&ARGS REDRAW &IF [SHOW EF] NE ARC &THEN &DO &S RESPONSE = [QUERY 'Do you want to reset the edit feature to ARC'] &IF %RESPONSE% EQ .FALSE. &THEN &DO &TYPE Quitting .... editfeature must be ARC. &RETURN &END &ELSE &DO &TYPE Setting editfeature to ARC... EF ARC &END &END &IF [TRANSLATE %REDRAW%] EQ DRAW &THEN &DO &S INITDRAWE = [SHOW DRAWENVIRONMENT] drawe arc draw drawe arc off drawe %INITDRAWE% &END &S INITSETD = [SHOW SETDRAWSYMBOL] setd 2 select outline drawsel &S TOTVERT = 0 &S NUMARCS = [SHOW NUMBER SELECT] &DO I = 1 &TO %NUMARCS% &S ARCREC = [SHOW SELECT %I%] &S NUMVERT = [SHOW ARC %ARCREC% NPNTS ] &S TOTVERT = %TOTVERT% + %NUMVERT% &END &TYPE There are %TOTVERT% vertices in the selected polygon. &TYPE (islands not included) setd %INITSETD% &RETURN