
command list , class list , introduction .
 SINE N1 N2 GAMMA KX KY Phase -- Removes sinusoidal velocity from spectra


           N1, N2 -- Range of spectra to treat
           GAMMA  -- Systemic velocity to remove  (km/s)
           KX     -- Sine amplitude               (km/s)
           KY     -- Cosine amplitude             (km/s)
           Phase  -- Name of phase to use (e.g. 'Orbital phase')

 Velocity removed is given by 

       V = GAMMA - KX*COS(2*PI*PHI) + KY*SIN(2*PI*PHI) 

 SINE does nothing to the spectra, it just modifies the wavelength scales
 appropriately. If you want to average the results together with the 
 correct shifts, you should first rebin the results and then average them.

 If the (double precision) header parameter Phase is not found, the routine
 will shift out Gamma alone from the spectra.

 See also related command MOVE

This command belongs to the classes: binary and manipulation .

Tom Marsh,, Tue Oct 27 08:56:34 1998 .