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1. Web-Based Menus: Font Size and Line Spacing Preferences. (ED436136)

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Pacheco, Janice; Day, Barbara Taylor; Cribelli, Susan; Jordan, John; Murry, Brandon; Persichitte, Kay A.



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Pub Type(s):

Reports - Research; Speeches/Meeting Papers



Design Preferences; Educational Technology; Higher Education; Menu Driven Software; Preservice Teacher Education; Preservice Teachers; Screen Design (Computers); Screens (Displays); Users (Information); World Wide Web

The study investigated the elements of font size and line spacing in World Wide Web menus for both a scrolled and not scrolled condition with a sample of undergraduate university students. Subjects were 185 students enrolled in 13 section of educational technology preservice teacher courses at the University of Northern Colorado. Students were asked to rank their preferences of four distinct Web Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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