluxo ................ Iuverueas ................ ~~.lfQ-COUt'd. hIinm1 .................. Middleburg ............. hfoliuo .................. Mouticello. ............. hloout Pleaaaut ......... New Sinyrua.. .......... Ocala Nocntee ................... .......... Orange City ............. Orange Home ........... Orlando .................. Plaut Cit.y ............... Kocknell ............... St. Andrens ............ Augostine ........... Leo ................... eusville ............ er .................. Tallahassee.. ............ Tarpon Springs ......... Waosao .................. Qeorgicc. Abbeville ................ Adairsville ............ Americus ............ Athens.. ................ Baiubridge ............... Rlakely .................. Bonersville .............. Butler. ...... Cnmak ...... Cnutou.. ................. Claytou ................. Colulubus ............... Cordele.. ................. Cuviuytuu. .............. C'utbbert ............... Dahlouega ............. Diamond ................. IIubliu ................ Eastluau .......... Elberton ................. ExDerimeut .............. Fitegernld ............... Fleming ................. Lom hin ......... n r a r s k i I i i i ie ; ;:. ......... niattzg ................... Milledgeville ............ Millen .............. n l o n i e ~i ~m a ............ blouticello ............... Morgan .................. Newoan ................. Oakdale .................. Putnaw ..... Quitmau ................ Ramsey ................ Hesaca ......... Rome ................... .............. Talhotton .............. Tallnpoosa ............... /I Thomasville. ............. Jasper. - ustowu .............. Toccon ................... Valdosta ............... Valoua ................... Vidalia.. Waahington ............. Waverly ................. Way eraas ................ Waynesboro.. ............ II ................. hraccleunv ............... 1 1 nIndisou.:. ............. .I 1 Malahar ................ Manatee. ................. hlarinuu a ................ .......... NOVEMBER, 1906. stations. Georgia-Cont'd. West oint ............... Idahe. Awericau Falls .......... U'oothury .............. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE 11.- aimatobgieal record of cooperative obeer~h?r~-Continued. .4 ! z 7H 75 64 Cambridge .............. Chesterfield .............. 65 62 Fernwood.. .................. Forney .................. Garnet ................... Glens Ferry.. .......... 55 67 44 T. ~ 1'. '1'. 1 0.3 T. 'I'. T. T. T. 'I'. 'I . T. '1'. T. T. I . 'T. T. 1. I Rebhrrs Falls .......... l o l r n . Aftou .................. Albia .................... I Algona .................. Allertou ................ Alta .................... Altt,ti.. .................. Amnun.. ...... ... Auies ........ ... At.lantic ...... ... Andubon ................ Rait.er. ................ Bed ford.. ............... Rounparte .............. H,,oue.. ................. Britt .................... Buckinghaui.. ........... Rarlingtou .............. Carroll.. ................ Cedar Rapids.. .......... (:haritou ................ I'lariuda ......... Clearlake.. .............. C.liuton ................. 'olumhus Juuct.iou . Bel leplaiue .............. College Spriugs.. ........ Poplar ........................ Porthill ................. 54 \\'eston .................. Illimia. Albion. .................. 64 i!! 'r. 1 1.0 1 T. ~ T. '1'. 'I.. 1'. T. Dons .................... Earlharu ................ Elkader ................. Elliott ................... Estherville .............. I*'loreuce ................ Forest City.. ............ Galva ................... (;ilium .................. cileuwood ............... Aurora.. ................. Reutoo.. ................. Bloomiugtou ............. 6Y i s 74 Colcheater ............... Decatrir .................. Dirnu .................... 71 i 6 63 T. i T '1'. T. 'T. '1'. 1'. 1'. T. T. 1'. '1'. Huperille.. .............. Humholdt. .............. 1udepru'lt.U~v ........ Indiauola ............... Iowa City. ........ Iowa Falls ........ .le fersoli .......... Keosnuqua ............. Kuonrille ............... LarralJee ................ Leclaire.. .. Leuiars.. .. LaC#JUR.. ............... Joliet .................... Kishwaiikee ............. Knoxville ................ GS 62 ti!) hfartiusville ............. hlartinton .............. 75 73 Morrisou ................. 64 Temperature. I (Fahrenheit) Temperature. (Fahreuheit.) Precipita- /I tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. ~ d .d z H z - 0 ... i S 70 i o 73 71) 72 74 i 2 74 ,I S i l 73 76 61 i" li:! i 2 I;i i 6 71 '17 (11 64 i 5 74 ti4 75 i 6 GO 66 5!J fi8 lii 1;s 6'3 il 72 Iilj 65 1;s 67 i:i 74 i? i 5 li6 7t 1% 711 66 65 72 71 1 3 73 73 72 71 71 1;s ;I 71 6.5 65 i 5 70 71) 71 66 70 7:3 TS 6.5 69 65 G5 74 70 73 i 4 i s 64 i!! 6!1 78 s2 i Y -- t D -. -_ I / I! ... -., ,- -.> I .. -. I O ... ~ g .- H z - .... Sl su 84 79 Sd S3 Ib s2 i 0 i d SO 61 65 61) 61; 61 63 1;0 63 li2 ti? fi7 6 2 70 6s 63 6 2 70 64 65 65 57 fil 63 63 TU li7 62 62 55 fi4 tis 63 63 6 i 61 63 fi4 G3 60 65 53 63 6! e' 61; ti6 61 64 ti0 64 liU 61 63 152 62 64 64 1 3 G5 ti4 B.2 64 1% 62 fi4 I;? 63 fi7 ti4 64 66 62 61 -, ... .... 6n .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Rn .... - Y : 'E I rTM. :s 3 - T. T. '1'. 1'. T . '1'. 1'. 0.4 0.5 1.0 0. 8 T . T. T. T. 'r . T. 1'. 0. ? T . 1'. T. 1'. 0. 2 2.0 0. s 0.5 0.9 .... u. 2 T. 0.1 T. I' T. T. 1'. '1' . rr. rr. rr. T. '1'. 'I' . T. '1'. T. 0. 5 T. 1'. T. 'C T. I - __ g .- .* a x - 0 27 92 6 5 14 10 1 21 12 -8 20 10' 9 -2 .... ..... , 15 -12 I 1 11 -I0 10 10 11 10 3 14 10 20 1 14 21 ..... ..... ..... ..... I 20 2 IY 0 y 3 I6 6 10 a 8 1u J 24 12 Y 10 11 10 13 I S 16 21. 17 9 12 s 21 14, l i 7 12 11 IS' I 1 10' 13 14 :4 9 9 19 8 8 19 .... .... .... .... .... 1; 15 1s 10 8 9 10 ~~ $ B z .- ." - 0 .... 11 15 1s 14 1 3 I 6 11 15 12 14 15 I" I2 14 8 13 13 I 1 ) 1 1 14 12 13 S 25 9 IS 1 3 i r i .... 1:: 12 8 9 4 17 14 1 x I R 20 14 IS 1Y 17 18 15 17 I:! 15 16 16 17 14 IS IS 20 15 2:3 14 I5 14 10 1 :i 1:: "I 21 I S 1 x 15 IS 2 . IS l i 1s 14 l i 15 10 22 18 p:! 19 13 13 15 18 211 I b 18 21 ?(I 15 2ri .... - $ E! - 2 - .... 19 19 19 16 17 1s 22' 19 9 I6 19 0 3 -5 2 -4 -G 6 -I 1 0 0 1 6 6 -1 -7 Y -1 7 3 ? -5 9 .... .... ; 1 2 1 ... , 3 -1 0 -3 i 4 3 -12 -4 -2 -3 2 1 -2 0 0 -1 --I 2 .... .... .... - ;1 1 2 3 1 6 0 5 d - a ... > .... -t i U 3 -1 1 5 0 -2 .... 1 .... c --I ~ I 3 2 . 3 a a l d l 0 - Ill& 1. 05 3. 75 3. 42 1. .?2 1.38 3.50 3.s2 3. 10 0. s i tJ. 64 I . 20 1.03 3. 12 2.47 3. 3 i 2. :35 3. 20 3.91 3.14 2.43 2. 54 2.42 2. SO 3.33 2. 41 1.84 2.53 2. WG 5. 31 2.09 2.4s 2. 65 2. s5 3.41 2.20 2.48 3. 13 2. 69 3. JG 2 l i 3.23 2.31 2. 9U 3. 12 2. 5u 1. 43 2. 55 1. !IS 2.55 1.11 4.06 2.54 2. 93 2. 55 3. 98 3. 10 2. 61 3.00 2.Ii.Y 2. 8.5 $2 6 -. 65 2. 16 2. X l i 2.71 3. OY 2.9? 2.92 3.20 3.21 2. 92 2. 49 1.84 2. 09 2. $i 2.51 3.74 2. 3s 4.93 3. 22 2. 4fi 2. fiU 3. (It 3. 11 2.99 2. 77 2. 6F 2. 0: 2. X? 2.91 2. 6: 0. 9c 2.2: 2.3s 2 .5 2. on 3. 06 ~- d z a, ~ 0 ..... 1?. 2 46. 7 4s. 11 44. 2 40. 6 44. 4 42. 6 43.4 $1.7 4u. 1) 45.4 40. 6 41. 0 4 i . 5 S i . 1 4% a 41.6 43. 2 37. 2 4 i . 2 44.5 38.4 $2. 6 36. 8 J 3!1. 5 39. s 49.1; ..... 40. 9 40. 0 42. :? 42. 9 42. 2 $2. 0 411. 4 Y i . t i 45, 6 39. 0 40. 0 39. 4 Y i . 4 :39. 0 50.4 41. Y . (I . 1) .4 45. R 41. 2 39. 6 3:). 2 $2. 0 46. s 44.2 4R. :; 44.4 41.6 Xi. 6 3s. 2 46.2 $2. S' 44.4 u. 6 4n. 2 -13. n 55. 0 51. 2 ~ d 5 - 0 ..... 53.0 52. R 5.1.8 53. 0 51. 0 53. 4 55. 1 56.6 51.0 52. 4 51. 6 39.9 4u. 0 S6. 4 41.0 36. 6 37.2 39.4 BY. 2 3s. 6 37. s 39.0 39.2 3s. 5 41. 1 37. s 35. 5 42.0 38. Y 37. i 39. 8 x5. 3 37.4 40. M 3s. u YY. 3 41.9 3:). 5 36. i 36. 0 34. 4' 36. 8 38. 7 S i . 2 39. R 35. 9 ..... .... in. 6 .... 39. x 37. 1 3s. 0 41.4 35. 4 39.5 38. 7 .0 .G .o 35. s :ts. 4 40. 4 as. 5 37. ti 39. 6 S i . 6 36. S 40.2 41.1 .... .... 40. P An. 6 ... 3 i . 6 S i . 6 4n. 2 41. 0 41. il 39.4 35. i 41). 4 37. 2 3. 3 35.4 40. x 351. 6 37. Y 3G. ti 3 7 .4 .... .... .... - d I z ~ 0 55. 0 52.R 31.6 25. 0 36. a 36. 6 39. - 40.4 35. 2 iR. 4 41. i 38.4 37. 2 37. 6 34. 2 35. ti 31.9 :is. P 39. s 35.9 3d. 0 35. 0 36. S 38.5 29. 9 37. 8 3i. 0 53. ti Y3. R 3s. 2 40.4 32. 5 34. 7 31. 4 3s. 3 31. ti 34. 9 37. Y 45. 2 39. Y 4:;. 4 36. 2 37. Y 40.1 33.2 4!l. 6 42. 3 $2. 0 39.4 44.4 44. H 43. 2 49.2 46, fi $2.4 4s. H $L. 5 40. 9 36. 6 48. 2 43. 6 45. 1 3s. 2 4.5. 4 44.4 4 i . S 42. i 40. Y 55.1 4fl. 6 3Y. 1 37.4 41. 2 39.0 41). 6 3 i . 0 46. 0 41.8 10.4 44, 6 46. 2 39. 8 :;!I. 4 38.9 4:. 2 .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... Ill8. 1.58 1.5s 0. Y5 1.03 11. 74 1. 64 0.83 :1. on n. i!2 2.16 0. 51 11. 3 I u. 40 3.50 u. 64 2. YO 1. 16 3.01 2. 40 3.5u 2. 95 2. 55 u. 55 I . 45 0. ss I . 01 1. 8s 2. an 0. i 0 1.55 2.4u 0.86 I). 63 U. i 9 IJ. 83 0.67 1.3fi 2. 23 1. ill 2. 51 0. 70 0. so 3. ili 0. so 0.9s 2. 62 1. 4:; 2. i o 1. ti9 2.10 2.21 2. ii 2.1;s 2. 25 2. 2 i 1. ti8 2. (19 2. a, 1. $5 2. IS 1. 84 1.93 2.24 2. 12 1. 70 1. s3 2. s2 1. 83 2. 78 1.87 1. 54 1.95 1. 9s 2 .1 3 2. 54 2. "1 1. 65 2. s:; 2.66 '1. 24 2. XO 2. i i 2. 10 2. 1 6 1. s4 ?. 66 2. i o 2. 6s 2. 91) 1. S i 1. 68 2. 16 1.01 1.74 ..... 2. IJS Ill& 10. 3 7.0 10.0 5.5 5.0 20.0 5.2 2. 0 13.1 6. 4 s.0 12. 0 12. i 24.0 19.0 33. 9 ti. 5 s. 5 11.4 R. 9 11.0 6. 0 lS.9 (1.5 9.0 5. x 11.0 ..... 4. n ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 10.0 16.5 16. 5 1G. 0 7. 0 7. 6 32. 4 3.0 3. 5 0. 5 1. (I T. T. T. 0. T. '1' '1'. 'I. 'r . T. '1'. 'V. T. 1'. 0. 3 T. '1' . T. T. '1'. '1'. 'r. T. 1'. 1'. '1'. T. T. 1'. 0. I Ins. 3. 011 1. 34 2.53 2. i 4 1. 65 2.01 1. so 1.95 ?. :;9 2. "0 2. u" 2. 21; 2. e2 4.34 1 .5 i 1.73 2. 33 1. UX 2.42 1. R5 2. ti!) 1. 7s 2. 44 2. 20 2.1v2 2. 0:3 1.94 1.45 1. 1s 1.63 1.47 1.52 2. "9 2. 46 3. 67 1.8U 2. 07 5. CY 1. so 1. i 3 2. 53 2. 166 1 .w 1.9.5 2. I I J 2 .2 i 8. 41 2. S i 1.94 1. i 6 1 .0 1 2. 00 2. ill 3. i 6 3. "9 s. :?I 2'. S6 2. 56 4. 10 2. 61 1. x.5 5 . fin :?. 59 :< .!I3 2. !I0 3. 46 3. (11) 2 . 51 1 . S i 4 .1 1 5. s3 2. 23 2. nx 2. 22 2. R3 2. 53 1. 15 1. SI; 3.35 2. 76 1.44 3. sn 2. 47 5.04 u. $9 IJidinn Trvvitory-Sout'd. Furt Gibson.. ............ Healdton.. ............. Holdeuville ............. ................ IllinoQ-Cont'd. Mount Carwel.. .......... Moo u t Pulaeki.. .......... hloout Vernon ........... New Buruside ........... Olney .................... Ottawa ................... Pans .................... ............ ............ ............. Knum ................... Riley.. ................... Robinson. ............... Rockford.. ............. Rushville ................ St. Charles ............... t.. Johu. ................. bobonicr ............... treator.. ............... iillivan ................. ycaluore ................ Tilden ................... Tiskilwa ................. Waluut .................. Warsaw.. ................ \Vinchester ............. Winuebago.. ............. Yorkville ................ Ziou.. ................. l n d i u i i ~k . Audersou ................ Bloowingtou ............. Blu ttL ,u .................. Botlerville ............... Cambridge City .......... Columbus ............... Connersville ............ Crawfordsrille ........... Delphi ................. Elkhart. ................ Fnriiiershurg ............ Farmlaud ............... Furt Wayue ............. Fraukliu ................. (;reeucmtlv ............. IIammond ........... Huu t iugtou ........... Jeffersonville ............ Gl1"S.. ................... Kukomo.. ................ Lafayette ................ Lnp0rt.e .................. Litna. ................... Lognusport. ............. hiadisou ................. hlarengo ................ Mariou .................. hIarkle ................... hlauzy ................. hkJorC?s Hill. ............. hiulrut Veruou ........... North field.. .............. Paoli .................... Priucetou .............. Reusselaer .............. Richluoud. .............. Rochester ................ Rockville ............... Roiue .......... Salem .......... tsburg.. .............. iiuiir ................. I hy ville ............... t h Beud .............. acwe ................. Terre Haute ............. Vevay ................... Vincennes. .............. Dorant.. ................ Fairlaud ................. hliiekogee ............... ............... .......... 7>. 1. 5 0. 5 'r . 1'. '1'. 600 MONTHLY WEATHER REMEW. TABLE II.-climatob~l record of moperatiwe obsmers-Continued. NOVEMBER, 1906 Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. Temperature. (Fahreuheit. ) - a ? ' 9 i i Y O - g - !I E - 0 80 83 82 84 80 85 85 64 S i .... .... 82 til 59 49 G I 60 61 I 50 61 50 5i 64 69 5 i 6d 58 6U 62 52; 53 4s 60 71 69 ill 74 74 72 61 F i 67 K i .... .... so .... __ .... .... ljS 5Y 69 6:: 6Y 60 71 titi i:! 69 G!I Gk RC s i 61. 6! i 4 7( .... .... -.. 1 I. t% G : Gt 61 ti1 61 6; 6: 6; 56 6( 6: 61 6: .... .... 6: 6! 6t 6. 6( - d t E - 0 64.6'; 6'2.2 57.8 63.8 62.7 57. 7 59.6 62.2 64.0 .... .... 63. G 62. 2' 37.2 31.8 33.5 34.6 32.4 29. 4 34.6 29.81 30. s 34.4 85. 3 30.5 32.4 34.6 2!l. 9 35.0 31.4 32. 8 34.8 28. ti 33. x 46.6 41. , 4ti. s 43. 2 4.3. 5 43. 2 40. 8 40. 4 4.5. S 43. I) .... .... ... 40. 2 .... .... 42. 0 36. 0 45. I 43.0 45. 6 3 i .8 43.6 40.5 45. 6 .... .... a. 8 44. 0 41.0 43. 1 42.4 37. 4 47. 3 47.2 44.8 47.6 43. s 43.3 44. u 40. 4 43.4 36. 6 38.1 :w. 4 40.4 40.3 36. 6 41.0 3i. i 36. R 35.2 34. n .... .... 38.0 39. 1 32.6 30. 0 36. 7 ..... - a a ;B' ' 2 I 5 5% D O - T. 22.0 8.8 5.5 8.0 12.5 3.5 12.0 7. 0 5.2 4.6 20.0 12.1 8.0 7.0 2.3 1.0 14.6 11.5 0.8 6.0 2.0 .... .... 'r . T. T. T. T. T . T. 0.5 T. 0.5 T. 'I' . 0.7 T. T. T. T. T . 1'. T. 'r . 0. 5 0. 5 1.5 'r . 1'. T . 0.5 'r . 'r . T . T . T. T. T. T. T. T. 'r . 0.5 ~ d 4 - 35. 5 38.9 38.6 37.21 40.6 35.8 3Y. 7 39.8 39.2 40.5 38. 4 36.6' 37.5 42. 8 38.0 3 .2 3 i .9 35. 4 A3.0 35.2 38. 8 39.9 36. s 36.4 40. 8 39. 7 39. u 3s. 5 41. 6 40.4 37. 6 39. 6 39.4 37.2 38. 7 36.4 37. 0 38.6 38. 2 38.5 37.6 f l . 4 .... .... 45. 1 45. 0 42. 7 46. 5 46.5 44. 4 42.3 48. 2 4 i . 6 47. 8 44.4 4 i . 2 45.5 46. 5 47. 8 45.9 4 i . 4 44.8 47.0 4 i . 0 42. 0 45.6 $2. 6 45. i *2, s 44.2 43.6 45. 4 46.4 49. 5 45. i 44. 5 46. I 43. 1 44. 6 45.4 46.1 46. Y 46. c 4.5. 6 44. 2 47. 2 4.;. Y 4M. 2 .... 45. x ... ..... .... ..... 46. 7 46. s 44. 1 ~ d t E - 0 47. 7 46.2' 49.6 47. (I 49. 4 47. 7 42. I5 4s. 4 46.0 45. 5 47.0 46.8 45. w 46.6 46. 21 45.6 43. 2 49. 3 43.7 46.2 ..... ..... .... .... 50. 2 43. 6 46.4 43.4 45. 5 48. 4 4s. 6 48.6 4 i . 4 49.5 4!). 2 46. 1 4fi.2 47.4 44. 0 44.0 49. 1 -1s. 3 43. A 46.4 48. 9 46.0 4Y. 6 46. 4 4s. 1 48. 0 43. 4 47. 7 43. 5 47. 6 43. 5 49. 6 48.2 45.4 43.6 43. 0 45.6 43. 4 44. s 45. 2 4 i . 8 44.9 63. 4 lj2.4 fi2.4 63.5 57. s 64. n 511. 0 61. s 57.0 60. 6 63. 2 fi4. 1 6n. 2 K3. 5 61. !I 63. 7 62 s r3. 6 63.1 63. 2 65. 6 GO. 4 G 1 .R S i . 1 60. G .... 6n. 6 .... .... .... - g .d 4 - 0 62 61 62 69 61 82 65 62 62 62 61 6'2 65 64 68 68 60 67 66 63 60 61 63 61 63 61 62 62 68 64 6'2 64 60 61 70 60 69 65 6 2 63 61 .... ... .... 76 69 69 73 78 71 76 74 74 81 76 7.5 76 71 77 73 74 76 73 72 72 75 i 4 75 6 E 6Y 71 74 73 73 71 71 7f 7:: 71 I ? ii .... I. I O .... E "< 7 3 7: 7: 6: .... .... p 77 ~ g I s - 0 -5 d 0 7 -1 -2 3 6 1 3 1 0 -3 5 0 -6 3 - I' 0 -10 -9 -I 4 -5 -5 2 10 1 5 10 6 -4 4 1 3 10 -4 -1 5 0 2 -1 ... ... , .~ 7 G 10 10 7 8 14 9 11 7 12 12 ti 10 14 Y 14 11 11 !I 7 IS 10 10 4 6 9 16 1'3 15 12 6 10 11 10 10 12 I 1 9 10 10 20 13 (1 11 ... ... .... 12 11 7 ~ g .C .- Et E - 0 13 .... 8C .... 14 9 13 11 5 15 1u 9 15 14 11' s 20' 8 12 13 9 12 .... .... 23 20 20 19 21 21 90 22 22 z2 22 22 ?2 21 20 18 42 24 21 "5 24 22 21 "? 10 20 21 25 22 23 14 T2 22 21 01 I 2? 18 "1 21 20 22 8 (I 40 3" 36 3i :;!I 26 41 25 .?j 2s 3s 311 43 "Y 38 39 4 1 X I :39 39 40 46 '24 35 "7 0 4 ... .... .... - a z s d - 0 41 37 28 38 43 30 26 36 41 ... ... 45 :CY 10 0 ti 6 6 -4 7 -7 -4 10 4 3 1 7 ... ... t 1 1 5 C 2 21 17 14 24 1" 12 21 14 li "1 1:: ... .... .... I t II. 1; 1: 1: 1: 14 If 1; l i It 11 2( 1: 1: '1( l! l i 2t 1; 1; 1; 1; 1- 11 1: 11 1. 1: I 1. 1: 1: .... .... .... .... 1 .... 1: ~ 8 f a . e5 9 9 2 0 d - 'ns. 5.45 6. 32 4.08 5. 69 3. 04 3.73 4. 55 3. 40 4.63 5.41 4. 12 4. 05 5. 75 7.22 3. 15 4.48 3.66 :<. 80 1 5 8 3.03 3. 95 1. 62 2. 51 2. 25 3. 70 4. 60 2. 87 4. 29 3. 16 1. 55 4. OS 3. YO 2.92 2. YO 5.02 1. lju 4. w 1.06 a. 59 1.45 0.66 0. 44 u. ti1 1. 61 1.73 1.76 1.39 1.75 1.3Y 1.5C 1. $2 0.65 1.8C 1.55 1.9( 0 .3 1.64 1. 7 i 0.4: 1.3f 1.9: 1.6; 1.3i 1. 9: 1.5: 3. 4l I). x! 0. 6; 0. 5: 0. 4( 1.4; 1. i t 0. 11 1.3: 2.01 1.8. 2.2! 2. 2. 2. 5 1.91 1.9! 2. 2! 2.0. 1.9. 2. oi 3.11 2.8' 2.1 2.1: 1.9! I . R 2. l! .... ... 0 *,: -. - - 5 u 5 3 . ' E :9 0 3 - r l ~s . 2.30 0.65 2.32 2.45 1. 15 2. 57 1. ?2 1.35 2. 48 2. 1 3 2. 72 2.38 1. i 8 2. 33 2. "0 -. 09 3. 10 2. 74 2. SI 1.35 1. I2 3.08 2. 90 2. 22 2.90 .5. 13 3.38 2. 40 3. 16 2.50 5. .w 2. 23 2. 6: s. fifi 3.64 ', .I 2. 02 4. "5 3. xx 5.04 2. 20 2. 84 3. 14 3.57 5. 9s 1.!11 3. 53 3.14 I;. d 4 4. 23 1.41 4. .1? 4. 42 1.41 3. 12 9. 55 3. 19 3.46 2. 7s 4. 67 5. !I3 2. 46 1. 30 3. 92 1;. 14 5. 13 1.mJ 4. ?2 5. 3; 5. 18 4 .1 9 5. 33 4. 30 5. 43 4. 2:! 3. ifi 4.55 3. S') 3. !li 1;. 15 $1. 6i 4.1s 4. 47 s. 94 5. RR 3. 67 7. 41 7. lis 5.53 5. 19 5.03 4.43 3. 60 4.03 ~. .d I E ~ 0 7 2 i 3 . 76 76 78 72 6Y 76 73 i4 i 4 c i 4 c 72 72h i5 75 ..... ..... ".> I ., ..... ;;. -- I J ..... 75 6S 77 i 4 74 i 4 i 8 7-1 74 79 72 73 l J 73 73 71 67 75 i 6 i 6 7s i o 7s 7'2 74 70 71 GI db 64 sx ..... -- I , -. 7: ,- i o 65 75 ;I 68 74 r X 67 85 83 35 S4 83 81. 79 83 s.2 su 41 85 57 84 sn SI RJ 83 83 45 R" S5 x5 53 81 34 -- ..... ..... .... stations. stations. Statlons. Ina. 3 86 2. 24 2. Y5 4.26 2.66 2. 26 2.43 2. 70 2. i 7 3. 46 5. 30 4.32 3. I Y 2. Y3 3.70 2.9s 3.29 3.94 4. 24 3. 61 2. 25 3. a3 1. 93 3.00 1.14 1.64 3.00 1. Ill; 2 % 2.57 2. 60 2. u7 1.97 3. lii 3. 29 1.112 2. 78 2. 57 2. 15 2. u1 4. 80 2.5s 2. 82 3. 86 3.83 1. 71 4. 05 2. $6 0. 95 1.21 2.66 1.50 1. (I6 3. u6 2.70 2.46 2. 16 3. 46 3.23 2.30 2.20 2.16 2.35 3.54 3.64 3.10 1.91 3.45 2.64 3. i o 1.5i 2. 75 2.42 1.45 '3.01 2. 72 2.63 3.14 3. 36 1.74 3.25 2.92 2.06 3. la 3. 53 2.25 2.57 2. 92 2. I6 2. 36 1. 76 2. 14 2. 49 1.58 2. i a ..... 2. yo 1W. 1.5 .... r. .... 0.1 1'. T. T. 1.1 0. 2 3.5 1.0 1.0 2. 2 2.0 .... 'r . T. T. T. T. T. T . T. T. 1. T. T . T. 0.6 .... rr. 1'. T. T. 'r . T. T. T. T. lib. r. r. T. r. 1'. T. 1. i . T. T. *r . T. 'r . T. 'r . 'r . T. Loubinna-Cont'd. Yew Iberia.. ............ 1 elousna ............... R a p e .. ................. Reserve ................. Robeliue ............... Roston .................. 3aiiit Francisville.. ..... jchriever. ............... u ....................... Mindeu .................. n h l r o e ....................... Nebraska Cit.y.. .......... Nemaha. . fig 65 ...... .... 45.4 3s. 2 42. 5 41.5 38. 4 q2.0 41.6 41. 4 43. I 41. 4 43.9 E .8 g2.i 41.7 36.2 42.7 43.2 43 2 38. 2 43.8 43.8 1.33 0.89 2.38 1.95 9. 01 2. 30 1. i 8 1. 75 2. 45 1.76 2.0s 2. "0 1.Y6 1.44 2 .x 1.6s 1.R7 2.03 1.98 2. RG 1.23 1.98 Palmer ....................... Palmyra* I ............. Pawnee City ............. Plattsniooth ................ 68 Gi Plymouth ............... Purdum. ................. Redcloiid .................... RRTeUnh.. .............. 67 76 i o MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE 11. -Climatobgkal rewrd of woperativs obeervem-Continued. NOTEMBER, 1905 Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) ~~ Precipita- tion. ! Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) Temperature. ~ (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. ~ k 0 2 ai 8 2 a 0 - 6 4- 3 - 118. .... 19. .... I . 2 '1'. .... 1.9 I . 0 1. I) T. 0.5 2.0 6.0 .... T. T. n. 5 .... 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 2. 1 T. .... .... .... '1' . 1.0 9. u 1.0 1.0 .... rr . T. .... .... 'I' . 1.5 2.0 1.0 7.0 T. ... .... ... n. 5 T. 2.0 0.5 .... T. 1.5 0.5 .... ..... 3. 0 ..... 1' T. .... 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.6 ..... .... ..... T. .... 1.0 0.7 ..... ..... 0.5 1.2 ..... ..... - a : ' Z 3 22 - ns. T. 1.0 .... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 0. 3 0.5 ..... ..... T. or. ..... T. 6.5 10.0 14.1 14.0 12.5 7.7 4.0 7.0 1.0 6.0 1.0 13.1) YO 21.2 11.0 18. 0 9. 4 19. I) 17.5 14.0 24.0 3.0 6.8 7.0 12.5 8.0 4. n ..... 20. n fr . ..... T. ..... 1.0 2.5 T. T. ?:. 1 . ..... 5.8 7.0 T. T. T. T. T. 1.0 T. 1.0 T. r r . T. T. T. T. T. T. 2.0 1.0 0.3 ~ $ .- .- El 2 - 5 5 6 -1 .... .... S 3 .... .... .... -3 .... .... -6 1 3 Y 5 0 3 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 2 2 -5 4 (I 2 0 5 .... .... .... -1 4 4 .... .... .... -17 -s 1 -1 4 -4 5 .... .... .... 4 3 4 3 1 -11 L 2 -2 -10 .... .... .... .... -2 ... ..... 4 4 -2 -1 -4 -1 .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 9 5 9 -10 0 ..... .... ..... ..... 2 -e ..... - g 8 . *E 9 2 2 - n - ZlM. 0. 15 2. i l 1.42 2.93 3. 1!1 2.34 3. 1 3 0. 22 0. 71 3.23 0.41 I . 21 1.0'2 2. I 4 2. 45 1. H5 u. 21) 2. .33 u. 60 2. i Y 0.83 I). s i __ ,,G 3. 61 3 .5 1.30 0. 15 2. 4u 0. 96 2. 39 2. 55 0. 25 2. 70 3.22 2. 45 2.51 2. s5 0.14 0.21) (1. 92 u. 95 2.40 0. 41 0.40 2. 84 0. 27 0.45 3.93 2. 48 2.35 1. 00 0. 70 2.61 1.61 3. 67 0. i 6 1.85 3. 09 0. 5s 1 .4 5 T. 3. 39 1. 23 1.55 1. XY 1.40 2.48 2.91 2. I9 0. 15 2. 36 2. 71 3. 61 1. 45 1.63 1. 69 3.16 3. IS 1. IO 1. i S 1. SI1 2.45 2. 9s 3. 6? 2.66 I . 6s 2.20 3.37 1. SIP 1.74 2. SI! 4.02 ', r) n. 50 n. $13 11. lin 3. I r n n. 50 2. (Io - 1 .- .- n z - 0 -10 -2 ... ... ... ... ... -5 -1 3 3 -4 ... .... .... .... 2 -5 .... .... .... 3 U 7 12 12 6 10 -8 20 4 IS 17 12 (I 1 4 '2 -5 -111 1 3 15 10 Ilr 1; 7 1 .... .... n .... .... 5 ; lj 6 3 4 7 0 21 I S 11 IS 15 15 8 15 6 14 15 12 14 I8 15 15 15 19 I 1 16 I6 S 15 IS 18 14 21 19 .... .... - d I z - .... .... 43. s 50. 3 46. 8 .... .... 46. 1 47. 3 49.5 43. 6 44. 2 43. 2 41. 1 46.S 47.6 43. 6 46.4 46. 1 46.8 47.2 .... .... 35. I1 39. 4 31. G 31.4 38. 5 30. 2 37. 1 39.6 31). 0 36. 4 YU. i :;:I. ?I 34. 2 3u. 8 34.2 34 tl 34. 2 36. 0 34.8 30. s 2.5, ti 35. 0 35. i 24. 0' 36. 7 33.4 .... ... .... .... .... .... 36. S 3s. 0 34. 1 SI. 2 31. 3 27. Y 32. 4 32.0 33. 1 32. 2 3s. 2 36. 4 34. 4 38.9 33. 8 29. 4 3;. 6 31.4 35.0 2 i . 4 32. 8 ... .... .... .... .... .... 36. Y 36. s $2. 6 41. 7 43. 0 $2.6, .... ~~ .- 3 ~ 0 ..... ..... 4 13 ..... ..... I4 ..... ..... 11 9 18 9 5 r; J 9 IO 11 IO S 11 , ..... ..... -2s -13 -19 -14 -s -I5 -2 I -24 -16 -I 1 -I4 -17 5 -1R -IS -14 -14 -IS -2. -:?3 -24 - I6 - 29. -18 -9 ..... -a>.> I- -.>.> __ ..... .... .... ..... -1 I -3 -25 -18 1 -24 -111 -1 -20 -s -15 -12 -22 -I 7 8 -20 -l i -8 -I 2 -24 -26 -5 -5 -6 - I ) -5 -5 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 3 4 9 ..... Stations. .- I z a s 1 .- z d 2 z ~ 40.8 41.9 4X.6 $2. 6 41.2 ..... ..... 41.5 39. s ..... ..... ..... 12.8 ..... ..... 33. 8 40.0 42. 3 42.0 40.8 41.1 43.2 ..... ..... i2 GY ..... Ins. 1.30 1. 71 2.69 1.9s 3.21 I . 99 1. i Y 3. 14 0. HY 1. 5.5 1.37 2. 60 2. 35 3. 35 3, li(J 2. 90 1.57 1 .3 I . 74 1. IO 1.53 1. 71) 0. 74 1. 81 1.51) IJ. 61) 1.01 0. 20 0. 78 0.35 (1. 97 I). 26 1. 20 2. 47 1. "I 1.05 I). 24 1.51 0. !I0 0. 7 i 11. 6" 0. 23 0. 0s 1. I O I . 5n 0.50 ..... 1. us 0. XO 1.58 0. 31 0. 90 1.25 0. 53 1. '10 0. OR 2. 30 0. i 0 I . 20 1. I? 3. i o 0. 65 0. i s 1. ti0 0. !ui 1. IJX 0. 3s 0. 5s I). x2 1. 15 I . 46 2. SO 0. 65 1.5'2 0. ?i 1.27 0.50 0. 53 0. 90 1.04 1. 31) 1.70 n. 55 ..... n. 26 0. 36 1.35 2.23 0.30 2. 24 1.10 0. 74 2.52 1. 7 3 3. 37 3 . 00 rns. T. T. T. 0. 5 T. 'i.. T. s. 0 6. 0 4. 5 !). s 9. 7 11). 3 12.0 17. 0 9.5 2. 5 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 6. a 0. s 11.0 5. (I 10. s IS. 0 4. 2 14. 2 2. 5 11.0 4.0 11. 5 11.0 5. 5 3i. 0 I . 0 6. 3 16. 0 3.5 6.0 3.5 5.5 12.0 I l .l j 2:;. 0 ..... .... 4. n ..... ..... ..... 26. n 5. n 11.0 2 .0 2. 0 ..... 6. n 5.6 9.0 9.6 19. 5 17. 0 3. 2 0.5 5.0 1.2 ..... ..... T. T. T. 1'. iVehrr18Pn-Cnut'rl. Spriugview .............. Stautou ................. Turliugton .............. University Fariii ........ Waoueta ............... Weepiug Water ......... 1 Wiunebago.. ............ York .................. Nel?aim. Amos ................... Rat.tle hIoU 0 taiu ........ Beowawe* l r ..... 1:'arlin * I .. ....... Carson Cit.y ............. Dyer.. .................. Eureka.. ................ lieyaer. ................. G~~Icoiiila* 1.. ........... Hallrck ................ Hazeu.. ................. Humboldt.. ............. Lewers Rauch.. ......... Lovelocks .............. Martius ................. hIillCity*l.. ............ hiorey ................. Palisade. ................ Palmettu ................ Tecoiua ................. V'erdi * 1.. ............... Wabuska ............... Wadsworth ............. Wood ................... Neie Humph ire. Alstead ................. Bartlett .............. Bet.hleheiu .............. Brettou Woods.. ....... Brookliue*l.. ........... Durham ................ Frauklin Falls. ......... Graftou ................. Hanover ................ Keeue .................. ..... ..... ..... .... f i i 67 64 66 fii ..... ..... ..... ..... 71) 66 ..... ..... ..... 6i 6 i s7 6S 62 i s 6S 70 66 65 RD 60 70 ,h RS 68 65 7!1 sn 60 5s 59 ti5 iCj (i2 56 60 6:' 64 59 li2 5!1 63 $2 1 3 55 $2 67 65 61 64 66 tis 67 70 60 68 h5 59 64 6 2 66 6s G4 67 68 68 65 60 67 fi4 66 60 64 GS ..... .... I? Rn ..... ..... ..... ..... Willowsprings . . Absarokee. ............... Canyou Ferry.. ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... 41.8 411. 0 3, 9. 42. 4, 40. 6 41. 5 41.4 40. u ...... ...... ...... 41.6 X2. 1 40.6 ..... ...... ..... 38. s 38.4 40.0 .I?. s 42. 1 36. 9 42. 4 Hchrin ..I.. ............. GS Heudley. ...................... Hirkmau ................... Holhrook.. ................... ...... ..... 41. 6 3v.9 40.4 4 2 3 37.3 40.5 39. 6 40.4 31). 6 40.2 40.0 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 41.2 42. G 39. 7 41.0 38. G 33.8 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 41.6 $2. 8 44.4 39.5 $2.3 ..... ..... ..... .... 41. fi 42.0 41. 2 ..... Holdrege ................. C!I Hooper *I ........... Imperial ................. 36. s 2. $2 ..... 3.59 33.2 ~ 2.51 31.0 3. 44 ................. ....... ............... ................ 1 1 New Jeraey. Asbury P a r k . ........... Bergen Point.. .......... Beverly ................. Bridget.ou ............... Browns Mills.. .......... Canton.. ............... Cape May C. H.. ........ Charlotteburg .......... C1avt.o~ ................ College Farm ........... Dover .................. Elizabeth.. ............. Englewood ............. Flemiugtou Friesburg ............... Hi htstown d a y stowu Indian Mills. ............ Lakewood .............. Lamhertville ........... Laytou ................. Moorestown ............. Newark ................. New Bninswick ......... Newton ................. Oceanic ................. Paterson ................ 1.20 1.9s 2. i s 42. 6 2.06 42.9 1. 93 44.5 ~ 1.55 39.S 1.63 Norfolk .................. 71 North Loup. ............. 72 Oakdalc .................. 6C, nakianci ................. 65 Odell.. ...................... Ord ........................... Osceola. ....................... R u ~J .. ......... .........I .... St. Lihory.. .................. St. Paul ................. 69 Santee .................. ,2 Schuyler ...................... Seward .................. I - 67 NOVEMBER, 1905. CapeQiuceut.. ........... Carwel ................... Carvers Falls.. ........... T: 1 1 Chathaiu ................. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE II.--CZirnatological r m d of cooperative ob8mm-Continued. 54 59 57 1:8 T. Chary .................... 55 Coeymaua ................ 58 1.2 Fort Plaiu.. .............. Fraukliuville ........... 11.11 I . .3 "' ~ 7.0 I?. n T. rr T' ~ '1'. 'r . 1;. 0 T. 0.5 ..... 2. 5 Harkuess ................ 1 Haskinrille .............. Hemlock ................. Lowville ................. Lyudouville.. ............. . ......... ......... ......... Kerue Valley .......... Lake Gear .... LeHov ... .... GI) li2 G I 5; 611 5!1 S i lil 'I' 2.11 Nurth Lake .............. Ogdensburg. ............. pl:lttSbIlrg ........... I Port *rervis ........... I Potsdaw ................. Richlaud ................ 11.11 Kiilyeway ................ ..... Ripley ................... irhury Mills .......... rauac .................. arsdale ................. tariket ................ 2.0 Skaueateles ............... ..... Southamptou ............. 4.5 South Scbroon. ........... Spier Falls ............... Straits Corners.. ......... ..... Taherg .................. T. Wappiuger Falls ......... Warwick.. ................ ti, S Watertown. .............. 2.5 Waverly ................. 'r. Wedgwood .............. 16.3 Wells .................... 1.0 WestBerne ............... T. Westfield ................ 1.4 \Viudlrani. ............... 4.0 Youngstown ............. 2. n North Chrolznn. ..... Battleburo.. ............... 1.5 Bearithrt ................... 0.8 Brevard .................. 21 15 25 .......... ....... 49.: 4U.f 47.: I . n 0 ., -. - 'I' . 1.0 Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- tion. Temperature. (Fahrenheit. ) - a 2 z 40. ~ 0 41.: .... .... 39. 4 40. : 41.4 39. 4 42 2 44. E 42. : 413. t 4!!, I 50. ( 4s. F 44. I 4 i . > 50. e 46.4 41. I 51. I 52.2 41.: 5u. : 34. 4 XI. I' 4;. $ 39. 4 30. 5 46. 4 -12. ! 4.5. : -12. F 41. > 29. t 41. i .... .... .... 4n. i .... .... 4 i . 4 ", I! - M 0 5 -6 -9 4 0 0 - + IM. 1.6 2.0 T. T. 0.2 '1'. T. 1. T. T. T. T. T. T. 1.0 (I. 2 1.3 12. 6 12. 0 I?. 5 6.5 11.5 13.0 12. 7 7.0 9. n ti. n i. n in. 9 ..... 6. 7 17. 2 6.0 2u. 0 10. 0 18.8 10. 0 "4.4 12. u 15.1 s. 5 I!!. s 15.0 12, n ..... ..... s. 1 13.6 18. 3 12.0 8. 1 12. 7 7.0 - 2 a z M H ~ 63 GI .... ..... 64 61 63 50 65 61 68 tis 71 W) ti6 7S i n ..... -. ,I 1 !? t 2 71 $0 6 ..... ..... - n ,- -I , b 5:; 6 4 71 6s ti3 55 il i l J 56 i s ti:! 64 i n ..... ..... i 5 tiat 7 3 72 ..... ..... -F I TU I , hlJl I;% 6S I;!I til 61) 65 6:) I;!! 7U 64 1% 73 6.3 6s fig ti4 60 til 70 67 711 61 61; 1;s 64 t;:i 6.3 67 6 : fi6 (id i o 1;s i l 65 sn r . ... -. -- - u , ., - A 5 .+ z 0 - 0 15 18 22 21 I9 21; ?5 22 "3 T' 1s 20 27 2s 23 1s 1 t i 20 12 l i 25 3 I!! ?I IS IS 17 14 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... l i 2 i 16 '"2 5 15 I!) 16 16 14 "'2 2U 20 25 19 ?I 31 17 20 I:! '11 21) I 5 25 -27 -!0 -:?(I -I5 - 26 -15 -21; -26 ~ 27 -21) -22 -2 I -27 -211 -36 -34 - 30 -12 -27 -2s -24 -21 -311 -27 -31) ~-L'x - ''7 -:?3 -25 -I ti -y3 -2s .... .... -I>- -, -20 .... -20 ~ .cI 3 8 . a n - aB, a" d m a .- ~~ Ill& 2. 55 2. 4s 2.9s 2.45 2. 2s 3. 50 2. 42 1. 7 3 I . 54 1.5s I . 27 2. u7 2. 71 2. 36 2. n5 2. 14 2. 7: 2. 21 I . so 1. 45 1. li5 2. 112 4.:15 0. :If, 3. 27 2. 4!1 3. s4 :3. 49 2. 48 1.32 2. us 2. 12 1.47 1.34 :3. 94 2. 4!I 2. RIJ I . no L'. 27 1. !IS ., ',.< 1.46 2. .I:? 2. 51 1. !#!I 1.59 2. 15 1. 41) I). !I6 2. :In 1 .3 1 1. i 4 1. i X 1. k l 2. 53 2. -I!) 5.40 (I. 45 2. 41; 1. l?,l I . 74 ].!IS I . 11) 2. 46 1 .6 2 2. 04 2. Ili I . 84 ?. 40 I . 20 4. 12 1 .X I 5. I C 2. 56 1. i l 2. IJl; 1. HI1 1.411 2. s9 11. si 5. 2 1. s9 0. 9' 1 .1 2 0. 16 -. _. 4. 4o 2. r15 1. ni - d L E - . 46.4 43.4 51. 7 .... .... 50.2 92. n .... 47.9 53. 8 4a.1, 5 A!), 0 50.2 47. Y 48. B 43. x 3'. 1 46.5 4% 6 4s. s 41. Ij 4% 5 55. 8 50. 3 A i . 5 49. 6 50. 8 48. 48. I .... .... 49. n 53. n .... .... 50.2 51.4 $2. I 54.6 43. 4 50. 0 49. 3 4;. 8 .... .... 17. n 18. o .x. n SI. 1 50. 7 5% s 52. 2 S'. n 47.6 4 i . 6 %2. 0 31. 1 29.11 :??. 0 28.4 2s. 2 33. 11 31. 6 34. I) 29. 4 2 i . 0 26. 0 30. s 34. ti 34. 2 31.3 27. 1; 2% 4 36. 8 29. s 251. 9 30. a 34.2 %2. 6 31). 9 29, 15 31.4 34. 7 30. 3 .Y,. n Stations. Stations. d d IW. 1.6s 0.05 n. 38 n. m n. 60 1.05 n. SI n. 54 n. 69 n. JS n. 73 n. 8s 0.92 1.65 0. 53 0.75 0. 65 0.34 ...... 1.5s 0.00 T. 0. 03 0.00 1.23 0. 30 0.32 0. 84 2. 14 U. 3G 0.30 0.85 2. ti0 1.07 0. 16 0. w2 (I. 71; u. 78 n. 49 0. 51 n. dn 0. 50 n. 61 0.32 n. 1;9 n. i s 0.611 1.33 0.51 1. 2' 0. YS n. 32 n. 7.1 n. 4~ n. 3s n. 80 0.18 0.51) u. 44 1.37 I . 35 1.65 2.27 1. R? IJ. 65 1.38 1.31 1.79 1.46 ..... ..... 1.17 I . (I1 I . :I) 1. i 6 1.67 1.40 3. nti 1.10 2. 11 1. !rY 2. io 1.6s 1.77 1.20 1.64 I. JS 2. 0 i *. ..... ..... (I. 91 1. sn 1. n5 ..... I . 51 1 ,2:3 1. ti4 rlu. 2. t;n 2.03 2.5; 0.61 2. U4 2. Ch 2. 4s I . 9u 1. 15 4. U6 0. 9; 1.29 I). ti5 2. 75 4.4Y 4. ill 5. SO 4. 4:s 1 .3 1 ,i. 24 134 4. 2!1 5. BY 4. '21.1 2. 72 2. 16 2. 3s 2. ::9 2. 9s ::. 6ti 3. 4s 2. i(l 1. i 5 3. -12 4. 25 3 . 15 I 3. 4u 4. 79 2. 97 ?. 9.1 2. s! 1.511 li. 01 2. 5.5 4. 14 1. I 4 4. :i; 4. -I<; 13. i 4 :<. s i 2. 3!I 2. !!I; 2. "5 :i. 4; I.Il8 4. 10 2.47 2. 65 4. IS 1. il 2.97 2, "I 2. 29 I . 72 s. 35 4. M1 2.40 l.Y? :x. 91 4. 1:; 3. i u 2. 3 7 1. 22 2.3s 2. l i 1.86 2. (IO 3.18 1.09 1.35 1. 73 1.19 1.2s 2-16 1.96 ', -- -. I , ..... ., .," I. -., .> ..., .>_ .I _ ..... ..... Nvrth Cbolino-Cout'd. Brewers. ................. .......... ........... A'PW J .- .4 . IJ .0 ;-2, 1 .I 0 H i . 4 :?:{. 5 411. 6 51. 0 23. 1 :1:3. 4 : 6 . 2 i 5. 12 3. 05 1. 1;s 1. I4 3.33 3. i 9 0.59 0. 50 2. 7s 6. I1 5. 64 3 .4 4 i. I4 6. i 4 l i . 1s 5. s3 1.67 2. 53 n. SF, 0. 28 1.25 0. 6.3 I!. 9:: 6.2!1 1. s i 6. (0 4.55 Im. 0. 75 1. 16 I. 50 1. i 9 2.00 0.32 1.00 2.35 1.53 1.98 2. 13 1.s5 3. 01) 2. 46 2. 44 1.47 2. !J6 2.09 3. 2s 1. 9s 3. 02 2. GS 2. v2 2.04 2. 1 1 2. os 3. ?'? 2. 4:: 3.49 2. M 3. F:! 2. 43 3.29 2. 93 2. 12 3.17 1. 90 3. UJ4 '5.5s 2. 90 2. 80 2. 97 2. sx 2. 69 4. 34 1.9s 2. 14 2. 64 2. 92 2. xu 2.3n 2. 3i 2. 59 2.13 2. 80 2. 4u 2. 90 3. 14 1. fi3 2. 40 2. 20 3. U I 2. I)# 2. b2 3. 52 3.21 2. i? 2. 17 3. s4 2, 29 1. 75 2. i 2 3. "0 2. 09 1. 77 ?. 03 2. 33 2.61 2. s4 2. 24 2.29 3. 67 3.34 1.85 2. s2 2. 17 1.S6 2.94 2.19 2. I )i 3. IS 2.95 3. 27 2.24 ..... ;: ;; 0 21 27 2 i 34 .... .... .... 15 19 35 1'2 6 29 i 19 27 24 28 19 11 16 9 20 14 12 11 13 16 .... .... .... .... 1 !I 12 12 16 16 .... .... .... 12 10 13 17 12 16 9 11 15 11 14 I5 19 13 11 10 IS .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Li 1; 14 15 15 17 13 10 10 13 .... .... .... 23 5 ... ... 19 9 10 14 10 1 :i 1 3 ... .... .... ... .... .... 0 42.0 42. E 43.6 49. 0 .... .... .... 34.4 38.2 oF. 0 33. 2 46. 1 33. 8 36. 8 43. 1 40.5 17.0 40.1 36.2 37.4 35. 7 3Y. 6 3s. 2 37. 4 39.6 3ti. 4 40.6 !9. 2 .... .... .... .... J2. 4 35. 4 36. 6 3Y. 4 41.6 39. 4 34. 2 39. 3 40. 6 36.8 36. 8 3i. Y 41.0 3 i . 2 .... .... .... .... .... 4n. 8 .... .... 37. 4 41. 6 39. 7 36. 3 41.1 36. 1 39. 0 39.0 41). 1 39. s 38.2 37. 2 35.0 40.2 .... .... .... .... .... 45.6 33.8 41.9 87. 3 31. 1 39.2 %. 1 36 5 $5 J .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... 60 65 65 60 68 60 60 64 65 60 59 60 71 65 ti2 63 62 fi' 65 68 63 ti8 61 511 65 65 66 61 6.3 ti2 69 61 65 69 69 60 RU 71 64 59 64 67 63 61 64 62 62 61 6.1 61 68 69 61 64 66 65 59 64 60 63 64 63 60 67 63 63 60 68 67 61 64 64 62 e9 62 65 66 64 65 ... Bellefontaine. ............ Benton Ridge ............ Bladennhurg ............. Bowliug Greeu. ......... Bucyrus. ................. CadlZ ................... Canihridge ............... Camp Dennison .......... Canal Dover .............. Coalton ........... Colebrook ......... Demos .................. Findlap.. ............... Frank ort ................ Fremont ................ Qarrettsville ............. Gran rille ................ Gratiot.. ................. Green .................... Qreenhill ................ Greenville. ............... Hedges. ................ Hillhouse.. ............... Hiram ................... Jacksouhnrg ............. Killbnck . . , . Lancaater ... Lima.. .... , Marietta ................. Marion .................. Medina.. ................. Milfordton ............... Milligan ................. Millport. ................. New Alexandria ........ New Breruen ............. New Richmond .......... New Waterford .......... North Lewishurg North Rovalton .......... Norwalk y .. ............. Oberlin .................. Ohio State Universit,p .... NOVEMBIEB. 1906 . Teraa.Cout’d . Brighton ................. Brownwoonl .............. Channiug ................ Childress ................. Clsrkqvillp ................ Temperature . (Fahrenheit.) 0 83 S1 75 85 80 station0 . Sotrlh D~tkuln.Cont’d . hlanon .................. hIellet.te ................. Pennsyhunia- -Con t’ d . State College ............ Swarthmore ............. Towanda .... Warren ................. Williamsport ............ Rhode Inland . Bristol .............. Kingston ............... Narragansett ........... Pawtucket .............. Providence a ............ South Chrolina . Aiken ................... Barkpdale .............. Bat.esbnrg ............... Rean fort ................ Bennettsville ............ Blsckville ............... Blair .................... Bowiuau ................ Calhoun Falls ........... O 6 i 76 .. Cheraw ................. Clarks Hill .............. Cleinson College ......... . ~- ~~‘lall,ll? ....................... Claytonville .............. Coleman ................. Colorado ................. Colunibis ................. Conway ................. Dillon ................... Due West ............... Edisto .................. Effingham ............... Enuree .................. Florence ................ Oaffney ................. Georgetown ............ Oreeuville .............. Green wood .............. Heath Springs ........... Kingstree ............... Libertx ................. Little loontain ......... Newherry ............... Pelzer ................... St.Geor e .............. St . Stephens ............. Saluda ................. Santuck ................. Yelvern ................ Smiths Milla ........... Society Hill ............. Statesburg .............. Summerville ............ Sumter .................. Trenton ................ Trial ................... Walterhoro .............. Winnsboro ............ Winthrop Co1leg.e ....... Yeniassee ............... Yorkville ............... South Dakota . Aberdeen ............... Amour ................. Ashcroft ............... Bowdle .................. Brooking8 .............. Can ton ................. Centerville ............. Chamberlain ............ Clark ................... Doland ................. Elkpoint ............... Fairfax ................. Famingdale ........... Faulkton ............... Flandreau .............. Forestbur ............. Fort Meacke ............. Gannvalley ............ Graud River School ..... Green wood ............. Highmore .............. Hotch City ............. Howell ................. Howard ................ I swich ................ A d d e r ................. Kimball ................ Leola .................. S t MattRhews ............ E:::xii : : : : : : : : : :: : : 80 90‘ 85 S2 . . H z . 0 59 65 68 64 60 65 60 61 59 63 63 6 i 63 80 86 77 79 75 79 so w 81 ... ... .... .... .... 80 i 9 75 81 so 76 ... .... ... 7h YO S 2 i 4 74 70 78 73 7b 77 80 75 79 78 81 77 80 SI 81 86 84 75 75 79 78 70 71 72 76 62 70 65 67 68 73 67 67 73 72 67 64 7c 71 73 7s 67 73 68 6e 68 68 7( 6i .... .... .... 80 .... 70 Columbos ..................... Corsicana ................ C.roclietL ................. Cuero .................... . 2 . L( .. E - 13 16 12 19 7 18 15 17 16 12 16 18 16 ?!I 34 2 i 25 2Y :;I 28 2Y 29 .... .... .... .... ... 26 2s 24 30 “5 30 .... .... .... 27 21 29 21 28 26 33 23 26 28 30 30 27 25 21 27 28 30 26 2’1 31 24 26 29 2s . 24 -8 -I 1 -9 -I 1 -a -13 -11 -9 -11 -I * -Y -$ -24 -* -14 -12 -12 -24 -9 -1i -15 -21 -11 -2; -2: -l( -24 .... .... .... 30 -i o .... 81 84 90 . $ z . . 36 . 8 G . 0 37 . 1 41.2 36 . 0 43.0 39 . li 3s . 5 42. 1 39.6 41.2 41 . 8 56 . 5 59.2 53 . 8 32.2 54 . 5 60.0 54.5 56.2 55.2 ..... 43 . n ..... ..... ..... .... 51.8 54 . i< 52 . 6 5.5. 4 53 . c 56 . 7 ..... ..... ..... 54.4 xs . 0 57 . 8 4s . 5 51.6 49 . 3 53.2, 51 . 9 55.4 53.0 5.5. 6 53.8 54.4 53 . 3 52 . 2 50.8 56.2 57.2 57.0 54.6 55.8 58 . 8 53.4 53.0 .% . 0 54.5 36 . 1 40.0 37.8 40 . a 32 . 2 34 . 2 35.0 37.4 38 . 4 40.4 36 . B 34.2 ‘39 . 9 .la . 2 35.3 35.4 36.4 37 . 3 38.4 33.9 41.6 36.4 39.0 35.2 37.4 34 . 4 33.0 38 . 3 33.8 .... ..... .... ... Decatur ...................... Dialville .................. Duval ................... Fort Brown ............. Fort Clark ................ Fort . Davis ............... Eagle Pass ............... ~~r t McIutush ........... Fort Rin gold Fort Stocfton ....... :: ... Qaiuesville ................... MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW . TABLE II.-Climatologieol record of cooperdim obemera-Continued . 80 85 !I0 85 85 73 96 46 8n . 2 . . m a . Q d drn 0 3 d - I m 2 . 65 1 . Y2 1 . 3 1 3.00 3 45 2 . 1s 2 . 59 1.44 2.38 ? . 13 4 . “3 3 . .?ci I . 78 1 . s4 1 . 99 1 . 10 2.06 IJ . 92 1 . 29 1.34 1.11 1 . 28 1.23 1 . GU 1 . 26 1.12 1.54 1 . 10 2. 2.3 1 . 49 1.30 1 . 15 1 . 67 1 . 65 1 . 05 1 . 2s 1.27 0 . 85 1 . 20 1.44 1 . S8 1 . 1s 1 . 30 1 4 1 1.55 1 . 71 1.59 0.00 1.45 1.14 1.26 0 . s1 1.45 1.00 1.33 1 .3 1.46 1.25 1 . $3 I . 06 I . 62 0.66 0.95 1.61 1 . 14 1.73 0 . 63 1.56 1.39 1 .0 0 . 98 2.45 3.64 2.91 0.71 2.14 1.56 3.9u 1.2i 0.67 1.23 3.44 I . 54 0 . G4 0.49 1.12 1.29 0.46 1.21 1.86 2.31 1.91 0.41 1.5: 1 . 70 R’oolsey ....................... Andersonville .......... Ash wood ................ Beotou ................... &ItWXSQC . Ins . 1.0 1 .I ) 5.3 T . T . cr . 0.5 ‘I . T . 8 . 0 n . 8 io . 0 T . .... 6 . 0 1.1 2.6 9 . 1 0 . 5 7 .5 4.0 3.0 T . 5.0 11.0 3.0 1.0 1 . 0 4.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 6.9 18.0 10.0 12 . 5 ..... ..... ..... 72 7.5 74 Temperature . (Fahrenheit . ) Knickerliocker .......... liopperl ...................... LalUpasF~O ................ a 6 .. 87 83 i 3 . M4, tint Pleasant .......... Nacogdoches ............. New Brannfels ........... Pauter ........................ Paris ..................... Pearsall .................. Port Lavaca .............. Qrlnuah ....................... 81 $3 83 81 85 85 ~ a‘ 6 .- .e e 3 - 0 . . 26 -10 ~ 20 -10 -I 4 -7 -14 -23 . 5 -9 -18 -7 -7 -14 -9 -25 . ... 20 21 22 29’ 21 2 22 22 21 ... .... .... 22 21 22 21 23 21 19 IS ‘‘3 2B 25 24 l i 21 23 24 21 20 21 21 23 .... .... .... .... .... .... 22 22 24 26 24 21 21 “2 2U 51 1s 20 ?:! 23 18 21 22 20 21 22 .... 2n .... .... .... .... 37 30 33 44 24 33 38 24 22 42 37 .... ~ d I z ~ 0 37.5 34 . 8 39 . 0 35.3 3.5. 9 S i . 3 x5 . 4 34.4 39 . 4 38.5 39 . 0 37 . 2 40 . 6 39 . 6 33 . 6 36 . 3 36 . ? 3a . 8 .... 4s . 4 50.2 50.2 49.8 45.0 51.2 51.2 4 s . 8 49 . 4 .... .... .... 4% 2 51.4 4Y . 9 4s . 8 50 . 2 4 i . 8 45 . !I 50 . :3 47.8 48.4 4s . 4 5(J . 8 49 . 2 53 . 2 49 . 3 45 . 7 50.2 47.4 51 . 6 .... 50.1 49 . 0 .... .... .... .... .... 49.2 ?AI . 6 50 . 6 4% 4 47.0 51 . 4 52.0 4 i . 4 45.6 51 . 1 4s . 8 43 . 2 46.9 49.2 51.0 47.2 50 . 6 49.7 51 . U .... .... .... 5n . I 50.3 .... ... 64 . 4 .5 7. 2 66 . 1 65 . 2 56 . 6 59 . H 59.9 59 . a .... 55.4 65.6 63 . 0 Precipita- tion . IIlX . 3.52 2 . 13 2 . s5 1.56 6.60 3 . 00 1.61 3.45 0 . 70 0 . YO 1.51: 3.11 1 . $17 1 . 78 0 .m 1.34 2 . 70 1 . 15 1 . 15 1 . (I6 1.90 1.07 1.20 .3 . 45 2.52 3 . 60 3.47 0.68 .{ . 59 I) . 93 3.40 1 . 02 ? . s4 3 . 2(J 3.45 1.05 1.91 1.80 1.65 1.02 1 . 01 1.05 1.64 0 . s5 1.07 1.65 4.40 0 . 23 3 . 23 1 . I8 3 . 65 0 . Y i I) . 9% 4 . 70 U . 70 6 . Kd I.@J 1.31 1.28 4 . 59 1 . 15 0.71 I . SO 1.12 2 . 67 0.89 1.77 1 .6 i 1 . 15 4 . 75 0 . 75 0 . DY 1.82 5 . 47 1.07 1 . 26 1.63 1.53 2 . 09 4 . 54 3.40 2.55 0 . Y3 5.49 2.20 1.74 3 . 16 1.50 3 . 32 3 . i9 2.78 5.85 7 . 46 ..... 0 . 30 n . 47 ~ CI 0 5 E d az ;r U O - a ___ Ins . ..... 1.0 e . U 1.0 6.6 x . 0 2.0 9.0 2 s 1.0 7 . 0 2.5 0 . 3 2 , 0 . 6 6 . 2 5 . 0 1.0 T . T . T . T . T . T . T . 1 . T . fr . ___~ Temperature . I (Fahrenheit.) . 2 .- d E -~ 47 2s 19 20 24 21 28’ 23 40 58 83 .I2 25 41 23 33 42 51 42 27 44 45 29 33 53 25 50 41 35’ 35 23 24 27 3s 2% .3 2 27 32 36 29 32 3s 42 28 34 29 dZ 30 21 14 16 ‘Lcj 29 39 “5 4.4 41 19 40 54 40 37 30 21 24 31 40 25 2Y 34 27 41 25 21 25 ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 4n .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . d I z . 65.0 57.5 47 . 1 52.0 55.0 55.0 62.2’ 55.8 65.5 59 . 2 62 . 7 66.6 56.8 65.4 59 . s 62 . 0 I?? . 0 71.4 63.2 51.4 . 1.3 54.4 61.3 65.4 55 . 3 17 . 8 65.4 56.2 61 .a 51 . 2 47 . 8 59.3 65.3 59.6 58.0 68.6 59.0 53.0 60.6 57.4 58.2 65 . 2 62 . 6 57 . 5 w2 . 4 58.3 60.5 58.3 4s . 9 52.0 50.6 58 . 2 60.4 62 . 8 56.4 65 . 6 64 . 2 54.0 65 . 2 67.0 63.6 6U . 8 59.4 54.0 56.6 57.4 65.0 5% 3 58.6 63.0 57.6 66 . 2 57 . 1 56.0 59.3 .... .... .... 24.3 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Precipita- tion . Tna . 4.87 1.87 4.86 4.25 4.90 I ) .47 1.63 0.90 1.74 5.63 5.55 3.41 6.40 3.96 3.75 10 .60 2.10 3.93 4.02 2.17 5.32 3.25 3.19 5.01 3.01 1.69 3.84 2.67 4.64 2.85 3.66 4.48 2.93 5.83 1.25 3.68 5.98 3.45 4.35 3.86 2.35 2.23 6.11 4.42 4.17 1.06 2.45 1.90 2.00 1.39 2.28 1.48 1.86 4. io 0.05 3.58 5.56 4.35 2.75 3.u) 1.50 2.23 4.25 2.39 3.71 10.16 3.94 3.14 3.28 2.12 6. :ifJ 4.35 2.25 4.90 5.32 5.66 4.64 1.90 4.10 1.69 3.01 3.72 3.45 1.58 3.66 4.62 2.30 3.86 4.47 3.89 5. oa 7.47 3.33 4.23 3.71 4.00 3.86 1.82 ~~ lns. ti. 0 44.5 ..... ..... 9. 0 7.0 u. 1 4.0 ..... ..... hIarion .................. Meudota .................. Newport News .......... No,kesville (iimrj. ........ Petershurg ............... Quautico ................. Kadford. .................. Randolph.. ............... Rivertou .................. Roauoke ................. Rocky iuoiiu t ............. Weatou ................. Wheeliug ................ Il-aaeoart 3,. Autigo.. ................. Appletoo ................ dppletou Marsh.. ....... Ashlaud.. .......... Barron ............. Brlvit .................... Berliu.. ................. Black River Falls.. ....... Burnett.. ................ noauiug ................. Eau Claire ............... tioud do L a c .. ........... Grand Rapids.. ......... tirand River Locks. ...... (; ra u t s bu rg ............... Haiicock ................. Harvey.. ................ Hayward ................ Hi Ilsboro.. .............. Laucaster ............... Koepeuiek ............... Meuasha .................. Merrill.. ................. hlioocqua ................ nrouut Horeb ............ Neillsville ............... New London.. .. New Itichmoud . Ocouto ................... Osceola. .................. Oshkosh ................. Piue River. ............. Preutice.. ................ Raciue ................... Stanley.. ................. Stevens P o i n t .. .... Sturgeon Bav Caual Tomahawk ........ Valley Junction. ......... Waukeshs. ................ m8UpaCfl. ................ MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NO~EMBER, 1905 TABLE 11.- Clzmntologicctl record of cooperntiire observers-Continued. Tem peratore. (Fahrenheit.) Precipita- 1 1 tiou. Temperature. 1 (Fahreuhcit.) Preripita- tiou. Temperature. (Fahrenheit.) ~ d s .4 & ~ 0 41). R 47. 4 41. s 42. 4 3. 5 3s. 2 44. 8 41.11 43. 2 41.6 411. 4 41.11 47. li 44. 7 41.0 4% x 41. ti 4.2.'' 3% s $2, n .... :<:I. x _. 0 a ;$ a 8 I i -~ /VIR. T. T. T. T. T. 1. 0. ? T. T. T. T. T. '1'. T. T. 1'. 'r. 'r n. 3 T. T. T. T. T. 'r . T. T. T. T. 12. 0 6.2 4.0 3.6 13. 0 T. u. 5 0.6 0. 1 2.0 0. 2 I . n ..... 'r . 2.0 2. i 1. 7 5.0 3.4 2.0 1. u 2.0 16.0 T. 5.4 12.7 3. 0 14.0 0.5 2.0 2.5 4.0 0.5 5.0 11.0 2.0 6.0 3. 0 11.0 4. 6 11.0 5.0 2.8 2.0 2. 6 6. 7 1.0 15.0 6.4 4.0 T. 9.0 2.5 3.5 1.0 5.2 ..... ..... T. ..... 5. a ~ g 4 a .- - ..... ..... 6S i o 65 63 6 i til3 ..... ..... ,a 59 i s 55 ti7 63 157 62 i 4 6? 6 i i" I;? 65 5s 59 ss 6S 64 ti:! 69 55 1;li IT2 58 60 65 (io 61 65 Ci.2 63 64 76 76 61 64 68 61 64 56 lis G4 58 53 56 Sfi 51 ci2 6'2 57 GO 58 56 76 74 73 67 69 62 76 74 73 i 6 70 75 7s 68. i o 64 i 5 ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ~~ 3 5 .- m I ~ 0 i 4 1;s i 4 i? 75 .... -,, ,.I .... .... .... i 5 74 7.1 .... .... i S 70 73 i 4 i 4 i l l 6 i 63 ti5 65 4s. i 42. 46. i 4s. ( 44. ( 51. ( 39.1 43. 2 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ~~ L. 0 4- AB' ' j 3 010 - d 4 2 - rile. T. I . (1 n. 5 T. 'I' . 'r . 'J ' . 'I'. 'I'. T. 1'. T. 1.1) 11.2 1. (I (I. 5 1.0 I). 5 4. 0 7. s !I. 0 0. 5 4.0 1;. 0 6. U 6.0 G.0 5. I 1 10.2 i. 0 3. 5 T. 3. 7 5. 5 'I'. 1'. T. 1.. 5. 7 s. u 4.2 3. I) 1.5 ::.0 !I. 5 4.0 10.0 3.0 1.1 10. 5 c.0 T. 11.8 4.0 5. 1 3.5 9.0 5.0 7. i T. ..... rr . T 13.0 7.0 2.5 3.n rr .... 5: : s. 5 3.0 2.0 0.2 T. T. T. - 5 .- I4 d z ~ 0 65 i n 65' 67 67 IilJ 67 6? tin 64 67 66 1 2 ;I 52 lil) 67 74 6' G:< ti0 RS 59 G!I 6:: 1% 61 i U 1; I 1;s ti9 64 fili il I 62 6X 1;9 60 69 .... .... .... lin 55 61 li I 6; 62 59 59 54 60 65 611 GO 69 55 S i 59 5s 58 61 63 58 1% 63 59 G I 51 60 61) li'2 53 61 59 58 63 61 60 65 65 64 60 57 58 59 61) 61 60 60 59 .... .... I;n .... .... .... .~ a 2 .- a x .- ~ 0 14 "4 I 6 1!1 15 20 1s 17 I S I" I R .... .,.> -- 17 25 14 IS 1 ,I IS 1s 16 '2 I .)" I- ~ 2 8 . a t a 2 a a d m -- j t l R . 3.5; 2. 99 3.53 .... ..... .... 0. 67 3. ti3 2.55 2 . s5 1.53 0. is 1. ti2 I . 72 2. (15 1.92 1.85 I . 10 2.43 2.1;9 2. l i 3. 29 2.35 I . 40 2.96 3.07 2. 23 I . 39 1.40 1.18 3.49 2.98 2.81 3.00 2. 75 4.26 I . 96 2.44 3. 31; 3.01 2. 35 1.58 2.64 2. i o 1. ox 1 .l N I . 70 2.25 1.28 1.64 1.06 1.33 2.00 1. Y'L 2. 79 2.48 1.76 3. 06 2. 42 2. 86 2. 10 2.68 2. 14 1.92 1.96 0.65 0. 91 1.54 1.45 3. '25 1.77 1.9s 2.52 1. x5 1. SO 1.46 2.07 2.17 2. os 2. PO 1.57 2.02 2. 13 2.07 2. 62 1.79 2.07 1.90 1.86 3.21 3.26 2 19 2.03 .... I . 03 ... 1. 80 - i . =E 9 8 2 ci .- - I!l& 1 l i IJ. :(I 1 .T 0. !I6 0. HO 0. li4 T. ii. ox (I. 1;11 u. 77 0. ::I; 0. 5lj 0. 44 u. 64 I . 90 I . ?!) 1.113 I . I I (I. 7; 0. 65 u. !I9 7.llfi 1.71 :1. 49 1. i 4 4. 94 6. 43 2. I 8 3. i 4 0. 6s 3. 6.; !I. ::u 1 . 66 2.06 2. 30 1. 21; u. !I6 1 .4 3 1. 61) I . 27 2. I5 :<. 40 2. s4 0.4; I). i o 8. lis ti. (I!I 0. 70 3. SI; (I 0 3. 33 :i. 75 0. i 0 3. $11) 1.05 0.41) 4. (11 0. H i 3. 64 0. 2s 2. u2 U. GI) 1. :10 3. 73 1.71 1.41 I . (1; 1. S i 0. 71 1. 50 0. 86 1. 23 4. Y I 6.07 4. 31 0. 67 0. 79 5. 02 2. 97 2. os 0 50 0.5s 0. 92 0.91 0. HY 1. nn 0. es ; 84 -. 43 1.60 3.09 1.23 2. 4s 1. 10 5.67 Statioos. Stations. I Stations. 1 d % z - 0 42. 4 44. 2 su. s 43.4 41;. u 43.3 ..... .... .... .... .... 4q. 2 4;. 9 .... .... so. 5 45. 1 4% 4 4li. 5 :E. 6 :<4. 0 . li .n .s .- .II .... 42.1: :iG. 0 $2. 2 .... .... 41.7 44.8 36. 9 31.2 38. 1, 44. 4 43. 4 4u. 6 34. 8 44. 8 3s. i 3 i . 6 31. u .... 43. s 44.6 41.3, 33. 4 35. 9 34. 9 41. 4 45.2 37. 3 44.0 4% 6s 40. 9 42.4 .- .- a z - .... .... 1 G 1 I) 5 13 2 - 5: 10 25 21 IS 5 14 I2 21 I 6 -1 1 20 .... .... J > ... .... I 0 6 Li IJ 11 3 , .... 4 11 20 -4 14 7 12 .... .... 1; .... -4 -3 15 -9 20 24 IS 4 5 -6 1 IO -4 13 5 3 16 3 0 -6 5 3 3 4 2 12 I 6 20 20 11 11 13 81 20 I6 15 9 15 14' 26 11 15 .... - .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Ill 8. 1. I 3 2. 1 3 1.96 0. s5 1. UII 2.55 1. S I 1.69 1. 25 1.34 1. 13 1.25 0. 83 2. 14 3. s i 1. 69 4. 17 u. 73 1.11 3. s3 1.39 1.10 0. 1s 3. "0 1.80 1. ?? 1.05 0. 64 2. !IC1 I . ?2 I. i 8 0. YO 0.41 1.55 1. 34 0. BS 1.15 1.23 1.55 0. !12 1.11 1.27 1 .6 i 1. !I7 0.4Y 3. 25 0.21 2. 75 1. 15 0. A5 3.66 1. 80 1.25 0.97 1. 15 1.1;7 4.!Ii 1.25 1.09 0.97 1.38 1.67 I. 80 2. w 2. 76 4. 04 2. (18 2. 10 2.11 2. 75 3. 51 0.39 0. 47 0. ti0 1. "7 I . 1s 0. 151; I . 25 1. 16 0. B2 0. 49 0. 75 0.35 0. i7 0. 34 0. 73 0. 36 0. 58 1.20 1.06 0. 4s 0. s1 0. :w n. 74 ..... n. in ~ TSryitrin-('vut'rl. Liucolu ................ Utah. .................. Castledale.. ............. Castle Rock. ............ . Cisco. ................ Coriuue ................. Coyoto.. ................. Deseret.. ................ Experiiuent Farm ...... Fi lluiore ................ Fort Ducbesue .......... (iarrisou ................ Ciiles .................... Government Creek.. .... C; ray sou. ................ Heber.. ................. Farmiugton ............ Ilrapah ................. Iodiauola. .............. Kauab. ................ La Sal ................ Levau ................. Lua ................. Luciii .................. Marysvale. ............. Meadowville ............ hlillville ................ Morgau ................. Mount Nebo ............ Mount Plensnu Piuto .................. Plateau ................. I'rovo ................... Rauch.. ................. Raudolph ............... Rockville. ............... St. tieorge. .......... Salt Air ................. Ceu tral . ............... Cliarlestou .............. Creston .................. Cu h a .. .................. 1,~JxUe'. ................ rlilrbiu.. ................ Elkhoru.. ................ Fsirmout ................ Glt.urille.. .............. (iraftou ................. (ireen Sulphur Ypriugs.. . Harpers Ferry .......... Hiutou.. ................ Lewi sbarg ............... Logan. ................... hl i u l inon ............... Maiiuiugtim.. .......... Martiusburg ............ .I Moor .efield ........... .I Morgnutowu ............ Mouudsville.. ............ New Culu herland ........ New Mart.iusville ....... Niittallburg.. ............ clc~nnn.. ................. Parsoiir .................. Philippi.. ................ Pickeus ................. I'owrlltou.. ............. ~. .. 43.6 20 35.4 12 .AS. s 1:: 41.2 23 45. Ij 11 37.2 1 0 *2. 7 19 , F.4 16 1 q2.2 Auarmtes ................ Aahford ................. Belliugliam .............. Blaine ................... Hriiiuuu.. ............... Cedouia .................. C'autralia., ............... Cheuey ................... C.1 en rbroo k .............. ('1e:iraatrr ............... I ' o l h r .. .................. Cvl vi I le ................. coucoulllly .............. Cooper i 1 I e ............... Crescent.. ................ Crinick ................... Dauville ................. Dayton.. ................. Eastou ................... Rlerritt.. ................. nlottiu e r ILauch.. ...... Mount h e a s a n t .......... Odessa ................... Olga ..................... Olympia. Pinehill.. Port Towuseud.. ......... Pullmau ................ Rattlesnake .............. Rouaiia .................. Pomeroy ................ Priuretqbu ............... Romney. ................ Ryau.. .................. Smithfield. .............. Boil tbsi de ............... Konlesbnrg ............. ......... l i 42.6 3s. 9 42. s I I I S 9 "0 15 I 7 I6 "0 I 'I -5 5 -I0 9 5 7 8 12 -21) .... - .... 43. iI 41. s $2. 5 42.5 :cx. 8 4;. ?I .... 3:;. n H I . R 3s. 4 34. 1 :34.4 32. 1 x i . 4 35. s 34. s 34. s .3. 3 33. 3 34. I5 .... Slittoo ........... Terra Alta. .......... Uppertract .............. Valley Fad. ............. Wellsburg. ............... -3 i 34.2 U -24 1 5 3 -1 -12 1 11 -4 -6 -3 ti -I -s 5 -15 5 -21 (i 2 3 12 5 - 10 14 11 - 20 -111 0 13 -3 -1 6 2 .... .... .... ... 35.6 32. 1 31. 0 J I . s 34. 6 31.0 3 i . 2 36. 1 36. 8 33.6 32. 4 XI. 8 2s. 7 3s. s 33. 9 34. 5 34.3 34.0 3s. 0 34. fi 34. 4 3s. 9 36. 2 38.6 Y3. 3 3s. 0 37. 4 31. 7 34.0 34.2 35. a 35. I 35.6 35.6 33.4 .... 35. 0 .... .... .... Tooele .................. Tropic.. ................ Trout Creek. ............ Utah Lake .............. Vernal .................. Biirliugtoo ............. Csveudish. ............. 7ernmrl. Chelsea ................. Coruwall. ............... Euosburg Falls.. ........ - Mauitowoc ............... nrallstou.. ................ Medford .................. Meadow Valley .......... Mauchester ............. Norwich ............... St. Johusbury ........... Wells ................... Westfield.. .............. Woodrtock .............. Virginia. Arvouia. ................ Ashlaud. ................ Barboursville ........... Biestone GaD.. .......... Yedro ................... Suohomish ............. .I Yuoqualmie .............. Tekoa ..................... Touchet .................. Twiap Union .................... Vaucouver ............. Vashon. .................. Wahluke ................ Waterville ............... Weuatchee (near) ........ Wilbur .................. Ziudel. .................. It'est 17iryinia. Baocroft ................. Rayard.. ................. Beus Run ............... Burlington ............... Cairo.. ................... Beckley .................. Lsburg.. ............ nuan ............... e8 Garden.. ........ Cape Henry ............. Chsrlottesville .......... Clarksville .............. Columbia ............... Dale Euterprise ......... Dauville ................ Diuwiddie .............. Grahams Forge ....... Hampton.. .............. Hot Springs ............. Ivauhoe ................ Lexington ............. Fredericksburg ........ NOVEMBER, 1906. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. Wyoming. Afton .................. Rar u 11 111 ...................... 607 64 TABLE II.-Climutological recwd of cooperatiw obemem-Continued. Late reports for October. Esperirueut Farw.. Fort Larawie ........... Fort Washakie. .......... Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) ........... 70 65 Precipita- tion. Lusk ..................... Moore. .................. &I on roroft ................ Pliillips ................... Pine Blii ff... ............ Rambler ................ Sheridan ................. South Pass City .......... story. ................... Thayne.. ................. Wilson ................... Temperature. 1 (Fahrenheit.) f'iil(furn iu. Bownlan .................... Glendora ..................... Jolou. ......................... Keruville ...................... Laytouville ............. Sueddeu P.anch.. .......... Weldeu ................. Wrstpoiut. ............. Willow ................... ~~~/rfrt, -. - in. n 4 hIean of 6 a. 111. + 6 p. m. i- 2. 5 hleau of 7 a iu. + 2 p. m. + 2. a Mean o f readiugs a t variow hours reduced to true daily wean by special tables. The aliseuce of a uuineral indirates that the mean tem- perature has been olitaiued froiii daily readingsof thernari- iu um and iui iiimu 111 t hermoiueters. An italic letter follvwing the nalne of a statiou as " Liv- iugst.on a," '' Livingston h '' iudicnt.es that twoo; more ob- servers. a8 the rase iuay b;, are reporting froru the same station. A small romau letter following the uaiue o f a atatiou, or i u figure colomus, indicates the number of days iuissiug froiii the record; for iustance, "n l ' denotes 14 day3 iuirsiug. No uote is inade of breaks i n the continuity of tempera- t.iirc records when the same do not exceed two days. All liuowu Iireaks of whatever duration, in the precipitation record receive appropriate notice. CORRECTIONS. Juue to Oetober. 1905, iilclusirc, Arkausas, Jouesboro, OctibIwr, l!ll)S. (-'t)lo>rtido, t;unuisun cut out minimum Trsas, ~l e c i t u r , c u t out a11 trm- North l'nroliua, (;ddal~oro, make niean cot <,ut all I ~~X Y ~I I I U I ~~ awl mean teiuperature values. :rud iupaii ivtuIwratiirw. Iwrature valurs. Ieiup?rature 61.0 iurtewl ot'61.2. Yellowstone Pk (Riversde) Yellowstone Pk(Suake K) Yellowstotle Pk. (Soda R.) Yellowatone Pk. (Thumb) Tellowstoue Pk. (L1p.B. ). PorIo Rico. Fort AlJaChe. ............. $5 Fort. Hoachuca ......... 85 P a r k e r .. ................. 107 20 s4. 0 "7 54.0 40 i O .8 sr . ~ New England. Eaat rt Me .......................... Concord N.B.1.. .................... NorthEeld, V t ........................ Boston, Mass.. ........................ Nantucket Masa.. .................... Block I s l a h . R. I ................... Portgnd,Me. ......................... Hotkrs. 21 17 Spokane. Wash ..................... Walla Walla, Wash ................. North Head Wash .................. Port Crescedt. W ~A * ................ Seattle, Wash. ....................... Nnrlh pnrific f3narl Regiwi. Rosebarg,Oreg ...................... Middle Pam'pc Cbosl Region. Eureka Cal .......................... hronnt kamal ais CUI Red Bluff, Caf.. .: ... .:: :: : : :: 1: : Sacrawento CaI. .............. San Franci&o, Cal.. ......... Sooslh Paeijle Cbost fkgiorr Il'PSf Ilnlisa Grand Turk. W.1 .................... Sau Juan Porto Rieo ................ Hamilto;, Bermuda. ................. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER, 1906 TABLE III.-Reauhnt winda from obeervatima d 8 a. m. and 8 p . m., daily, dmng the month oj November, f906. Resultant. 1 1 1 Component direction from- Resultant. I Component direction from- ~ W. ~ W. Stations. IN. 1 Dura-1 tion. 1 Stations. S. E. Direction from- 5. E. Iirection from- Dum- tion. Hotlrs. 15 16 6 27 13 14 IS 9 21 IO 25 6 I 1 17 22 12 14 15 li 19 14 24 18 e)., -- 1 16 18 R 15 14 15 16 li 14 9 i 3 2 13 9 4 7 1% I8 Y 19 17 23 I0 16 '1'' 23 22 2.5 17 10 22 23 19 I:! 2% !I 24 18 26 17 19 13 18 25 21 31 26 30 11 24 19 ?I 15 21 4 18 19 2n 14 23 9 i a ...... Hours. 9 6 7 5 ; t j fi 6 f: ; 10 5 10 5 5 1 15 I2 18 s 14 18 21 19 7 12 12 17 I S 15 15 23 35 25 I6 5 13 ;: 17 7 23 19 16 25 1 7 21 9 15 I5 17 3 I I 13 17 14 7 I 1 5 12 IS 12 9 8 6 9 9 7 5 s 15 4 7 6 6 5 I S 8 6 7 11 9 8 12 ...... Hmbra. 33 33 13 23 39 33 :3 I w ?S 28 19 15 33 32 :1 I 27 35 2R 26 "3 27 12 1s 3(i 15 ?I) 19 22 21 IS 90 I8 ?:! l i 15 15 y2 9 6 9 I I li 9 10 7 16 19 20 5 21 8 21 9 9 "4 ?I IF, 20 10 2;< 12 ?2' ?4 23 31 24 3' 3fi 23 35 27 27 21) 12 2U 33 3s 36 :in , 0 n. 76 w. n. 88 w. n. 50 w. 8. 63 w. u. 8' w. 11. 69 w. 11. 74 w. 11. 69 w. u. si w. u. 49 w. R. 81 w. 11. sa w. u. 67 w. R. n5 w. 11. 7!1 w. R. :io w. n. i 0 w. u. 6? w, u. fii w. u. 65 w. w. 11. M w. u. 82 e. s. 42 w. n. 72 w. u. 18 e. n. u. 51 w. 11. 37 x. u. 1% w. u. 31 w. n. 23 w. 11. 41 A. n. 5 w. 11. 20 e. u. 44 e. u. 16 e. u. 31 w. 0. 27 w. 0. 31 e. D. I4 P. n. 41 e. n. 63 w. 11. 86 e. n. 47 e. n. 50 e. 11. 23 w. 11. 83 e. %. 5% w. 11. 67 e. n. 56 w. u. 36 e. 11. 56 w. 9. fig w. 0. S8 w. s. 2; r. n. $0 w. 8. 31 w. s. Ix3 w. 11. 54 w. 8. 55 w. 8. 56 w. R. 43 w. n. 87 w. 11. 47 w. n. 73 w. 8. 73 w. 8. 63 w. 8. a9 w. s. 44 w. s. 5.2 w. 8. I6 w. 8. 67 w. 8. 56 w. P. a2 w. s. 71 w. u. 83 w. 8. 59 w. 0. 40 w. e. U. Yours. 25 2 i 8 90 36 2H 2F 34 I O 28 13 s 31 ?? 26 I7 5% 24 28 21 Y I9 7 1 .?. -., 10 1 I9 IF, 10 6 i 11 ?n .)'. - .> 23 47 35 12 9 I" 4 9 3 13 16 5 8 7 11; 13 7 14 7 I 4 $I 4 6 6 13 Y 12 i 16 p2 I6 2 i 24 I f i 3U Y 2 24 19 1 F, 25 27 31 3 I 13 9 29 "9 ?I 2:r 2 i 24 1 .... H burr. 22 25 15 Hours. 22 9 19 21 11 15 13 21 I 7 13 I d 14 2u 21 6 12 23 12 16 13 24 23 1 :3 !!i 22 I :3 11 19 8 12 21 19 15 9 12 27 34 19 24 9 30 21 2s ?3 27 43 26 4 17 1" 13 10 2 rI burr. 10 15 I 3 9 4 15 2 1 t i I I 14 7 1.5 15 8 6 15 4 20 9 1 li b 1% 10 9 5 19 I4 5 S I I 1 1 Y 4 16 3 17 8 15 12 14 1 8 13 10 12 9 24 2i ?o 29 23 i n in ..... ..... 2s 16 ?2 6 15 ..... Hours. 21 24 28 25 15 2% Y 25 26 2Y 27 27 24 I8 16 10 24 14 21 11 16 1Y I Y 22 30 I 1 2u 3 li 18 25 44 35 37 33 17 2s 24 16 2s 18 23 17 li 19 I , 24 I I 16 15 14 2: 0 W. u. 29 w. R. 55 w. n. 74 w. 8. 66 w. n. 45 w. 8. 60 w. R. 6'3 8. W. 0. 72 w. a. 77 w. u. 71 w . 1. 72 w. 8 . 21 w. 9. 39 w. s. 5" w. 8. 5Y w, 8. 18 w. 8. 8 w. a. 52 w. 8. 76 w. 11. 65 w. R. 72 W. s . 27 w. s. so w. s. 85 w. W. W. 8. s W. 8. 67 w. 8. 78 w. n. 80 w. n. 75 w. o. 71 w. 8. 6 w. 8. I:! w. s. 54 w, P. 69 w. n. 36 w. #. 61 w. s. 34 w. R. 39 w. 8. 45 w. s. 56 w. s. 42 w. n. n. 61 w. 11. 24 e. n. 86 e. u. 27 e. 8. in W. ........ ........ n . 49 e. s. 63 w. s. 22 e. 8. S8 w. n. 11 w. u. 60 e. 8. 42 e. s. 16 e. 0 . 54 e. 8. 6 w. 8. 30 e. 8. 61 e. 8. 9 w. Y. 87 e. 8. 14 w. e. m. 66 e. n. 35 w. n. 8 w. 11. i o w. 11. 25 w. 11. 4 e. n. 9 w. n. 23 w. ........ ........ Q. P. 87 Q. P. A i P. n. 32 w. Hours. 11 18 16 15 12 10 8 16 10 19 18 21 IO 2 8 6 11 :2 1 6 6 7 5 13 I2 23 8 2 6 12 30 15 44 34 30 31 9 31 9 R l i 19 10 7 6 13 I 1 12 21 10 14 20 i n ....... ....... 18 I8 11 26 26 ....... 8 12 29 14 37 ....... 16 20 I Y 1s 6 I1 10 24 22 9 23 17 14 18 30 20 45 11 I 1 18 1s 24 22 21 22 28 23 7 93 15 23 19 23 25 26 26 I9 2'5 93 29 14 25 IS 28 27 26 24 ?I 24 2% 3' 29 37 36 23 16 14 11 25 21 9 20 2s 1s 15 23 24 19 25 19 28 I 4 17 23 111 2! 16 14 17 I4 14 18 20 21 10 1R 8 11 12 5 10 15 1 1 19 13 10 10 I I i n 17 6 "2 9 1s 17 19 15 ?I 17 19 1; 7 16 6 16 6 18 1ti 8 16 19 23 I l l 1s 1; 12 15 10 21 17 23 I8 10 11 21 23 12 1G 19 18 18 1 7 17 25 26 21 I4 28 Providence R. I.. ..................... Hartford, &mu. ...................... New Haveu, Coou .................... Middle dllnrilie Sliifrx. Albany, N. Y ......................... Bingbawton N. Y.t .................. New York, d . Y . .................... Harrisbure, P a .. ........... Philadelphia, Pa.. .......... Scranton Pa ................ At.lautic bity, N. J ......... Charlotte, N. C ....................... Hatteras, N. C ........................ Raleigh N. C ......................... Wilmiu&m N. c .................... Charleston, 8. c ..................... Plttaburg, Pa ......................... .... ..... 15 14 25 17 7 ...... 14 12 31 15 41 ...... 14 24 31 13 21 20 20 11 15 23 I I I2 8 9 7 5 38 16 ...... 14 32 I 8 31 20 ...... 17 8 17 16 15 ...... 6 5 I6 I I 23 13 13 24 8 8 31 22 20 32 21 1 5 21 .... 27 6 15 16 33 .... i n 7 7 ?3 4 24 16 25 27 11 .... 14 25 13 29 21 24 22 10 5 l i 9 15 ?I 19 9 ?I 5' I? ~~~ .... 0 15 13 12 1.5 !?o 16 31 37 23 19 25 27 22 27 35 8. 74 w. 3. 74 w. 1. 71 w. 8. 63 w. u. 37 w, ........... w. 34 25 ..... 13 14 11 22 ...... 31 R:! 3' 52 6 2 23 From observations a t 8 p. IU. only. t From observat.iona a t 8 a. m. only. NOVEMBER, 1906. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 509 A1banv.N.y ......._.... /?&!?9) _.... a ..... 1 5 ..... )0.:7) ...._ 6 ...... 1 ....._ 6 .....I. 7 ...1 ...... I ...... 1 ...... 1 ._....I ' ........................ I I I ...... i ...... I 0.- O U I .........__..._... I I I .. .... ..... 510 0.12 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. ........... i ...... NOVEMBER, 1905 28. 1 30. 1 16. 2 TABLE IV -Accumulated amwunta of precipitution for each 6 minutee, etc.-Continued. ~. Total duration. /E $ Excesaive rate. e I t ' Depths of precipitation (in inches) during periods of time indicated. a .z Is: ~ 1. 78 3. 53 g -. c, E; z c : r * g: ~- 6 El ; - Ins. 29.97 29.97 29.39 29.W 29.93 2Y.95 ?9.96 29.96 30.03 29.Y2 2.4. 97 30.05 30.G 30.05 29.w ......... ......... Im. -.04 -. 03 -. 05 -.06 -.07 --.05 -.06 -.W2 +.07 -.05 -.os +.0P + .06 0.0 -. 13 t0.9S -0. 43 t0.6Y t 0 .2 5 1.5 0. s 4 3 1 .3 t0.44 t1.37 t0.05 -0.65 t O .l l -0.62 -0.33 t0.32 -1.73 tO.25 t0. 57 -0.54 -1. 15 -6.05 to. 21 t l . 12 l l .u 4.1 11.1 2. 3 ,.s 3.0 2.2 11.4 a. 5 6. 0 0.2 2. 5 T. 1'. 7 t i .5 3 t 2 . 13 -0.01 -1.1.5 -0. I10 0.4 4 .0 10.4 S.1) 13. li - 45 0110. ~ .... 0.83 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... 0.45 .... .... Stations. ......... ........ ............ ...... Salt Lake City, Ut 8an Antonio, Tex San Diego, Ca!.. Sandusky Ohio San F r a n h c o . Cal 5? m1n. ~ ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ...... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 0. !I I ..... ..... 60 1 80 1 100 1 120 mu. min. min. min. *I .................... I 1 ...................... TABLE V.-Data furnir3hed by the Canudicm Mdemologicul Semiice, Noveniter, 1905. Pressure, in inches. Temperature. Precipitstiou. Pressure. in inches. Temperature. Precipitat iou. __ 2 a 2 a a 6 .- .- ~ 0 31.3 31.1 2Y.B 31. 6 32.7 2Y. 6 25. c 25.0 2". 3 25. 9 L?. 7 25.3 - 2 a a a z .- W c: d - 0 44.3 45.4 44. Y 15. 3 41. 9 41. 4 41.2 35. 9 35.0 3s. 5 35. Y 37. 9 42.5 4:;. 6 29.5 43.8 41. 7 - ~ - d - & - Ins. 6. 32 5.01 6.35 S . S i 6. 09 6.12 3. 71 1.96 2. X6 3. 45 I . 72 1.74 2. 96 ~ d f B ~ 0 31. 7 26. 9 26. 7 28. 4 29.7 37. 3 32. 6 33. 7 30. 2 33. 4 27. 0 29. d 35. 4 44.8 26.0 69.0 .... - - - - m - Ins. 4. hl 2. 70 1.13 (1. 35 1.00 0. 30 0. :36 1.20 0.54 0. 83 1.40 0. 04 0. 31 0.91 3. 50 5.50 .... ~ Stations. Ststions. Itrs. 29. 62 29. $1 9 .7 9 Ins. LZl. 26 29.24 2a. 13 2s. 11 97.64 S i . 64 5 .3 5 26. XF, 25.34 27.59 2s. 80 2s. 19 26.40 29.95 29.89 ...... 0 - 0 .4 t '1. !> t h .7 t 1 1 .1 t10.9 t !I. 9 f 9.4 + 7. $1 + 4.4 +IO. 5 +I ]. 6 +13.5 + 2.0 + 1.6 f 2.4 + 0.9 ..... 0 Ins. I INS. 39.3 24. 2 34.3 19.4 35.1 ' 1 x 2 37.5 ~ ?!.3 ~- .. ai. 8 + I . 3 37.2 0.1 3s. " I + 1.1 3s. 4 I 0.5 Parry Sound O u t .. .. Port Arthir,'Ont.. ... Winni>eg &leu ...... hfinirebosi, nlan ..... Qu'Apprlle Assin.. .. Medicine d a t , Assiu . Sait't. Current, Asgin . Calgary, A l l w t s ..... Banff Allierts.. ...... E(Iin(:ntoii, Alltertx. _. Prince Albert. Sa&. .. Battleford, Hasli ...... KRlUloGbDS. B. c ....... 29.8% I -. 13 SY.92 -. IO 29.86 -.lo 29.81 -.1R 29.85 -. 11 29.9' ~ -.IO :;s. ?I I- I . 1 48. E, 11. 7 44. 6 37.5 $2. 2 26. 1 23. 5 '12. Y "2. Y 24. 5 95.7 + 0.2 3% 4 t 0.4 2k. 1 - 0.3 32. 2 + 0. 4 30.2 + 1. G "9.95 1-.08 39.95 06 29.94 1-:04 30.00 I -. u4 XY. 9~ -. 05 29.93 -.os 30.03 I-. u2 29.99 1 - ,03 25.3 - 0,s 31.6 - U. 1 35.3 + 0.3 31J.Y + 1 .3 ?2. 9 + 2.4 81:. 1 - 0. 7 35.2 + 0.2 40.6 ..... 1 ....... 73.8 1 64.2 ........... t l . ti& 22.1 -0.40 2.8 t o . 04 8. 1 NOVEMBER, 1905. Hearer h i u . Pa . .:. ....... Wheeliug:, 1%'. Va .......... Parkernhurg, W.Va ........ Poiut, Pleasaur W. Va.. ... Huntiu tou Id. Va.. ..... Portswonth. Ohio.. ....... Mnraville, Iig.. ......... 1.3 i c i u unt.i, I J h io. .......... nladinou Ind .............. Louisville, ~g .. ........... Evansville, luil ............ hIiwut. Veruou, Iod ....... Paaliicah, Iig... ........... Cairo, Ill. .................. SI. Arrnria R;iwr. Mnrked Tree. Ark.. ....... A'eosho h'iwr. ratlettafiiri, ~g .. ......... Neorhu Kxpi4s, Kana .... .I Oswego, K R U S .. ........... Calvin, I u d . T . .......... Fort (;ibwn, Ind. T . _._ ,_, Clrrrrrdiuir Rirrr. Rleek Ritvr. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. TABLE VI.-Heights of rivere refewed to %roo of gages, Nui~eiriher, 1905. Little Rock, A r k .. ........ Mouroe, La ............. 511 2. 4 - 0.4 1.3 ti.s 1. 6 ~~ d M m a 2 z Fwl. 0.8 0. 6 1.2 1.6 1.9 0. 5 2.0 1. s 6.5 5. i 7. 4 6. 7 7. s 6.4 9. 7 b. 6 9.9 9. Y I?. 0 10. 9 5.2 9. 1 9. 1 4. 3 17. 3 5.0 1.9 1.1 2. Y 2.9 4. I 2. H 4, Y 5. 5 15. 7 -0. I 3.0 6. 9 ti. s 6. i3 a. 6 3.4 0. Y 14. 4 15.9 4.9 IS. 1 !I. !) 14. 4 1. 2 5. 2 4. 2 4. 0 5. 1 5. li ti. 1 5. S a. 9 5.2 6. 1 2. !) 5. 1 8. 1 6. 3 7. 9 11. tc IO. 4 14.0 4. 1 IO. 6 15. 9 20. 4 16. 5 17. 7 20. 2 13. !I 10.0 6. !I 14.5 21. 6 ~ ~~ n. 4 IJ. (i 12. n ..... 2.0 A. P I . 8 5 24-20 17-1!1 1,lO 22 Lowest water. d M a Lowest water. ~~~ eight ~~~ Fret. 0. 3 0. :i 0. 4 1. (I 1.2 (I. 4 1 .4 (1. I) 1 .3 I . I 5. I) 4.3 5. 4 5. 0 fi. 2 4. 5 7. 'J I . s 8. 0 IO. 2 9. 3 4.3 i. 6 7. 1 5.7 13. 6 4. 7 1.2 0. 5 1. 0 10. 5 I . :I 3. I 1 I . 2 3. 5 3.0 12.3 - 0. 4 2. 7 5. 1; 4.5 4. 5 5. s 1. Y - 1.2 7. i 11.3 5. (i $1. 5 5. I1 Y. 9 0.9 4. 3. , 3. 5 4.5 4.9 5.4 3. 1 4. 4 5. 4 2.5 4.4 7. 4 5. :; 7. I 9. 1 8. 1 10. 8 5.4 7.6 12. 0 15. 4 12.1 12. 4 IS. 5 10. 3 7. 7 5. 3 14. 6 IS. 11 3. (I 1. i 8.3 I . 1 2. 5 5. 0 ~ 1lat.e. Stations. I ' a 0 z Date. ~. I S 2 5 2: "9 3 - ?8, 29 26 7, s 2s, '111 11-13 2s. 2'1 2!l 30 8 I l l 11 6 39 xi i n ,i i 7 s, 9 11, 12 , 9, 29,30 1. IO, 14 ?!I 30 29 XO RU 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 31) 3U 30 30 30 30 RU 30 1-4 22.24 1::, 22 I ?!I 7 :{n 31) 30 29 9 31J YO BO 1 29 1 30 1 1-9,lC)- 2s,30 1-4 1-7.22 9IJ 21 Date. ~ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2.3 30 31 I 3U 30 30 30 311 30 90 30 3 1 30 1 1 1 1 DO 6 6 i 3 2Y 1 7 s 11 14,15 27 I I XlJ 2, 3. 8,9 I fi 7 14-16 6 14 21 10 115, 17 13.15 IS, I9 29, H0 29 1.2 1 1 1 1.2 1-7 1-7 2 4 2-s, i-!I 9 9 J I I 7 < 1 1.2 2 3 4 4, 5 6 10 10 10 IO, 11 , s, 1 I , 12 11 12 * 10 3 "0 leight.1 Date. _- Feel. 2. 5 0. 2 6 .9 1. s 4. 3 7. ti u. 0 5. 1 5.5 .{. 6 !I. ti 8. 3 11.6 5. ti 6. 6 3. 9 3.1 4.3 12. 1 s. 2 2. 5 1:. 4 r,. 9 5. !I *. fi s. 11 1::. 5 19. s 5. 0 5. li 8 .5 2. 7 t!l. 5 14. !I IS. 0 4.2 13. 5 10. 4 5. (I 13.5 0. 2 1. 6 7. 5 4.0 ?4. s 3.1 6.5 4. 0 14. 3 5.5 in. 5 io. 6 i. 5 9.9 13. 9 10.4 12. 6 14. 1: 0.9 - 0. 1 4.3 0.3 1.5 -- 0.5 - 1.7 2. s ~ FYl. 1.6 n. li 1. 11 1. 1; 2. t; I . 4 3. 5 1. s 3. H 3. 4 15. II 16.6 18.5 Iti. :i 16. IJ 15.8 15. 9 16. Y IS. 1 15. 1 20. 5 17. 3 7.9 14. 7 14. 4 1 3 3 22. s 7.2 4. 5 8. s 9. 3 16. 5 5. 4 5. ti 7.41 8.6 !I. s IS. 5 u. ti 4 .0 !I 5 IU. 3 11. 4 12.6 4.4 2. 4 25. 4 IS. 3 12. 9 22, 5 18.6 I. 8 5.9 1. Y L. i 6. 1 6. R 7.3 6. 6 4.5 6. 1 3. 4 6. 2 9. 2 i. 7 s. 9 14. 3 12. 6 18. 7 I?. 0 15. 1 21.0 2s. 1 20. 3 21. ti 22. 2 11. I 7. i 20. 9 23. Y 4.0 2. 6 9.3 2.3 14. ri 5. 9 11;. 2 ~W I . 1. 4 0.0 f;. 7 1.4 R. 4 1;. ti .o. n 4. ; 4. $1 4. i 2. a i. $1 6. R S. 9 9. :I 3. 4 5. 8 3. 5 ri. s 3. i 11.6 7. 9 0. 4 2. 4 1. 5 2.2 ::. 1 3. 0 5. 3 9. ti 2 .2 1. 1 1.3 0. :i 14. s 7. .5 7. c 1. 6 9. n 5.9 1.2 3. 9 -0. 1 1 .4 7.2 2. 7 3. :: 1. i 5. :: 0. 5 9. 7 6 . 4 4. s 1.6 3. 3 2. s 8. 7 6. t i 0. 4 -0. 6 3. 1 0. 3 1. 3 -0.6 -2. D 2. n ~~ +r /. 0. x 0.2 0. .T 11. !I 1 .3 1. i o. :I n. s 1.7 1 .2 2. 1 2. 4 ., < 2 .4 3. 6 3. 0 I . 4 -. . n. I; r) 0 -. - 1 .1 1. n 0. 8 0 ., _..I 4. !I 6. 1 6. IJ 6. S 6. x 2. 0 3. 3 4. 3 R. 1 2. !J 5 5 7 . tl 1. 1 3. 5 4.3 5. li 5. 4 1.1 0. 1; 0. 3 n. 5 n. 7 2. 4 13. 3 1. !I 1.7 3. 9 5. 1 4. i 4. i 9. I 2. 2 s. !I 4. n 5 .2 0. r, 0. i 1. s 0. 1 0. :i (I. 1 0.3 0. 6 ~ Fwt "2 29 ?5 25 33 24 31 16 26 21 ?? 25 27 38 36 39 50 50 50 50 46 28 35 35 40 45 17 22 1u "0 22 10 12 15 18 26 30 10 16 23 22 21 2Y 38 25 39 40 21 29 29 33 4 I4 14 I? 12 18 IS 16 IO 16 16 8 15 14 13 23 30 311 34 :n 33 jP x2 4? 4s 41; 35 28 16 33 31 9 !: .so - I f i h 237 139 42 45 116 87 1,309 784 io5 669 491 353 231 IY9 103 127 24 77 57 2n5 197 135 42 32 64 177 I14 73 29 17 36 59 15 161 119 81 40 10 70 20 -" I 1 38 155 95 58 110 30 77 247 254 117 65 75 518 343 308 193 1% 44 156 52 35 103 144 70 17 ~ Feet. 9 9 18 23 IS 21 14 19 IS I S IO 21 IS 20 24 IS 11 14 .... 19 IF4 14 4 10 7 14 15 20 20 2i 14 IO "3 I8 25 18 28 14 25 25 20 20 14 14 30 17 ?5 18 24 30 17 31 15 50 45 40 40 4'' 20 20 25 15 14 6 15 ?O Ifi 1-19.27-2 17-19 14-?0 1,9 16-21 T2-25 21 !lJ-Y2 23-21 1 25 25 21; 215-2s 2s 2s 28 2s 28 28 23,24 24 27.24 27 23 28 1-3 1-4 21-23 21 -24 25-28 1-3 ?S 18, 29 25, 26 ?4,29 4, 22, 23 5-25 21-2fi 34, 2s 23.24 25 :w 2x 24 30 6 9 6 5 S 3rJ 14-24 22-24 2G26 25-27 28 94-30 25-27 28 29 27. ?!I 25- 26 L'd-Zi 24 25 26-90 2i. 2% 28 29 3 J 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 I I I ?r5 1 26 27,"s 30 Fed. 1.3 0.3 0. 6 0. 6 I . 4 1.0 2. I I . Y 2. 1; 2. 3 lu.O I?. 3 13. 1 11.3 9. 8 10. 8 Y. 0 10. 4 I (1. x 7. 1 IO. 3 8.6 3.6 ,. :; 8. 2 9. 2 2.5 3.3 3.0 8 3 ti. 0 3. 5 2. 1; 5. s 5. 1 6. 8 6. 1 1.0 1. Y 3. 9 5. s 6. 9 6. 9 2. 5 3.6 17. 7 7.0 7.3 13. 0 9. 0 9. 7 2.1 n. 9 1. 1 I . 1 I. 2 I . 6 1.9 1.9 1. G I. 4 1. 5 I . 3 0. 9 1.8 1.8 2 .4 5. 3 4.5 7.9 6.6 7. 5 9.0 9. 7 4. 1 9. 2 1. ti "" ,. I 6. 0 4.0 1.9 6. 3 6.9 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.2 F d . I 2.2 11-16 Hiirnss~r Ritrr. 1 .Milex. l'harlestun. Teun ......... Milk River. Havre, Mont. 1) ..... Huron S. Dak. (1) ........ R&mbliean Riwr. Clay Center. Kans.. ...... s7lbOliU Hill Riaer. Abileue, Kans.. .......... h75n.sns Riiar. Manhattau, Kans.. ....... J~llbrs klIVr. ' ' ' . Minnraota Riuer S/. Croiz River. Red hdcrr Biver. Cedar Rapids. Iowa ...... Iorra River. Mankato. blinn ........... Stillwater Minn. (3) ...... Des Noiriee R Illinoia River. LSSRllt. Ill ......... ~eoria. k11 ................ A d Bank Crrek. Brookville, Pa. ........... C'lariorr Ritrr. Clarion, Pa. .............. Chneriiaugh River. Johnstown, Pa .......... Parker, Pa.. ............. E'reeport, Pa.. ............ Springdale, Pa.. .......... Rowleshiirg, W. Confluence Pa ............ iifoiionqahela Rivrr. Weston. W. Va. .......... Fainnont. W. Va. ........ Ci reen sboro, Pa. .......... West Newion, Pa.. ....... Nudkingueb River. Zanesville. Ohio.. ........ Beverly IJhio.. ........... I.itl/r'Kwiiarrha River. Glenville, W. Va ......... Creston, W. VR ........... N ~w River.. Miami Rioer. Dayton, Ohio.. ........... Kr7 rer. Jackson, ........ Beattyvil ........ High Bri ....... Frankfor ........ Il'abnsh River. Celina, Teun. ........... Cartha e Tenn ........... Nashvi?l& Teun .......... Clarksville, Tenn. ........ Pouvll Riaer. Tazewell. Tenn.. ......... Clinch Riser. S eem Ferry, Va.. ........ Cyioton. Tenn ............ Soulh Fork Hotston Bluff City. Tenn. ... ifolston River. fimch Broad River. Asheville,N. C.. .......... Leadvale, Tenn.. ........ Little Tentkeadee Riuer. McGhee, Tenu ............ Rogersville, Tenn.. ....... t 3 -G IS 635 556 452 402 3-19 25s 225 95 966 960 9 .5 875 785 703 66U 651 612 559 499 413 367 184 148 47 I 104 326 26'' 184 3 99 67 2 i 2 217 185 75 632 551 465 403 ?56 I76 1 i5 80 301 1 2 658 515 337 11s 590 Teni,;nser River. Gnoxrille, Teuu.. ........ Lviidou, Teiiu.. ............ Ki ugntou, Teu I ). ......... Rridgepurt. Ala .......... .I Iiuutersrille. .*la.. ....... I Chattauouga, Tenu.. ...... .i 0.9 1 1 3.0 n. 9 Floreuce, Ala.. ............ Rirertou, AIR.. ............ Johii sou v i Ile. Teu u. ...... - 0. 9 4. d 3. s 4 .2 1. 5 6. s 5.5 \. 1 8.0 2. 1; 5.2 3. 3 ~ I). 1 3. 2 11. 1 7.4 0. 2 1.5 0. s 0. 9 1.8 I . 7 3, IJ i. .Y Ohrv Riwr. Pittslmrg, Pa.. ............ Davis Ialaud Dam. Pa.. ... 6 4 5 2 4 .,- -1 2 -4 23-28 1-1 I ,? 2-5 9,2:3,15-2' 28 1-5,9-2X 2i-28 ax 2,3 I 259 ?ti 26, 2 i 24 ~ Blackrock. Ark. ........... ll'hitr Hiiier. ('alicorm.k, Ark .......... ./ Batesrille, A r k . ............ Newpwt, Ark .............. c:l:ireodon. Ark. ........... .Irkrt;rsns Rir~r. -- -1 Wichita, Kans.. ........... Tulsn, Iud. T. ............. Webhers Falls.Ind. T .... ., 1.7 , 2 7 ,s 0.4 1 24,28 0. 7 15-7, 26-25 - I). ? 5,lS-IS 7.0 5,Ifi, li,?: 14.0 1 ltl,2l 6.9 ~ I S I S 2,034 I , 9.54 1,914 1,884 1,819 l,6W 1,629 1,759 1,609 I , 5!13 1,56'2 1, 47:' 1,463 I , 458 1,402 1.306 1,264 I . 189 1.003 905 843 767 635 595 474 373 240 1 ss 1 OS 3.2 ! 23-30 127 1 03 19 3s 87 6U 512 Kennebee River. Merriinac Riuer. Window, Ne .............. MONTHLY WEATEIER REVIEW. TABLE VL-Hedghte of rivers refmd to zeros of gagea--Continued. Mile8 46 NOVEMBER, 1905 Glens Falls. N. T. ......... Troy N.Y ................. Ftnn tom River. fid8aiC River. Chatham N. J ............ d h i h River. AlbaAy, N. Y .............. pompton &ins, N. J... ... - h :1 a 2 o s W t . 1.8 0.6 2. I 3. 0 2.3 4.1 3.9 I. I 2. 8 2. x 1.9 1.0 1.3 2.5 2.3 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.8 3. 3 3.2 4.4 1. 0 1. , 2.7 2. 7 4.1 11.8 7.0 I. 6 25.0 18.2 9.5 5.3 2.4 2.3 3. 2 4.5 2. 7 0. 2 2. 8 3. 1 3.2 7. 7 0.4 1. 8 0. 2 - 0.9 0. 5 - 2g p 2 % - %I. 6 11 15 32 25 30 1s 11 10 20 20 22 18 20 40 "5 30 22 17 45 35 35 35 43 33 .12 35 20 I8 25 20 20 14 25 20 10 25 35 40 25 21 24 4n 39 21 18 24 22 16 26 24 14 24 30 40 25 40 20 20 15 23 25 40 - D :oi M ;Q ?E > reel. - .... .... .... .... .... .... 12 9 13 15 I ? 15 20 14 12 8 7 15 12 12 10 I 4 26 18 16 I6 17 16 20 24 17 22 8 18 12 18 18 12 8 12 SO 25 22 25 38 7 27 16 12 12 15 24 14 14 15 12 - d M 2 9 s ~~ !P t . 3. 6 1. 2 1.1 3. .? 5. n 5. 5 2. 6 2. 9 3. 3 4. 0 1.4 1. x 4. li a. 7 3. 1 4.0 2. 2 4.4 0. 7 3.5 3. 6 0. 9 1. , 1. 4 2. s 2.0 4 .4 1.9 2. 5 3. 5 2. 2 0.5 2. 6 0. 1 2.0 0. 1 2.9 -0. 3 .o. 2 -u. 5 k. 7 1. s 3. 4 7. 2 3. (I 1. s 1.7 2. 3 4. 3 2. 0 1.6 4. 3 0. 6 Highest water. I Lowest water. I Highest water. Lowest water. ~ Date. ~ "5 ,3;20-'?3 3,2l&24 ( 27-29! 20 l7,IR 26 21 25 27.28 23 1,2:w15 1,2"-2s 26 2 21 1s-29 -16,"1-2: '-23,'36,y :,24,?6-2: 24-24 !,24,26-2 27-28 25 21-27 22-3s 26'-3 2 6 ,2 i 22-26 !%26,?S 23,24 2 6 % 1-30 83-25 2 1 2 6 1-?1,27-3 21-30 26-30 1!1 !-I 4,273 15 15 17 15-17,21 10 17-19 27 16 23 30 20 9-20 7,28 17 7 2s 20 ~ [eight ~ Fret. 1. Y 2. 2 3. fi 7. G 8. 7 1.4 4.4 4.0 I . 1 4. 7 3. 1 4.2 1.5 3.0 3.0 3. 9 u. s 1.0 1.0 2. 1; 2. 4 0. :I 1. 2 7.0 0.8 3.8 4. Y 4.0 1.9 5.5 3.9 4.5 8.9 18.6 8.4 2. 7 28. 1 22. E 14. 5 2. 'r 5.4 5. E 6. E 1.9 3. E 10. u 12. a 5. a 4. a SI. a 9.3 1. E - 0.7 1.4 2. a 2. c 0. c 3. E 3. 2.4 4.f 1.: 7. 4 eight. Fett. ~ 4. 3 4.6 1.6 4. 1 25.9 7. 7 3.4 4.1 4.6 4.9 4.0 5.0 5. 1 4. 9 4. 5 4.5 3.9 5. 7 2. 9 7.0 6. 3 4. 1 3.5 3. 0 7. 3 6.0 5.6 8.4 7. 4 5. 7 2.9 - 0.5 4.0 1.0 2. 1 0. 1 3. 3 U. 7 0.1 - 0.3 b. 9 2. 5 4.3 8.5 4.5 2.6 1.9 3. 3 5. 7 2. 9 1.7 5.0 0.9 3.2 1.7 1. 2 eight. ~ Feet. 1.4 3.9 n. 9 2.7 23.5 4.2 1. Y 0.5 1.0 3.6 0. 5 1.0 3. ti 2. 5 1. 1 3.9 2. 1 4.1 0.4 3.1 3.1 0.3 1.1 1.0 2.4 1. 4 3. ti 1. I 1.6 3. 1 1. 7 - 0.5 2. B - 0. 6 1.9 0.0 2.5 - 0. 6 - 0.3 - 0 ti 8.4 Date. height.. Date. 13, 2% i, 8 s, 9 12 2. 3,6,7 5,1?, 19 12 9 30 2lJ xi 8-10 22 9.15,16 20 30 30 30 32 .Yl 30 30 30 30 30 10 30 30 30 30 1 30 30 1 1 1-20 1 1,2 1 7,21 1 Feet. 2. 9 0. i 0.7 1.4 2. 4 3. 5 1.6 3. c 2. 7 1. 2 2. 5 4. IJ 1. 5 2. 4 3. 4 0. 1; 1. s 1. 1; 2. .5 3.9 3.2 n. R 2.4 2. 0 4. 9 4 6 2. 8 7. 3 5. s 2. 1; 1.2 0.0 1. i 1.6 0.2 0. 1 0. H 1.3 0. 4 0.3 0.5 I . 1 1.3 4. 1 ?. 5 1 .6 0.5 1.6 2.4 1.9 0.2 2. 1 0.9 2. 5 I Edialo Riwr. ' '1, Edisto, S. C . .............. .I Broad Riiw. :arlton. Ga ................ S(i i1aiIiin h Riirr. Ociniclgre River. Macon. Ga.. Abberille, Ga. Flint Rirw. Woodbury, Ga.. ........... ............... ~ ............ hIuntezuw:1, ...... West Point, (;a ............ Alsga, A l a .(5 ). ............ Omse River. Rome, (in... ............... (:adsdeu, Ala.. ............ Lock No. 4 413 ............ Wet.unipkl, ;\I a ......... Tullripoaa. Riiw. Milstead, Ala.. ............ dlnbnnra Riser. . ~ Montgomery, Ala.. ......... Selma, A l a .. ............... Black Warrior River. Eu fail I a, A I a .............. Trinity Riwr. Dallas, Tex.. .............. 1,oug Lake, T e r .. ......... Riveryide, Tex.. ...... Liberty. Tex .......... Brazus Riwr. Kopperl, Tex. ............ WRCO, Tex ................. Valley Junrtion,Tes.. .... Austin, Tex.. ............. C'oliiml~us, T e r .. ......... h-oofr 11 ii i Ri wr. Bonners Ferry Idaho. (7). . Penif d' Oreijlz Riwr. Newport, Wash. ........... Siiake Riiier. Leaistou, Idaho .......... Riparia, Wash.. ........... Cblunbbia Rirar. Wenatchee. Wash .... files. 75 30 347 268 147 79 203 96 2'7 152 90 29 305 239 90 30 271 144 116 6 38 365 212 90 303 233 155 60 144 106 i s 242 110 315 1lJ5 18 3% 211 112 20 345 285 215 140 61 489 214 98 112 35 284 123 86 144 67 473 270 166 118 84 12 201 64 Feel. 0.0 1.6 2. 7 4. :I Feel. 10,27,28 0.9 -6 R 9 ) &Ij2?)5$1 1.7 19-31 2.9 l7,lR 26 11 12 1 5, 7 5-9 7 11 6 I Y i n 3-9.12, , !I , ?3,24' g,9 1-9 5,6 1R, 19 .IO 19-2: 9,23 F A , 21 40: l!l-2: 23,24 %XI 9 9 25 9-11 6, li, 30 4 ,s 23-SO 9 39,30 1 29,30 1.3 S, 30 4 5 5 7 23.30 6.0 1.3 -0.4 0.8 I . 4 0.3 2. s 1.1 3. n 0. Y 2. I) 1. 3 a. 1 0.5 0.4 0. 5 1. s 1.6 n. 9 0. 5 5.8 -1.6 1. 5 1.4 3.4 1.6 4.3 2. 1 2. s 5.6 11.9 4. s I . 8 8. R 12. 0 7. 5 11. 0 0.5 3. 5 3. 1 2. 5 5.3 1.8 1.7 7.6 1.0 2.6 S. 8 0.8 -0.8 12 0.7 13 - 0.9 12 0.3 15 i 0 .1 255 209 170 84 50 44 42 19 197 1% 147 6 69 45 66 269 269 2M 143 92 188 159 6a 90 39 90 69 58 29C 1 'II SO5 266 167 111 55 196 121 46 2'1 171 112 4( 141 51 3: 4: 2f 3i 3f 5( 6: 5( 26 0.5 1" 14 15 27 29 30 I2,l.I 31,I.l 14 I 6 1 7 11 13,l.I 14 1G 15 1&12 1 13 11 11,12 I ? 12 2s 12 Ik 19 13,14 10 I t 22 14 16 9-1 2 10 9 IO 11 3-7 1 1-13,23 27 6 S 9-1 3 1,29,3U 1 3U 21 27 30 29,3n 1.7 0. 5 1. 6 I). 8 0. 0 0. 3 1.2 1.3 - 0.2 0. 0 5. 2 - 2.5 0.6 - 0. 1 3. 0 1.4 3. x 1.2 1. 8 4.4 6.8 1.4 1.1 3. 1 4. 3 4. 5 6. 2 - 0. 2 ~~ 2.7 i-8 2 .2 ' 5-8 1.0 4,5,7,s 4. 2 1 24 1.4 1 3.6 0.' 1 -1 23 4. 4 1.7 ' 04-30 1.0 9 6. 9 ~ Y-6 2 14 1,2,12 1,2 1 18 1-4 11 2,7,22 23 I 1 14 2. ( 1 . c 1.; I ., 3. : 1. ( 1. L 2. I 0. ( 0. i - 0.: - 0. E 7. 1 30 1. 7 17 1.4 li,21-24 I 1.0 13-18 0.0 1618 1.2 ~ 6 2.4 1.3 2.0 7 .7 ~ 0'9 2.2 Umatilla, Oreg. ............ The Dalles, Oreg.. ......... Willainclte River. 1.71 2.5 0.8 2.4 2.3 I 3.4 Albany, Oreg. ............. Salem Oreg ............... Portlahd, Oreg ............ Sacranienlo River. Red Bluff Cal .............. sacramenio, Gal.. .......... 1.6 0. s 1.11 0 .2 ~ 2.0 0.3 1-15 6.5 ~ 5-7,?1 (1 ) Frozeu for 6 days. (9 ) Frozen for 2 da) s. (3) Frozeu fo day. (4 ) Frozrn for 12 days. (5 ) 25 days ouly. (6 ) 29 days ouly. (7) Frozen 3 days. * Ou various dates. NOVEMBER, 1905. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 513 Honolulu, T. H ., tatitude, .?lo 1 9 north, longitude 1670 6,9’ weat; barometer above aea, 38 feet; gravaty correction, -.067 applied. Nweniher, 1906. Pressure.* Air temperature. Moisture. Wind, Precipi t& tiou. ~ 1 i m ~ 1. 01 T. 1. lot1 ). 00 1. 103 1. uo 1. 00 ). 00 :I. 00 1. 00 3. 00 T. J. U0 T. T. 1. ?2 1’. ). 03 ). (0 ). 06 i 00 1. 16 1. 01 ). (I4 ). 01 T. T. T. ). 01 ). 04 ).G I -~ __ d i m ~~ 78.9 7s. (I 76. 0 75. 6 75.2 74.2 77. 4 76.0 75.0 75.5 72. s 72. 9 76.0 75. 4 75.5 71. 4 76. 2 75. 2 76. P 72.5 i 7 . 4 77.9 76. 5 75. 1 ,9.3 73.0 74.5 77.0 76. 0 71.4 -- .... 75.3 -~ ~~~ 2’ d m 76.1 75. 1 75. 4 74. a 72. 0 75.0 74.1 73. c 72. 7 72. 6 73. 6 7.3. 9 74. 1 74.1 73.5 74.5 74.0 i4. 7 72.6 75.2 i4.6 75. 5 ti). 0 13.6 7.5. 0 73. 3 74.0 74.0 73.0 74. a _- .... i4. 1 ~ ~ i 2 I - .- 2 82, 80 82 so 7Y hl SI h l 78 78 79 i Y 0 m - > 10 4 1 ti 5 lj 2 4 i 1 10 I I 8 I6 5 12 < S 5 5 4 5 12 1 .l 13 9 4 5 3 4 .... 1;. 9 ~~ d 2 .- * ” .- c -~ J a a a 2 __ 5 ; r ) 1 6 3 -I IO 1 1 1 few. f,:a.. few. 9 1 few. 2 9 S 8 4 4 4 2 10 2 4 6 5 5 4 5 b Y 9 7 2 2 4 , .... 5. 8 u w - i ~ 4 S 2 1 3 , 2 2 1 3 5 12 5 1 14 4 3 9 9 4 4 11 00 10 IG 12 5 4 4 .... 6. x d m EL ‘u ~ 29.93 29.95 29.95 29.91 29. !t6 29.96 29.96 29. !I4 29.98 29.9s 29.95 29,9B 30.05 30.09 30.06 30. os 30.12 30. IO 30.07 30.04 29.95 30.00 30.07 30.05 30. 03 30.04 30.07 30. 08 30.04 30.00 ..... 30.01: ~ -~ 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 9 .9 6 29.94 29.95 29.94 29.95 29.98 29.95 29. 96 30.00 30. 02 29.98 29.94 30.03 30.07 30.08 30.10 30. IO YO. 12 30. IO 30. IO 29.99 29.97 30.03 30.06 30. 015 30.02 30.06 30.11 30.09 30. M ...... 30. (12: 74 64 i G 81 95 76 74 i 9 75 71 65 YO 67 69 76 71 76 76 87 74 76 74 6s 71 69 75 75 74 73 io ..... 74. 1 - - 1 3 J \ 1 2 2 1 4 3 1 1 3 1 S 1 2 5 4 2 4 1 0 1 .3 8 2 1 8 I ? 3 1 $4 4 6 5 4 9 1 8 1 2 5 2 , rew. .... 5. 5 70.2 66. G io. 0 69. 8 71.0 69.5 68.0 67. 3 68.2 67. 3 lic;. 0 65. s 68. 4 66. 5 67.1 68.0 67.9 69. 5 69. 2 69.9 69.2 69.0 69.5 67.5 67.0 66.0 67.3 6s. 2 6% 0 67.0 .... 64.2 ~~ e. U*. U . P. iir. [le. IIP. IIF. 11. UC. UP. ne. U P 9. ne. Uf.. e. Ut-. U w. ne. s. ne. e. C. e. ue. e 0 W. 0. ... . . ne. e. w. e. W. sw. e. 0 0 W. ne. UC. (1 U n. na. ? e. e e. e. e. e. se. ne. 0 e ne. ?. e . e. c. Y. se. e. e. e. w. e. ?.W. P. U. W. W. e. 0 s.-cu. N. C’i.-cu. H.-co. c‘i.-fi. H. -cu . lC’i.-cii. R.-cu. N. c‘u. H.-co. H.-co. s.-co. S.-clI. s. -vu. Ci. S.-cu. s.-cu. 8. -cu . s .-C l l . R.-cn. R.-Cll. R.-Cll, s.-cu. N . H.-co. 8.-co. s.-cu. c‘i.-s. S.-Cll. s.-cu. N. s.-cu. N. S.-c11. N. Y.-cu. S.-ClI. s.-cu. N. H.-co. e. e. W. e. W. W. e. 0 UP. ne. e. 0 0 0 I) 0 0 e. e. e. r. e. e. e. e. e. e. e. bW. e e. e. e. e. 88. e. e. e. e. e. e. 72 70.4 s.-co. . -9. CII. .-s. C l l . .-cLI. CU. CII. Ci.-s. s.-c11. ru. 1. CII. -cu. .-S. 1’11. 1‘11. .-S. CII. CLI. r-11. s.-cu. N. 1%. s.-cu. S.-cu s.-cu. cu. R.-ClI. S.-Cll. H.-cll. S.-rii. . . . . . . . . . s.-cu. 74 71 69 69 1;s 70 69 6 i 66 6S 69 71 71 i t G S l i Y 72 72 64 72 GY 73 6s i l i o 69 70 65 66 .... $9. i 6Y. $1 69. 2 6% 1 69. 7 69.9 6Y. 0 159. 2 67. s 65.9 67. S 65. S 69.4 66.0 6% 2 69. 4 6% 4 6% 9 70.1 6!l. 7 70. 4 70.0 69.4 66. 1 66. 0 6 i . 8 70.2 6% 2 66.9 in. 0 ..... 63. i 7 . . . . . s ....... .:.. 9 . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 .... .. . . .. .. 12.. . 13 ._ . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 .. . . . . . . . . . . 2s . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . Mean. . . S.+u. ne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H.-CU. e. . . . . . . . le. ~ . . . . . . . . . e. Obserratious are made at 8 a. u1. aud 8 p. m., locnl ataudari .ime, whic redui is that of 1?7” ;?U‘ went. and is Fjh niu I to 888 level aud standard gravity. )m slower than 75th lueridiau time. * Pressore values are