AUGUST, 1928 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 337 New Orleans New So&.-- .___do ....... On the 14th S t . Johns, Newfoundland, wa.s about 5' west of a LOW t,hat) moved steadily eastward and on t,hn 2 1st was over the North Sea. This LOW was acc.ompanie~d by moderate weather, escept, on the 17th and 18t,h, when westerly gales of force 7 and 8 prevailed over t,he rnicltlle section of the st,earner lanes. From the 22d to 34th t,he region betheen t8he forty-fifth and fifty-fifth parallels m d twent'ieth and thirtieth merid- ians was swept, by n compm-ativelg severe djsturhance, with winds of force 9 arid 10 at time of ohservr?.t'ioii. On t'he 32d t,he Coast Guard cutter iEicrrion enc,omitered ti moderate gale in estreine northern wat,ers, as shown by report in table. From the 25th to 28th there ensued another period of favorable weather over t8he ocean as, a whole, although during the greater part of that period an area of low pres- sure was over the Brit'ish Isles. 2Y 49 N. 26 05 N. ?6 00 N. On the 29th the Azores was surrounded by a well de- filed disturbance, t'he storm area est,ending from the twenty-fifth t'o thirty-third meridian. This LOW a.ppar- enblp filled in as rapidly as it foriiied, as on the 30th and 3 1st8 inoderate weat'her again prevailed over practically t'lie en tire ocean. i\Sor~.-Hoiidurnii S. 8. ('holrtlwa, Capt.. N. Christiansen, Oh- .At, 15 N. 111. on ;Iiigust 16, in 16" 14' N., 8 i " 45' W., there was ecii for 13 minutes when i t suddenly parted in the inirldle ant1 disq~penred. It had an even thickness from cloud t.0 sen kvcl and was traveling in an enst-northeasterly direction with nbout :t 5-1nile speed and whirling the ses in a counter clock- wise direction. The spout wl';ts estim:tt,ed t'o be about. 2,000 feet high with a diam- eter of nhorit 1.50 feet. Weather was overcast with heavy nimbus clouds 1ini;ging over the spout, variable light breeze, barometer 2932, tenipernt.ure of air Sl', rsin drizzle 01: ship (in front of spout) but heavy downpour seen behind track. wrvvr; 7'11. Thorsen, second officer: "1. ,st ' - i ' \ I erl :t very large \vnterspo~it Iwing formed about 1 mile astern -..-do. - . . .- Antwerp ..... West Indies.- Norfolk _.____ Habann ...... New Tork... .... do. ...... .... do.. ..... N o r f o E -.~. Bnston ....... New York ... NeN Orleans. .... do.. ..... OCEAN GALES AND STORMS, AUGUST, 1928 19 23 N. 28 07 N. 3Y 55 N. 5s 59 N. 24 39 N. 41 32 N. 18 00 N. 4s 12 N. 52 30 N. 39 38 N. 43 12 N. 2-1 39 N. 47 3s N. Vessel Motorcarline, Relg. h,I. 6 .' El Almirante, Am. S. S... Cananova. Am. 6 . S __._.. Galtymore, Br. S. S ...... San Qil, Br. 9. S. ........ Carenco, Am. S. S ........ Steelmaker, Am. S. S _._.. Berlin, Qer. S. S .......... Leviathan, .4m. 8. S ___.._ (talt.y-31orc. Br. 8. 8 ...... TTog Island. Am. S. S ..... Nieuw Amsterdam, Pn. Marion, U. S. M. S~ ...... s. S. I Position at time of lowest barometer Voyage V i n e y a r d Canal Zone.. Baton Rouge- Haven. I I Froni- 61 U N. 38 .5O N. 50 4 i N. ~ . NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN Siraola, Am. S. S...~. .... Kiu:$on, Ja- maica. Mississippi, Br. M. S ..___ New I'ork. . hriinchen. Oer. 9. 8.. .... Galmas. lre- Akibosan hlaru. Jap. S. S. Silverag. Br. hf. S ........ Raga Maru, Jap. 8. S. --. Hampstead, Br. S. S ____. Afriea hlaru. Jap. 8.8. _.. Chief Capilano. Dr. S. S.. Bellingham, Am. S. S ____ Pres. "aft. Am. 5. S ._____ Erie Maru, Jap. S. S - .... I land. Crede, Am. S. S. ........ New Ilorl;.. Gulf of Lfexiro, AN. S. S. Port Arthur. Lempira, Am. S. S ....... Puerto Cor- Vancouver ... Manila ....... Vict,oria ___. ~. Comox. B. C. Yokohama--- Vancouver ... Hang Kong.- Snn Francisco Miike ........ tez. Wes. indies.. Baton Rouge New Yo&.-. ..... do.. ..... Nordenham.. Boston ....... Casablanca.. Canal Zone.. Bremerhaven Southampton Nordenham.. nihraltar. .-~ Rotterdam ... (tre*!dand. .- Balsam Am. S. S. ....... ' Manchester-. Bellepli'ne. Am. S. 8. . ~.-l Rot.terdam.. . Marion, U. S. M. F ....... I Greenlanrl.. . Lueellum, Br. S S . Falmouth hIotnrcarline. Belg M. S 1 Autwerp.. NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN Yokohamd ...I 53 03 N. H m Francisco' 3'2 25 N. Yokohama ...I 51 45 N. Karatsu ..--.- 53 16 N. Victoria .___._ 40 On N. Yokohsma ...I 45 n3 N. San Francisco, 29 29 N. Yokohama ... I 34 515 N. California..--l 49 12 N. Longitutl ~~~~ - 0 1 71 :!:3 IV, 3.1 56 \v, "1 13 n.. r Y 4s n' iY 50 LV. is 02 I\', 35 4s w. 80 58 \V. i 4 os w, 14 20 w. EO 4.5 IV. .19 51 w. 75 30 'A'. 29 00 1%'. 25 56 w, 411 3.5 \V. 6.i :!3 \v. 4 3 30 IV. 18 30 jv fi4 i n w. 2.1 4s \v. ?:: 3.1 TV, 4s 91 w. 81) ?O m. ?i 20 1v. %% 16 w. 39 00 E. 6.5 OS W. 3ti 19 \v. 51) 00 E. Bp 24 E. 32 5 i E. PD 04 8:. 57 45 w. l l -.-.. 11 ..... 11 ..... 12..-.. 12.. ~.. 12 ..... 13 ..... 1.L.. .. 15.. ... lfi... .. 17.. ... !<~.~ .. m.. ..I 7% 11 ..... I 7%. 11 ..... ip., 12 ..... 4p.. 1" ..-.. Mdt.. 12.. 3a.. 13 -.-.. Ga., 13 ..... lop.. 14 .... -., 15 ..... 118.. lli .... sn. 17 ..... --.. 1s ..... 1%. 2 1 ~~~~~ 11 ...... 12---- - - 13 ...... 12.. __. . 13.. .... 13 ...... 14 ...... 14 ...... 16 ...... 16.. .... IS ...... IS ...... I 21 ...... 1 MESIC-4N HVRRICANE REPORTS F l o r e n c e Luckenbach, ... Sylvan Arrow, Am. 8. S. La Crescenta, Br. S. E Ipswich, Am. 8. R ........ .... ....... Am. S. S ..... henowis, Am. S. S ....... Justin. Oer. S. 8 .......... ... .... ('anad. Importer, Br. S. S. Solana, Am. 8. S.' ........ Henry D. Whit.on. Am. ... ....... s. 8. K. R. Kingsbury, Am. I 8. s. I Ruspearco, Am. 9. S.-. _._I SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN Golden Foreat, Am. 8. S -- Aug.6-1 ?p., 6 ______ Aug. 1 . 29.72 I -I ...... ...... ....... 29.84 ...... ...... ....... 29.71 8 ...... Noon, 8.-- S ............. 9 ...... ;p , 9 ...... 9 ....... m. 12 9 ...... Midt., 9... 10 ...... 29.40 10 ..... Sa., 10 .... 10 ...... 29.37 10 ..... 9a., 10 ..... 10 .-....I 29.72 10 ..... 4p., 10 ..... 10 ...... 29.42 10 __.._ Ga., 10 _____ 10 ______ B.08 15 _____ 8p., 15 ____ 16 ______ 29.20 ~___ I I I I Direc- Direction tion of and force wind of wind when at time of gale lowest began barometer Direc- tion of wind when gale ended Shifts of wind near time of ~~~~~~~ loweat barometer N ...... \V , '4 .... SE ..... W.. S ..... NW-SE. ...... Steady. ....... s\v , b .... ..... YW.-W. ..... ... E..-..- BE ..... SSW ... NE..-. E...... SE ..... s ....... NE .... SSE ... R ....... N?I' .- SE., i .____ SE., 9 .____ NE., 9.--- NE., Y..-- SE.. 9 .____ 8.. i..~ _._. NE., 5 .--- ME., 6 .-- S .,8 --..-. w., 9. _.__ N..- _.___ - ..8 ...... E ...... N-.-.-. w N \v . NE .... N...... S ....... \%'..--- NE.-.. SSE ... SSV.' ... WNW. N...... WN \I' . E., 11 .____I -.,8 ______ S., 12 -_.___ NE., 9..-- NNE., 10. ..9 .___._ .,5 __.___ NE., 8.--- -., 10 ___._ - .,8 ...... NW.. 10. N.. 10 ___._ SW.. 8.--- - - Steady. Steady. Do. SE.-8. NE.-ENE. SE .-5.-N W. s.-ssw. SW.-W.-WNW. NW.-N. SW.-W.-N W. ........ E.. i ............... ERE.. s...l ESE.-S. .. \VS\V., 10.' U'SW.-NW. .... N ...... W., 9 ..... 1 WSW.-NW. ........ E., E ............... SE., 8 ..... 1 E.-SE. 8FP. ... IV., -. ...I NN\V. R ....... R., i ....... N % ... WNW., 101 SSE.-W.-NNW. -., 11 .___.I 58E ... SIV., 9 .... \V ..... SSW., 9.-- 2point.s. N ...... ENE.. 11. ENE.. ENP.., 12. N.-SE. SE ..... SW., 8 .... N ...... SW., 8 .... 2 pnints. S ....... S., 8 ....... S ....... SSW.. 9.-. S.-SSW. ENE ... ENE.. 7.. RE.-..- YE .. 8..... ENE.-BE. SE ..... S ..4 ...... H ....... SE.. 9 ..... SE.-SSW. N ...... SSW., 10.. W ...... SSW.. 10.. RW.-SS\V. EYE..- NNE.,i-- N...--. ENE.,8.. S W .... S., 8 ...... S W .... S..8 ....... ENE.-( ENE., ~-1 E __.___ 1 ENE., E --( 1 point. ESE E ...... -_, IO ..... E8E.-E. N ...... SE.. 10 .... SW .... SE., 10 .... NE.-E.-SE. ..... N.-NW.-SW. NE ____ NE., lo-.. NE ____ Calm ENE., 10- NE.-E.-BE. NE., E--. NE.-0.-SW. SW., 12--- SSW--- BSW., 6--- _________ N ., 10 .._._ I I I I