Make Graphics

Graphics sometimes present data more effectively than tables. A variety of bar charts, line graphs, and data plots are available.

Graphics are generated through a control panel that lets you select the specific criteria you want to graph. The panel also previews the type of graph that will be displayed.

To graph data from a table,

  1. Make a query and open "Go to Results."

  2. Choose to display results in a "graphic." The "Create a Graph" control panel opens.

  3. Choose the variables, years, and jurisdictions that you want included in the graphic.

    1. Make at least one selection wherever indicated by the red arrows

    2. Based on your selections, the preview panel will show the kind of chart (bar chart, trend line, etc.) that will be displayed.

  4. Under Print, select one of two options:

    1. Full graph: This displays the graph in a long web page, scrolled through the browser window. This generally affords a bigger view of the graphic. The legend is always at bottom.

    2. Scroll window only: This displays the graph in an unmarked scrollable area, scrolled by the scroll indicator that you invoke. This generally gives a smaller view of the graphic, but the legend is always in view.

  5. Click "Get Graph."


The dialog box closes and the graphic is displayed. Graphics may be stacked vertically.


Options panel for making graphics

Partial view of options panel for creating graphics. Red arrows indicate where selections are needed.


See the Flash tutorial on how to make graphics.

See also:


Make Graphics

Options in Graphics

Change Graphics

Types of Graphics

View Graphics

About SVG

Download SVG Viewer

Copy NDE Graphics