Pro tr_plot_hlz, date, lowlat=lowlat, oval=oval, hc=hc ; ;NAME: tr_plot_hlz ; ;PURPOSE: ; To compute magnetic latitude of the orbit and plot the times ; of SAA, high latitude and passage through the auroral ovals for a day's ; day's worth of timelineing (date 12:00 --> date+1 12:00) ; ;SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCE: ; tr_plot_hlz,'23-Jun-98', /hc ; tr_plot_hlz,'23-Jun-98', lowlat=45, oval=[55,75], /hc ; ;INPUTS: ; date - date of the 24 hour period desired ; lowlat - lower limit for high latitude region (default = 40 degrees mag) ; oval - array of low and upper magnetic latitude limits for oval ; boundaries (default = [50,70]) ; hc - set for hardcopy on default ps printer ; Assumes North magnetic pole at latitude = 78.5 and longitude = -70 ;OUTPUTS ; 4 plots covering 6 hours each; normally use /hc to get paper plots ;HISTORY: ; Written 21-Jun-98 by TDT ; Changed 2-May-99 by TDT plot 00:00 to 24:00, not 12 - 12 ;# if (not keyword_set(lowlat)) then lowlat=40. if (not keyword_set(oval)) then oval=[50.,70.] if (not keyword_set(hc)) then hc=0 doy=anytim2doy(date) t1=doytim2ints(string(doy)+' 00:00') t2=doytim2ints(string(doy)+' 06:55') high_mag_lat,[t1,t2],lowlat=lowlat,oval=oval,hc=hc t1=doytim2ints(string(doy)+' 06:00') t2=doytim2ints(string(doy)+' 12:55') high_mag_lat,[t1,t2],lowlat=lowlat,oval=oval,hc=hc t1=doytim2ints(string(doy)+' 12:00') t2=doytim2ints(string(doy)+' 18:55') high_mag_lat,[t1,t2],lowlat=lowlat,oval=oval,hc=hc t1=doytim2ints(string(doy)+' 18:00') t2=doytim2ints(string(doy+1)+' 00:55') high_mag_lat,[t1,t2],lowlat=lowlat,oval=oval,hc=hc return end