Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 00:45:04 -0400 From: Mike A'Hearn Subject: Re: D03 Delivery X-Sender: To: Valerie Henderson Cc: all SBN: ; Hi Valerie, Here is a report on my first round of testing of the D03 Target Search capability. There seem to be a few problems! I could not call this a successful delivery of D03. ... I will ensure that there is more testing by SBN - possibly by myself but more likely by other members of the node - by Oct 11. I am sending a cc of this to all of the SBN staff so they don't spend time just repeating what I did. Mike ---------------------- Target Search Interface Went from the link on the D03 release page to the stardev.../pds/targetSearch.jsp page filtering on Iue (should be IUE) and target type Comet. the page showed only one target (SL9) not any of the others. I note by the way that these data are all at the file level, not the record level. It also showed two instruments, Long- Wavelength Prime and Short-Wavelength Prime but not the Long-Wavelength Redundant, with which nearly all the long-wave spectra were taken. Instead of selecting SL9 I selected the OR box and put in a * for wildcard search and the only target that it found was SL9. There are 49 other cometary targets with IUE spectra in our IUE dataset (typically about 6 files per comet). Went back to the target search page and tried HST plus target type comet and also got only SL9. This is not so surprising since SL9 is the only comet for which we have archived data from HST. The data on all other comets are linked from our web pages directly into the HST archive. Major question - how do I get from here to the data? All this gets me to is text about the target. I reset the page, filtered on target type = comet and got a list of comets in the Target Name window. There were only 7 named comets and a generic "Comet" and we have data on at least 100 comets. I filtered on the first one = 122p/Devico 1 (1846 D1) ( which should be 122P/deVico !!! ). When I clicked GO, I got a page with a 2-line entry about deVico, in which I clicked on "View Information for". Then I got dumped into the Small Bodies comparative database, where it happens that there are no data about this comet, but there is a special dataset, not in the comparative properties database, related to this comet (and in fact the search page showed the correct instrument and observatory with which the data were obtained!). Again I couldn't get the actual data. Clicking on the next column over, "Resources" with two links, I got to a high- school level text about comets (not where a researcher wants to end up) and two pictures of the Stardust and Rosetta spacecraft (taking me rather far afield from where I was trying to go). Reset the search. Filter on Target Type = Comet. Then filter on Target Name = 19p/Borrelly ..... (should be 19P/Borrelly ....) without specifying any other parameters. Got back missions Deep Space 1 and "Support Archives" (which is just the jargon we at SBN use - not very informative for an outside user) and a set of instruments that looked pretty plausible from what I remembered existing in the archives. Clicked GO and got the two-line entry for Borrelly. Clicked on View Information For and got an output from the Small Bodies Database showing, e.g., some narrowband fluxes from Lowell Observatory. But now how do I get to all the other data? In particular, the data from all the instruments on DS1 that appeared in the earlier screen? Reset the search. Filter on Target Type = Asteroid. Could not find 1 Ceres (given the order of the others, I expected it to be first in the list, but that was 10 Hygiea. Clicked the button to type a target name in and typed in 1 Ceres and then clicked Filter. That dumped me back to the previous version of the search page with the button clicked to pick from the list of asteroids. Repeated and got same performance. How do I find Ceres? (The DAWN mission will care!) Selected 10 Hygiea and clicked Filter. This gave me what looked like a reasonable set of instruments and instrument hosts based on what I know is in the archive. Clicked on GO and got to a two liner about Hygiea. Clicked on view information and got what appears to be a standard output from our small bodies database (and as far as I know there are no other data on Hygiea). Reset the search. Filter on Target Type = Asteroid. Looked in the list for 243 Ida - not there. Whoops - down there at the end is Ida (without the 243) and, lo and behold, there is Ceres also! So this time I tried switching to the box for entering a name and typing Ida (instead of 243 Ida) but I still ended up back in the previous version of the search page with the button for list selection highlighted. So I scrolled to the bottom again and highlighted Ida. This returned both Galileo and Support Archives, but it also returned Comet Sl9/Jupiter Collision (should be SL9) which is clearly irrelevant. And it returned a plausible set of instruments as well as some implausible ones (Halley Multicolor Camera??? this was the Giotto mission!). Without doing any more filtering on mission or instrument, clicked GO. Got the two-line display telling me Ida was first observed in 1884 and so on. Clicked on View Information For and got the expected output from the small bodies database. However! Where did all the Galileo images go? Backed up and filtered on Galileo (and Ida). Then clicked GO. Clicked on View Information For and got back to the Small Bodies Database. While I appreciate the fact that everyone thinks the database is wonderful and can do everything, it really can't do everything and it is clearly the wrong answer when filtering on Galileo. Being intrigued by some of the Missions and Instruments that appeared for Ida, I went back and filtered again on Target Type = Asteroid, then on Target Name = Ida, and then on Halley Multicolour Camera. That brought up the Stooke Shape Models as a dataset! Well - Halley is in that dataset as observed by HMC and Ida is in there as observed by Galileo - I can see how the mistake occurred but this is obviously the wrong behavior. I then clicked on GO and got the two-line Ida entry and clicked on View Information For and ended up back in the Small Bodies Database - again the wrong place since the database contains data about asteroids at the record level, not the data at the file level, which is what the Stooke shape models are. Again the wrong behavior. At this point (after midnight) I decided it was time to go to bed. I'll try to get someone else from SBN to play around with the interface