1. Introduction to FESTIVAL | 2. The interface | 3. Batch mode | 4. Hardware requirements

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2.1 General principles

In FESTIVAL, you work with three main kinds of GUIS:

  1. The selection GUI: this is where you select the data you want to look at.
  2. The visualization GUIS: this is where the selected data are visualized. Up to three can be opened, one per probe.
  3. Dialog boxes called from the menu bar of the selection GUI.
  4. The profile GUI call from the visualization GUI: this is where you plot data profiles.

In some of the dialog boxes, after making your selections and/or modifications, you have the choice to save and redraw, save, or cancel. Save and redraw means that your modifications are immediately applied to the scene rendered in the visualization GUI (if it is opened). Save means that your modifications are saved and that they will be applied after one of the following:

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