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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in The Atlantic monthly. Volume 75, Issue 448, February 1895
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  • A Singular Life, 145-164.
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  • The Subtle Art of Speech-Reading, 164-172.
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  • A Voyage in the Dark, 172-175.
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  • The Life of Nancy, 175-187.
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  • The Frosted Pane, 187-188.
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  • A Study of the Mob, 188-197.
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  • Russia as a Civilizing Force in Asia, 197-205.
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  • A Village Stradivarius, 205-216.
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  • The Dancer, 216-217.
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  • The Champion of the Middle Ground, 217-223.
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  • Daniel Chester French, 223.
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  • New Figures in Literature and Art, 223-230.
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  • "Come Down", 230-239.
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  • The Present Status of Civil Service Reform, 239.
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  • Ad Leones, 239-246.
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  • Physical Training in the Public Schools, 246-254.
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  • Celia Thaxter, 254-266.
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  • Three English Novels, 266-267.
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  • George Meredith: Lord Ormont and his Aminta, 267-268.
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  • Hall Caine: The Manxman, 268-269.
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  • George Du Maurier: Trilby, 269-270.
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  • Recent Translations from the Classics, 270.
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  • W. E. Gladstone: The Odes of Horace, 270-272.
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  • Goldwin Smith: Bay Leaves; Specimens of Greek Tragedy, 272-275.
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  • Comment on New Books, 275-282.
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  • Contributor's Club, 282-288.
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