This file contains the data displayed in figure 4 of the paper "Inclusive Dielectron Cross Sections in p+p and p+d Interactions at Beam Energies from 1.04 to 4.88 GeV" by The DLS Collaboration (nucl-ex/9708002 on the LANL preprint server). The paper has been published in Phys. Rev. C. The data has been corrected for the DLS acceptance and efficiency WITHIN the region of m-pt-y space which the DLS can measure the cross section (the "acceptance space"). In order to compare a theory to the data the theory must also be filtered through the acceptance of the spectrometer. A filter code which will include the definition of the acceptance space, the effects of the DLS resolution, and allow one to make additional projections of the m-pt-y data will be released when the data is accepted for publication. Use of a previously released version of the filter may produce incorrect results, both in the overall magnitude and in the shape, especially at low mass. For more info, contact: Ken MASS SPECTRA cuts: 0.0 GeV/c < pt < 1.2 GeV/c 0.5 < y < 1.7 units: MASS= GeV/c**2 SIGMA=micro barn/(GeV/c**2) ----------------------------------------------------------- p+d,T_beam=1.04 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.4367945 9.3101263E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 0.2324512 7.5273238E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 0.2567862 5.2242748E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 0.1940274 3.5649735E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 9.3960762E-02 1.8526893E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 6.9485351E-02 1.3763539E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 3.8042285E-02 9.7561367E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 1.5411165E-02 7.0715658E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 1.6924633E-03 1.3060783E-03 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+d,T_beam=1.27 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.1059663 8.5442439E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 0.1251680 8.5988164E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 0.2518061 6.3003585E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 0.2852857 6.5867677E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 0.3270366 7.4616335E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 0.1387499 2.6480313E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 9.9989764E-02 1.7812731E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 4.9081113E-02 1.2641961E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 3.6392890E-02 1.0636372E-02 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+d,T_beam=1.61 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.6113095 0.2260882 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 0.5697533 0.2075303 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 0.5073313 0.1608357 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 0.5651063 0.1001516 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 0.6314968 0.1123988 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 0.3398272 5.8436681E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 0.3603848 6.9388807E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 0.2410681 5.3324196E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 0.1631131 3.3909816E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 4.2502034E-02 1.1860456E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 4.1236572E-02 1.4718164E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6750000 3.2822426E-02 1.7948657E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7250000 9.7830454E-03 1.0505892E-02 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+d,T_beam=1.85 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.9368228 0.2711860 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 1.248966 0.2791271 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 1.286089 0.2066797 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 1.373296 0.1861894 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 1.095527 0.1269539 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 0.6910993 7.6717675E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 0.7194251 8.6354241E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 0.3601074 4.9388379E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 0.2302286 3.5432357E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 0.1181922 2.7451584E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 5.3916488E-02 1.4628617E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6750000 3.3556171E-02 1.1306054E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7250000 1.3467291E-02 7.2359736E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.7750000 1.1158204E-02 9.0890080E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.8750000 3.5229044E-03 2.8476187E-03 7.5000003E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+d,T_beam=2.09 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.7321188 0.1734373 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 0.6206035 0.1745239 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 1.204104 0.1663235 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 1.192345 0.1220546 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 0.8939890 9.1172583E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 0.7247851 7.3797405E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 0.6412886 8.1636533E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 0.3617525 4.2024273E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 0.2001341 2.9420512E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 8.4696658E-02 1.7602025E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 6.8279356E-02 1.5611181E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6750000 4.6088759E-02 1.0412262E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7250000 4.8910107E-02 1.2800679E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7750000 1.1654763E-02 5.8202185E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.8250000 1.7555758E-02 7.7729947E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.9250000 1.7438050E-03 1.1962474E-03 7.5000003E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+d,T_beam=4.88 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 2.457015 0.3799381 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 2.752547 0.3827559 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 3.291495 0.3574553 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 3.198039 0.3087562 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 2.271914 0.2318829 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 1.799111 0.1859931 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 1.389794 0.1645817 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 0.9188686 0.1013611 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 0.7447006 0.1029237 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 0.4571573 7.2655566E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 0.4345959 5.7535965E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6750000 0.4427394 4.7882285E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7250000 0.5131223 6.8868026E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7750000 0.4671744 5.0187558E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.8250000 0.2756728 3.7245724E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.8750000 0.1097962 2.5707031E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.9250000 2.2949295E-02 1.1774059E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.9750000 6.9127478E-02 1.8148143E-02 2.5000000E-02 1.025000 3.7694901E-02 1.3831002E-02 2.5000000E-02 1.075000 8.7265708E-03 5.3357873E-03 2.5000000E-02 1.125000 1.2641522E-02 6.5219617E-03 2.5000000E-02 1.175000 9.0058474E-03 4.8246426E-03 2.5000000E-02 1.225000 4.8129163E-03 4.4636023E-03 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+p,T_beam=1.04 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.1128509 2.4280867E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 7.9977736E-02 2.2585446E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 5.1365163E-02 1.3058457E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 1.9300474E-02 5.7854084E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 1.9788317E-02 6.3175126E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 5.5349525E-03 2.1462461E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 3.6251934E-03 1.6073660E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 1.1493639E-03 7.1184465E-04 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+p,T_beam=1.27 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 8.8397734E-02 3.8528316E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2000000 1.8421790E-02 1.3861015E-02 5.0000001E-02 0.2750000 2.5753152E-02 8.5673658E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 9.2221107E-03 4.4321925E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 1.2133885E-02 5.2586971E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 1.1570755E-02 6.9267801E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 1.3860046E-03 1.1099165E-03 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+p,T_beam=1.61 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 6.3249737E-02 6.5823108E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2000000 3.8453445E-02 3.1765882E-02 5.0000001E-02 0.2750000 0.1570112 3.5560139E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 7.8956820E-02 1.6462460E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 6.5595917E-02 1.2816043E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 4.5246202E-02 1.1725794E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 3.6333680E-02 9.7643584E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 1.7570019E-02 5.7784105E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 1.6442511E-02 6.1641950E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 1.5534263E-03 1.4342899E-03 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+p,T_beam=1.85 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.2980390 0.1016705 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 0.2123051 9.7826123E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 0.4728342 0.1107549 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 0.3129961 6.6701502E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 0.2816168 6.4456329E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 0.1645766 2.6514426E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 0.1016529 2.1477375E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 7.5522147E-02 2.9005505E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 9.3142642E-03 6.3976604E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 1.3876586E-02 6.4695850E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 1.0443208E-02 6.3554128E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.6750000 5.2447007E-03 4.2342702E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.7250000 4.6811701E-04 8.9267152E-04 2.5000000E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+p,T_beam=2.09 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 0.2714799 7.8661188E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 0.1188375 7.1103930E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 0.2518361 4.6931110E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 0.4546884 6.3003972E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 0.4181065 4.8823681E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 0.2826166 3.2720383E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 0.1755095 2.3733836E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 0.1404402 1.9345704E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 9.1437049E-02 1.9873684E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 5.3765457E-02 1.0906944E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 4.7996219E-02 1.6736329E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6750000 1.4957855E-02 4.5916294E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.7250000 1.3030027E-02 4.8071607E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.7750000 7.3498748E-03 3.2796303E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.8250000 3.3348307E-03 1.5581276E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.8750000 1.8582534E-03 1.3742159E-03 2.5000000E-02 0.9250000 3.6224574E-03 3.2240460E-03 2.5000000E-02 1.000000 1.0829857E-03 8.2409987E-04 5.0000001E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- p+p,T_beam=4.88 GeV mass sigma uncer sigma mass bin wid/2.0 0.1250000 1.697327 0.2792831 2.5000000E-02 0.1750000 1.469830 0.2871585 2.5000000E-02 0.2250000 1.919796 0.2435245 2.5000000E-02 0.2750000 1.803686 0.1880614 2.5000000E-02 0.3250000 1.364889 0.1572377 2.5000000E-02 0.3750000 1.429215 0.1349313 2.5000000E-02 0.4250000 0.8589286 0.1011955 2.5000000E-02 0.4750000 0.7017004 8.6876437E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5250000 0.4453881 5.9139688E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.5750000 0.3819287 6.7452990E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6250000 0.3277029 4.1464232E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.6750000 0.3084975 4.3067269E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7250000 0.3708341 3.9233234E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.7750000 0.3304236 3.4300257E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.8250000 0.2101634 2.9273733E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.8750000 6.9521852E-02 1.6698588E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.9250000 3.5932247E-02 1.2766736E-02 2.5000000E-02 0.9750000 4.7192033E-02 2.3592798E-02 2.5000000E-02 1.025000 2.3219861E-02 8.5848765E-03 2.5000000E-02 1.150000 3.2661012E-03 2.3851236E-03 0.1000000