Class TheSky


public class TheSky
extends Frame
This frame shows the postions of candidates, the sun, and the moon on the sky graphically.

Here is what the controls are like:

Important features:

Helpful features:

Other features:

The information below pertains to the java sorce code for the applet only and is not vital for its use.

Variable Index

 o bfont
 o cbAirmass
 o cbDoRA
 o cbStands
 o cbSunMoon
 o clocation
 o ctimeZone
 o dateDF
 o defaultRange
 o doubleRange
 o elev
 o fieldInfo
 o jd
 o lat
 o longit
 o now
 o pbot
 o pbotCheck
 o pbotDate
 o pbotField
 o pbotRange
 o ptop
 o redraw
 o reload
 o sfont
 o showFieldInfo
 o sky
 o tdate
 o teqnx
 o tfieldHeight
 o tfieldWidth
 o timeDF
 o tmaxDEC
 o tmaxHA
 o tminDEC
 o tminHA
 o tminOAP
 o ttime
 o tz
 o url
 o uw
 o wd

Constructor Index

 o TheSky(WhatData)

Method Index

 o addCancelButton()
 o getMaxDEC()
reads the maximum DEC from the TextField
 o getMaxHA()
reads the maximum HA from the TextField
 o getMinDEC()
reads the minimum DEC from the TextField
 o getMinHA()
reads the minimum HA from the TextField
 o getTime()
 o main(String[])
 o roundToSigFigs(double, int)
rounds of a number to a given number of places
 o setNewLocation()
 o setTimeToNow()


 o url
  public final static String url
 o dateDF
  public static DateFormat dateDF
 o timeDF
  public static DateFormat timeDF
 o bfont
  public Font bfont
 o sfont
  public Font sfont
 o sky
  protected TheSky. Sky sky
 o cbAirmass
  protected Checkbox cbAirmass
 o cbSunMoon
  protected Checkbox cbSunMoon
 o cbStands
  protected Checkbox cbStands
 o cbDoRA
  protected Checkbox cbDoRA
 o redraw
  protected Button redraw
 o doubleRange
  protected Button doubleRange
 o defaultRange
  protected Button defaultRange
 o now
  protected Button now
 o reload
  protected Button reload
 o tdate
  protected TextField tdate
 o ttime
  protected TextField ttime
 o tminHA
  protected TextField tminHA
 o tminDEC
  protected TextField tminDEC
 o tmaxHA
  protected TextField tmaxHA
 o tmaxDEC
  protected TextField tmaxDEC
 o clocation
  protected Choice clocation
 o ctimeZone
  protected Choice ctimeZone
 o ptop
  protected Panel ptop
 o pbot
  protected Panel pbot
 o pbotCheck
  protected Panel pbotCheck
 o pbotRange
  protected Panel pbotRange
 o pbotField
  protected Panel pbotField
 o pbotDate
  protected Panel pbotDate
 o jd
  protected JulianDate jd
 o tz
  protected TimeZone tz
 o wd
  public WhatData wd
 o lat
  public Sixty lat
 o longit
  public Sixty longit
 o elev
  public double elev
 o tminOAP
  public TextField tminOAP
 o tfieldWidth
  public TextField tfieldWidth
 o tfieldHeight
  public TextField tfieldHeight
 o teqnx
  public TextField teqnx
 o showFieldInfo
  public Button showFieldInfo
 o fieldInfo
  public TheSky. FieldInfo fieldInfo
 o uw
  public UserWait uw


 o TheSky
  public TheSky(WhatData wd2)


 o main
  public static void main(String args[])
 o addCancelButton
  public void addCancelButton()
 o setNewLocation
  public void setNewLocation()
 o setTimeToNow
  protected void setTimeToNow()
 o getTime
  protected JulianDate getTime()
 o getMinHA
  public double getMinHA()
reads the minimum HA from the TextField

 o getMaxHA
  public double getMaxHA()
reads the maximum HA from the TextField

 o getMinDEC
  public double getMinDEC()
reads the minimum DEC from the TextField

 o getMaxDEC
  public double getMaxDEC()
reads the maximum DEC from the TextField

 o roundToSigFigs
  public static double roundToSigFigs(double d,
                                      int sigFigs)
rounds of a number to a given number of places