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Title: Grass seeding and soil erosion in a steep, logged area in northeastern Oregon.
Author(s): Helvey, J.D.; Fowler, W.B.
Date: 1979
Source: Res. Note PNW-RN-343. Portland, OR; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 11 p
Station ID: RN-PNW-343
Description: This case study tested the common belief that grass seeding is needed to prevent erosion after areas are clearcut in the Blue Mountains. Changes in the soil surface height at about 500 points each in a seedbed and an unseeded area were measured on four dates covering a 20-month period. Average vertical displacement was not consistently related to seeding nor to degree of disturbance. Variability of vertical displacement within areas treated alike was almost as great as variability between treatments. Size-graded fluorescent material (Willemite) was placed on 10 sites to characterize downslope soil movement. The maximum movement (240 centimeters) occurred on a severely disturbed area.
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