Table of contents for Monarch butterfly biology and conservation / edited by Karen S. Oberhauser and Michelle J. Solensky.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication information provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Table of Contents
Contributor List
Part 1. Breeding Biology
Chapter 1	Breeding Biology, by Karen S. Oberhauser
Chapter 2	Temporal and Geographical Variation in Monarch Densities: Citizen 
		Scientists Document Monarch Population Patterns, by Michelle D. Prysby 	
		and Karen S. Oberhauser
 Chapter 3	Effects of Female Age, Female Mass and Nutrients from Males on 		
		Monarch Egg Mass, by Karen S. Oberhauser
 Chapter 4	Natural Enemies and Survival of Monarch Eggs and Larvae, by 		
		Michelle D. Prysby
Chapter 5	Effects of Monarch Larval Host Plant Chemistry and Body Size on 		
	Polistes Wasp Predation, by Linda S. Rayor
Chapter 6	The Effect of Fire Ants on Monarchs Breeding in Texas, by William H. 	
Chapter 7	Effects of Milkweed Latex and Cardenolides on Foraging and 		
		Maintenance Behaviors of First Instar Monarch Butterfly Larvae, by 	
		Tammi Hoevenaar and Stephen B. Malcolm
Chapter 8	Behavioral and Genetic Components of Male Mating Success in 		
			Monarchs, by Michelle J. Solensky and Karen S. Oberhauser
Chapter 9	Survival of Experimental Cohorts of Monarch Larvae Following Exposure 	
	to Transgenic Bt Corn Pollen and Anthers, by Laura C. H. Jesse and John 		
	J. Obrycki
Part 2. Migration Biology
Chapter 10	Migration, by Michelle J. Solensky
Chapter 11	Monarch Butterflies' Migratory Behavior Persists Despite Changes in 	
			Environmental Conditions, by Sandra M. Perez and Orley R. Taylor
Chapter 12	Stopover Ecology of Monarchs in Coastal Virginia: Using Ornithological 	
		Techniques to Study Monarch Migration, by Andrew K. Davis and Mark 	
		S. Garland
Chapter 13	Characteristics of Fall Migratory Monarch Butterflies, Danaus plexippus, 	
		in Minnesota and Texas, by Jane Borland, Carol Johnson, Thomas 		
		Crumpton III, Markisha Thomas, Sonia Altizer, and Karen Oberhauser
Part 3. Overwintering Biology
Chapter 14	Documenting the Spring Movements of Monarch Butterflies with Journey 	
		North, a Citizen Science Program, by Elizabeth Howard and Andrew K. 	
Chapter 15	Overwintering Biology , by Michelle J. Solensky
Chapter 16	Two Methods Estimating Overwintering Monarch Population Size in Mexico, by 	
		William H. Calvert
Chapter 17	Locations and Area Occupied by Monarch Butterflies Overwintering in Mexico 	
		from 1993 / 2002, by Eligio García-Serrano, Jaime Lobato Reyes, and Blanca 	
		Xiomara Mora Alvarez
Chapter 18	Can't See the Forest for the Butterflies: The Need for Understanding 	
		Forest Dynamics at Monarch Overwintering Sites, by Andrés F. Keiman 	
		and Miguel Franco
Chapter 19	Design and Implementation of a New Protected Area for Overwintering Monarch 	
		Butterflies in Mexico, by Monica Missrie
Chapter 20	Catastrophic Winter Storm Mortality of Monarch Butterflies in Mexico 	
		during January 2002, by Lincoln P. Brower, David R. Kust, Eduardo 	
		Rendon-Salinas, Eligio García Serrano, Katherine R. Kust, Jacob Miller, 	
		Concha Fernandez del Rey, and Karen Pape
Chapter 21	Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Monarch Overwintering Abundance in 
Western North America, by Dennis Frey and Andrew Schaffner
Chapter 22	Analysis of the Pattern of Distribution and Abundance of Monarch 
Overwintering Sites along the California Coastline, by K. L. H. Leong, W. 
H. Sakai, W. Bremer, D. Feuerstein, and G. Yoshimura
Part 4. Integrated Biology
Chapter 23	Environmental Factors Influencing Postdiapause Reproductive 		
		Development in Monarch Butterflies, by Liz Goehring and Karen S. 	
Chapter 24	Modeling the Distribution and Abundance of Monarch Butterflies, by 	
		Karen S. Oberhauser
Chapter 25	Transmission of the Protozoan Parasite, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha, in 	
		Monarch Butterfly Populations: Implications for Prevalence and 		
		Population-Level Impacts, by Sonia M. Altizer, Karen S. Oberhauser, and 	
		Kari A. Geurts
Chapter 26	Spatial and Temporal Population Dynamics of Monarchs Down-Under: 	
		Lessons for North America, by Myron P. Zalucki and Wayne A. Rochester
Chapter 27	Simulating the Development and Migration of the Monarch Butterfly, by 	
		Johannes J. Feddema, Jason Shields, Orley R. Taylor, and David Bennett

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication: Monarch butterfly, Wildlife conservation